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Thread: [M] Sniped Through the Heart (Iwazuma x Hannelorian)

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    Regina was evidently not understanding exactly where Anke was coming from. What wasn't hard to understand? A soldier interacting with her was beyond strange to begin with, let alone continue to do so when Regina had insisted it would only damage her reputation. To ignore that was beyond confusing into the simply irrational. She even went into detail as to what a conversation was. Regina wrinkled her nose. Of course she knew what a conversation was. The issue was who Anke was having the conversation with. Regina frowned. "It had nothing to do with you. You could have been Stewart or Paulson or Covey. No matter who, I would have gone about it the same way." Ever stoic and unemotive, Regina calmly explained that anyone who got that close would have been treated the same way-with unwavering resolve to prevent such a thing from happening ever again.

    Still, Anke seemed to be enjoying herself, to the point of blowing a kiss at the other soldiers, which Regina stopped eating her slop to look at. "I am confused. Are you attempting to flirt? Do you need someone to introduce you or something?" Regina did not engage with other soldiers, but if the Terminator herself were to bring someone over, there was no doubt she would be listened to when addressed. Was that what she was after? Find a famous face to have an in? Regina was probably the worst possible choice, but...she couldn't tell. "I know what a conversation is." Regina felt like she was being spoken to as if she were a child. Just because she didn't emote like the other weaker soldiers in her unit didn't mean she was stupid or childish. Regina then cast her eyes back to her slop, taking a sip of her apple juice in the process.

    However, when Anke spoke again, Regina's head snapped back up. "My reputation is pristine in Osnen. The reputation of someone who associates with me, however, is considered extremely avoidable." Regina explained quietly, but Anke's next words caused her to cease movement entirely. There it was. She knew there was a reason she came here. Her final sentence caused Regina to set down her spoon calmly, then stare Anke in the eyes, her amber orbs burning with determination and a contempt that seemed to permeate the air. "You. Will do. No such thing." Regina spoke deliberately and intently, with the conviction and fierce undertones of someone threatening another. Regina did not emote in the slightest, but if there was any single thing she excelled at regardless, it was intimidation. And if Anke would insist on trying to beat her, she would see that her records would become completely and utterly untouchable.
    Karma is the best.

  2. #12
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    Listening to Regina was revealing more clues, though Anke wasn't entirely sure what the clues added up to, but it was clearly something. Regina was now going out of her way to suggest that it wasn't Anke who bothered her, it was the time, and she would have responded the same way no matter who it was. This was likely true. "But I'm not Stewart or Paulson or Covey." Anke said somewhat defiantly, her arms returning to a crossed position across her chest. This was something of a defensive maneuver. "I'm better than them. I'm the one who came ever so close to beating your record on my first time out on that course." There was a shift in her voice that revealed she was capable of being quite serious.

    "As for introductions, not necessary. I'm quite capable of introducing myself, did I not do so with you?" Anke asked, though it was a question that warranted no further answer. "As for flirting, I'm quite adept at that as well. I've no problem finding a warm body to share my bed." Anke smirked a bit, seemingly confident in her own abilities. "But no, that's not a challenge. I enjoy a challenge." Anke was not here to use some kind of relationship with Regina to her own benefit. There was little joy to have in that. Anke was a creature in search of joy, of pleasure, of things that would keep her mind off what she dared not think of.

    Anke listened intently as Regina most assuredly and certainly told Anke she would never beat her record. Perhaps that was true. Was this meant to be intimidating? Was this meant to be threatening. Either way, Anke could only smile and nod. "I don't believe you're in a position to tell me what records I can and cannot break. Seems a little cavalier, don't you think?" Anke pushed the chair out and rose to a standing position. "I know you know what a conversation is. I can see jut how intelligent you are. Talented, you live up to your reputation Regina." For the moment Anke seemed entirely satisfied with their interaction.

    "It isn't personal Regina. But if you'd like to make our relationship more personal. Well, I'd like that very, very much. You'd be surprised at what I can do." Anke smirked one last time and turned to walk away intent on getting some degree of rest for the evening. "Oh... one more thing." Anke turned back still smiling brightly and kindly. "You may scare the shit out of the others here, you know with your reclusive dynamic, your... killer instinct... your direct seemingly mean demeanor and attitude that says you don't need anyone..." Anke paused for a moment to sigh. "You don't scare me. In fact, I rather enjoy you. Give peace a chance, huh?" Anke turned back and threw her hand up in the air, her fingertips waving goodbye.

