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Thread: Saccharine Fire - A Poetry Thread

  1. #11
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    The Second Suspension

    The night I've alluded to has since faded, my sweetheart.
    And I’ve felt the rush of air between.

    I smashed the stars
    To rim your glass with pop rocks
    Sizzled effervescence on your tongue. It was all I could do.

    Hope is now a lifestyle, a baseline of our truth.

    Sliced to the heart of my volition.

    The silence is loud but I’m starting to take comfort in its consistency.
    My ears ring with the emptiness, but a ring is still a ringing.
    Somewhere on the other edge of this alienating void
    There’s you.

    Sunflowers are used to the sun, you see. And with your brilliance receding away,
    I find things to be harder to cultivate on my own.

    Not so much a hurricane now, for my skies have calmed.

    Three small words are the crown jewels
    And they’re under lock and key.

  2. #12
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    I stare in dismay
    At yet another piece of news.
    I won’t get into the argument of the thing.
    I don’t need to.

    Lives were lost. Why are we arguing?
    People are dead. What’s there to discuss?
    It seems so obvious to me.
    I cringe with disgust.

    My heart cries out quietly every time I hear this happen.
    But my brow furrows, ready to push back against it.

    Racial wallpaper, and when you walk by it,
    Drive by it
    Day in and day out.
    Maybe we forget about it.
    But I don’t. They don’t. We shouldn’t.

    No justice is unjust and we treat people as others
    The thems.

    There is a billboard in Boston
    That counts the number of people dying from guns post Newtown.
    I watched it tick up nine lives yesterday
    And I burst into tears. It gets me so down.

    But this is where the fight begins.
    Where does it end? Will it ever?
    Can people like me make a change in the face of such evil, senseless violence?
    It sometimes seems like a fruitless endeavor.

    But that's the point
    And that's why I, we, push back.
    You can't call this anything but racist, terrible, and tragic.
    It's in America, but still a terrorist attack.

  3. #13
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    The wind whistles in the little crack
    left between window and frame
    it's irritating, yes
    but liberating just the same

    We're going so fast now
    down this highway of ours
    been discussing the meaning of life
    of the passing of hours

    And our debates are punctuated
    with girlish, trill belting of songs
    and I feel free and ready for anything
    another road trip, more time to be strong

    You've told me for a while now
    that I would be okay
    but I never felt it solidly
    until we left today

    And you smile over at me when I say
    "I think I can do this, for real"
    and with eyes set on the horizon before us, you say,
    "Then we're moving, it's a deal."

  4. #14
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    Enter Fall’s Chill

    How’d I never think it could lead to this
    To you?;
    The rolling waves, the cloudy vapor
    Where ships fought in the blue?

    Dancing across the moor.
    There was a chill to that day
    Your eyes a lake, so serene
    The moon at play

    Indigo kaleidoscope
    Obelisk of dreams
    Tantalizing rectifying
    Splitting at the seams

    Teal entropy
    Feathered texture in my hair
    Dreams of princely smiles
    A cerulean stare

    Lapis patterned
    Light checkered across the face
    The blinds are shuttered away from us
    There’s darkness in this place

    Serene entity
    Like ghosts we sail across the dock
    Wet feet are silent here
    Doors are passed through, no reason to knock

    Kerosene electricity
    Set this whole damn thing aflame
    And when we’re old and dead and tired
    There’ll be no one else to blame.

  5. #15
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    Terror Management Theory (TMT)

    As I write you
    (For absolutely everything now is meant for you)
    My inked hands, the smudged words
    Punctured by tears, drip-drops across the page I bend over
    I cry silently as I know
    The eyes I have since yearned to see
    Will be my last memory.

    For if I die here
    Your face will float across my scared darted gaze
    As the ocean takes me
    And delivers me to the place where I cannot leave you.

    I have imagined my grave before
    I have visited them in jest
    A lone tunnel sepulcher, a watery tomb
    I have foreseen my end countless times.

    Never has such a gaze
    One as deep as the oceans that will take my last breath,
    Gripped my heart in a hold
    That feels like strangulation, suffocation, while I still move.

    I told you.
    I'm drowning.

  6. #16
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    The darkness is slumbering.

