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Thread: Round two! (Hoef VS Max)

  1. #11
    Member max shadow's Avatar
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    Zwei fired off a single shotgun round and took cover, knowing the bad blood between the UN and the TTX pmc. 'They know who we are, kill shots only, no survivors.' "You UN guys should learn to stay out of the way of more capable organizations! Lord knows it would save us a lot of work." Moving carefully he rounded the corner into the hallway again, groaning quietly before following the UN agent out through the window.

    A few blocks away Tres took aim for his last shot, hearing the kill order he swapped to a softer target, firing at the smaller man only to have the heavy round rip the first clone in half as it came out of cover as a distraction. Annoyed at the waste of a shot he let the sniper blink out of existence before calling out his assault rifle and starting to run along the rooftops towards the firefight. 'Ichi you have three coming in, looks like weak clones or something. Fall back I'm on my way.

    'Roger, moving. Wait for the bang before engaging.' Ichi got up and moved deeper into the building, swapping to his shotgun and calling out a fragmentation grenade ready he hid in a room, tossing the explosive back towards his last position and waiting the bang, hoping the coming wall of fast moving shrapnel would put an end to the three coming into the building after him.
    We all hide behind a mask to protect who we really are. Some of us just happen to hide behind many, to hide just how broken we are without them.

  2. #12
    Giga Onion
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    Battle Ready

    Acelin and his merry crew of doppelgangers leapt into the building only to be met with a fragmentation grenade. The blast caught all three Acelins off guard. The two copies immediately blew up into splotches of gelatinous mass, but the original was rendered off balance was thrown into a wall. In this day in age, the walls were weak and that allowed for Acelin to go straight through the tailored wall. Acelin rolled over into a rotting desk before coming to a rough stop on top of said desk - while it is pieces of course. "Damn them and their grenades," growled Acelin under his breath as he looked at the hole he made. Acelin shook his head heavily before standing to his feet shaking and bruised. A few cuts upon his face were present as some of shrapnel from the frag grenade skidded across his face. He didn't like his beautiful face getting ruined. "You put up a better fight than my last foes," Acelin rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, "Let's see how well you really do!"

    Rohikal, seeing the attention of the enemy had diverted to his companion, picked up his gun and stood in the midst of the street seeing the drive of battle move from the street to a building. Rohikal saw that building looked weak in infrastructure and decided to just tare down the walls and reveal the enemy from within. Rohikal lowered his armored shoulder and burst through the bricked wall and into a office. Dust and other particles shot up from collision and with this Rohikal dipped his head and shoulder going further into the building going through any wall that got in his way.

    Meanwhile on the other side of the street from the building Terrance leapt into, Terrance crossed the street to an abandon car and slid behind it to avoid getting shot at by the TTX operative, "YOU KNOW OUR REASON FOR FIGHTING THIS WAR! THE ONLY REASON YOU TTX OPERATIVES ARE EVEN INVOLVED IN THIS WAR IS BECAUSE OF THOSE BIO-WEAPONS YOU CREATED I MEAN LOOK AT YOURSELF!" Terrance fired off a full round of shots from his LK05 before returning to his cover and immediately began the process of reloading. "I AM A GENETICALLY ALTERED SOLDIER MADE TO KILL GUYS LIKE YOU," screamed Terrance as he continued with the process.

  3. #13
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    "You're a genetically altered soldier made to kill super soldiers bought by and working for an organisation doing your job for you?! Are you sure you work for the right side here?" Zwei called out taking cover behind a half destroyed truck. He quickly laid down and took aim with his shotgun, aiming to shoot under the car the UN soldier was hiding behind to hopefully hit him in the legs, knowing that the man would be on the very limit of his range but not wanting to waste time swapping weapon.

    Ichi was taken by surprise when the larger man burst through the wall, not really getting to react before the giant in armor continued on out of the other side of the room, the cloud of dust having hidden him from obvious sight. Using the path through the walls As a shortcut out he quickly made his way back out to the street, moving into an alleyway as Tres climbed down a fire escape to join him.

