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Thread: Round two [Conquistador-vs-Paladin]-Judge Kris

  1. #11
    Knight in Swiss Armor
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    It still confused the naga somewhat how a lunge... an attack which thrust his weapon forward in order to take advantage of its long reach... had somehow placed him within the short reach of the mace to begin with, but the fact that the paladin's Blessing of Resolve was always active had allowed Antenor Ramirez to use it against him with stunning success, pushing himself back out of the close range he had never intended to enter, while inflicting serious injury on the human's shoulder.

    Now positioned to defend the rusted staircase, he observed his prey. The effect of the injury was obvious... and it seemed as if the human would pass out from pain and blood loss at any time. So... he was indeed mortal, after all. Despite all his boasting and insolent behavior... the paladin was only human. Clearly, he had lost the fight... the unorthodox gambit of exposing his back to the enemy, which may have worked against a less skilled, less experienced opponent, had cost the man dearly. So why did he continue to struggle?

    The paladin was truly loco to discard not only his now-useless shield, but his weapon as well, in order to grab a.... hot coal? Brutus also seemed to be talking to... nothing in particular. At least, nothing Antenor could see. Perhaps he was hearing the voices of his fallen order, calling him home to join them in the afterlife? If nothing else... he seemed to be oblivious to the Aqua Acida that was now filling the room, with no real desire to take ascend the stairs in the near future. Perhaps the water would do the work for him... disappointing though that may be.

    As the paladin once again declared that he would die in this room, the naga couldn't help but laugh... a hissing sound, which most humans tended to find disturbing. "How do you intend to kill me... by bleeding on me?" he said with another chortle. It wasn't lost on him how the paladin had grabbed several vials.... lamp oil, perhaps? Combining them with the hot coal could spread a fire... but even if he did light the lamp oil, the human's left arm clearly lacked the strength to throw them.... and pouring oil onto the coal in his weapon arm would only set the paladin himself ablaze.

    If the human had been a bit less delirious from hearing the voices of ghosts, perhaps he would have realized that picking up the vials in his weapon arm would have allowed them to be thrown better... but the naga had no intention of letting the human swap them over. As another steel tube on the far side of the room burst, spilling foul water that smelled of Aqua Acida, he noted that several other steel tubes ran horizontally and vertically across the room. Were they all full of the same water, perhaps?

    "Face it, human," the naga hissed. "You've lost. It is pointless to continue fighting once you have defeated... know you not that the first lesson in strategy is to learn to live another day? But if you kneel like the peasant you are, and beg for mercy.... I might be inclined to grant it." A wicked grin crossed the naga's face, revealing sharp snake fangs as the Conquistador drew the head of his weapon back to his shoulder, directing the steel bludgeon at the base of his weapon towards the Scotsman.

    "So KNEEL!" he shouted, swinging his weapon forcefully at the paladin. It was clearly a beheading blow... the ax-head directed at the man's neck in a move which would remove the head of an unarmored target with ease. Considering the paladin's mail, it might not be such a clean blow... but definitely lethal. Antenor expected his opponent to dodge the blow... by ducking most likely, as there wasn't sufficient room for anything else.

    However... should the human dodge his deathblow, his polearm would merely strike the steel tube next to him, which would cleave through it and spray water all over him, easily dousing the coal in his hand. Should the pipe be flowing with Aqua Acida, it would have a much more devastating effect indeed... dissolving the man's armor, along with his flesh. Perhaps it would also dissolve the stairs and block his way up, which would cause him to wade in the growing pool of Aqua Acida in the room. A truly painful, excruciating death... to suit the dog who dared to become a knight.

    Holey Paladin's armor by Haya

  2. #12
    Crimson Casanova
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    There was a void within the gray fog of lost memories. Within that void, the Paladin knew that he changed. As an adolescent, the young McTavish had aspirations of joining the Order and becoming a legendary hero. As a pupil, Brutus dedicated himself completely to his divine training. From an outside perspective, his humble beginnings sounded similar to a typical origin story for a valiant knight.

