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Thread: Trident 3

  1. #11
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    Carter retrieved his plate carrier from the bed, strapped his thigh holster to his leg and picked up his SR-16, already loaded with a 100 round box magazine. He slipped the three point over his shoulder then took his place in the middle of the road, walking next to Owen.

    There was several minutes of just walking, Hunter staying off the radio, and a radio would be useless to Mantis. After some time, Hunter let his rifle hang by its sling as he began to fiddle with his watch. He appeared to finish with his watch, then pulled out his PDA. After working with that, he slipped it back into his pocket, then looked to his watch.
    After a few seconds, Hunter gave a shout, "ĐI!(Go!)"
    Hunter pressed a button on his watch as him and Mantis began running at a full sprint toward the compound.
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

  2. #12
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    And this is where the fun begins Doc thought as he started running alongside the others as they continued to approach the compound on foot.
    Despite the dark, he almost expected to start taking fire at any moment.
    He started running down the list of wounds and field procedures in his mind as he ran, keeping an eye out for any movement and unwanted attention.

    If things didn't get harry before they reached the compound, they'd certainly be hectic when the got inside it.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  3. #13
    Giga Onion
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    Hearing the go signal, Nate went into action. He charged forward and closed the distance between him and the power generator. He posted up on some walls that separated him and the generator and proceeded to move around one side to get through the back way.

    Coming around that corner and spotting a guard, he ran up decked him across the jaw; knocking him out. He moved on inside where he spotted another boogey minding his own business. He ignored him and moved on to the generator where stuck a good amount of explosives. "This'll do the trick," as he slowly backed away.

  4. #14
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Hours before the Op

    Karina was sitting in a chair as she was examining a part from her little rover, a RC battery truck toy she bought from Ebay. She looked outside and sees how nice the weather was, a bright sun shiny day, no clouds, wind that breezes now and then. Then she turned her attention to a camera device sitting on a tripod, facing in a direction of a building that was about 3 maybe 4 football fields away. She sat in the same room for several days, watching over a compound for movement and kept track of how many foot soldiers went in and out. Her bed had her weapons laying neatly as if she was ready to make her next move, preparing for the unexpected. She played as a tourist in the city, a woman going cross country to country. When she was asked by locals of why she chose this location, she always smiled and said "I like the weather."

    On the table next to her was a map of the compound, she would take small strolls around the compound as she explored the city. Taking notes of entry points to add to her notes for her next report. There was a small grate entrance by the wall, which made her think she could use her little rover drone to get inside for further details.

    Her phone vibrated on the table and she looked at the ID, Unknown Caller. She answered, "Hello?" she asked, her accent was heavy with Russian but can almost speak English fluently.

    "Get out, you been tagged." Then the phone disconnected.

    "Der'mo." She cursed as she dropped the phone. She lifted up the bed revealing the hard floor beneath it. She grabbed her knife and used the hilt to push a small wooden floor board. Then she lifted up the board by board and started grabbing her things and placed them in the hidden compartment, including her weapons. She placed the bed back over it and grabbed the map of the compound, she takes a picture and quickly sends it to a contact on her phone. Then she drops the phone and stomps on it.

    On her way out, she had her backpack and covered her head with a hat and put sunglasses over her eyes. She heard a truck the moment she stepped out of the building and sees a couple of armed men. She was about to run when she sees another armed man standing before her and hitting her on the side of the head with the butt of a rifle.

    Hours later, she found herself waking up tied to a chair. The moment she tried to pulled the grip, she heard a voice. She looked around, the light was shining on her, the room was dark. "Hello?" She asked, looking around. "Why am I here?" She asked once again. A person, a man walked into the light. He had a beard and a bald head. She felt her nerves kicking in. "What is it you want?" She asked looking at the man.

    "We know you been spying on us, getting information for your Government." The man said as he inhales slowly. "We seen you looking at our walls, looking for weakness." He started walking around her in a slow pace. "We know of the hidden floor board in your room." He revealed one of the guns he had on his back. "Interesting equipment...Russian yes?" He asked as he examined the rifle.

