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Thread: APOTHEOSIS: 2.0

  1. #11
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Eda just sat there, too absorbed in her book to really bother with giving anyone attention, but she felt sure there where a few eyes on her because of being faunus
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  2. #12
    Agent Rina's Avatar
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    Sorrel squinted her eyes as she stared weirdly at Talvon and then got in his personal space and right up in his face.
    "hmmmm.... I think I must've seen you somewhere before. You mean Schnee as in THE Schnee academy??? So you must attend those boring networking parties then??? Or are you actually interested in those kinds of boring normal things?Ah never mind, no one is into those except the old people and adults." She then laughed a bit before turning abruptly to Rafe.

    She then stared and squinted her eyes at Rafe and got in his personal space all up close.
    "and you! That's obviously something that must've been something to deal with. Being adopted and not calling yourself real family is kinda sad. Is it because you were forced to come to the boring "parties" which is a totally understandable and you weren't even used to that! How horrible! Well, I personally hate those parties as well! But!Honestly you shouldn't use the term not really family, you should just say he's your brother even if you aren't related by blood. Adoption is a strong thing so I've heard...."

    She then stuck her hand in the air with the pointer finger up and looking down before looking up determined at Rafe and stuck her face right into his. " Well no worries!"
    She then gave a wink and a pat on the shoulder, "Your secret is safe with me not really family Rafe!!!"

    "Man you guys are so cool! My new Besties are brothers!! Annnnd not only that but ya'll, we're going to have some of the best times as friends! And no worries Talvon! We won't be making enemies any time soon because you're so cool and I don't even know you that well! So you shouldn't worry about that!
    She then paused for a moment as if she remembered something.

    "You shouldn't worry about psychopaths. It'll be just fine! You should listen to your not family brother Rafe here! AANNNNNNDDD also! You can totally count on me! Cause we're all gonna be besties!!! Man! you guys are such great friends to have! We can totally trust each other and all that good stuff already!" Sorrel teared up at the thought of it, it was just so beautiful!
    Last edited by Agent Rina; 08-11-2019 at 05:14 AM.

  3. #13
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Talvon and Rafe both groaned as Sorrel either through intention or some strange mental quirk misinterpreted both of them. "Rafe, I'll be boarding why don't you re explain things to this young lady and I'll pick out a couple of seats where we can get a good look at the competition." He said before making a swift retreat up the boarding ramp.

    "Oh sure, just leave me wtih the nutcase" Rafe said over his shoulder and quickly reached out with a finger shushing the babbling young lady. "Ok ok, slow it down. 1. I'm not adopted, I just don't know who my family is I was raised in an orphanage and only given a place to live at the schnee academe after Talvon sponsored me there. 2. he's worried about sycophants not psychopaths, you know the kind of people who tag along with people better than them for the benefits of their reputations." Rafe took a short breat but wisely kept his finger in a position to silence Sorrel again. "Also if you're going to be my friend could you ease up on the assurances we've got everything under control for now but I'll tell you if somethings bothering us I promise." Once he was done Rafe turned on his heel headed for the ramp.
    "Well, you coming Sorrel?"

    After having left the over energetic girl to Rafe to handle Talvon boarded the airship taking a quick stock of the situation. The passenger cabin was designed much like a luxury yachts social space. there were plenty of seats for the passengers to secure themselves but there was also plenty of floor space to stand and even tables for leisure and dining. How ever his eyes were drawn to a young faunus girl sitting alone her nose buried in a book. The first thing he noticed were her ears slightly twitching on her head in response to the mutterings of the mixed crowd but of greater import to him was the weapon on her back. Reminiscent of his own but wholly different as well. As was his wont Talvon began to mentally assess the weapons possible strengths and flaws. Nothing concrete since he hadn't seen her wield it in combat or practice but it should serve him as a baseline if he never got the chance to watch her fight.
    While he mused on this he saw someone detach themselves from the crowd. She was a fairly tall girl even without the heeled boots she wore, her dresses beveled skirt gave her clear freedom of movement but also an elegant appearance. on her back was what appeared to be a twin bladed staff. She was moving directly for the faunus girl reading her books.
    "Pardon me, but you're not going to spend the whole flight reading are you? This is a prime chance to get to know others I mean you are enrolling in Beacon aren't you?" She asked in genuine curiosity.