    Most people say
    As they lay
    Heartbroken on their bed
    "I wish I had never known them,
    I wish they hadn't hurt me"
    And beg for the feeling
    To be over, out of their head

    But in the rigorous journey
    Maybe something of a story
    Of loving you -
    Truly loving you -
    Giving in to all of myself, terrified
    Of empty-handedness, of vulnerability
    Being truly lost

    I have hoped still that you
    [A curious turn to be true]
    Will take over me.
    Invade me.
    Pierce my heart directly, bull's eye.
    And leave the biggest hole in me, a cavity
    Break me

    So that I will remember you
    As you want to be remembered.

    Like a vacant, dilapilated building
    Rusted pipes, fallen ceiling
    Old and patted with dust
    I want your presence to echo off my emptiness should you leave.
    [I want to be forgotten, so in me you won't be.]
    I need to feel the hollowness of the soul
    That is, and was, before, and after, you.

    I want there to be a branding.
    A tattoo.
    A legacy in my heart.

    I want to find myself in being obliterated by you.

    The slumber of darkness.

  7. #17
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    I'm saying goodbye to you
    and I'm so sorry.
    I'm standing here with you, your heartbeat
    in my ears.
    I've been saying goodbye for months.

    It's a slow torturous process
    and I can feel every tear
    as our lives diverge away from
    Leaving wounded hearts open


    And while I am remorseful
    Feeling saddened when you cry
    It's hard to hide my bitterness
    The resentment hidden in

  8. #18
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    Take Five

    Today I sat on a bench
    Overlooking the water
    And I allowed myself
    f i v e
    Just five.
    For my heart to crack open
    To splinter, collapse on itself

    Just five -
    For I knew that any longer,
    And I wouldn't come back from it.

    The heartbreak, it was real, but controlled
    Like the timed demolition of an old skyscraper,
    Bending and breaking
    Smashing to the ground
    In an accordion-like bend

    I let myself be angry
    I let myself cry frustrated tears
    Longed for you, yearned and wished
    Staring at my hands, wanting yours
    Feeling my heart emptying out.

    And the f i v e minutes passed easily.
    Softened by the sound of the sloshing waves.

    I sniffled, and brushed my bruised self off
    And continued, got up, down the path
    Waiting for my depleted self
    To be once again fully invigorated by you.

  9. #19
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    Valiant Disambiguation

    Cosmic collision
    Maybe it's kismet or fate or karma
    I know it's love.

    Illuminated from the Inside Out -
    I hear your Name on the wind, Of The Wind -
    A gentle echo of my desire.

    My sunshine.

    Eclectic mixture of beauty and broken
    Alchemical blend of darkness and light

    An infectual nothing.
    I am glowing pink
    From the warmth of your desire.

    We accept that which we think we deserve;
    And I struggle so hard with you.
    For you came out of nowhere,
    And now you are everything.

    I'd do unspeakable things for you.

    In this moment
    I'd fork over the moon
    Just to have the sun that's trapped within your eyes.

    I'd give the universe,
    to savor the flavor
    of your mouth.

    I love you.
    Last edited by Kiki; 07-31-2015 at 06:44 AM.

  10. #20
    Ketchup Enthusiast
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    Silver fish scripture
    Ghetto ass spitting
    The sound of water rushing
    Cannot be heard over
    the sound of the rushing
    My heart, my heart.

    I'm waiting.

    All of the nights
    Filled up with lights
    The sun's sinking
    And I'm waiting.

    The book I'm holding, dear
    The secrets harbored, fear
    The glass in low light
    The moans in the twilight.

    My retinas are burning
    Searing with memories.

    And I'm still waiting.

    It's not a sad fact,
    Just an admission on my part,
    So I watch the water ripple and rave
    Watch love sweep up in a wave.

    The lights flicker on
    My liquored soul is shushed
    The demons are quiet for now in the moment.
    Still I wait.

    And then there you are.
    And it's like summer.
    Summer, summer, summer.
    Fractals of light caught in my eyes.
    I've been slumbering.
    Caught in a dreamless sleep before you arrived.

    The water shifts, shifts behind us
    I can hardly hear it now.
    It's not silent in this urban wasteland,
    But all I hear is rain.
    Rain, rain, rain.
    Raining in the summer.

    We embrace here, in the semi dusk
    My hair all a mess
    Your taste already in my mouth in anticipation.

    I'm waiting.

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