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Thread: [M] [IC] Fallout: Ain't That A Kick In The Head?

  1. #11
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    Dani nodded at Joe's thanks and surveyed the area. She holstered her weapons as Nikola sauntered up and Dani scrunched up her nose at his alcohol heavy breath as he spoke. "Well, all things considered, I think that went well. Oh, and by the way, Joe, you owe me a bottle of whiskey." She rolled her eyes and prepared to give a biting retort when they all instinctively turned and pointed their weapons at the darkness. She quickly scanned the rest of the camp while the others focused on the mysterious form. It seemed this one was the only one left.

  2. #12
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    Stephen sighed and holstered his shotgun, and Rhea returned to his side. Cautiously, he stepped forward so he was somewhat easier to see. His disinterested expression did not change, but he kept his hands visible in case one of these caravaners proved trigger happy. "Not here to cause trouble," he assured them. "Just wanted to make sure you were able to keep off the raiders. And it looks like you did, so my work here is done."
    icon art by the always lovely Ekatii@dA

  3. #13
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    Joe stood up and started to run after Stephen. "Wait! Who are you? Are you with a caravan out this way? We could use some help about now. I can pay!" Joe said. He stopped in his tracks when he saw the night stalker, " keep that thing as a pet?"

    Joe thought the stranger's appearance strange, he had the tellings of a civilized man, but the appearance of a wildman or tribal living out in the wastes here. But Joe didn't care, he knew without most of their supplies, without the Brahmin, and without their previous firepower, they wouldn't be likely to make it back to New Vegas, much less to their destination. The only thing they still had was what was on them, a few bags the tribals didn't grab, and the damned radio which was still playing. Their only hope was that this stranger either lived in a civilized town nearby, or he was with a caravan that they could travel with.

    Joe certainly didn't know how to survive out in the wastes, his home was in the luxurious hotels of New Vegas or the electrified cities of the NCR. That wasn't to say Joe was completely useless. He had been in binds before. As a teenager and young man, he used to run around and cause trouble, go out for days with one of his flings in the then untamed wilderness. Even after beginning to work for the NCR, he was held hostage by a rogue cattle baron during the Baron's war, and only barely talked his way out of getting shot.

    But living off the land? Joe couldn't imagine hunting or gathering for his own food, protecting himself from mutants or wandering tribal raiders. They were done for if this man could provide no help.
    There's a black crow sitting across from me
    His wiry legs are crossed
    He's dangling my keys, he even fakes a toss
    Whatever could it be
    That has brought me to this loss?

  4. #14
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    Nikola sat down by the smoldering ashes of the fire, sat his weapon down beside him, and was joined by his Gecko. After digging around in his bag, he pulled out a small flask with a strong smelling liquid in it. He took a swig from it, cringed and shook his head. After compossing himself, Nikola held up his flask and yelled to the stranger, "I'll tell you what. Sit down, have a drink, and we can talk about our future. I think we have a lot to offer each other."

    Nikola was worried. He knew how to survive in the wastes, he had done so for several years, but he was no miracle worker. The wasteland is a harsh and unforgiving place and with their supplies gone and their guards dead, it seemed that luck was running out. He wasn't about to let anyone else see the worry in his face though. Panic only breeds more panic. Perhaps this stranger would be able to help them out, or perhaps not. Either way, Nikola began thinking about what to do next, even as he addressed the man who helped them fight off the raiders.
    Last edited by UserError404; 03-14-2018 at 04:12 AM.

  5. #15
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    Dani followed close behind Joe as he hurriedly walked up to the scruffy stranger. She was supposed to keep him safe afterall. She made eye contact with the man and kept one of her guns at waist level, indicating she wouldn't hesitate if he were to try anything. She let her eyes quickly scan between the stranger and his night stalker companion. She had always loved animals of any kind but she knew she should still be on guard. As she stared down the night stalker her Raven abruptly landed on her shoulder with a squawk. "Where have you been you stupid Beggar?" Her attempt at a harsh tone failed and betrayed her relief at her pets safe return. She quickly refocused and locked her icy blue eyes on her objective.