    The two merged together before moving again, hearing the larger man break through more of the building Tres, the current dominant one set up a trap, setting up a breaching charge on one of the walls around a window, the charge not able to be seen from inside. Waiting till he could see the man he opened fire with his assault rifle, trying to get the man to charge the wall. 'Just remember, i haven't confirmed the smaller one as KIA.' 'Then make sure you watch my back while you're in me. And be ready to get out if this guy gets to close.'
    We all hide behind a mask to protect who we really are. Some of us just happen to hide behind many, to hide just how broken we are without them.

  4. #14
    Giga Onion
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    World on Fire

    Rohikal, having done the unthinkable, was met with equal resistance. Wall charges, that he didn't expect to come across, exploded right when Rohikal came into contact with the windowed wall. The concussive blast was strong enough to knock the large man down to his back and was even strong enough to render most of his augmented system kaput. Rohikal spoke no curses as he lifted himself to his feet - his armor battered and his systems ruptured. Rohikal couldn't fight like this. He couldn't rely on his cybernetic compounds to save him from this situation, and so he relied on his pure sight to get through the day. He came through the hole in the wall and fired at anything that moved.

    "You're a genetically altered soldier made to kill super soldiers bought by and working for an organisation doing your job for you?! Are you sure you work for the right side here?"

    Before Terrance could say anything a shock and a tremble came to his legs causing him to roll over onto the sidewalk in slight pain. Terrance looked under the car to see that the TTX operative had shot at his legs from underneath the truck. Terrance frowned heavily under his robotic helm. He didn't like the fact that he was going up against something that was on equal terms with him. He hated that fact. But that was besides the point.

    Terrance immediately picked himself up to his feet and stabbed his hand into the car he was using as cover and tossed it into the air towards the destroyed truck. To him the car felt like a medicine ball with a few extra pounds added to it. After throwing the car towards the TTX operative Terrance immediately began to open fire upon the operative hoping to aim somewhere decent.

    Acelin watched both confrontation from a high-rise down the block. He wondered what he should do in this situation. Two separate battles taking place within reasonable proximity of each other. "Hm," he thought aloud, "Who should I kill first?"

  5. #15
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    Tres slowly moved closer to the hole, trying to see through dust cloud caused by the explosion when suddenly the large man came back through the wall and opened fire, unable to get out of the way in time he simply took aim and opened fire, grunting as he took a few rounds to the chest, his armor only saving him from a few of the shots. As he fell back his rifle vanished, and with a quick movement he called out one of his EMP grenades only to lose grip of it as he hit the ground, not getting to arm it in time.

    Zwei saw the wheels of the car lift off the ground and scrambled to move out of the way, diving behind another car as his previous cover was partly crushed and more bullets hit the car and ground around him. Taking a second to think he quickly came up with an idea, pulling out a flashbang and holding onto it while the delay ticked down silently. At the last second he spun out of cover, eyes closed and threw the disk shaped charge like a frisbee in the direction of the UN agent waiting for it to go off half way between them before starting to fire a second before opening his eyes again. His hearing temporarily useless and partly blinded from the flash he ran across the length of the road and lept over a parked car to get close, having no idea if it had worked or not he opened fire with his shotgun as soon as he saw the agent.
    We all hide behind a mask to protect who we really are. Some of us just happen to hide behind many, to hide just how broken we are without them.

  6. #16
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    What Cometh

    Things happened. Tides were turned. Nothing of which Terrance could ever understand. At the last second of the transition from offense to defense, Terrance was immediately met with a flash of bright light that caused his eyes to burn and his ears to ring. This sent the man stumbling down the street, but what made it worse for Terrance was the fact that the TTX operative had come around to Terrance's flank and popped off shotgun rounds towards him. He didn't noticed this as he felt a massive push as his body hurled itself into a car denting it inward. Terrance was dazed, but not confused. He knew his eyes were partially blinded, but his hearing... His hearing was useless! How could this happen!? No matter. Terrance would have to rely on his sight for this battle. Knowing it would be rough, Terrance lifted himself out of the side of the car. But realized that he took a few pellets to the side - basically blowing off his protective mechanical skin. There was blood, but not much. He was starting to hate this situation even more. Terrance looked around for the TTX operative and saw his face for a brief moment. Not wanting to take any chances with this confrontation sprinted off down the street with his super speed activated. He came to a screeching halt around a corner and sprinted down that street in order to find a hiding place. At this point he would put him and the enemy at a three - city - block range.