    Yet, within that void, Brutus became a completely different soldier. A cold and cruel man with reckless tendencies. A predator with a terrifying conviction to slay all unholy creatures. A dark avenger that deeply understood the world didn't need another hero in its uphill war against the darkness. It needed a monster to slay the other monsters. No, not just a monster...

    ... You must become a Devil.

    The agony of the fresh wound continued to throb across his torso. The burning coal's heat pierced into his right hand. His grizzled body threatened to collapse at any second. The Steel's vision continuously blurred but the strength of determination remained within those dark eyes. The Paladin sprinted up the stairway and towards the cackling Conquistador.

    Nevertheless, against all odds, Brutus knew he achieved victory when the naga-beast raised his halberd.

    Pride is the most pervasive sin. The Steel knew that Antenor Ramirez was an arrogant and ambitious creature. You still don't understand, Conquistador. You will die in this room. Even though these words were completely true, he never intended to intimidate the abomination. Instead, these challenging words were used against the serpent's ego to ensure he wouldn't settle for a disappointing end by retreating.

    "How do you intend to kill me... by bleeding on me?"

    No, I will cast your wretched soul into the hellfire.

    The engineering room continued to deteriorate around the combatants. Several pipes burst across the chamber and cascaded the putrid water into the area. The ground was covered by a thin sheet of the rancid liquid which threatened to rapidly climb up the rusted stairway. It seemed that the deity of this lost civilization intended to claim two more lives to fulfill its bloodthirsty appetite.

    The Conquistador wasted no further time and swung the halberd in a beheading manner towards the rushing Paladin. Brutus noticed that the trajectory of the ax-head remained true to a steel pipe even if he evaded the attack. How convenient, his deity's last-ditch effort to save him. The Steel knew if the monstrosity cleaved through the pipe, the water would extinguish the coal's flame. He also speculated the putrid liquid had a strong acidic agent considering it broke through the metallic walls.

    His adversary presented him with an ultimatum. If Brutus continued his assault, unchanged, he would find the halberd buried within his neck and gorging on his lifeblood. If he ducked underneath the ax-head, it would simply sunder through the pipe and unleash a dissolving torrent onto the Paladin. However, there was a third option and one that the serpent least expected.

    The Steel, without hesitation, jumped into the Conquistador's deathblow. He only ascended by a trivial foot but the ax-head met the top of Brutus's left shoulder instead of his neck.

    The abomination's weapon cleaved through the mail and burrowed deep within the Scotsman's flesh. This was a sensation reserved for those on the brink of death. The overwhelming pain shattered throughout his nervous system as steel met bone marrow. The grizzled warrior howled out in agony, and in that brief second, Brutus MacTavish lost consciousness.

    Even with all of his willpower, Brutus couldn't withstand the devastating effects of that fatal blow. However, he was painfully self-aware he was only a human being and had insurance to bring him back to reality.

    His right side harshly slammed against the metallic wall and his eyes jolted open. He found himself stumbling forward a couple of steps and felt the Blessing of Resolve reactivate. During those few precious seconds in midair, the Blessing became inactive since his feet were no longer planted on the ground. The halberd's blow carried his momentum to the wall and Brutus used his own body to cushion the blow against the pipe. The sudden impact also helped him regain consciousness.

    The Paladin wasn't aware if he simply dented the tube since he couldn't feel any fluids splattering against his back. However, he couldn't feel much of his body other than the excruciating pain pulsating across his whole being. Even his vision failed and he couldn't refocus his blurry sight. Yet, he could still discern the towering figure of the naga-beast before him.

    The dying human found himself staggering towards his opponent. Six feet away. Five feet away. His left arm was half-way cleaved through and held together by only a few sinews and tendons. His respective palm faced upward and barely cradled the oil-filled vials. It was a boon that the Blessing deactivated in the air, otherwise, his entire arm would've been hacked off. Despite his body being at the brink of collapse, Brutus formed a final devious smile. Four feet away.

    You underestimated my conviction for the last time.

    The Steel's reckless gambit came to fruition. He never intended to throw either item against the naga-beast. He fully intended to be within arm's reach distance to enact his suicidal strategy. No matter the costs, he couldn't let this genocidal maniac escape even at the sacrifice of his own life.