    "I'm just a tourist..." Her breath was shaking. "Country to Country." She looked at the man. "I know nothing of those weapons."

    Then there was a strike to her face, she lets out a small scream of pain. "I do not like to be to lied to." The man said as he strikes her again. "Tell me...who do you work for?" She screamed again and yells "I'M JUST A TOURIST!!!" The sounds of body thuds can be heard outside, the sounds of screaming, grunts and pleas. The woman felt her body hit the floor, her face on the cold floor. Her face covered in blood and bruises showed their marks. "I...I...I'm just a tourist." She said softly, struggling to breath.

    The man was breathing heavily as he looked down at the woman, he sighs and grabs her pistol and pulled the slide back. "You are a very loyal soldier." He stood next to the woman and aims the pistol at her head. "You will die like one." His finger reaching for the trigger, ready to be squeezed, ready to fire. Her ears picked up another voice in the room. It was their native language, she made out some of the parts. "The boss wants to see you." She kept her eyes closed as she heard the man gives another heavy sigh, "I will be back...and we will continue our...conversation." There she remained, tied to the chair, face bloody and half her face covered with her hair. She had to think of how to get out...alive.
    Last edited by MidKnight; 09-29-2023 at 09:10 PM.

  5. #15
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    The sound in Hunter's ear, being provided by the PDA in his pocket, "Futari no omoide wo kasanete."
    1 minute gone, about 650 meters left. Good, but not good enough. Hunter gave a shout, "Nhanh hơn!(Faster!)"
    He was pushing now, it was also clear Mantis was as well. Formation of the three was perfect, Hunter on the left, to take out the left DShK emplacement and the left perimeter guard, Doc on the right to take out the right emplacement and perimeter guard, and Mantis in the middle to deal with the tower and gate.
    Second cue, two minutes, 300m, at this range the DshK's would open up at any second, but it was engagement range for the three, and at this pace about 15 extra seconds.
    Hunter clicked off his safety as he dropped to his knees. As he slid he pulled his left leg from under him to end the slide in a kneeling position, the rifle to his shoulder.
    Two shots on target, DShK down, and just then was the sound of full-auto M4 fire as Mantis let all 100 rounds go at the tower. As the SR-15 ran dry Mantis let it hang from the sling, reaching into his pocket, running zig-zag toward the gate, Hunter and supposedly Doc not far behind.
    Mantis reached the gate at an impressive pace, slapping the closure as he reached in, then ran to the side of the gate to avoid the fire coming from inside the compound. Hunter let his M21 hang, reaching back to pull his Mossberg.
    Mantis reached back into his pocket, then and explosion, rendering the closure of the gate non-existent.
    Hunter jumped into the gate, knocking it open as he fell to the ground. Hunter took shots at the nearest guards then began running to the back of the compound, hearing Glock fire as his watch kept beeping.
    Jump over a tube, slide under a jungle gym, another jump over a slide and behind a climbing wall.
    Phase 1, entry, was complete. Now was time for Phase 2, courtyard firefight.
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

  6. #16
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Doc did his best to keep pace, but he wasn't nearly as graceful either his sliding stop, landing on his back. Crap.

    He didn't try to get up, it was already too late. Mantis and Hunter started opening fire as Doc managed to get his rifle propped up on his legs to fire and let loose.
    Guards out. Time to run some more.

    He got up to his feat and sprinted to make up the short distance the others manages to gain on him and slammed into the wall next to the gate before it blew.
    He quickly checked his mag and popped it back it, peaking around the wall to empty it before reloading.

    Doc followed Hunter as shots rang out.
    He does a should roll over the and puts shots on a guard to the left, and proceeded to run around the other obstacles.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  7. #17
    Giga Onion
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    Default Get Busy Living

    Phase II was a go, and the bomb was ready to blow.

    So Nate took the opportunity at the first sound of gunfire to hit his clacker.

    The ensuing fireball killed the power.

    While already behind cover Nate smirked, "Lights out."

