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  1. #11
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    Village of Protecting Time

    Tristan smiled. It felt like it had been almost an entire year since he had visited this place. Looking around the small hut, he noticed a familiar, yet recognizeable Monferno. Tristan waved to the small creature. Hey there, little one. Nice to see you again.

    Tristan looked around the room again. Orena? Orena's mom? Are you there? He even scoured the room for the little girl, who wasn't there either. Mabye Tristan was missing something?

    He shrugged. I guess I'll find them somewhere else.

  2. #12
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Village of protecting time

    The door to Orenas' room was open, a beep went off as her watch got a notification. Followed by a groan, as she started to get up.

    Monferno tugged on Tristans' hand like he wanted to play. The room was quiet, but after a few minutes. The door to Orenas' room clicked close, showing she was still home and might finally be getting up.


    The paused and looked back over his shoulder. Is there anything else that you need?

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  3. #13

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    Persephone was watching the exchange between the two with interest. While she had no idea about manner other than being quiet and watching she felt like it was more like playing then actually getting on eachothers nerves. Eventually a small little mission noise came from her watch and it startled her. It made her feel...well uncomfortable but Hiru was quite excited.

    He gave her an example.He bleeped out of existence for a moment which made her catch her breath. If Pi had not been super comfortable with this she would have probably rushed to the boy with the book. In brief moment though Hiru was back and looked sound.

    She nodded her understanding but decided to not push her mission button. What would she be able to do with just a Cleffa she thought to herself. She noticed that he seemed to get two balls popping out right in front of her. That was pretty amazing. She guessed that handing out pokeballs was a more common thing then she might originally think.

    The boy dropped them off at a girl named Maya’s house then took off. She still honestly thought that he had been the more rude one in this exchange. She looked at Hiru and said, “Well I guess this is a good of a chance as any?” She smiled to him.

    She made sure to reach down and pick Cleffa, the pokemon did not really care for that since it wanted to play with Pi more. “I’m a little nervous to be honest…” She did not really have a good reason as to why. She just sort of was.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  4. #14
    Archmage of RPA
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    Hiru beamed with excitement as they approached the building. "Thank you for showing us where to go sir!" He said and nodded to the man. Pi seemed a bit sad when the Cleffa was picked up by her trainer but looked to Hiru regaining the smile and a happy look as it rushed over and climbed her owners shoulder resting on it while she grabbed his hair. Hiru in return gave a small laugh while patting the pokemon's head. The two clearly had the same energy, but Pi was obviously more on the shy and scared side of things.

    When asked if there was anything else Hiru simply shook his head and shrugged. "Nope! I'll find my friend from here!" He said and turned to Persephone who spoke with him. "Yep! He should be in here. But no worries! He's a great pokemon trainer and he has this cool ice type legendary pokemon! He's a good guy and knows a lot so he can help you too!" He spoke with much excitement of his friend to his newer friend. But with that being said, he turned and opened the door slowly stepping in. "Hello?" He called out.

    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  5. #15
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    Town of Protecting Time

    Tristan's head whipped around while the Monferno was around him. Orena's door had clicked closed, indicating that she might be home. For peat sakes. She fricken slept for like two years, I swear.

    Just then, Tristan also heard a small, Hello? It seemed recognizeable enough. Uhh, Hiru, is that you, my friend? Tristan talked in a small whisper, just barely enough to have the child hear.

    You know, it might have been better for Hiru to have teleported with me at the same time... that was dumb. There might be repercussions from the villagers now because of the amount of outsiders that are coming into this town... gosh dang it. Tristan's thoughts enveloped him for a short second before snapping back to reality.

    He gathered his surroundings again. Someone, possibly Orena, had just closed the door to Orena's room. It's probably Orena, right? No need to worry, I think. Hiru had just waltzed into Orena's home. Where's Orena's mom? Where's the child from before?

    Regardless, Tristan turned on his heels facing the doorway of the small home, leaving the bedrooms behind him. Glad to see you, my friend. But, be quiet, as my friend Orena is just waking up, I think! He smiled at the Monferno tugging at his hand.

  6. #16
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Village of protecting time

    The monferno did a few back flips and was happy. Clearly wanting to play or maybe it just wanted attention. Chacha could be heard somewhere, shaking her arms and making a maracas noise. Clearly Orenas' pokemon had been a little lonely.

    Outside the hut, a small girl walked up to the house. Looking at the two outside, "Why are you guys at my house?" She asked curiously with large curious eyes.

