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  1. #11
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    A dark green sportscar flew down the driveway before drifting around the loop and to a halt opposite the mansion just beyond the fountain. The door opened and out popped it's driver; He looked over the mansion and shrugged. Leaning back inside he grabbed his grandfathers bomber jacket and headed towards the door.

    Pulling the invitation from the pocket of the jacket he offered it to be inspected by the man at the door. "I should be on the list under the name D'nafein." He waited as the man checked the list.

    "Thank you sir," The man started, "Those who have arrived are just inside. Please give your keys to the valet."

    Dna chewed over the though briefly before tossing the spare keys to the valet waiting nearby. "Guess that means you'll have my bags brought in, thank you."

    He stepped through the door and eyed the lobby-like grand foyer. He raised a hand to those he called friends. The hand stopped a member of the waitstaff, "I'd like a drink, one part creme de menthe, one part creme de cacao, and one part milk. Shake vigorously." Having order his drink he started for the food spread out on a buffet table. Time to see what there is to snack on. He thought as he closed in on the food.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  2. #12
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    Crazywolf had been helping himself to a couple of savoury pastries from the buffet. He didn't want to eat too much by himself but he fancied at least a snack after the journey. When he turned round he noticed that other members had started arriving. He saw a rather shy looking asian girl in a hoodie head to the other end of the buffet. He wondering if this could be Argon Jaden, but in RPALandia40k she'd been in a male body and so far in real life he'd only seen a picture of one her fingers so without approaching her he didn't know for certain.

    At that moment he heard G call out from the door and he called back a greeting in reply. He recognised her as G from pictures in the picture thread and her music-playing videos.

    "I expect I'll just jump in the air a bit" he replied to her other comments. "But whatever happens I doubt it will be more scary than an Rpa halloween event."

    Meanwhile he glanced around again and noticed the others arriving recognising the likes of Kris and Karma off pictures on the picture thread. Then there was a guy who he thought might be Dnafein but he wasn't sure.
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 10-11-2017 at 08:57 PM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  3. #13
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    This was a terrible idea. Parties suck. You'd start with a couple of awkward interactions, then sit in silence drinking liquid confidence, spend an hour or two dancing in a drunken blur, and if you're lucky you wouldn't puke. Not to mention the hangover you'd get in the morning. Never got those when I was 15...

    I adjusted my cap and pulled my pink hood over it. Fine. I was going in there. But I sure as hell wasn't gonna have any fun, dammit.

  4. #14
    RPA's Hedonist
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    The party thrived as more guests arrived.
    Sounds of merriment echoed through the halls as most everyone were entertained by Mr. Gaunt's party. While the service might have been given mixed reviews on Yelp!, the food and live entertainment won the crowd over. Little did the audience of the party know, Mr. Gaunt had been observing them closely from behind the scenes. The host needed his guests to have nothing but the widest of smiles. To have a sense of giddiness about them. To find trust and comfort in knowing nothing could go wrong and to just let the night ensorcell them with glee from all that it had to offer.

    After several hours of patience on Mr. Gaunt's part, and allowing some bands from different genres to plug and play, it was time to make his entrance. The atmosphere changed once the clock had struck 9. There was something, something of negative energy that filled the place as the music stopped and the wait staff slowly crept out from the scene. A well dressed figure wearing a skimmer hat made his presence known well as he stepped out onto the second floor balcony, announcing to all of Mr. Gaunt's appreciation for coming on such a magical night. While he was all smiles, there something about him that felt unpleasant and hard to read as if hiding some motive.

    "I extend my gratitude to all guests who stand before me."
    The entrance was locked.
    "As does Mr. Gaunt who will be among us shortly."
    shutters sealed the windows.
    "Let us all applaud the man who constructed such a wonderful night!"
    hands clapped and cheers were made as the remainder of waitstaff exited from wherever they could.

    From behind the man in the skimmer hat came an old figure on a motorized wheelchair. He appeared near death and needed a breathing apparatus as well as a nurse by his side. It somewhat soured the moment, but he took no time with introducing himself as the unique Mr. Gaunt. Pulling the oxygen mask from covering his mouth, he began speak to all before him. "I am happy to see so many cheery faces on this very night. That is all we need in these dark times is happiness as it strengthens the soul within us. If a single soul shines as bright as a lantern, then I must be staring at the sun as I look over all of you combined. Allow me to get straight to the point and inform you of my nature and why tonight is so special."

    Strange sounds began to emerge from the dark hallways beyond the party's light. One could feel a tingle run down their spine as the mysterious host continued.

