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Thread: [IC] RPAlandia -hammer 10k [Updates on every Friday]

  1. #11
    KyoY8's Avatar
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    After being sucked into the screen Kyo looked around a little at his surroundings and others who are experiencing the same fate. He took a glance at his hands and glanced into a window to look at his reflection and shrugged seeing his avatar. "Well, stranger things have happened I suppose." He mutters quietly to himself.

    He walked over to the windows looking at all the towering buildings, "We aren't in Kansas anymore Toto." He added to his mutterings. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and thought for a moment. He needed to get back, he had so many things to procrastinate about.

    The broken dystopia was something that was slightly comforting, but at the same time he preferred his old life, and he thought that heading to the tower would give him a lay of the land. With a heavy sigh he began to walk, taking his time, looking around the place as he climbed The Tower

  2. #12
    Argon Jaden's Avatar
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    The first thing AyJay did when he (she?) was sucked into the computer was the sensation of freefalling before his back hit something solid. Not really able to keep it in him (her?) he rolled over to the side and emptied the measly contents of his (her?) stomach. AyJay sighed, willing the spinning headache to go away.

    After a while he (she?) opened his (her?) eyes and looked at the two towers in the distance. Forcing himself up, AyJay noticed how... Unbalanced he(she?) was. Glancing down, AyJay gasped, patting his chest in awe. "Holy shit... I'm a dude." Finally settling to go with the gender of the Avatar, he made a few turns, examining himself for injuries and marveling at the temporary body. Oh, and he was taller too! Pumping his fist in the air, he decided to randomly walk towards one direction, singing softly to himself.

    As he reached the tower, he saw a few familiar faces. For a moment, he wondered how he would announce his presence. Simply walking in and sitting in the OOC couch while waiting for someone to notice him just wouldn't do. He scanned the familiar faces for a victim. There's Cfavano, P.K., Blazing Falcons, Omac and of course—

    "WOOOOOLLLLFFFIIIIEEEE!!!" AyJay screams at the top of his lungs, the sound bouncing loudly off the walls as he tackles the Crazywolf in an attempt to hug his friend. "Fancy seeing you here!" He chirped, before taking notice of the other members. Raising his hand up high, he gave an enthusiastic wave, seemingly unperturbed by where he was. "HEEEEYYY!!" He cheered, regaining his footing and beaming. Wait, why was he at the tower again? He pondered on it for a while, tugging the fur coat tighter around his body. He had time to explore it on the way, and was very pleased with what he saw. Well, felt but that's beside the point.

    Glancing around, he let out a low whistle, wondering just what was going on. "I wonder if something's gonna pop up." He also wondered if he could conjure some candy, but instead, he focused on taking his surroundings in. He bounced on his heels and sneezed softly.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  3. #13
    ArtisticVicu's Avatar
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    Azzy chuckled, face hidden by the mask they thought was amusing. Eyes and mouth portraying a permanent grin were dressed in black and seemed depth-less. The black paint - the circle around the right eye, the bulging crescent on the left side - made the stark white stand out even more.

    It was meant to be creepy.

    At the edge of it all, they watched, curious. More than not - in fact, at this point, only two had deviated - those trespassing through the lands picked the tower. They slipped from their perch, shoving their hands in their pockets. Intuition was screaming tower but mind was not feeling up to dealing with a crowd so Azzy started for the Conservatory, keeping back and out of the way.
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

  4. #14
    Month the of Member November
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    Crazywolf was taken off guard when the young man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and tackled him. At first he was confused who this was then he remembered that there was only one other member on the forum who would tackle him on sight.

    He stood up again and brushed the dust off his jeans. On reflection he guessed it was in fact quite exciting to be actually meeting other members in person (well sort of) even if the situation was still a bit surreal.

    "Hi Ay Jay I see you changed your avatar" he said. "I'm not sure what is going on round here but maybe somehow we can figure it out."
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 08-03-2017 at 02:13 AM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  5. #15
    Argon Jaden's Avatar
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    AyJay grinned at the greeting. "Yep. Did the edits myself." He seemed proud of this, although his previous Avatar was also something he did. Well, it's not like he had enough skills to do really good avi's and sigs, he'd leave that to the really artistic ones. He does respect them for being able to do it though.

    "And I see you changed yours. I was more used to the white-blue wolf." He commented, before letting out another sneeze when dust flew up. "True. There's a lot of members though... I'm almost feeling a little shy." He said truthfully. Glancing up and around, he began humming again as he bounced on his heels.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  6. #16
    Your daily overdose of cute
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    P.K. glanced down from the rooftops when she heard the commotion. So there were others here! Uh.. Lets see she didn't recognize anyone by sight, of coarse she'd never met them in real life but if they were all going by their RPA personas... Someone had shouted wolfy? maybe? there were a few wolves on RPA she knew of Crazywolf, Stormwolf and Wolvesofwriting. "uh..." She peered over the roof at the faces below, they were scattered through out the street all on their way to the tower it seemed.

    She wished she knew who was who... But there was only really one way to find out. "Hey! I'm coming down!" She shouted before jumping over the side of the roof. This is not something she'd do in real life since... well she was sure footed and all but she was pretty sure she'd hurt herself. But P.K. was better at this stuff anyways. She hit the ground and shoulder rolled to lessen the impact before popping up not far from the two and dusting herself off.

