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Thread: A Frozen Future (TES Quest) [M]

  1. #11
    Under The Schnee Rhomeo's Avatar
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    You somehow manage to convince the guards of Solitude to have you stand in on their drilling practice. Despite your best attempts, however, you make absolutely no progress with your own training. From what you can tell, everyone here is about your own skill level too, so training with them isn't going to achieve anything. Maybe you should find a personal trainer when it comes to Swords?

    No gain!

    After wandering the Solitude Market for the better part of the day, you eventually find yourself in the general store. The Nord behind the counter doesn't seem very interested with your questions and eventually pawns off a small doll to you. It isn't very beautiful, but you suppose you will take what you can get. Maybe another time you'll get lucky.

    -50 Septims

    +16 to next roll with Liss!

    With fond memories of the atmosphere of the Winking Skeever, you return to what you can only attribute to as happy hour. You're not much of a heavy drinker yourself, at least not of ale, so you sit in a corner and watch the reverie with a smile. To your surprise, though, a person taps you on the shoulder. As you turn, you find yourself face to face with an old comrade.

    Lifts-Her-Tail, despite her rather… loaded name, was actually a rather modest looking Argonian woman. Covered with steel scale plating and armed with a giant blade strapped to her back, she was the very epitome of someone you 'really did not want to get into a fight with'. The best part of it all? You'd worked with her on a number of jobs before coming to Skyrim. So that begged the question:

    “Litail, what are you doing freezing that nice ass of yours up here in Skyrim?” you chuckle, offering her a seat.

    “I could say the same to you, Sideep,” she replies happily, taking the seat. “You don't seem the type to hide up away from the world.”

    “I manage to make things interesting.”

    She raises her brow at that, but doesn't prod any further. With a quick order of mead for the both of you, you reconnect over old stories and talk well into the night. It's good to find an old friend amidst all this frozen landscape.

    “You staying in Skyrim for long?” you inquire through the honeyed liquid you can't help but guzzle.

    “A few months. Just looking for work, honestly,” she admits, leaning on the table far more than a normal person would. “You got any leads on that?”

    “I might, actually, I'll see what I can do.”

    Relationship gained! Or, well regained!
    Lifts-Her-Tail the Sellsword (Comrade, +20 to social rolls with Litail): Two-Handed-Swords (Impressive), Tail Combat (Average), Unarmed Combat (Impressive)

    “Fancy meeting you here again… uh...”


    Beirand looks at you apologetically in between hammer swings.

    “I'm not very good with names,” he admits with a laugh. “Great with faces though. What can I do for you, lad?”

    “Ended up with a lot of scrap metal after my last… outing. Think you can do anything with it?” you ask, placing the components out on a nearby bench for him. He looks at it from a distance before grinning.

    “Yeah, I've been looking for scrap stuff to give to the boy for practice. This is perfect. Here, I've got to do something to repay you.”

    He takes a step back from the forge and strips his apron off before making his way inside the house. You're waiting far longer than you were the first time, but when he walks you, you don't regret it for a moment.

    “This is my masterwork,” he grins, handing you the sheath. “Noticed you use one-handed blades, so thought this might interest you.”

    You pull the blade from its protective case and look it up and down. Definitely a longsword, too thin to be otherwise. But that's pretty perfect for your fighting style. In fact… the more you look at it, you see tiny improvements that seem to have blended it between some kind of katana and longsword. Like a hybrid.

    “Thanks for this, Beirand.”

    “It's nothing. I appreciate the patronage. Just make sure you come back and pay me lots of gold, y'hear?”

    Item gained!
    Masterwork Steel Longsword/Katana (?): (+15 to all combat rolls) Beirand's masterwork. Takes an obscenely long time to dull, despite its frail appearance.

    Relationship enhanced!
    Beirand the Blacksmith (Interested, +10 to all rolls with Beirand and his family): Smithing (Elite), Bargaining (Average)

    Upon returning to the Blue Palace after running an errand, you come across what is most definitely a raging Liss. Any immediate attempts to calm her down end in failure and you can only watch on as she eventually breaks down into a fit of sobs.

