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Thread: Stargate: Phoenix

  1. #11
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    "Please do not call it a Pew. Call it a..." Austin paused for a moment trying to think of something better. Only thing she could think of was the weapon from Star Trek. "Phaser. Since no one has any questions we need to run by the armory to put away the...Phasers, get the Kull armor, and stop by lockers to change, and then the infirmary. All in..." She checked her watch. "35 minutes. Better make the infirmary our first stop just in case one of you is sick. Time to hustle."

    The team made their way to the infirmary. "PT-1 reporting in for our probing."

    Major General Loyer was on the phone when the Doctor arrived. He returned her salute, he then gestured to a seat. He stood up and stretched. "How goes the flu situation? Please tell me it's better than last year." With the new war with the snakeheads he couldn't afford to have over half of the teams down with the flu.

  2. #12
    The Grey Lady
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    "Oh, because calling it a Phaser is so much better." Andrew rolled his eyes and was clearly suppressing a laugh. He found the whole thing rather amusing and often though the military created acronyms first and worried about what the letters would stand for later on. "Yup, good ol' pew pew!" He couldn't really help himself, well he could have, but he decided rather not to, as every now and again moments of levity were appreciated, warranted, and could unknowingly brighten someone's entire day.

    It was shortly after that, that he made his way to the infirmary with the others on his team. This part was something that brought him considerably less joy. Though he delighted in seeing the medical staff, in the back of his mind he wondered if he had the stupid flu, and how that would mean he wouldn't be cleared to go off world. That would be a fitting, but somehow terribly cruel punishment, something wrapped up and guised his own safety. Of course it was, but still the thought was too terrible to think about.


    Evie took a seat and crossed her legs, her palms moving alongside the hem of her dress as though smoothing it out and giving herself a moment to think. "Better than last year? Certainly." Evie was not just playing coy, it was the truth. By and large the cases thus far had been fairly mild and identified early enough to put those individuals in quarantine. "15 confirmed. None fatal. Though had Wilkinson not checked in on Saunders... that may well could have been a casualty." Evie, when speaking to her commanding officer did not mince her words.

    "We're quarantining all confirmed cases, and separately those with suspected cases until the test results come back. We are also implementing a mandatory check of all outgoing and incoming Phoenix Teams. Standard procedures." The flu wasn't the thing that was bothering it, no, it was the goa'uld, but that wasn't surprising.

    "What news from home?" Evie asked rather patiently.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  3. #13
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    By this point, Dr. Westhouse was there, and they had managed to stop Whitetower'a bloody coughing fit and they were examining him when PT-1 walked in with a "PT-1 reporting in for our probing."

    Oki'na sighed. She was never gonna catch a break, was she. Well, she wanted to help. So she would.

    "Alright. Everyone take a seat." Oki'na said through her mask as she changed out her bloody gloves for a fresh pair om her way to get the rest of the supplies needed for the examination, amd she had to brush her hair out of the way a little as she walked over to begin. "anyone have any symptoms? Excessive coughing or sneezing? Any headaches, nausea, or chills? Tiredness or lack of appetite?" She asked as she starts checking all their ears first. That way, they could all still talk.

    Nothing seemed off... yet. But you never knew. She went through everyone, doing both ears, talking her tame and looking very carefully. They last thing they needed as a sick team that was through the gate where they'd need to send another team to get them. And where they might be spreading it to others.
    Then again... if they managed to pass it on to one of the enemy Jaffa and they survived long enough to make it back to the main force...

    Oki'na shook herself. One should not be thinking such thoughts. She was here to heal and support others, not fight. She would leave the war and fighting to those who refused the peace her people had accepted.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-08-2023 at 03:05 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  4. #14
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    Austin reported no symptoms. Ward on the other hand very obviously faked a cough.