  4. #14
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Eda sighed at this situation and put a quick mark in her book before snapping it shut.
    "I prefer reading. I don't like talking to people, some get really annoying" she says "reading helps me to think sometimes. And if you really must know, I'm a transfer student over from Vacuo.
    Is there anything else? Or can I go back to reading?"
    She does make an attempt to be nice, not wanting to seem rude, but she may be coming off as a bit indifferent.
    She continues to lean back on her bag as she looked at her conversational assailant in the eyes, ears twitching ever so slightly.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  5. #15
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    Sorrel listened intently as Rafe explained, but only for a little bit. She soon zoned out as she thought about some things as he talked.
    "Ah! I've done it again!I jumped the gun and assumed I heard something else and instead misheard something! Ah no worries! He's all for clearing it up anyway!! My what a good friend he is I'm sure he's saying important things!"
    She then nodded at the nice thought. She then was giving him her full attention again.
    "Also...." Rafe continued and then Sorrel zoned out again.
    "Must pay attention, this should be important! Oh man this is gonna be so great! He's so awesome. We're going to have the best friend groups and also I bet they have friends too! Ooooh this'll be good! Oh. wait. I missed what he said!!! oh no!!" She then tried to pay attention again after being so caught up in the moment of excitement.
    Rafe was talking and she had missed part of what he said, but she did catch the last part as he was talking.
    "we've got everything under control for now but I'll tell you if somethings bothering us I promise."

    She stood there for a moment contemplating the last part of what he was telling her that she did pay attention to.
    She then snapped away from her thoughts as he called out to her.

    "Well, you coming Sorrel?"

    "Ahh!! Yeah!" She then sped up and quickly strode to his side and then continued to talk.

    "OOohhh! Can I just say that I seemed to have misheard a word or two earlier, and to be a honest since we're friends and all and we can tell each other stuff, I kinda didn't hear everything you said earlier, But, like I don't wanna hurt your feelings or anything as you are really kind and explained it all... And also I'm sure that it was all really important! However No need to worry as I caught the most important part of it all! The part where you said Talvon was worried about people and stuff,but it's a relief he's actually not afraid of psychos, cause I've heard that they can be hard to tell apart from regular people like you and me sometimes, but hopefully we can ease his worries! Cause that's what friends are for! And also! It's so nice of you to trust me and to tell me if anything is bothering you guys! We're gunna be great friends I can feel it!"

    She then continued to blab away with other nonsense as she practically talked Rafe's ears off as she walked beside him.

  6. #16
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    The pink haired woman smiled sweetly before reaching out and plucking Eva's book from her. "Nope not going to fly sweetie" She said gently holding the book just out of the girls reach to bait her into standing up and following her to the others. "Beacon has this thing about teamwork, so if you're aim is to become a huntress you're going to want to be a little warmer."

    This girl wasn't being pointedly rude, at least in Talvons eyes. Instead she seemed to be behaving like a domineering older sister and looking out for others.

    "She's not wrong you know." He said stepping in keeping his eyes on Eva. However he had purposfully chosen a way to approach that took his past the pink haired girls taunting hand and plucked Eva's book from it without looking causing the girl to blink perplexed before sticking your tongue at him like a brat.
    "However I don't think stealing someones property is the best first impression. What's your name anyway?" he asked dropping Eva's book back in her lap.