    “I miss my Mama,” you hear, over and over.

    Your heart breaks for her, but what can you do? You don't know kids. You've never worked with them before. Without knowing what else to do, you drop the gift you'd bought a few days earlier by her side, thinking this is likely the best time. As you leave, you hear her pick it up, but the sobbing doesn't stop.

    She'll probably resent you for not really being able to help her.

    Relationship changed!
    Liss (Interested, +10 to rolls with Liss, ?): Luck (Impressive), Vampire Knowledge (Average)

    After the busy week, you make it into the weekend. So much to see and so little time to do it, you tell yourself you'll work hard to achieve it all! You notice that Liss is moping around a lot, maybe she needs someone to get her out of that slump?

    You have 2 action points!

    [] Combat training with the guards of Solitude.
    - [] With what weapon?
    [] Mention Lifts-Her-Tail to High King Torygg.
    [] Visit the Throne Room.
    [] Spend time studying the academics.
    - [] Which one?
    [] Find someone to train you in another skill.
    - [] Which one, and who?
    [] Explore Solitude.
    [] Take Liss somewhere.
    - [] Where?
    [] You've got a lot of money, spend it?
    - [] On what?
    [] Go down to the Winking Skeever to socialise.
    [] Interact with:
    - [] Beirand the Blacksmith
    - [] Guard Captain Hernsing
    - [] High King Torygg
    - [] Lifts-Her-Tail
    - [] Liss
    - [] Steward Falk Firebeard
    - [] Erikur, Thane to Torygg
    Last edited by Rhomeo; 09-25-2015 at 05:50 AM.

  2. #12
    LardDude's Avatar
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    This is Canon - Rho Certified

    Many tales were shared and reminisced upon, and you remembered how skilled Litail was (and presumably still is) at unarmed combat. Hell, that reminds you of how you two met!


    About two years ago, after clearing out a camp full of bandits, you'd decided to reward yourself with a couple of drinks down at The Flowing Bowl in Anvil. You were celebrating on your own but managed to make friends with three male Redguards who had just finished guarding a caravan on its way into Cyrodiil. After you'd all shared your best stories, and after several more rounds of mead, the Redguards mentioned that they'd never actually seen an Argonian stay underwater for a large amount of time, and the ones they had met either weren't willing to demonstrate, or kept their head above water. Having enough alcohol flowing through you, and feeling festive enough, you volunteered to entertain them.

    You made your way down to the docks, placed your leather armour and iron sword on the floor, and turned around to address your audience - arms outstretched - before diving into the water.

    "Stay moist, friends."

    The night's water was freezing, and the alcohol you'd had wasn't helping either. The sudden change in temperature was more than a shock to your system, but your liquid confidence made sure you weren't going to be one to disappoint. You swam underwater for well over two minutes in what was almost pitch-black water; thankfully the temperature of the water had become less of a problem, but it really was near-impossible to see from what little illumination the torches provided. Despite the darkness, you'd managed to spot a glimmer on the bottom of the sea floor and swam closer to discover a silver ring that you pocketed and sold later on.

    When you finally emerged 50 meters from shore, the cheering had to be loud enough to wake the whole town. Not wanting to venture out much further and get snagged by some beast, you headed back to shore to be greeted by three disappointed characters.

    "C'mon, Argonian, you can do better than that!" one of them said, they were all still cheering you on,
    "Yeah, just a bit longer!"

    "Not tonight, my friends," you replied, killing the buzz whilst re-equipping your leather armour. This caused their smiles to quickly fade, and the once joyful atmosphere fell sombre.

    "But tonight's your last night, Argonian. Don't you want to have fun?"

    Reaching for your sword, you managed to wrap your hand around the hilt and then-!
    One of the Redguards tackled you to the deck, and as much as you struggled you couldn't escape his grasp.

    "Say goodnight." You remember the Redguard pinning you down saying that as he unsheathed his dagger, but a female Argonian, at the exact same time, said the exact same thing...