    As Anke moved past her fellow soldiers they made way for her, knowing what she had achieved, and knowing who she had opted to spend time with. "Oh boys... do close your mouths. Gawking isn't cute." She commented as she continued her way back to her bunk.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Now Regina felt as though Anke were deliberately provoking her. Calling her out as someone who nearly shattered her entire sense of worth in just a single attempt. Regina could feel the tension in the air rising as Anke spoke, but she did not raise her voice or her temper as she finished the slop she had on her plate. She went on about other men in her bed, which Regina seemed completely unperturbed by. Regina cared little for the carnal desires of men and women, focusing all her efforts on her drive and push to succeed. And succeed she had. Still, this woman had the gall to tell her that she would be bested? Regina's expression did not change, but quietly she knew she had more work to put in. While she was all in support of the improvement of her fellow soldier, she had to be the best without question. There was no other way about it.

    Regina simply stared back at Anke when she insisted she had no say over what records would or would not be broken. "I will simply outperform your peak capabilities and make it so you are physically incapable." Regina spoke robotically, voicing exactly what she planned to do. If she even thought she could beat her...Regina would prove her otherwise. She would erase all doubt from Anke's mind, and the minds of her superiors. If they thought this new girl was superior...who knew what they'd do with her? Instead, Regina watched Anke get up after giving her the strangest of compliments. Was she...trying to get on a personal level with her? Regina cocked her head, unsure what to make of her last few words. Regina was not trying to scare anyone. That was simply her role and she preferred to be alone regardless. Nonetheless, Anke was...bold. Far bolder and more direct than any soldier she'd run into before. Regina wasn't sure what to make of any of it.

    However, she did know what she could be doing to dissuade more confusion. Her slop finished, Regina placed her plate on the belt to the dishwasher and took strong, meaningful steps out of the mess hall...straight back to the shooting range. Her stride showed conviction in spite of her blank slate of a face as she marched right back to the training course, whipped out her pistol, and started up all over again.

    40.087. Again.

    40.223. Again.

    40.104. Again.






    June 21, 20XX. Osnen Main Headquarters, Urlachen. 08:07.

    "Miss Carlisle?"

    "Unngh...." It was like a voice rippled through the ocean surface to try and reach her.

    "Miss Carlisle...wake up. Please."

    "Nngh..." Regina's eyes fluttered open, revealing a concerned-looking older man looking down at her. He was in dull gray overalls and was carrying a mop over his shoulder. She turned her head; the training course sat on her left, though several feet higher than she remembered. Her arm dangled off the side of the platform, her fingertips brushing softly against the sand. It was only then Regina realized she was lying down on the floor. She quickly got to her feet, looking over at the janitor with a frown on her face. "I'm awake, Rudy."

    "Miss Carlisle, did something happen? You haven't fallen asleep in the gallery in a long time." Rudy seemed legitimately concerned as he folded his arms, searching her amber pools for clarity. He received none as Regina stretched her human arm out. Sleeping on the floor was incredibly uncomfortable, as she'd come to learn many years ago.

    "It's nothing." Regina spoke softly, shaking her head and insisting she was alright. This earned her a disapproving shake of the head from Rudy, who pointed behind her.

    "The last time it was 'nothing', that number went down a lot. If I recall, that was when you missed a shot on a reconnaissance mission..."

    Regina looked to the leaderboard where Rudy was pointing.


    Regina walked out of the gallery yet again, the sun streaming in through the panoramic window that spanned much of the left wall of the compound in the area. Maybe last night had gotten a little too much in her head. It was just some hotshot who thought she could compete with the very best. Regina always trained a little too hard when she felt inadequate or threatened. She'd taken it just a little too far again, that was all. And now that she'd shaved nearly two seconds off what was the best time, there was no hope of her catching Regina anyways. That was what she consoled herself on as her expressionless gaze surveyed the area. Today was a Sunday, so she didn't need to go to the gym...just a day to relax...and relaxing meant cleaning and inspecting her weapons. Especially after a night like last night.
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  4. #14
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    Anke crawled into her bunk having left Regina to her own devices. She could have predicted that Regina would have found herself back in the shooting range, trying to outperform no one but herself. A yawn escaped her lips her arms rising high above her hand, fingertips interlocking together palms turned up toward the ceiling. A perfect stretch. Reaching downward once her hands had parted she unlaced and removed her boots, toes wriggling beneath socks which were the next things to go. Those same fingertips then reaching down as her arms crossed over one another, fingertips gripping the underside of the shirt that accompanied the fatigues, hooking tightly and lifting her hands back up to peel the shirt away from her flesh.