    Meanwhile Rohikal was going to end these pitiful creature's life. Rohikal noticed the little gadgetry and crushed it with his foot before turning back to the human. Rohikal prepared his chainsword, as its engine revved with a sinister delight. "PREPARE TO DIE HERETIC," he screamed as he swung his blade down towards the creature hopefully ending its life right then and there.

  7. #17
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    Zwei shook his head to try and clear it, putting his shotgun away and turning towards the other fight, pulling out his sniper and doing his best to take aim at the large man. Waiting as long as he could to let his head clear as much as it would before pulling the trigger, aiming for the mans arm.

    Tres rolled over and started to crawl away from the large man, moving towards a nearby man-hole, more planning to get Ichi down it rather than to get away from the large man. Calling out his knife and using help him open the hole, getting half down it before the large man started his attack, Ichi discretely moving out of Tres into the sewer, grabbing Tres' arms and pulling him down the hole as well, not knowing if he was pulling all of him down or just pieces.
    We all hide behind a mask to protect who we really are. Some of us just happen to hide behind many, to hide just how broken we are without them.

  8. #18
    Giga Onion
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    For Whom The Bell Tolls


    A bullet caressed Rohikal's arm just enough to render the arm useless in some respects. Those respects being that he couldn't move the lower half of his arm. The hydraulics that were connected to his lower half were destroyed leaving all available functions useless. Rohikal stood in rage as he fired off multiple shots with his available hand knowing his anger would - perhaps - get the best of him. He wanted to end the creature's life here and now. Doing so would relate to him in a way no space marine could. He aimed the bolter towards the sewer hoping to kill the damn operative right then and there.

    Acelin, on the other hand, took the initiative and leapt down towards the operative with the sniper. Acelin would use this opportunity to strike the operative down while he was still daze from the flash bang. Acelin, while in mid-fall, pulled his arm back and then used momentum as his weapon and strength as his modifier. He then swung forward with the weaponized punch towards the operative's head. 'You won't get the best of me you disgusting fuck,' thought Acelin.

  9. #19
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    Ichi quickly pulled Tres away from the opening before diving into him as rounds rained in, Tres taking a few rounds kept quiet, hoping to trick the large man into thinking he was dead while protecting Ichi from taking any unnecessary damage. Staying as still as he could he tried again to pull out his last grenade, making it into another EMP and priming it and hoping a perfect opportunity to use it would arise.

    Zwei stumbled back and tripped landing on his back, shaken by the recoil from rifle he shock his head again and looked in fromt of him, happy to see that he had temporarily saved Tres and surprised when the smaller man landed where he had been standing, obviously trying to take advantage him being disoriented. He quickly fired the heavy rifle again at the small man, hoping to put him out of action but not sticking around to find out if it worked, scrambling to his feet and then into another building.
    We all hide behind a mask to protect who we really are. Some of us just happen to hide behind many, to hide just how broken we are without them.

  10. #20
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    Damned Beings

    Acelin took the shot head on with no real movement - because he couldn't. He couldn't as the bullet was fired straight at Acelin's chest. The bullet hit, but didn't penetrate hard enough. The bullet-proof clothing provided to be effective to a very little degree. Acelin collapsed onto his back as the shock of the bullet knocked him off his feet. It was painful yes, and blood was shown, but Acelin was still alive - for now. The bullet, due to the bullet proof clothing, only penetrated two thirds of the way through - narrowly missing a vital organ. The bullet however did prove to weaken Acelin as he held the wound tightly. "Damned the hurt like a motherfucker," cursed Acelin as he slowly stood to his feet. He then found some cover behind a car on the street and looked around for the operative, "Where the hell did he go?"

    Meanwhile Rohikal was having trouble assessing the situation. Was the operative he killed dead? Rohikal assumed so. But to make sure he was truly dead, Rohikal a short burst of rounds before moving on to the next objective. He didn't really pay attention to the fact that there were three - and not knowing this fact would of made Rohikal's job a little easier.

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