    "Just call me Iris, and don't bother introducing yourself Talvon Schnee. Everyone knew you'd be on this ferry today. Out to prove you're worthy of leading that little school your family built huh, think you can hack it?"
    Talvon just smirked at her. "Whether I think I can or not isn't the issue, it's what I have to do so I'm GOING to do it."
    Iris just grinned smothering an excited girlish giggle. "Oh good I love it when men like you are so confident makes it more fun to take down."
    Talvon shook his head not really understanding Iris's game but turned to Eva. "And you? Iris does have a point, no one enters or leaves beacon a lone wolf, if you'll pardon the expression. You're going to need to form at least a working relationship if not friendships with your fellow students."

  7. #17
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Eda was a little stunned at the act of her book being handed back to her, and interestingly, followed the conversation. and when it comes to her, her eyes narrow.
    "I will make the bonds when it comes to them" I say "I see no point in making the attempt now. Besides... they tend to get in the way anyhow"
    This last part was said with a bit of experiance as her eyes seem to look down and into an unknown distance, with what a hint of a memory of tears.
    "I would like to be left alone if it isn't to much to ask" she says, her voice still as level as ever as she opens her book, her eyes seeming to be looking just past it.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  8. #18
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    Almost as soon as Rafe and the still babbling Sorrell cleared the boarding ramp the cabin door closed and sealed itself behind them. Now that the last two passengers were on board the large airship was released from it's dock and the students were on their way to Vale and to Beacon.

    The trip itself was uneventful. Rafe and Talvon spent the majority of the flight purposefully checking and cleaining their swords. On the surface they excused it as a daily excersize instilled in them through their training at the accademy, however they both knew the task would be too tedious and boring for their Hyper active new 'friend' to pay much attention for long and inevitebly force her to seek new friends. Talvon silently promised to say a prayer for the new recipients of the girls apparently boundless energy.
    He'd heard a few storied involving the Rosafarben family. He wasn't sure quite how many were true but there was an old joke that used to be told at the dinners. 'you prove yourself to a Schnee, but you must Survive a Rosafarben.'

  9. #19
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    with the end of a few chapters, Eda puts the mark back in her book and lays back on her bag as she looks up at the ceiling of the cabin as the shadows of some of the taller buildings move past as she thinks about her time at home.
    she closes her eyes and her thoughts get just a little deeper as she tightens up trying to choke back what few tears did come as she remembered her father.
    'better to put those aside' she thought sadly 'I'm here to learn and keep people safe, not worry about that past'
    she opens up her eyes and continued to lean back, a little surprised that a few tears made it through.
    the thought started to go through her head of who the entrance exam would be done here.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  10. #20
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    Default Vale ~ Beacon accademy

    She stood in the academies highest tower watching the sun come up on the horizon. In her gauntleted hand burned a thing cigar evidently forgotten while she was deep in thought by the amount of Ash collected on the end. The small gem on her necklace seeming to glow brightly despite the early morning light. Oz, as she had been called since she took position as the headmistress of Beacon was a retired soldier. She served in Atlases military after her own graduation and came to beacon to impart her skills and wisdom onto this new generation. The woman grinned outwardly imagining how many would pass her admittedly high standards as she looked down at the cages of Grimm being carted onto the school grounds.

    It was mid day when the airship finally docked at Beacon academies sky field. Though small it did have the one terminal for airships ferrying students from other nations. As they disembarked Talvon and Rafe stood by a large balcony and took in the lay of the school. From the airfield they'd landed on a single large walkway stretched from the gates to Beacons main courtyard. It seems much of the schools facilities were built around the main tower like an ancient castle.
    "Think our headmistress sits on a throne with a little crown on her head?" Rafe joked getting a grin from his mostly stoic friend. "Don't be ridiculous she's not royalty or anything like that." He answered pulling his duffel bag and sword case over his shoulder. "Anyway we better hurry, I don't want to test her patience on the first day."
    Last edited by IejirKothar; 08-18-2019 at 11:46 PM.

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