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Thread: ❣ Breaking Boundaries ❣

  1. #11
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Caitlin moved silently into the office that used to be one of her colleague's. But since the incident when he was stabbed through the chest, he had been dropped as an agent. He was now staying in China where scientists were trying to do something about his memory. They were still trying to work out what he had discovered, but nobody could make sense of anything.
    She picked up the phone from the desk and dialed the number she had been given. She had been told briefly by her superiors who this man was and what he was working to accomplish. They had figured that a man with that kind of money and determination could be used. After all, the best people the Americans had working to stop Tamara were just a bunch of young people they had seemingly picked off the streets.
    She had an invitation for this man she was calling. Whether he chose to accept it or not was up to him. She would have to warn him of the precautions though if he did choose to accept the invitation.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  2. #12
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    Faye enjoyed the water washing over her skin but she didn't spend too long. Faye hated showering during storms and as could hear the low rumble of thunder echoing through the bunker. She got out and got dressed quickly before exiting into the main dorm area. It was still surprisingly dark in here so she went ahead and returned to bed where she lied sleeplessly.

  3. #13
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Blake's view of the blotted sun was gone by the time a black truck had rolled up and stopped outside the fence. He watched as Colton got out and came into the fenced area. The man looked as if he had spent last night awake. He had a coffee in hand and a folder tucked under his arm as he rushed up towards the door.
    "Wait." Blake stopped him before he could go inside. "I need to ask you something important."
    Colton looked at him curiously and stepped aside from the door. This was a first. Blake was normally tentative when asking the captain anything. "What is it?"
    Blake awkwardly looked away from him. Maybe he shouldn't have said that or stopped the man. But he did have something important to ask. He roughly scratched the back of his head and asked in a low voice; "How did you figure out what Adalia's ring size was?"
    Colton wasn't expecting Blake to go through with the question. The moment he got awkward was the moment Colton thought he would just shrug it off. But nope, the teenager went ahead and asked and the second he did Colton could literally feel the excitement growing in his chest. "What? Tell me more. Why do you want to know?" He asked quietly.
    Blake drew away and shrugged his shoulders. "No reason."
    "Blake, come on. I keep secrets." Colton insisted while giving his shoulder a shake, "I won't tell you if you won't tell me."
    Blake glanced towards him again but he only withdrew more and more. "I said it was nothing. I was just curious."
    "You're a liar is what you are." Colton whispered back to him. He was grinning though and he answered the question with: "I asked Ada's friend Courtney. They were like sisters so of course she would know everything about Adalia."
    Blake's face fell at the answer. Well, that didn't help him much. "Oh." He murmured, "That's cool."
    Colton laughed at Blake's disappointment. "Why don't you just ask Faye?"
    Blake's face tightened. "I didn't mean anything by asking you that question." He insisted before going inside the bunker to escape further questions.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  4. #14
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    Zakai had already left the bunker earlier that morning. He'd awoken from a nightmare he couldn't really remember... something abandonment and death and whatnot or whatever... and was right now in a normal looking house sitting across from a person who was reading something. Isaac's eyes didn't raise once to look at him ever since he was welcomed inside. Ever since they met on the park bench, Zakai had come to befriend the man through their mutual curiosity towards one another. He still didn't know the guy's exact age, but he had learned that he was here visiting a cousin who had recently been stationed here. He'd come around to make sure his cousin got settled, but also after hearing some 'interesting news', which Zakai didn't know what that was all about. This guy was a strange one in the child's mind. The pen he had was used for writing, but he hadn't made clear what exactly it was he had written. He said he'd gone out to think and had forgotten to take it out of his pocket when he stumbled upon the kid, which he referred to then as a 'dumb stray'. The guy really seemed to like downplaying the child, but there was a lot of harsh honesty in his words. He was the type to speak his mind when he had an idea about something. They'd parted ways that night after the man said he had to go home and he was just wasting time now, and that Zakai should really figure out where he wanted to live and what he wanted to eat because everything about him was just screaming 'unhealthy'. The others on the team had still not been introduced to him.
    Finally, Isaac looked up, "I see you're still as strikingly fit as ever. Do you even try to sleep at night?"
    Zakai had dropped his head onto the kitchen table they were sitting at, "Sometimes."
    Isaac nodded, "You'll never grow any taller." "Shut up."

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  5. #15
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    As the phone rings I reach over and pick it up. "Hello, this is Henry Schinder, how can I help you?" I ask slowly. I am still some what worn out from everything that's gone on in recent few months coming home and getting everything ready for my big project in Las Pardiso and then everything else. I am a bit well intrested in who is calling.

