In finding that these people were going to be her travelling companions, she looked them over. "A Tabaxi with a sword, a gentleman and his gnome butler, an older dwarf, a rich halfling, and a dragoon drunk? This is going to be interesting..." Kristen muttered to herself, following the guards up to the sky-docks. She had traveled to the docks on multiple occasions when asked to fix an airship, but the sight never ceased to amaze her.
When the king had mentioned an airship, Kristan had expected an older model, unfit for military use but reliable enough to give to adventures, not the airship they were brought to. It was one of the newest models, and although smaller than most airships around them, almost demanded to be seen. Excitement danced in her eyes. She couldn't wait to find the engine room and check out the machinery.
Hearing the dwarf's question, she glanced over at him. "I'm just a mechanic. I'm sure I could figure it out, but we're better off looking for an actual pilot." Glancing at the ship again, she did the math in her head. It was possible for a crew their size could control the ship and keep it in good repair, but unlikely unless everyone here had experience. Making her way to the ladder, she figured they would all figure it out later.