  6. #16
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    Stephen almost immediately shook his head. "No, no, no. Not a part of any caravan, or any anything, and not really interested in changing that," he replied quickly. He went on to explain, "Money's useless out here in the wastes, and useless to me. I only stopped because I'm not heartless enough to watch the raiders finish you off. That's it."
    icon art by the always lovely Ekatii@dA

  7. #17
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    Joe was not pleased with what he heard. He ran after the stranger, "Lay dead, Daddy-O! You don't help us our chips are out! Our bet is off! Or in other words, we're fucked! You don't want money? Fine, every man needs something. Tell me what it is, it's yours baby! I work for real top cats back in the NCR. They'll give anyone who does them a real solid a reward. Whats a cat like you doing out here anywho? You don't live with these savages do you? Show us back to New Vegas and we'll make you shine baby!" As he was talking he caught up, and grabbed the stranger's shoulder, probably not a wise decision.

    Joe was afraid that the guy was just some odd ball loner, but even a cat off their rocker must know his way around out here if this was where he was living. Maybe he could show them how to get back, or what to eat, or anything was better than the situation they were in now.
    There's a black crow sitting across from me
    His wiry legs are crossed
    He's dangling my keys, he even fakes a toss
    Whatever could it be
    That has brought me to this loss?

  8. #18
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    Nikola wasn't entirely sure what was going on. He was definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol at this point and he wasn't really sure what to do when people started walking away from the camp in the middle of the night. He looked at his flask then back at Joe who was chasing down the mysterious man. He spent the next few moments staring at the fire and thinking about what to do.

    Nikola put his things in his bag, got up to follow Joe, and immediately fell down on his face. He wasn't sure what he tripped on but he was now on the ground watching what was left of his party walk away. Without getting up, he began to contemplate his new situation. Out-loud, he began to say "Oh cruel legs. Perpetrators of my fate. Betrayers of my destiny. You've carried me so far and now you leave at my lowest of lows. E tu Brute?" He trailed on, making less and less sense, until he was just mumbling to himself. Niels came beside Nikola and began to gently gnaw on his owner's arm. Nikola continued to lay there, either unable or unwilling to move.

  9. #19
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    Dani attempted to listen to the conversation between the two men in front of her but was distracted by the sound of the drunkard behind her. She glimpsed back at him and rolled her eyes as he tripped over the leg of a fallen caravan member. She couldn't help but crack a slight bemused smile as he moaned to himself on the ground. Tearing her attention away from Nikola she refocused on Joe and the stranger just in time to see Joe grab the strangers shoulder in desperation. She tensed up at the motion, as did the strangers canine companion. She locked her eyes on the wanderer and positioned herself as close as possible to Joe with her knives drawn and spiked knuckles showing, in preparation for possible retaliation. She also spoke the first words she had directed at any human during this entire ordeal. "Please excuse my friends boldness. As you can see we are in quite a bind. It would be of great help to have an extra set of hands. Although we may not have much at the moment to give you in return." She felt odd asking for help from a total stranger but she could usually read people well and this man seemed like a decent one. She also felt odd asking for help in attack position but her instinct to protect and her instinct for survival were knocking heads.

  10. #20
    Member LupusSilvae's Avatar
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    As soon as Joe's hand touched Stephen's shoulder, he whipped around and took several steps back, all while glaring at the offender. "Don't fucking touch me," he snarled shortly. Rhea's reaction was almost as volatile, indicated by the fierce rattle coming from her tail and a sharp hissing sound. Both refrained from physically retaliating, but remained ready to act at the slightest provocation. Taking a second to recover from the unwarranted contact, Stephen continued in a low voice, "I don't want anything to do with New Vegas, the NCR, or whatever the hell it is you think it can offer me. If it'll get you to shut up, I can stick around until you find someone else who will put up with your shit, but that's all - and you're replacing any and all ammo I have to use keeping your sorry asses alive."
    icon art by the always lovely Ekatii@dA

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