    To slay a monster, you must become a Devil.

    The dark avenger was fully aware of his heinous actions and corrupt soul. Brutus knew he would be condemned into the eternal damnation of Hell. However, he was oddly content knowing his afterlife. The world didn't need another hero. The Paladin was willing to become a demon lord to eternally torture all the dark souls of this world, including Antenor Ramirez.

    "I'll see you in hell, you ugly sack of shit."

    Brutus finally lost his balance and fell forward. However, during that fall, he summoned the rest of his strength and swung his right arm towards his opposite hand. The burning coal shattered the oil-filled vials and ignited a fiery explosion between both Conquistador and Paladin.

    In the end, Brutus's vision was engulfed by hellfire.

  3. #13
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    This battle was amazing. I loved the way it played out, and aside of few notes which I'm going to list, I think both of you stayed in-char and responded to each other well, and in very exciting manner. The ending was beautiful (even though part of me expected the Paladin to take the impact on the vials and then having them both exploded, but that's me ).

    You both controlled this battle beautifully, and you both reacted to the surrounding in a very very good manner. However, I want to present to you few things that should be taken into consideration regarding this battle. I think there were problems in few posts regarding how you both responded to each other.

    1. Both of you crossed the idea of what "suggesting" a damage should be. This is something that I would advise you both to take better care for the future. If you want to suggest an outcome, do so, but please don't go over the line of "this will def. break someone bones" or "no one can escape this attack". That's, in my opinion, crossing the idea of what "suggesting impact" should be.

    2. Post #4 - While I can go as far as say that the Conquistador was seeing the attack coming, I don't think he would be quick enough to block the attack straight out or without direct accuracy, but I could be wrong, so I let it slip. However, even if he could do that, I don't see him escaping this out completely without doing any harm to himself by the falling coals. Again, I could be wrong about this, but that's what I think about this.

    3. Post #7- While I think the idea of taking the hit head on in order to perform the next attack was clever, I wasn't sold on the idea that the weapon was stuck to the flesh of the paladin in a way that prevented it being removed (mainly if the one holding it is as strong as a Naga creature), or that the paladin in his hurt state was strong enough to deliver a powerful jaw smashing attack (he could however hold a weapon and attack normally, but I dunno about a powerful attack). Again, I could be wrong, but this leads me to the next point:

    4. Post #8- There should be some kind of regard to the attack coming from the paladin. Even if I am not sold on the idea of the weapon stuck strongly within his flesh, the paladin's mace was in use and the closeness was making it possible so that some kind of harm should have been happening to the Conquistador. I think even the Conquistador couldn't have responded quick enough to push the mace away and still keep his weapon. And the mace landing should have been regarded first and it should have landed. The actions done in this post couldn't work as they were written and the attack from the mace should have hit.

    5. Post #10- I didn't understand why he needed to carry items with his hurt hand, when both his hands were free. What more, vials still have some weight, so I'd loved it if you mentioned how many you carried (or if any were dropped while running), as I think if he is hurt that his carrying capacity should be more limited. I am also thinking there were a bit more actions in this post, but since there was no actual impact I would let it slide. Plus I could be wrong about the action count, so that is why I will not go into it in depth.

    6. Post #11- the start of the post was confusing to me.


    Writing Style: 7
    -Ideas 3
    -Flow 2
    -Conventions 2

    Effectiveness of Combat: 8
    -Character Consistency 3
    -Ingenuity 3
    -Interaction 2

    Control of the Field: 9
    -Environmental Awareness 3
    -Strategic Awareness 3
    -Control of the Fight 3

    Score: 24


    Writing Style: 9
    -Ideas 3
    -Flow 3
    -Conventions 3

    Effectiveness of Combat: 8
    -Character Consistency 3
    -Ingenuity 2
    -Interaction 3

    Control of the Field: 9
    -Environmental Awareness 3
    -Strategic Awareness 3
    -Control of the Fight 3

    Score: 26

    RedKayne (Paladin) moves on to the next round

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