    Porcelain skin marked up and down with an assortment of bruises, some deeper and darker, others a more vibrant shade of purple. None of it really bothered her. Standing and with another set of swift motions her pants fell to the floor allowing her naked feet to step out of them. Finally, fingertips making her way to her hair to retrieve several pins, allowing her platinum locks to fall onto her shoulders and below, spilling over like a waterfall.

    Sleep was quick to find her, it always was. Sometimes Anke wondered how it was she could sleep so easily, without so much as a single vision of what she had done passing by her closed eyes. No matter, best not to question such good fortune. The dawn came far too soon. Muffled voices and the feeling of a body crawling into her bunk, a rather cheery voice.

    "de Heer?" The female voice had asked.

    The body beneath the blanket began to writhe, hands emerging only to pull the covers up over her head. "Yes?" Anke called back, pulling the blanket down just enough to let her eyes show, gazing at the young woman in her bed. Normally this would be a welcome sight. But this morning Anke's mind was plagued with other thoughts.

    "Musta caused some upset. The Terminator spent all night in there, more than usual." The young woman seemed to imply that Anke had spooked her. Rising to a seated position, she could feel the woman's eyes scanning every inch of her exposed flesh. "Or she's just doing her job." Anke retorted, seemingly unamused by this. "I guess... I'll have to try harder." Anke sighed, and finally let herself smile. "Okay, okay, out of my bed, alright?" Anke laughed and finally rose from it. "It's my first day off in ages."

    "And it's only your third day here." The woman retorted as Anke brushed past, purposely bumping into her ever so softly, just long enough to allow her flesh to catch the warmth of her clothes. Shower and coffee, the first things on her to-do list. The pleasant relief of hot water. It was refreshing, revitalizing. A day off, freedom to be a little more of herself. To get to know her new home as it were.

    Donned in a fresh set of fatigues, though in honesty she'd have rather been wearing a dress Anke made her way back toward the shooting range, if for nothing else than to look at the results from Regina's late night. Anke sighed as from the corner of her eye she could see the woman in question slinking back off in the direction of the barracks from where Anke had just come from. "The champion returns." Anke called out, shaking her head somewhat softly. This morning Anke let her wet hair flow freely, no tight bun, just a touch of humanity apart from her life as a soldier.

    "Breaking your own records." From a certain perspective it may seem like Anke was almost stalking Regina. But this would be untrue, it was purely coincidental. Never the less Anke moved to approach Regina. "So what does Regina Carlisle do on weekends?"
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #15
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    Just as Regina was prepared to write off the previous night as some sort of bad dream, the boogeyman came calling yet again, and her voice reached Regina's ears in a way that had the sniper internally sighing. Still hunting her down, even after all she'd put her through the night before. She didn't seem the worse for wear...probably had a good night's rest, unlike herself. Regina still had aches in the parts of her that could still feel fatigue, and she wasn't sure how much of Anke she could tolerate. However, tolerance was something she'd been outburst was to show emotion, and emotion was weakness. Instead, she merely ignored the woman until she'd chased her down in front of the gallery.

    "I am only making sure I am at my absolute best." Regina responded flatly, not looking over at the girl beside her as she headed in the direction of her dorm. She looked more than a mite disheveled; her ponytail was ratty from sleeping on the floor and had hints of sand from the training course still in it. Her fatigues were caked in dried sweat, and she herself had dark circles under her eyes from lack of proper sleep. Not that any of that was about to hold her back. It certainly had her looking a sight, unfortunately. As to the question about 'weekends', Regina merely folded her arms as she walked. "I truly do not understand you." Regina spoke in the same monotone voice as always. Why did she continue to insist on speaking to someone that didn't enjoy being approached and was simply trying to prevent her from becoming a pariah?