    In what seemed like the blink of an eye, the three men you'd befriended at the tavern were unconscious, bleeding and missing teeth. Then, like an angel descending from the heavens, this beautiful Argonian was standing over the top of you with a hand outstretched, her arms and fists covered in what you'd guess was the Redguards' blood.

    "You're gonna have to be more careful, Argonian. Are you alright?" She told you this as you accepted her hand and got back onto your own two feet.

    You just stood there, mouth gaping slightly, in awe of how sexy you found her to be. In your drunken state you were very tempted to pull out the ring you'd found and get down on one knee.


    "Apologies, uhh..."

    "They call me Lifts-Her-Tail, and if you saw any of what just happened you'd understand why."


    Hoping to see Litail around town, you head towards The Winking Skeever, and you spot her just as she's leaving. After a short jog, you catch up with her before she has chance to carry on with what she had planned.

    "Ah, Sideep! I was hoping I'd see you again. Any news about a job?"

    "Nothing just yet, but if you've got a few hours free, I have use of you." The disappointment in her face fades.

    "Something decent for daylight, I would hope."

    "Is that really what you'd be hoping for?" Grinning, you carry on with what you came to her for, "Could we find somewhere where you could teach me how to get better at using my body for combat? I've always had an interest but we never did seem to find the time for that."

    Agreeing to your proposal, she leads you to just outside of the city, down towards the sawmill. Hjorunn is busy cutting wood, and he's never minded people coming down to the waterside all that much, and that's where Litail and yourself train. Lifts-Her-Tail begins to show you various ways to improve the punches and kicks that you throw, and she even teaches you how to disarm someone holding a sword.

    After a good several hours of training, you're both in need of a good clean, you moreso than her - you've been put on your arse more than a few times, and you only managed to knock Lifts-Her-Tail off-balance once, when her guard was down.

    The both of you sit on a nearby rock, looking out towards the marshland. This is when you decide to tell her about your latest job with the vampires, and about the shrine and finding Liss. Litail listens with interest, intent on helping out an old friend. Once you've finished speaking, she asks if the girl is staying with you.

    "Yes, but not at the tavern. She's staying with me at the Blue P-"

    "The Blue Palace?! Talk about changing the course of the river, huh Sideep?" You can't really say that you were surprised by this reaction, but she allows you to carry on, still struck with amazement.

    "Sheer luck, I guess. Interested in finding this girl's mother?"

    "Without a shadow of a doubt."

    "Great - you two can meet today, if that works for you."

    Without even pausing to think, she tells you "It does. But we can't go to the Blue Palace like this..." she pauses, gesturing towards the dirt on both of your bodies, "Race you!"

    With a twinkle in her eye, and an unfairly advantageous leap from the rock, she beats you into the river - but that doesn't mean you can't have some fun with her in the water...


    You enter your chambers to find Liss fast asleep, cuddling up to the doll you'd bought her the day before. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you place your hand on her shoulder and her eyes instantly open.

    "Don't worry, little one, you're safe here." Your words bring some comfort to her, but it seems as though she's still on edge from everything that's happened to her. Who can blame her for it?

    "Have you found her yet?" Liss stays motionless, staring blankly ahead.

    "I'm afraid that may take quite some time; I ran into an old friend, though, and they tell me they're willing to help," it was then that Liss turned over, and saw her. "This is Lifts-Her-Tail, you don't really want to know why she has that name though, trust me."

    Both of you turn to face Litail, and she just looks at you before shrugging and demonstrating why exactly she has that name.

    "I like her." Liss says to you, with a contagious smile creeping onto her face.
    Last edited by LardDude; 09-26-2015 at 01:01 PM.

  3. #13
    Under The Schnee Rhomeo's Avatar
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    You don't know it happened, but you somehow ended up dragging little Liss around Solitude to explore. Despite not having explored the city yourself, you have a good sense of direction and somehow manage to end up not going down any dead ends. Liss seems appreciative, taking the opportunity to talk to every random person that will talk back. She's energetic, you'll give her that much. As you make your way up past Castle Dour, however, her expression changes.