    Loyer sighed with relief. "Thank goodness for that." He started a coffee pod. "Want one? As you know the Goa'uld are back and their ships are using Ori weaponry or something similar, their opening salvo was the seemingly simultaneous destruction of the other off-world bases. The following is pure speculation on my part, I believe if not for the nebula surrounding the planet we might have suffered the same fate. The Jaffa ships are not strong enough, they have reluctantly agreed to allow teams to upgrade their ships with Ori-based weapons. They will also need new shielding, but I haven't heard anything about that. For now, SG teams are continuing to explore new planets and looking for the Gou'ald. PT teams are going to check old strongholds for signs of reoccupation." He checked his watch. "In about thirty minutes PT-1 will be going to the Kull homeworld Tartarus." His coffee pod was done. He took the first sip. "Homeworld Command suspects that the reason the Lucian Alliance hasn't been seen recently is due to the resurgence in Goa'uld activity. The Goa'uld have new staff weapons that can produce sonic and lightning attacks. They still use the typical staff. So you'll need to be prepared for it all. Do you have any other questions?"

  5. #15
    The Grey Lady
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    Andrew also had no major symptoms save for his usual allergies that seemed to plague him no matter where he went. Though it was a relief to him to know he hadn't caught the flu just yet at least. He supposed there was a whole season for such an ailment, so it might just be a matter of time before he came down with something anyway.

    Evelyn all the while took the General up on his offer for coffee, and held the warm mug neatly between her hands. The situation seemed a little more dire than she had first considered, although these developments were not surprising. It made sense that the PT teams were off to defend, reclaim, mind old hubs of Goa'uld activity. They were notorious creatures of habit in their centuries upon centuries of life.

    "I will be prepared. You needn't worry General." Evelyn smiled, she stood once her coffee was finished and the two had resumed a general chit chat, sort of things discussed between old friends. She offered a salute before she left the office to return to the infirmary. Once there the last of the PT-1 crew had been screened and was cleared for duty. "Ward start coughing again?" Evie rolled her eyes and offered something of a laugh up in return, all too familiar with the routines of her colleagues. "Alright, you're all good to go. Try not to get killed." Evie waved her hand and signed off on the documents clearing them officially.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  6. #16
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    "Well, everything seems to check out." She said, after she was done checking everyone's mouths as well. "I'll clear you to depart. But don't take any chances if you suddenly start developing symptoms in the field. I wouldn't want you getting yourselves killed because you couldn't help sneezing when you should be hiding, or that you can't see straight because of a sudden, nasty headache."

    She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a pill bottle. "Andrew," She called, and tossed him the bottle. "For the allergies. Take two before you leave. And take another if it gets any worse. Just don't take any more than four today."

    After that, she'd look around the infirmary to make sure everything was handled before heading off to the library. She did say she'd get Chris a book to read. Removing her gloves, but opting to keep the mask on , she headed down the corridor.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-09-2023 at 08:51 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  7. #17
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    After the good doctor left Loyer went about his usual duties. During his calls with Destiny and Atlantis, they transmitted their shopping lists. He was looking over them. When reviewing reports, he found it more beneficial to dictate his thoughts and orders to Reuben Lane, his personal assistant. He didn't always give them to Reuben if there was nothing for Reuben to do. "Got most of this readily available. We will need to request...." He began dictating several items they would need to request the SGC to send them. He then emailed his dictation and the shopping lists to Reuben.

    After getting a clean bill of health, Austin led Ward and Andrew to the armory to turn in any unapproved weapons and gear for this mission and to pick up the mission-approved gear the GDO, Kull armor, duel plasma repeaters, and kull disruptors. Once they had their gear they went to the locker room to change and store their uniform.

    As they walked through the halls to the Gate Room in full Kull armor they got some dirty looks and quite a few guns pointed at them, after that Austin ordered them to remove their helmets until they were ready to step through the gate.

    Once in the Gate Room Austin went to the DHD and began dialing Tarturus. "Helmets on and be prepared for the worst." She said a silent prayer just before she stepped through. Ward just before she stepped through took one last look just in case she didn't come back.