    It didn't seem she was going to go anywhere, if yesterday was any indication. Regina remained indifferent, continuing to fail to make eye contact as her metallic arm reached around to grab at her shoulder. "I need to clean myself up." Regina stated this as a fact; she was dirty and smelled of exertion. After that, she saw no reason to alter her previous routine. "Sundays. Routine firearm maintenance. Normally I would train, but after last night I do not deem this necessary or beneficial." Unless, of course, Anke chose to make another run and started to close in on her record. Regina sincerely doubted she had the physical prowess to come close, though.

    From her footsteps, it was evident Regina intended to do at least the first of her tasks in her dorm as opposed to the communal washrooms. Regina rather found the co-ed nature of the showers to be in some distaste, as more than a few frisky soldiers tended to frequent them and use them for more...personal matters. Regina used the shower as a time to shed some of the stress from the day away, and didn't feel the sounds of moans and bodies wetly smacking against one another did anything to alleviate that. That, and Regina didn't dare let anyone look at herself without her military fatigues. She wasn't about to let someone see her imperfections, her physical impurities. No matter how strong she became, those scars would never fade.

    Regina's dorm, to the outsider, would look like a simple metal door built into the wall, just like any other entrance to the shared barracks. However, a fingerprint scanner rested to the frame's right, a black and green pad designed specifically for Regina's right hand, as well as a few high-ranking officials. She turned back to Anke then, giving her eye contact for the first time that morning. "I usually spend Sundays in my room." She made no move to shoo her, but very pointedly made clear the fact she was intending to remain in there for some time. She'd never invited anyone into her room...but nobody had ever asked, either.
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    Anke quietly followed behind Regina until they had reached a stride where Anke felt it was appropriate to step up and walk by her side. "Does it matter if you understand me?" The question was genuine. Anke perhaps wondering if Regina was capable of understanding her. Anke wasn't even sure if she understood herself half the time. In Anke's own view of herself there were exactly three qualities she possessed that made her a creature of worth.

    Anke was a rather talented and accomplished pianist. This was her only true passion in this life, at least as far as she was aware of. That one was a given, but something sadly underutilized or needed in a military format. Second, Anke was an excellent shot with cat like reflexes. This made her valuable to Osnen, certainly more so than her ability to play an instrument. And last, Anke did generally view herself as an attractive woman which didn't exactly hurt her when she needed something. To think of herself as a glorified weapon was something Anke hadn't exactly come around to, not like Regina.

    Suffice it all to say, Anke was not necessarily used to hearing the word "No." As they finally arrived at Regina's dorm room door, it was something of an uncomfortable feeling. Anke knew she wasn't really wanted here. But it seemed like Regina may have been so unused to human interaction on this level that she simply didn't really know how to politely tell Anke to fuck off. How much should Anke really be pushing? That was a central question that hovered in her mind as she watched Regina's door open and disappear inside.

    From the outside it was unassuming. Regina had her own private accommodations. They were highly secure, the assorted biometric scanning devices would ensure that no one who wasn't supposed to be here was in fact here. Anke knew in a moment she should stop what she was doing and ask before entering. This was Regina's private world, the one she didn't have to share with anyone. Her own sanctum. "Would you like assistance with your firearm maintenance?" Anke asked without daring to step over the threshold. That would be a line too far, even for her.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    It seemed Regina wasn't going to be free of Anke so easily. The mere question of it mattering if Regina understood her was met with a monotone "Of course it does." Regina needed to understand that which she could control. If things got out of her control, she risked making mistakes. To understand this operative trying to actively pick her brain on multiple didn't rightfully make sense. And Regina didn't like it when she couldn't properly comprehend. She said nothing more as she accessed her fingerprint scanner; the door slid open soundlessly to grant her access. However, as she walked in, Anke did not follow her inside. Perhaps she'd finally understood that maybe she oughtn't be hanging around the Terminator...or maybe not. As she headed to the door inside to the bathroom, a voice called out to ask her a question. Her permission, even. Regina frowned. "I have no opinion in either direction." Regina stated with the same neutral look as always before turning on her heel and stepping into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

    Were Anke to look in Regina's room, she'd note how incredibly barren it was. While there was a metal dresser filled with most of her clothes, and a bed in the corner complete with nightstand, she didn't seem to have much, if any, in the way of personal effects. The exception, of course, was the large metallic case by her bedside, sure to contain her sniper rifle, the one possession she had that she truly considered her own besides her pistol. Beyond this, however, all that greeted Anke was chrome wall after chrome wall, as well as the bathroom door. Regina seemed just as robotic in her preferences as she did in her mannerisms.

