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Thread: Gears (M) IC

  1. #11
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    I'm honestly not sure, it might be a cave, but it's too dark to be certain.
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    "This is Shadow calling CrossFreeze, come in CrossFreeze" The Shadow pilot called "Is it possible to shatter the frozen Aliens?"

    Spoiler: Favorite Quote of All Time!!! 

  2. #12
    Argon Jaden's Avatar
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    "Eh?" He mumbled in confusion. "Possible? Yes. I pretty much think you can." The blond mumbled back before diving into the fray, guns rattling off. He shot at the slowed aliens and attacked a frozen one, smiling when the head cracked off. "This is CrossFreeze; Shadow, it's an affirmative." He circled upward and barraged a small group. "Canon still needs time to cool down. Won't be shooting it for a while." He reported.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  3. #13
    Enigma83's Avatar
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    I'm honestly not sure, it might be a cave, but it's too dark to be certain.
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    "Roger that CrossFreeze" Shadow reported
    A large shoulder mounted gatling gun started spinning, mowing down Aliens, frozen and unfrozen alike
    "Good work CrossFreeze" Shadow responded enthusiastically

    Spoiler: Favorite Quote of All Time!!! 

  4. #14
    Member TheExiledChampion's Avatar
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    Lionel was showering bullets onto the recently frozen enemies CrossFreeze had left them with his Ice Cannon, then started to climb himself out of the trench to avoid the coming missile from W1DOW. Stopping to check if STRYKER was following behind him, then looked up after CrossFreeze had gave alerted them of an approaching enemy. Finding an giant heading towards them, "great...just great." Lionel exclaimed as he continue going for a safe distant from the coming missile, more worried about being blown up by friendly fire than an alien's giant war machine.

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    Spoiler: Helpful Stuff 

  5. #15
    Enigma83's Avatar
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    I'm honestly not sure, it might be a cave, but it's too dark to be certain.
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    Over the comms the Shadow pilot heard Ash say "We have a problem"

    Shadow stopped and turned towards the giant Alien war machine, which was charging straight for him
    "Oh, holy mother of fuck" Shadow's pilot whispered

    It plowed straight into him, carrying him a solid forty meters before attacking him with it's razor sharp tail.
    Shadow dodged out of the way and fired it's Gatling gun, only to have each round harmlessly ping off of it's armor.
    "It's fucking minigun proof?! Who makes a creature that's minigun proof!?" Shadow asked incredulously

    Shadow sent out a broadcast to all other gears "EVERYONE FALL BACK" he shouted "I'LL BE WITH YOU ONCE I TAKE CARE OF THIS UGLY SON OF A BITCH!"

    Spoiler: Favorite Quote of All Time!!! 

  6. #16
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    Jacinto tossed another Alien on the ground and stomping on its' head with his foot. He looked around and heard the barrage warning on his hud, he quickly reacted after meeting up with Reaper. He seen the Aliens' were frozen from CrossFreezes' weapon, which made him smile a bit, he could see the heads explode from the sniper shots. He was glad he actually found a team that would work together in a invasion.

    After keeping up with Reaper, his hud made a sound, he looked to his radar and noticed something big was heading towards them, he quickly looked for his target and spotted something big coming their way. At first, it was charging at them, but he seen a sniper shot hit its' target in the head. Then it changed direction, "What in hells' hole is that?" He asked over the comms. He didn't had the time for questions, he quickly moved towards Reapers position and gives him a budge, "Come on! We got to move!" He shouted over the radio, as the countdown had reached its expiration.

  7. #17
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    She had all her placements and missile batteries linked to her tactical map. As positional data was sent to her GEAR she'd be touching the map, initiating a countdown to friendlies to let them know it was time to book it before she began to fire. She knew not every pilot would make it out of the zone before the impacts, but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make. If a GEAR was too damaged to move, that GEAR wasn't going to last much longer anyways.