    "Such a night only comes once a year. A night that has existed from the beginning of time. A night where the earliest of sorcerers could draw immeasurable power from the most lively and brightest of souls. Over time, it was discovered, through certain practices, that even anger and fear fed about the same amount of power. I will go ahead and thank you again, as once you perish and your soul is mine, I'll be as giddy and youthful as you were before I gave you the grim news. I will now leave you to your own demise. Either by the hands of my puppets, or by your hands." Mr. Gaunt quickly made his leave with the nurse while the man in the skimmer hat stood strong with a smirk while eyeing the worried crowd.

    "Death is coming 'round like a hurricane swirlin'. We're on the clock and the needle's turnin'. While I would have had you all gassed much earlier, our wicked host would rather watch you suffer and scream as you try to escape his tools of death and procurers of souls. Do enjoy tonight's entertainment. I bid you farewell." The man left the room in silence...

    It was only a matter of seconds that after everyone was left speechless and confused did three monstrous beings step in to alter the mood of the party further. One of them wore a tattered orange jumpsuit and shoeless. He was well built and covered in scars. A metal mask expressing joy covered his face and muffled his constant groans. He was swinging a grappling hook in the right hand while holding a bloody cleaver in the other.

    The second menace was covered in a complete polished black latex catsuit. She had a menacing stare and had a crude gag with a long working drill extending out from it. Her gloved fingertips had needles connected to syringes strapped to her hands that likely contain a heavy dose of tranquilizers or even poison.

    The third and final figure was hard for much of the crowd to see as he was nothing more than a cannibal midget dressed in a dirty clown costume. To get the real party started, the midget charged at a random woman and fiercely attacked her; sinking his sharpened teeth into her right leg. Blood spurted and chaos ensued among the guests as they attempted to flee into the nearby rooms and up the stairs. The midget kept at the woman, even knocking her over as he then went for the throat to keep his meal from escaping his hunger.

    Round 1 has begun!
    Last edited by Imp; 10-11-2017 at 09:13 PM.

  5. #15
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    How quickly the tides turn?

    Well it was all so strange to begin with. This scene, the reason for being here, the creepy mansion we had to go in.

    I had my suitcases somewhere in the reception desk. There were few important things there along with my phone… If it only was with me, maybe I could have made some call, take a photo, shoot the scene and show what really was happening here.

    But to be honest, that was the least of my worries at the moment as all I wanted was to just get out of here and fast…

    While most of the people head to the stairs, I made my path to a long corridor in the west wing, slowly sliding to a long loop in the hall that led to another long path with many doors. I was followed by some of the guests, but their steps were hushed the more I advanced, and I could tell, without looking back, that one of the "holy trio" was on our trail. I didn't dare to look and see who.

    At the end, I saw a big window. A small hope…

    I ran for its direction, heaving my heavy breathing filling my ears, I could feel gentle steps running behind me. As I tackled the lock of the window I looked around, hoping that nobody was following me and surely enough, no one did, so I continued to try and pull the glass, only to feel a tiny sting around my neck few seconds later. I reached my hand and touched only to find out I was bleeding, and near the spot I was hit at, another liquid was pouring on my nape.

    It was that strange lady…

    I collapsed as I felt myself losing touch with reality…

    But hey, it was better than going with screams as you are being digested by a clown…

  6. #16
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    Well it had all started out so pleasantly. If the aim of Mr Gaunt had been to lure them all into a false sense of comfort then with Crazywolf it had initally worked. However from the moment the doors were locked and the shutters sealed across the outside of the windows he realised there was something rather wrong. The rather alarming words of Mr Gaunt himself and his asociate only exacerbated that concern even further. When the three fiends stepped out into the room he starred in horror at their horrible visage and the weapons in their hands. Shit.

    He glanced about the room for something he could use to defend himself but saw nothing of use. Along with part of the crowd he turned and started running towards another room. Maybe there was some way out the back, some door or window that hadn't been closed or locked. In the rush he didn't quite see where everyone else was going but saw one fiend was headed toward Craze and another following after Kris. He hoped none of his friends would get caught.

    "Come on" he called to anyone else that would follow him. "We need to find a way out."
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  7. #17
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    Mystic almost suddenly choked on his apple as hell seemed to break loose in the hall. He entered a sort of fight or flight mode as he looked around for an escape when he heard crazywolf and decided to run with him. "Why can't I be invited to something normal for once?!" He shouted running with Crazywolf.

    Of all the places he'd rather be currently. He'd even accept being dragged into a sewer so that he would float too.

    Made by the wondrous Hayabusa

  8. #18
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    Before Lobo even got a chance to make some new friends, the party morphed into a complete disaster. What had she expected, though? It was exactly like her to walk into the worst situation possible. The "fun" that everyone had insisted this party would turn out to be, was not at all like what they had expected.