  6. #16
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    The Irish woman waited patiently for the phone to pick up on the other end. She stared at the screens that overlooked the entire compound. People were bustling around, hurried by the events of yesterday. By the time the phone had picked up she watched someone run into another person and send papers flying everywhere. Before she had time to laugh about it she heard the man she had been wanting to talk to answer the phone.
    Caitlin straightened up in the chair and waited until he was finished talking to state who she was and why she was calling. "Hello there, Harry!" Or was it Henry? She shrugged it off and continued, "This is Sergeant Caitlin with the British Armed Forces. I was told you're a man looking for a cure to the disaster that has struck."

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  7. #17
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    "I'm so hungry." Faye moaned out not expecting anyone to head. They had all seemed to have fallen asleep, which was a blessing. But it also sucked cause Colton wasn't here and she was really hungry. He obviously knew his way around this place or brought then food so he was a valuable resource.

  8. #18
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    "Perhaps, what does it have to do with the BAF, calling me?" I ask slowly. I needed to be careful. I knew that word had gotten around but wasn't sure how far. I slowly go into my desk and get another Cigar. "What is it that the BAF wants with me?" I ask as I light my cigar.

  9. #19
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    When Blake came into the bunker, Colton kept the door open and leaned against the wet frame like he had done before. Sure it was raining outside and it was warmer inside, but he wasn't going to step inside. Bunkers hit a little too close to home for him.
    "So I have some news." Colton shouted to the ones that were inside the bunker. His eyes found the sleeping redhead, then Faye, and landed back on Blake. But Zakai was missing and Carson wasn't with them any longer. He waited until ArraBella was somewhat awake to continue talking, "The first of which is that the vice president was murdered last night. Nobody can make sense of why except as a move to strike fear into the hearts of Americans. But I think there's more. Moving on though, I was called into a meeting at... was it three? I think it was three this morning. Tamara wants our lives in exchange for her cooperation. Don't get depressed or riled up over that because my superiors told me there was no way in hell they're going to kill us. BUT, they do have an assignment for us. It's about the murder of the vice president. We have to go to Washington, D.C and investigate the murder. I won't fill you in on what's in this folder until we're off to D.C. I'm just telling you now that we are going to be busy and we may or may not have to put up with some angry or giddy politicians depending which ones we're talking to. More than likely though, you will all have the pleasure of seeing Dix again who was seen not more than twelve hours before the shooting with the vice president. They were having pancakes together which could suggest a friendly conversation except those two have been known for their violence towards each other. So while we're off dealing with politics and murder, the military is going to decide what to do with Tamara's deal. Because they can't kill us, but they need her cooperation. All of this is just so messy. Any questions?"

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  10. #20
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    Isaac read for a moment longer when finally Zakai got a bit interested, "What's that? It's not a book."
    "They're notes. I'm still young. Gotta keep up on my studies." Isaac answered.
    "What are you studying?"
    The guy looked up, "You ask a lot of questions." he studied the child, "That's an interesting hairstyle you got by the way. I might suggest choosing a different one the next time it's needed. You don't look awful, I'll admit, but it doesn't really suit you.. or your hair."
    It was the truth. Zakai realized it after a while that some parts of his hair still managed to stick out a little at the ends. It wasn't a bird's nest, but the slight wave in his hair was more noticeable when it wasn't as long. It could be taken in a number of ways by onlookers.
    "They said I looked like a shaggy dog... well, two of them anyway." the kid responded.
    "Two members of your group said that? Are you sure you guys get along well?" "Well... not exactly group members. They were more... well..."
    "I get it." Isaac quickly picked up the pace, "After that little halfbreed came into the world that everyone was so inexcusably frightened over, Daddy 'Awesome' was given a break, right? Bet you liked that. Anyway, then the Uncle 'Awesome' and Mr. Next-Presidential-King took over and decided that the group's house pet wasn't all that presentable and decided to get you groomed, right? They made the fatal mistake of leaving it up to the pet to decide for himself, didn't they? It's a common mistake people who don't really care make. You're not very well trained, so I'd imagine you annoyed the shit out of them right?"
    The guy didn't even look up from his notes when he spoke. Zakai found his amazingly good guessing pretty annoying, but he also couldn't really get mad at the guy, "You seem pretty interested in the team."
    "Who wouldn't be? You guys are famous after all. If you weren't such an uneducated brat, I might've sang your praises when we first met, but different people need different approaches. You're the pathetic type, so I don't need to go through the whole glorification process so that you'll answer me."

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

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