  8. #18
    The Grey Lady
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    Evie waved as PT-1 departed the infirmary, bound off on their mission. She had resigned herself to preparing for a worsening situation. "Time for inventory..." Now that the new supplies had arrived, it would be best to get a handle on what they had, did not have, and following up with the flu patients. They would need to be ready at a moment's notice for a potential evacuation from the home worlds... It was something of a devastating thought. "Good luck." She whispered to no one in particular.


    The kull armor was significant and weighty. Not only did it carry with it certain assumptions and perceptions, it was never failingly heavy. It was a wonder that anyone managed to move so swiftly as the kull in this set-up. But for the time being it would do the job and get them the entry that needed onto the planet. Thomas did not question it. Standing before the great Stargate once more, he donned his helmet as commanded.

    "It never gets easier." He mouthed those words, offered up a small sigh though no one would be able to tell. Walking up to the event horizon he did as he always did, turned and looked back at the base he was leaving and stepped through. This was ritual shared by many of the members of both SG and PT teams. One never did truly know if they would return. It was a thought worth noting, but not dwelling on. A healthy optimism would carry them much further than a bad attitude.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  9. #19
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Oki'na passed Evie right as she left the infirmary on her way to the library. She stopped only just long enough to exchange some briefe words.
    "Lunch at the commissary, right?" She asked as if to confirm, "I'll see you there. Oh, and I cleared PT-1."

    And with that, she walked off to the library with purpose. She stepped in and began her search and found the series he had spoken of a few times before. Percy Jackson.

    Hold on. Olympians? She skimmed through one of the books and found more mention of gods and deities. She rolled her eyes with a sigh. They already had the Goa-uld, and Asgaurd, the recently defeated Ori. Now these... Olympians?
    Well, he seemed to enjoy it. Maybe he read it for the information gleaned from it?
    She picked out a later book in the series and checked it out before beginning her walk back to the infirmary.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 07-22-2023 at 01:52 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  10. #20
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    Austin was first through the Stargate. She knew several major incidents occurred here. The first was Jacob and Samantha Carter, Teal'c, and Bra'tac destroying the Queen birthing the Kulls. The second was the Rebel Jaffa conquering an abandoned planet. The base was as she suspected, it appeared to be still fully functional but powered down, at least the Gateroom appeared that way.. "It looks abandoned but be careful. Remember in this armor we are nearly invincible. Don't fire on anyone or anything unless fired upon first."

    The base was huge. Capable of fielding thousands of Kull warriors plus support staff. Their best bet was to split up, if not for the Kull armor she would never suggest such a tactic, especially with just three people. "I am only suggesting this because of the Kull armor, I think it is time to split up. It'll go much faster. Report whatever you find over the radio. Remember we are using throat mics, just press the button and talk as if we are in the same room."

    Austin looked around "We don't exactly have a map of this place. Ward you should be able to find their computers that way. Based on other bases and what Lt. Colonel Carter and the others reported during their mission." She signaled for Ward to go to the left. "Andrew I believe the birthing facility is that way." She signaled for Andrew to take the right. "I'm going to go find something to blow this place up, they have to have an armory or munitions for the automated space defense weapons the Jaffa destroyed. Somewhere." She proceeded straight down the center.

    Ward was looking forward to digging through the computers. She planned to download the schematics for those automated space defense weapons. Why Stargate Command or Homeworld Command never came back for them was beyond her. She always assumed it was due to the Jaffa being the ones to conquer it, but she didn't really consider an abandoned planet capable of being conquered. In her opinion, it is like saying America conquered the moon because they planted the American flag there. She had a mini-computer stashed in her armor just for this. She custom-built this computer, it was a lot smaller and more powerful than the laptop SG teams always used on missions.

    Austin wasn't given a clear reason why they couldn't bring explosives with them, orders were to use on-site explosives materials, she figured it had something to do with the Free Jaffa Nation. Probably supposed to look like an accident caused by the base being abandoned.

    Airman Taylor Saunders began suffering from seizures. Tests on his blood sample came back revealing that the virus running amok in his system was completely new but had RNA which partially matched the Phoenix flu and the flu found on Earth.
    Last edited by KRCmdrSheppard; 07-24-2023 at 12:01 AM.

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