    Once she was alone, Regina heaved a sigh and finally allowed herself a moment to relax. Quickly her fatigues were flung to the ground, and the simple tie keeping her ponytail together was undone, letting her raven hair breathe for a moment. Next came her military-issue pants...with one leg cut off to give notice to her mechanical appendage. She shook her head as she always did, stepping out of them carefully as she turned the knob to start the shower. With her underwear removed, Regina stood bare as she walked into her rather spacious shower, placing her forehead on the metallic wall as she let the warm water pour down on her, cleansing the sweat and grime from the day before. She didn't let any thoughts cross her mind; shower time often led her to thinking, and she didn't particularly want to do any of that. She still felt tired, a byproduct of one of the worst places to sleep in recent memory. She took the time to lather her body, thankful her cybernetics were both waterproof and were unaffected by such things as soap. She tried not to look at the left side of her body; every time she did was another reminder that she was imperfect, incomplete.

    After somewhere between fifteen and twenty minutes, Regina stepped out of the shower, metallic clank audible from the bathroom as her metal foot hit the ground. She dried herself quickly, then threw on another outfit for the day. Her shift held an auburn tinge that matched her eyes, though her military-grade pants remained the same as before. Her 'leisure' outfit. Still no sleeve or pant leg, though. She exited the bathroom and, regardless of whether or not Anke had chosen to stay, began her weekly routine. Her pistol was removed from its holster and set on the bed; Regina preferred to save it for last, given how often it was used for practice. Instead, she took the case from the bed, removing her sniper rifle carefully from its felt-lined holder. She carefully, quietly disassembled the firearm, her metallic and human hands moving in tandem with the art of a master. She very carefully and meticulously cleaned each part in turn, inspecting each one to ensure nothing had changed or gone wrong since she last saw it. It was only as she was looking down the middle of the barrel that she even remembered that Anke had requested she be here for it. To Regina, she was simply lost in one of the few activities she felt just the slightest bit more human doing.
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    Anke found it hard to imagine that Regina truly had no preference either way. Anke was certainly proving to be a thorn in Regina's side, but she took this non-negative response as a positive so she entered the room. Looking around it did not surprise her. There was nothing. Only the standard issue items of furniture, there was no personal touch what-so-ever. No stupid mementos, or old worn photographs. Nothing to indicate that Regina had or needed any of those creature comforts that Anke had become rather attached to.

    Regina disappeared off into what Anke had assumed was a bathroom, leaving Anke to her own devices. Though she didn't really intrude. She merely took the opportunity to sit at the edge of the bed. Her legs were crossed at the ankles, the exact way she had been taught by her mother. The way real women were supposed to sit, none of this folding leg over leg shit. It didn't matter if that was more comfortable, it was not correct. It was a matter of moments before Anke could hear the water begin to fall from the other room. She couldn't blame Regina. That was likely an uncomfortably long night, though she had no idea Regina had fallen off the platform and asleep on the sound covered ground.

    When Regina finally emerged, she cast her eyes across Regina in her slightly more relaxed leisure outfit, and flashed a quick smile watching her retrieve her sniper case, carefully remove it and begin to disassemble it. Regina was predictably methodical, surprisingly gentle. Without so much as a word Anke took the pistol from it's resting location and examined it. Pristine condition, she cared for her firearms well. Anke slid slowly off the bed and sat on the floor resting on her knees, coming to a seated position her legs.

    Whilst in this position Anke quickly and efficiently disassembled the pistol. Anke demonstrated comfort and ease with the weapon. Anke began to clean the pieces as she went, examining them carefully to make sure she had achieved a level of perfection that she felt satisfied. It was better this way, Anke herself would never allow anyone else to utilize her sniper rifle unless absolutely necessary. But for once Anke was perfectly silent and focused entirely on the task at hand.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Regina was even more surprised to find Anke in her room once she glanced up, given how quiet she had been the entire time. What surprised her even more was to see Anke handling her pistol. Regina inhaled and her senses flared, but she recalled her training; do not react, merely observe first. Anke was taking care of her weapon like it was her own, giving it the same undivided attention she would. Regina paused her own work for a moment, simply watching Anke clean her pistol and treat it with respect. She said nothing, but she silently appreciated the work she was putting into the weapon, which lightened Regina's thoughts considerably. Once she was confident Anke was not going to destroy one of her only possessions, Regina set back to work on her own rifle, moving from the barrel to the mechanisms themselves and quietly going about her weekly work in tandem this time.