    As soon as the three hideous beings stepped out of the shadows, Lobo knew shit was about to go down. At first, for a brief moment, she had thought this was all just a hoax. A joke to make the guests wet themselves a bit before they got back to having fun. It wasn't until the little clown tore apart a woman that she actually realized this was not a joke.

    While the crowd of guests began to turn tail and run, Lobo decided to sneak off after Kris, in case it increased her chances of finding an escape. It seemed as though Kris had been on to something, and that rang true when Lobo spotted the window. However, footsteps behind her made her realize that they were not alone, and it wasn't just more of the frightened guests following them.

    Lobo tried to duck around and avoid the latex covered monster, knowing there was nothing she could do to save Kris. She didn't make it very far, and she soon felt a little prick to the back of her neck. She almost immediately lost feeling in her legs, and her body crashed hard onto the ground beneath her. She couldn't move, and her vision was beginning to grow a bit fuzzy at the corners. It gradually began to grow darker, and the last thing she remembered was the sound of a drill.

    It was just a relief that death wasn't one of her biggest fears.
    -- lobo

  9. #19
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    To be honest, AyJay had oddly kept to herself the entire time, instead of hopping around and being her hyper little self. She did start socializing later on, but the buzzing at the back of her mind was there, strongly urging her to keep on her toes. It was completely and utterly exhausting to jump at every single sound. She did relax after a short while, but then, all hell broke loose.

    When the crazy electric cripple began to talk about reaping souls, she shuddered. 'Every single time I join in RP, I nearly die.' She thought mentally, dropping everything in her hands. Instead, as he talked, she took note of her surroundings, brain buzzing to a dizzying state. Just as the monsters broke out and began their slaughter, she took a stunned step back.

    "Ghh... Ahhh..." The broken gasp escaped her as she took a step back, body trembling. Her eyes were wide with fear, before they dulled over. Dead bodies. White noise in her head. Soon to be dead bodies. Emotions dulling. Murder. A spark of feeling. Monsters. Adrenaline.


    Her mind worked overtime, feet shuffling backward. One could see the moment when her eyes glazed and dimmed. "W-why..." She murmured, before turning tail and running after Crazywolf and Mystic. It didn't take long until she was behind them, tears streaming down her face. It felt like she wasn't there, but that was her, running away in fear.

    "Kill or be killed. Kill or be killed." Her mind buzzed back to life, without the humanity in them. She analyzed his words. There was a way out of this. What is it? She looked around, trying to keep an eye out for traps. She could feel the unfamiliar sensation of bloodlust pump through her veins and fear subsided. She ran with them, completely quiet and looking very much like a frightened child. She sniffled. "Why?"
    Last edited by Argon Jaden; 10-12-2017 at 04:44 PM.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  10. #20
    My Son; My Sun.
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    G gulped down her mouthful of scotch, spluttering as it went down the wrong pipe in her shock at Mr Gaunt's announcement his murderous intent.

    "You... you brought us all here... just to kill us?" The admin had dealt with spammers, flame wars and database crashes, but this... this was a horror beyond anything she'd experienced. Chaos erupted; members running in every direction as the three monstrous minions of their host appeared, and launched their attack. She was standing close to the stairs... too close. The tiny clown lunged at her - in normal circumstances she might have appreciated the company of someone shorter than her, but when their tiny, sharp teeth were sinking into her leg it was a different story.

    "Argh!" she shouted in pain, struggling to step away and toppling to the floor in the process. The scotch glass was still clutched in her hand; impulsively, she brought it to meet the midgets' head as he lunged for her throat. It shattered against his skull, the tiny pieces of glass raining down around her as she shoved him away and scrambled to her feet. She ran, blindly, sprinting down the hallway and sliding to a frantic stop as the bodies of Kris and lain appeared before her. The latex-covered woman turned, the drill protruding from her face dripping with lain's blood, fixing her eyes on the tiny admin and she gulped down her shock and pain at seeing the fallen before her, spinning on her heel and calling to the small group not far off.

    "Come on, in here!" She barged through the nearest door, hoping Crazywolf, Mystic, Argon and any other survivors weren't too far behind.

    Her hands on her knees, the brunette gasped, trying to catch her breath, her head spinning as she tried to compute what had just occurred. She was standing in the centre of a large library, dusty books filling the shelves that lined the walls and protruded to create avenues throughout the room.

    "Kris... Kris is dead?" she said, sounding like she didn't quite believe it. Then the girl burst into tears, loud sobs echoing through the room. Her leg was beginning to throb with the pain the adrenaline had held back during her mad dash from the lobby, blood tricking down to form a pool on the floor.

    On indefinite hiatus. I remain purple only for technical support, please direct queries to Scottie or another staffer. Thank you RPA for being my second home for so many years, and every member who makes this the wonderful place it is.

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