    “Is that a temple?” she murmurs, looking up at the grand building as you pass by it.

    “Indeed, child,” you respond smoothly, following her eyes.

    “Can we go inside?”

    Not seeing any harm in it, you turn and lead her towards the grand doors. They open rather smoothly despite their size and you creep inside, feeling like small insects against the grand scale of it all. Briefly, you imagine just how much money must go into a place like this. The thought of where it all comes from leaves a small scowl at your lips. You yourself aren't a believer of the Nine, or the Eight, whatever they call it. These giant buildings are still things of beauty, though, so you guess you have to give them that.

    “Welcome,” a middle-aged balding Nord walks up to you, smiling, eyes switching between you and Liss. “It's not often I see an Argonian up here, much less one with a child. Have you come to pray?”

    “I haven't, but the girl...”

    “I don't know how,” she blurts out, looking a little embarrassed.

    “It's fine, child. Come, I'll show you.”

    He leads her to one of the pews and has her sit down to bow her head. As he starts chanting words, you begin to look around. The small shrines in their little alcoves interest you and you walk over, touching it gently. As expected, nothing happens. Maybe if you were a follower of the Eight…

    Suddenly, a small invisible wave passes through you.

    It's small, but you feel it. Curious, you turn back to the middle of the room, only to see the Priest take a few steps back.

    “This is...” he gasps, bowing his head. “I've never seen someone react to the Eight so strongly before.”

    “Is that a good thing?” Liss questions, cocking her head to the side.

    Looking to you for advice, you merely smile and shake your head.

    “I do not know, little one, but we should keep moving on.”


    Leaving the stunned Priest behind, you make your leave of the temple.

    Relationship gained!
    Rorlund, The High Priest (Vested Interest, +30 to social rolls with Rorlund)

    “How are you enjoying your time in the Blue Palace, Argonian?” the High King asks, leaning on one side far too much as he sits in his Throne.

    “It is… different,” you manage, thinking far too hard about it. “I have spent most of my days on the road, it is difficult to adjust.”

    “Ah yes, the difficult life of the sellsword. Tell me, did you enjoy it?”

    Surprised by the question, you think back on your adventures. Most of them were… dark. Merely a means to an end. Killing people isn't all that hard once you know how, and you know how to kill people. Still, it has led you to a few great things. Litail, for instance.

    “It was my life for a long time,” you reply simply, shrugging. “So I suppose I did, yes.”

    “I'm glad to hear that,” he smiles, finally righting himself. “Sometimes we must be content with our lots in life, even if it means doing something we don't want to.”

    You feel like he's talking directly from experience. Although what would a High King not like about his position?

    Perhaps it's best not to ask.

    Relationship changed!
    High King Torygg (Interested, +10 to social rolls with High King Torygg): Politics (Impressive), Persuasion (Elite), History of Skyrim (Average), Command (Impressive), One-Handed Sword (Impressive)

    Achievement gained!
    Survive your first week! Congratulations, you've made it through the first week of Skyrim. What does this mean for your future? Where will you go?

    Tutorial cleared!
    Death now available!

    You wake up to a particularly noisy Liss as the next week starts, asking you the next time Litail will be around. Perhaps if she was in the Blue Palace as well…

    Thoughts for another time.

    You have 5 action points!

    [] You've heard that the High King wants to talk to you about something, go see him?
    [] Combat training with the guards of Solitude.
    - [] With what weapon?
    [] Mention Lifts-Her-Tail to High King Torygg.
    [] Visit the Throne Room.
    [] You've heard rumours of something strange going on at the docks, investigate?
    [] Spend time studying the academics.
    - [] Which one?
    [] Find someone to train you in another skill.
    - [] Which one, and who?
    [] Explore Solitude.
    [] Take Liss somewhere.
    - [] Where?
    [] You've got a lot of money, spend it?
    - [] On what?
    [] Go down to the Winking Skeever to socialise.
    [] Interact with:
    - [] Beirand the Blacksmith
    - [] Guard Captain Hernsing
    - [] High King Torygg
    - [] Lifts-Her-Tail
    - [] Liss
    - [] Steward Falk Firebeard
    - [] Erikur, Thane to Torygg
    - [] Rorlund, The High Priest