    She kept an ear open for the comms, keeping herself updated on the status of the field as she continued to lay down the rain. Her eyes glanced at the two buttons that were there to launch the two Hammers she had on board, wondering if they'd run into a target big enough to warrant using them. That day will be the day W1D0W will meet it's match. Ash came on over the coms about an approaching target and she saw it appear on her tactical map. It was just a single target, big by alien standards but still not enough for Sammy to divert her bombardment. Her GEAR wasn't good with single targets unless they were huge.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  8. #18
    Giga Onion
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    Default GEARS: Forward onto Destruction I: The First Engagement I: Touch Down

    Drop Zone Locked
    Five Mikes before Touch Down
    Locking GEAR to Extension Clamps
    Opening Hatch

    Attention all GEARs, This is Commander Blake. We all have suffered from the enemies all before, we have all lost that was beloved to us, we have ripped from our future. But today, today is the day we make a pay back to those who have ripped us from our society. Today is the day, not one more human soul gets slaughtered, tortured or killed. We will push on, and drive the enemy forces off of our planet, because this is our home, and we will not be taken kindly off of this world! Make these Aliens pay for their mistakes GEARs! Show them what Humanity can do!

    The message he received from Commander Blake was several seconds ago. However several seconds doesn’t count between life and death. The Battlemaster locked in place as the aerial plane came into the immediate warzone; extraterrestrial anti-air fire present. There was rattling upon the plane, but the pilot of the Battlemaster, James A Dultchry [Codename: 15th Legate] was unaffected by the shakes and rattles of the plane. James went over the specs of the GEAR and with this looked towards his overhead display. The pre-fall thrusters were attached to the back of the Battlemaster as James readied himself for the drop.

    Dropping GEAR in ETA Twenty Seconds

    James waited for the red light to go green; that didn’t take long of course. James reached over to a lever and before he knew it the green light flashed on. James pulled the lever back releasing the clamps on the machine allowing the GEAR to enter freefall. The GEAR fell heavily towards the Earth as the extraterrestrial anti-air fire zipped passed the machine. James was having trouble keeping his body centered as the force of the fall was causing him to lean back in his seat heavily. However once the five hundred meter mark was reached James reached for the button that activated the pre-fall thrusters. James jerked forwards, as would the machine as he slowed down immensely. Before James knew the GEAR had collided with the ground causing most of the extraterrestrial threat to leap for cover. The Battlemaster had arrived upon the battlefield.

    James pressed his right foot down upon the peddle causing the right leg to be lifted up into the air before slamming down upon beach’s sand. James activated the speed modifier ordering the machine to travel at a steady ten miles per hour. He used his targeting system to quickly scan the battlefield referring to his Navicomputer for guidance as to whereabouts of the several other GEARs on the battlefield. James was suddenly confronted with extraterrestrial foot-soldiers, but had been quickly dealt with by the Mass Driver Auto Cannon built into the left arm.

    “BM 1-1 to all callsigns. Battlemaster has arrived at drop zone point Mike Charlie. What is the situation. Over.”

    James said through the communication systems on the Battlemaster. He glanced around wondering if there was anything that was significant other than the battle taking place before him. He kept his eyes on the foot-soldiers of the enemy crushing them and destroying them in the minor weaponry in his disposal.

  9. #19
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    As the beast engaged SHADOW, a Hissing Roar was heard as the air to the left of the beast began to warp and the creature fell to its side, wounded, but still alive. The land near it has been glassed, and was still glowing and bubbling with heat. It lead all the way back to LANCEL0T. "Sorry I'm late, fellas. I was having a wonderful evening with this pair of Russian models. I can see I didn't miss all the fun, though." He says at the creature gets up, roaring. "My, you're an ugly one." Marcus says over the external speakers. "I'll enjoy taking your head." He then cuts the speakers off as the beast gets up. "Full Manual" Marcus commands, standing up as the consoles and command chair slide away, revealing a flat platform for him to stand on.