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  7. #17

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    Sephy was nervous about meeting a real hard core pokemon trainer. She shifted a little thinking about what a cool Ice type legendary would be. She could not think of any off the top of her head. This just showed how bad she was at pokemon training. She heard a little buzz from her ring watch and a message came through. Something along the lines of a gift pokemon that could be used to help her on her journey. She thought that was weird that people would just hand out pokemon but then just like that a little ball appeared into her hand. She looked at it quizzically. Whatever was in it she hoped it was something lovely and not scary or mean looking.

    She looked up and noticed that Hiru was saying hello and knocking on the door.

    The scene that followed was rather interesting. Apparently we were just allowed to walk into the house and as such the owner of the house asked a very straight forward and justified question. Why were they there? Sephy looked towards Hiru as if he knew the answer to that. She bowed her head as if that counted as anything like an apology. The small Cleffa bowed with her though it just giggled and laughed.

    It was having the time of its little life while we invaded peoples homes.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  8. #18
    Archmage of RPA
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    Hiru grinned when Tristan spoke to him and nodded. "Gotcha, I have a friend and three new pokemon tho." Near the end of his sentence he had raised his voice a little but quickly hushed himself back down.

    When Tristan turned back to the fire type Hiru almost wanted to burst into excitement with the ape like pokemon but before he could a voice came from behind them about the home.

    As Hiru turned around he felt as if he had just been put on a spotlight and blinked feeling a bit of shyness overcome him as yet again another female spoke to him. "Umm....... Well my friend is in your home......." He glanced around as if looking for more reasoning but fell short quickly. "Well..... Ummm. Tristan is inside and I came to find him and was told he would be here and.... and.." The boy shook his head feeling embarrased. He was horrible when it came to talking to girls as it was and with both staring at him it only made it worse. "I'm sorry if I'm intruding. .." He said quietly with a frown. " I just came to see my friend and he told me he would be in this village."
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  9. #19
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    The little gilrs' confused look soon turned into a bright smile. "Oh, well that's ok. I was just worried you guys were weirdos." She said cheerfully and moved past them, skipping inside and happily greeted Tristan. "You're back!" She cheered, like she was happy to see her playmate is back.

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  10. #20
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    Village of Protecting Time

    Tristan smiled at Hiru. As he was about to respond, the small girl from before popped in. Tristan opened his mouth to say something, but Tristan could notice that Hiru was showing his shy side.

    Shoot. Tristan could feel his stress levels rise. He didn't think about the unintended consequences of bringing his friend to an unknown village. These guys are weary of outsiders. I should have asked, first. His mind sprung to the worst case scenario: a village elder exiling him from a village he only just began to explore.

    Though his voice had a little bit of worry in it, Tristan tried to calm the girl. Don't worry, girly. I think your sister will be fine with him - he's one of our friends. Tristan put on a smile, so as to push the act further.

    When the girl showed Tristan that it was all right, he visibly sighed with relief. Whew! Thank you! Glad you're alright with it. Tristan walked over to the couch, took his backpack off, sat down and plopped the backpack by his feet. Now, the real test is to see what your mother thinks of it!

    Tristan had forgotten that the monferno was still active in the area. It had followed him to the place where he was sitting, still longing for attention. Tristan smiled a little more genuinely this time. Here, little guy. Come with me. Tristan pushed himself off of the couch, propelling him forward. He used the motion to steer himself towards the door whilst signaling for the monferno to follow him.

    Tristan then took out all of the members of his team once he was outside. They came out of their pokeballs in a staggered manner; however, when they were all inevitably out, Tristan gave them all a thumbs up. Tristan's team already knew what was occurring even before they were released from their pokeballs; in an instant, they were all laughing and having fun with the lonely monferno.

    Tristan smiled for the third time in five minutes. Geez, people are gonna think I'm happy go lucky or something. He walked right back inside of the house, plopping down on the same place he was seated before. The young girl seemed to have relaxed a little more, wandering about the house as she did when Tristan was there earlier. Hiru, however, seemed to be stuck in an inanimate position.

    Tristan slapped his hand down on the couch. Come over here, man. Might as well rest a little longer while Orena gets prepped and whatnot. He closed his eyes and chuckled to himself, thinking that Orena wasn't the type of person to apply makeup or anything of that nature, but thought it would be curious if she had done it this one time. Why am I even thinking this, anyway? Weird stuff.

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