    The guard who was minding business was now on alert, but Nate was prepared. He came out of cover and took several shots at the guard. A few hit the dome while the others land elsewhere on the body. This dropped him. He moved into the compound proper to collapse onto the rest of the team.

    He pushed into an adjorning corridor, and was met with confused gunmen. He slammed his back into some cover before peeking out of his position to openfire at them. He took advantage of their confusion and killed the first while disabling another. He slid back into cover, and kept to the dark of the corridor.

  8. #18
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    An empty 100 round hit the ground next to Hunter as he slipped another minishell into his Mossberg, then darkness. Hunter paused for a moment, then spoke, "Ficken prima."
    Hunter looked to the sky as the Mossberg rejected a minishell, which was then placed back in it's slot on Hunter's chest. He pulled his PDA, working on it for a moment before saying, "Das werk," and placing the device back in his pocket. He set the shotgun against the wall as he began speaking to himself, "I felt the hate rise up in me, kneel down and clear the stone of leaves, I wander out where you can't see, inside my shell I wait and bleed."
    Hunter flipped up the offset irons on the M21, speaking again, "I felt the hate rise up in me, kneel down and clear the stone of leaves, I wander out where you can't see, inside my shell I wait and bleed."
    He stood crouched against the wall, waiting a few seconds, then, finally, "Goodbye!"
    Hunter stood up turning around to face the courtyard as clouds floated out of the way of the moon, washing the entire compound in moonlight.
    Hunter, double taps. Mantis, three round bursts. After a few moment, Mantis crouched for a reload, and the bolt of Hunter's M21 refused to slide back into battery. Hunter let go of his rifle, picking up his shotgun as Mantis stood up again to send another volley.
    Hunter pulled the trigger, discharging the shell, then began working the slide, the gun discharging every time the slide reached the forward position.
    The 14 shell discharged, and the Mossberg fell to the ground, Hunter pulling his Glock and aiming it at the courtyard.
    Enemy was either dead or in cover. He picked up the shotgun, placing it in it's holster then took his rifle back into his hand. He pulled out the empty mag, then replaced it with a full 20, racked the slide, then spoke, "Advance."
    "Good men mean well, we just don't always end up doing well."

  9. #19
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Her eyes barely opened, her eyes were gazed but she could barely ear what was going on around her. She felt a rumble, dust flying off from the ceiling. It took her a moment to shake off the daze, she breathing heavily from the hard punches to her stomach. Bruises shined on her face, blood as well pouring from open wounds. The ringing in her ears had finally stopped, her eyesight was normal. She regained her conscious and looked around the room with one visible eye. She could see the room, the light shining in the middle and everywhere else was dark. She looked at her restraints and sees a knot below the arm rest. She doubled checked her restraints, arms and legs. She manages to push herself forward, like doing crunches on her side. She managed to grab the knot with her teeth, attempting to try and loosen the knot was her best shot.

    It took her a minute or two but she managed to loosen up the knot and pulled. The restraint was loose for her arm and she started loosing the other knots. She was breathing heavy as she struggled to stand on her own two feet. She staggered her way to where the man had disappeared to. She could barely see the door except at the bottom where the light was shining. She slowly opened it and takes a peek through the gap. She could see the man who tortured her, standing there, on his phone, talking with someone important.

    She opens the door more slowly and looks around. The man was alone, talking on the phone and she had a rope in her hands. She tightened the ends with her wrist and slowly snuck up behind the man. She swings the rope around his neck and pulls back hard. The man falls backwards like she planned and held her position as she pulled on the rope and the man tried to grab the rope but to no avail. He struggled, legs kicking on the ground and gagging again'st the rope. She growled as she pulled with her strength, her shins on the man's back to keep him from maneuvering around.

    It didn't take very long for the man to stop squirming and lays there motionless. She lets go of the rope and lays on the ground for few seconds before getting back up on her feet. She walked over to the dead man and finds her pistol in his holster. She reaches for it and pulled the slide back and fired several rounds in the weak spot of the body armor. She spits on the body and says "Gori v adu svin'ya" then she started checking the man's gear for the rest of her weapons.

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