  4. #14
    Under The Schnee Rhomeo's Avatar
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    The High King is naturally surprised when you approach him regarding training in the arts of persuasion. He seems more than happy to oblige, however, and does his best to teach you the way of the spoken word in court. You take to his lessons well and find yourself far better at orating than before – but the High King notes you still have a long way to go. He seems happy to continue your lessons at a later date, so you make sure to thank him politely before going on your way.

    Skill increased!
    Persuasion: Mediocre (0/100)

    You find yourself in the Blue Palace's library by chance one day. You've never really been into reading books, but you decide to rummage through the shelves out of curiosity. Eventually you settle on what you can only assume is a textbook of some kind, but almost all of the definitions go straight over your head. You memorise a few types of rock and how to spot naked ore veins, but other than that, you're completely in over your head.

    Skill gained!
    Geology and Rock Formations: Disappointing (0/50)

    Trait gained!
    Literati (1/10)

    “So, this… Lifts-Her-Tail...”

    You're standing in front of the High King's throne, surrounded by his Thanes and peers. Most turn their nose up at the name, but you notice a few are holding back snickers. It's quite a famous name, in fact. You imagine that's part of the reason she took it. Well, that and…

    “Is she as good as you?” he asks, leaning forward on his throne.

    “Better,” you state confidently. “She's better with a blade than this one, but she cannot glide through water.”

    “So you're saying you're a better swimmer?” a Nord calls out from the side, sounding nonplussed.

    “Everyone has their skills,” Torygg smiles. “You can vouch for her?”

    “I spent a number of years working with her. She's not a slave to coin like most sellswords, she just wants a chance to prove herself.”

    “Very well, I'll take her on as well, then.”

    Well, that went far better than expected. You'll have to tell Litail the next time you see her.

    More than a little surprised at the development, you somehow ended up in the High King's personal chamber. This is perhaps the first time you think you'll be talking to the man with no one else around to hear your words, so you're understandably nervous. When the man walks in, you can only stare. Where there is usually confident smile is now a sullied frown, along with downcast eyes. He'd invited you here on important business, so why…?

    “Ah, Swims-In-Deep, good, I was hoping you'd accept,” he attempts a smile as he notices you. “Would you like some mead, perhaps?”

    “No thank you,” you decline, remembering what happened the last time Liss caught alcohol on your breath. Torygg simply shrugs and walks past you to a cabinet, pulling a large stein out along with a bottle of mead. Nords and their alcohol.

    “Now...” he takes a seat across from you. “There's something I wanted to tell you. Or… well...”

    He trails off, falling into what you can only assume is deep thought. As the silence extends on and on, he eventually fills it by pouring some mead into the metal stein. A few moments of drinking later and he seems to have figured out what he wants to say.

    “I've received intelligence that someone wants to kill me.”

    Well, that was unexpected.

    “Who?” you ask, leaning forward.

    “That's not important. What is important is that I can't eliminate them before they reach me. It would… create the wrong example. I'd be doing nothing but making a martyr. No one can stand up for me, either. No Nords, at least. Our ways are too old, too set in stone.”

    You think you know where this is headed, so you raise a hand.

    “You want me to deal with him?”

    “Not like an assassination, mind,” he clarifies, staring into his drink. “But when… when he comes to challenge me, I need you do something. Challenge him instead, as a warrior rather than a Nord. Or just… anything. Attack him. No one here will stop you and I can pardon you afterwards.”

    This is… a very big risk. You know nothing of the man supposedly wanting to kill the High King. It could all very well be a setup.

    Or some cruel joke.

    [] Agree.
    [] Declne.

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    You can't promise that you'll save his life, but… but…

    “I'll do what I can,” you nod at the High King.

    His eyes light up.

    “Thank you, my friend. I won't forget this.”