    It took a while, as it always did, but once Regina was content with the condition of her rifle, she silently packed it back up in her case piece by piece, placing each bit back where it belonged as though it might break suddenly at any moment. She calmly placed the case by her bedside once again and waited in silence for Anke to finish with her pistol. Once it was done, Regina took it and placed it back in her holster. "Thank you." A rare offering of thanks from the supersoldier. Regina wasn't sure she'd said those words to one of her coworkers since she arrived at Urlachen. Regardless, she was appreciative of the effort put in to her weaponry. Regina sat on the edge of her bed a moment, flexing and unflexing her metallic fingers. She had sensors built into the cybernetics to allow her the same sensations of touch as though it were a normal arm, but even with that Regina had to admit things just...felt different in her left hand. Everything felt a little different now, really.

    Regina seemed lost in her thoughts and utterly oblivious to the human being next to her until she looked up and seemed to recall that she was in her room with someone else. "Ah. Right." Regina seemed a bit uncomfortable, unsure of what exactly she was supposed to say or do now. She had nixed training from her schedule, so she didn't exactly have much to do for the rest of the day. She knew it was supposed to be for 'leisure', but Regina was already feeling restless. Her amber gaze made its way back to Anke once again. What was her goal here? Regina was considered the most unapproachable person in all of Urlachen. Why, then, was she going out of her way? As some sort of challenge? To get something from her? It wasn't like Regina had much to give.

    She'd been staring in silence for more than a few minutes, completely oblivious to the way such an action might come off, before she turned her gaze to the blank wall. "Normally I would go back to the range." Regina breaking her normal schedule was a rarity, but she still felt a bit of a sour taste in her mouth after the night prior. "I don't have any particular plans for the rest of the day." Her fingers drummed on her thigh, evidently trying to come up with something to do that was still productive. Anke had helped with her firearm..."Do you require assistance with anything?" Regina asked blankly, unsure of how else to repay her for a job well done.
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    When Regina uttered the words "Thank you." It caught Anke by surprise, she hadn't expected it. In fact, Anke was somewhat surprised that Regina hadn't moved across the room and grabbed her by the throat. It was a pleasant sense of relief even if it was somewhat difficult to believe that she was capable of or even wanted to express gratitude. Anke did like being surprised. Something about that drew her closer in, and left her wanting more. Anke was now starting to crave what seemed impossible. But she hardly knew the women, was it really just the challenge that appealed to her?

    Looking and watching Regina, she was curling and uncurling her fingers. "Do they bother you?" Anke asked, somewhat intrigued but tried her best to focus square on Regina's face. She smiled and did not let it fade. So, Regina had no plans for the rest of the day. But, Anke supposed that having stayed up god only knows how long to beat her own record would take it out of a person. Even a super soldier.

    Anke wondered if Regina was starting to see her as a person. Or was she still being torn apart trying to figure out what Anke's end game was. What she was after. Being the bold type that she was, Anke stood up and sat beside Regina on the bed. Her fingers slowly creeping toward Regina's hand. "I don't require assistance on a task per se." Anke was speaking truthfully. All of her errands and chores had been squared away. Anke was many things, efficient was at the top of that list. Nothing would be put off, nothing procrastinated or delayed. Anke enjoyed the satisfaction of rewarding herself after accomplishing all she had set out to.

    "There is something..." Anke wanted to allow her fingertips to gently make contact with Regina's but she had a feeling that might be taken poorly. It wasn't interesting, but for all of the women and men here who so casually throw themselves at Anke, the one person Anke longed to reach out and touch was the single person she shouldn't. Or should she? "Show me around the place? See the sights? Take in the views?" Anke smirked, letting out a small bit of laughter and biting her bottom lip. "Don't suppose there's a piano hidden somewhere..." Anke looked down at her hands, raising them up slightly she curled her fingertips similar to what Regina had done but for very different reasons.

    "Or if you prefer... we could stay here. Get a little more comfortable?" For the most part Anke was joking, and wondering if her meaning would be lost on Regina. Either way it amused her, at least for a moment or two.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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