    "Hey!" She huffed. "Its P.K.! uhm, I don't suppose anyone... knows whats going on here?" she asked though she was pretty sure the answer was no...
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  7. #17
    Argon Jaden's Avatar
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    "Nope. No Idea." AyJay said, tilting his head slightly. "It's Argon." He said, realizing P.K. didn't recognize him. Er... Her? Ahh. He should just stick to the male gender of his Avatar.

    He knocked his fist rather loudly on CrazyWolf's chest, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he had used more force than necessary. "And this here's CrazyWolf." He said with a grin. "It's pretty hard to recognize anyone here. I'm just glad I managed to sneak a peek at some of the Avatars before getting sucked in... I haven't seen the mods around though." Then again, he usually tried to steer clear of trouble, though he did occasionally greet them when they crossed paths. "Probably a thing for the anniversary?" He voiced out.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  8. #18
    KyoY8's Avatar
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    KyoY8 turned seeing people recognizing each other, however he did not. He wasn't really looking for recognition; he was only a small time roleplayer around the site. He simply remained quiet, looking around the dilapidated tower for any hints of what was happening,. He ran his fingertips along the bricks and mortar carefully, hoping to discover some form of sensory information from the tower itself but to no avail.

    It was a puzzling mystery, he looked at his watch which had stopped and gave it several taps to see if it would magically start working once again, but no sign of life came from it, not that he really expected it would.
    "Hopefully the protagonist shows up and announces his plan like they usually do." He muttered, more to himself than in any answer to a question.


  9. #19
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Note: Since I want to give new players a final chance to join in, there will be no death this week.

    Conservatory Tower
    Griff Cfavano
    Eddren AngelDellaNotte
    asharasahara Omac
    Storm* P.K.
    max shadow* Blazing Falcons
    Argon Jaden

    *Accepted after the first week

    If you picked Conservatory

    Before you stands a magnificent looking structure, made of little materials and a lot of looking glasses. There are dead plans all around you, a proof that once life flourished in this area, along with crazy experiments done by Imp when he worked on his Resident Evil RP, back in the old days.

    There is a weather system before you. You may click and Activate it.

    Voices reaching your ears from Both directions.

    You need to decide now!!

    1. Will you press the buttons and activate the system? (This will be decided by the majority of people posting in favor)
    2. Will you go East (Shelter) or West (Tomb)?


    If you picked Tower

    You've entered the tower. A poor reminder of tallest threads build upon discussions and posts. You start to climb and you can feel like that the stairs simply leading you back in loops. As you are about to give up hope you hear weak panting.

    You look beside you and see a cage, but cannot make the shape of the figure looming within the shadows. A key is hanged beside one of the torches on the wall, so unlocking this cage seems like a simple task, but will you do it?

    As you struggle with this dilemma screams are heard below you and above your head. The path of stairs seemed to be indicating of two ways to approach within this tower, but where will you go?

    You need to decide now!!

    1. Will you unlock the cage? (This will be decided by the majority of people posting in favor)
    2. Will you go up (Attic) or down (Dungeon)?

    Remember to highlight your answers and bold them so it will be easier for me to know which way you are going for.

    The next update will be on Friday August 11th. Make sure to post before then.
    Last edited by Kris; 08-11-2017 at 12:37 PM. Reason: Still accepting more players

  10. #20
    Poppa Squirrel
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    Default To the Conservatory

    Storm sits at his desk tapping his fingers on the oak desk. Reaching over taking hold of the caramel vanilla coffee, takes a sip pondering

    'RPA is 10 years old this year, why hasn't Kris or the other Mods and Admins sucked us in for another party yet....'

    Having a ruck sack with peanut butter cookies ready, not going to be without cookies for the minions after all, toggles to another browser page.

    The lights flicker a bit before he hears the squeak of a recon squirrel
    "Damn, it took you long enough to find the correct trap page to pull you here Sir."

    Pulling the sack of cookies off his shoulder, inquires
    "So, what does Kris have in store for 10 years?"

    "10 years, wow, has it really been that long? We still have not over thrown Naz's void, Kris' Fortress of Doom, though another pasta night would be sooo sweeeeeeet, we still have a Cact..."

    Storm stomps his foot down "Quit drifting, what about the 10 year party that should be planned!?"

    "Gosh, my bad. We haven't gotten much recon done, the peanut butter cookies have been dwindling lately. Oh well, so far all the peeps that been arriving seem to be heading to the Tower..." as the squirrel wags it's tail in the direction of the tower "... but a few seem to be going in the direction of the Conservatory..." now wagging it's tail in the direction of the Conservatory "... just haven't found out about either place though Sir.

    A grin forms on his lips as he ponders 'Hummm, lots of people all heading to the Tower, so many people for Kris to enslave or eat, fewer people heading to the Conservatory, think that would be the direction I might head.'

    With that, Storm hops into a limo he conjured up, several squirrels trying to figure out how to drive. Storm chuckles and with a wave of his hand, the squirrels morph into
    Spoiler: Su Lin 
    , one of his favorite character creations. She turns her head back and offers "Conservatory was it?"

    "Yea, no need to rush, I am sure the others that have a head start should be there by now."

    With that, the limo starts in the direction of The Conservatory.
    Last edited by Storm; 08-04-2017 at 06:49 PM.

    Signature created by the awesome .Karma.

    Spoiler: Looking for a Story to Join? 

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