    Relationship changed!
    High King Torygg (Ally, +30 to social rolls with the High King): Politics (Impressive), Persuasion (Elite), History of Skyrim (Average), Command (Impressive), One-Handed Sword (Impressive)

    Ambition gained!
    Save the High King: You don't know how, or why, but you've been tasked with saving the High King from a fate he can't escape otherwise. Rewards: +10 Destiny Points, plus reputation.

    Unable to help yourself, you make your way out of Solitude's Main Gate with the intention of heading to the docks. There have been… rumours floating around of something unsavoury going on. There was nothing concrete, of course, but you've taken it on yourself to deal with it.

    Whatever it is.

    As you arrive with the beating sun shining down on the water, you quietly thank the Hist for your good fortune. The water is clear today, enough that you can almost see the bottom from above. Should you wish to enter, you'd be at an advantage. Now, how to go about this?

    [] The rumours talked about something under the water… look around?
    [] The rumours talked about some of the dock workers… look around?
    [] The rumours talked about something hidden inside one of the warehouses… look around?
    Last edited by Rhomeo; 09-30-2015 at 11:56 PM.

  6. #16
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    Ah yes, that's right, the rumours were relating to some actions by the dock workers. Smuggling, perhaps? Intent on putting an end to whatever it is, you start asking questions. The first Nord you pull aside doesn't seem interested in talking to you, but the second quietly ushers you into a corner as soon as you try to ask about what's been going on. Half expecting to get a dagger in your back, you keep a close eye on him and the surroundings. What he says next, however, surprises you.

    “They're planning on cleaning out all the warehouses.”

    “… excuse me?” you cock your head.

    “One of the ships docked, she's a pirate ship, ser,” he explains, his face alight with fear. “They've bribed most of the workers and filled their heads with promises if they keep quiet and do what they're told. You're that lizard sworn to the High King, yeah? You have to stop them somehow.”

    “Why not tell the city guard?”

    “They'd make a break for it as soon as they saw the red cloth.”

    Yes, that's true. While wearing red had a lot of good things attached to it, you somehow doubted its value in stealth operations. So that pretty much left you to deal with the problem.

    “When are they making their move?” you question him.

    “In a week,” he responds carefully, eyes flicking between you and the people working a fair ways behind you. “The closer you get to the time, the more alert they'll be.”

    So you're lucky you decided to check this out so early, then. What should you do?

    [] Take the direct approach and fight your way through these pirates. Dead men can't steal a thing.
    [] Take the sneaky approach and get on board their ship. From there, you could probably do as you please. So long as you pull it off.
    [] Take the diplomatic approach and find one of these pirates to question. Most would think you a coward, but so long as it works out.
    [] Leave it for now and do it later.
    Last edited by Rhomeo; 10-01-2015 at 12:18 AM. Reason: (Can't wake up)

  7. #17
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    Careful not to attract any attention, you make your way down the docks as far as you can go. When you notice no one's watching, you dive into the water. It's hard to swim with all your gear weighing you down, but you've had far more practice than most. Making sure to stick out of sight and keep as low as you can, you slowly glide through the water back up the path you'd just taken. It takes some time and a critical eye on your part to avoid notice, but eventually you come to the biggest ship currently moored. With the clear water and your sharp eyes you notice the anchor's chain coming out of a porthole in the side of the ship.

    Entirely self conscious of your actions, you cling to the freezing steel and climb up. It takes more than a little effort to squeeze through the small hole at the top, but you manage. You find yourself in what you can only assume is a storage area. Before you've even made it a few steps, however, a light catches your attention. Caught out, you try your best to hide behind a row of boxes, but it looks like whoever came had a sharper eye than you were expecting.

    “Who's hiding back there?” you hear a voice call out, in tune with the sharp sound of a sword escaping its sheath. “That you, Fjolnir?”

    You didn't have long before he came back to where you were.

    [] Draw your sword and rush him!
    [] Try to negotiate with him.
    [] Continue hiding, maybe he'll miss you?
    [] Write in.

