Okay... Now it comes clear. Now i understand. Of course... i do have to point out that Tentacool is also Water... and poison.
So... if you got a Tentacool and trained it with care and compassion... but also with strength and determination... as well as perseverance. You could wind up with a tentacruel that has a personality that mirror's that of your character. One that is like forever paired... to you. Didn't you know that? I did. Just read up on the thread where the adventure resides and see how loyal and close the pokemon are to their trainers because of those same reasons. There's good logic.
But never assume that you can never have a Tentacruel. You can. Just that you have to train a tentacool and evolve one into that first... Unless you can come up with a Bio for your character that dictates as to how you already had a Tentacruel. Either way... i never said that you couldn't... All i am doing is laying out some creative ways to evolve a Tentacool into one that you can bond with... with pride and sheer will. A one that mirrors and shares your personality... That's all. But you can have one. Never doubt that you can... you can. All you got to do is set it up in a way that works for your place in the tale... and such. But make it where it puts you... in a very amazing light. You can do it. Just believe. You can.