    A Holographic wire fram representing Lancelot forms over him, and the screen widens. He shakes his limbs a little bit to get limber, jabbing several times and bouncing up and down from one foot to the other. LANCEL0T also does this, as the beast roars. "Let's boogie!" he says as they charge each other at the same time. it leading with its fangs. But marcus simply roundhouse kicked it in the side of the head. It then began lashit wit its tail, but Marcus went on the defensive. Bobbing and weaving to the left and the right, even parrying with his sword once or twice. "That's it, big fella. Show me all of your moves."

    Then he saw it, the mistake. The beast overextended its tail attack, and that gave time for a counter. With a whirring roar, the teeth of his sword whirled to life as he brought his sword down on the tail, sparks and ichor flying as the teeth shredded their way through it. within a second, it had been cloven through. Ichor spraying out. The beast roared, obviously enraged. "Ooh, that made you mad, didn't it?" Marcus said with a grin.

    It charged him once more, to try one last chance at trying to bite him. But instead of dodging, he thrust his cannon as a punch directly into its mouth. This shattered several teeth and caused it to get stuck. The beast tried pulling away or clawing at LANCEL0T to sty and get away. The latter hurt, but failed. "Hasta la vista, baby." Marcus says as he makes a fist with his arm controlling the cannon, which causes it to fire. Less than a fraction of a second later, the creature exploded violently, showing any of the other gears in range with flaming gore and sizzling ichor. It wouldn't damage them, but it would be hell to clean off. LANCEL0T, however remained clean. Using the main radio channel, Marcus broadcasts a single message. "FATALITY!"

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  10. #20
    Hell Knight of RPA
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    U.S.S Odyssey

    Overseeing the battle.

    Commander Blake watched as the GEARs have landed on the beach and begun their attack. He also watched as the planes and helicopters were shot down by anti-air projectile launchers by the enemy. He stood at the observation room, with his officers and watched the battle. "Captain, what is the statues of the field?" He asked over the communication link. Not moving an inch from where he was standing.

    "Sir, the forces are advancing slowly, enemies forces are starting to decrease in their numbers, though we are losing more air crafts then GEARS." The Captain replied with what reliable information he had. "Sir, we got reports of a unidentified creature on the field, and closing in fast on of our special operator GEAR, Codename: SS-405. One of our Elite Sniper GEARs. And of course has been intercepted by another GEAR, Codename: Lancelot.

    The Commander looked closely, he could see the intense battle between the two, he gives a slight smile as he watched the rest of the invasion force. More GEARs arrived on the beach shores and quickly advanced on enemy forces.

    "This battle could be over in a matter of minutes sir." One of the officers said behind his back, "At least we know our GEARs can fight an enemy their level now." Another had said.

    The Commander shrugged as he continued to watch, he takes a deep breath and kept his focus. "This is not over, there are more on the main land, if we push them back, they'll regroup and can hold off our forces, picking them off one by one." The Commander said, "Captain, order whats left of our fleet to open fire on the main land, preferably ahead of our forces, I think the extraterrestrial life force, needs a wake up call."

    "Yes sir." The Captain replied, "All batteries, prepare to open fire on designated location on my mark....Mark."

    Several ships opened fire, the rounds hitting targets that were farther away from their military forces.

    Jacinto was on the ground as he watched the bombardment has begun, "Hey W1DOW." He called over the comm link, "Those ships cannons are more powerful than yours." He joked with a slight smile, "Alright, let's clean up! We still got enemy forces on the ground." Then he heard the Battlemaster GEAR call.

    "Battlemaster, this is Stryker, about time you got here, we got stragglers running around, forcing us to pin down, I think our boys on the left flank will need your help." He turned his attention to Reaper, "Reaper and I will watch your six." He gives Reaper a nod, "Come on." He said, moving his GEAR to follow up with Battlemaster.

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