  8. #18
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    Praying to whatever Gods there may or may not be, you draw your dagger and rush out from behind the boxes you'd been hiding behind. Unfortunately, alert as he'd been before, you don't manage to surprise him. He's ready, blade drawn, and easily deflects your first blow. Cursing, you fall into a ready stance as he does the same. Surprisingly, he doesn't call out for help. Maybe he thinks he can take you on your own?

    You wish him luck with that.

    After a few moments of companionable silence, you charge at each other. You don't have time to draw your blade, but watching the pirate's movements show just how little that matters. He's sloppy, not a warrior. You imagine he's only slaughtered people before, not gone against a trained sword. So your blade strikes true, weaving straight through his guard and into his throat. Blood fountains out as you draw it free, mixing with the liquid he coughs up. Your breathing is heavy, your arms are shaking and your mind is cluttered; but you have to keep moving.

    [] Head for the captain's cabin.
    [] Head for the ship's armoury.
    [] Head for the deck.

  9. #19
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    Breathing heavy, you stumble through the wooden halls of the ship in an attempt to find the captain's cabin. With how much noise you're making you can only be surprised when no one comes across you. Is something else going on? Rather than question it, you take advantage and blatantly search without fear of being caught. Soon enough you come across a door that's far too gaudy to be anything but the captain's door. Steeling yourself, you step forward and push it open.

    Before you is an extremely lavish room, a plush red carpet, multiple bookshelves and a desk with a great number of jewels and books strewn across it. Behind it stands a Redguard woman with a wicked-looking scimitar, a solemn face and numerous scars across every patch of skin you can see. You're not sexist, but… a female captain?

    “So you're the one who's been stomping around my ship,” she sighs, not even reaching for her sword. “Why are you here, lizard? Planning on joining my crew?”

    Shocked, you don't even manage a response before she smiles.

    “Ah, no, that's not it. You came here to get rid of us 'pirates', no? Well, I won't even bless you with the truth. You're going to die here, lizard.”

    She finally draws her exotic blade, falling into a ready stance you're not familiar with. Drawing your own two blades, you crouch low and wait. There's a tension in the air for a few moments before she screams a warcry, vaulting the table. The way her blade moves is something you can't even begin to follow, so you rely totally on your instincts to drive the blade aside. A great ringing fills your ears as she steps back, blade twirling.

    “Oho, you're pretty good, lizard. Come at me seriously, then!”

    Personal Destiny Point used – LardDude! +15 to next combat roll!

    Roaring, you descend on her like a creature from Oblivion. She's obviously surprised and can't react as well as she might otherwise. With your off-hand you jab your dagger repeatedly into her side as your main hand keeps her blade occupied. Eventually she can't hold against you any longer and you slash out, cutting straight through the front of her blouse to reveal… metal beneath? It doesn't matter, as your masterwork blade cut straight through it, but-

    “Good, good!” she coughs, one hand clutching at her chest. “But I'm not done yet!”

    Not expecting a retaliation, her blade strikes around your guard and slices straight through your cuirass like a knife through butter. You scream and leap back, but know that it could be far worse.

    Lost 5 health!

    Not as used to dealing with injuries as an Argonian, you notice that the woman is breathing heavily from the loss of blood. One more push and-! Your dagger leaves your hand as you throw it at her. Surprised, she bats it aside, but it's not enough. Your blade plunges through her midriff, piercing the metal beneath her clothes like it's nothing. As you pull it out, the blood pools through her clothes and drips to the cabin floor. Miraculously, she's still standing.

    “That was a good fight, lizard,” she coughs, dropping the sword. “Now hurry up and finish me off.”

    But there's another option.

    [] Kill her.
    [] Spare her.

  10. #20
    Under The Schnee Rhomeo's Avatar
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    You don't imagine that sparing her will really achieve anything different, but you sheathe your weapon. She looks surprised. Her eyes question your decision and you merely shrug.

    “Hah, you're an interesting one, lizard,” she coughs, holding a hand to her stomach. “If you're going to spare me, does that mean you'll help me clean up?”

    … clean up?

    “Well, I'm not going to die here!”

    “Excuse me for being ignorant, but surely with a wound like that you'll be carried away by the river today,” you frown, looking her up and down.

    “I keep some medicine stored in case of emergencies, you idiot.”

    With strength you didn't know existed, she manages her way over to her desk and rummages through a drawer. Eventually she pulls a vial free, one that you're very familiar with.

    “Hist sap,” you gasp.

    “Ah, so you're a native to Black Marsh, eh?” she grins, popping the cork off the top. “This is purified stuff. Way more potent.”

    You don't even have time to stop her before she throws the glass back and chugs. It's… almost horrifying to watch. You'd only seen one person other than an Argonian drink of the Hist and the outcome wasn't pleasant. You almost want to avert your eyes, but you watch on. Noticing you, the Captain quickly strips off her top and reveals the tightly linked chain beneath. You notice the slit where you stabbed through, but beneath it is-

    “You're not wounded?”

    “Told you it was pure stuff,” she laughs, leaning on the desk far more than you expect is needed. “Takes a lot out of you, though. Don't know how you lizards do this.”

    “We and the Hist are one and the same,” you explain. “Just looking at that bottle reminded me of home, not because of the appearance, but the voices.”

    “… voices?”

    You nod.

    “The Hist is forever with you, wherever you go. It is said that those born outside of Black Marsh are not connected to the Hist. I cannot imagine such a lonely life.”

    The Captain breaks into guffaws in front of you, causing you to furrow your brow in response. Judging the Argonian people for their connection to the Hist was beyond rude. Still, you were an understanding individual. Barely.

    “Wish I knew what that was like. Name's Elia, by the way. I suppose in a roundabout way I owe you my life, so… keep that in mind,” she snickers as she sits down, leaning back. “I'll forget about the men you killed on the way up here. Oh and I'll explain this thing we've got going on, but not now. Hist sap is one hell of a high.”

    Ambition fulfilled!
    Become Good: You've helped people before, why not now?

    Rewards gained!
    +5 Destiny Points

    Trait gained!
    Good (+20 to all rolls that are considered 'good', -20 to all rolls that are considered 'evil', +20 to others with a similar alignment, -20 to others with the Evil alignment): You've done enough good things to be considered a good person. The average person looks up to you, but some people in the woodwork despise you.

    Skill gained!
    Dagger: Disappointing (3/50)

    Skill changed!
    Sword and Dagger: Mediocre (52/100)

    One-Handed Sword: Mediocre (12/100)

    Throwing Weapons: Disappointing (23/50)

    Relationship gained!
    Elia the Pirate (?) Captain (Interested, +10 to social rolls with Elia and her crew): You fought Elia in single combat and survived; she'll never forget that. Curved Sword (Elite), One-Handed Sword (Impressive), Seduction (Impressive), Sailing (Impressive), (?) (Legendary)

    Reputation gained!
    Survived in single combat with a legend! You fought someone with a legendary skill and survived. People will whisper of your combat prowess, but if you don't live up to their expectations…

    With the main part of the week now gone, you look forward to your weekend. What should you get up to?

    You have 3 action points!

    [] Combat training with the guards of Solitude.
    - [] With what weapon?
    [] Visit the Throne Room.
    [] Spend some time down at the docks. You need to practice your swimming.
    [] Spend time studying the academics.
    - [] Which one?
    [] Get your armour repaired by Beirand.
    [] Find someone to train you in another skill.
    - [] Which one, and who?
    [] Explore Solitude.
    [] Take Liss somewhere.
    - [] Where?
    [] You've got a lot of money, spend it?
    - [] On what?
    [] Go down to the Winking Skeever to socialise.
    [] Interact with:
    - [] Beirand
    - [] Elia
    - [] Guard Captain Hernsing
    - [] High King Torygg
    - [] Lifts-Her-Tail
    - [] Liss
    - [] Falk Firebeard
    - [] Erikur
    - [] Rorlund
    Last edited by Rhomeo; 10-06-2015 at 01:14 PM.

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