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Thread: New Skies New Home [IC-M] ~REBOOTED~

  1. #221
    Member Lumi's Avatar
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    Alaura jumped slightly when she heard Nikkolai's voice, she hadn't expected him to listening out for her, or to come so quickly. It made her wonder just how far he had gone and how far he could hear. Regardless she didn't want him to hear what she had said- at least not like this. She hadn't had time to think these thoughts through but maybe that was her being a bit too analytical? His words had seemed to calm her a bit, her antlers no longer shining a deep sapphire, but faintly pulsing a lighter blue. His hug was what finally got them to stop glowing altogether but the qilin couldn't help but still feel uneasy. She hadn't really expressed herself fully and she also wanted to hear what Claria was going to say, it sounded like it might have been important, if they weren't interrupted. Speaking of said she dragon Alaura nodded back and smiled in thanks, for both hearing her out, and for her companionship. She would be sure to talk to her later and see what she had to say.
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  2. #222

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    She saw the concern on his face and she slowly realized that he had not been with him on her mental tangent. She probably sounded suicidal…great. Shin though the smart man he was figured out that it had to do with her dragon form. She nodded almost sadly as he mentioned that it would not work or at least was not one-hundred percent sure to work. She thought about it from his perspective…she figured if he really got worried he could fill her lungs with air but then again…if she had that security blanket…would her heart even race enough? He asked what brought this on and she flinched. She wanted to hide away or go hit something…either way that was not the answer she could give now…could she?

    She could feel the tension in her shoulders but she let go. A sudden voice pounded her, ‘He will not understand…keep training or push yourself on your own! You can do it…you do not need him.’

    As she relaxed she just leaned her head on his shoulder. “I am both strong and weak…in comparison to the dragon form I am nothing more than an inconvenience…I need it…” She had always been mystified and excited about the dragon forms. She remembered how she reacted when Shin first transformed. She had been bubblier than, an optimist. She still wanted to be…but hard fact told her otherwise.

    “I cannot cut a ship with a sword…even if we made them from our dragon claws or something…this body lacks the strength…” Until she got her form…she would need to…really put her safety…in Shin. She could feel the helplessness…

    As she looked away disgusted with herself she just said, “What if the children can’t change either?” What if she was defective…did the Pin heads do this on purpose? Maybe make some of the female’s duds the population of dangerous dragons at bay? She started to shiver with rage…bastards…all of them…
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  3. #223
    Field Cryptozoologist
    Yggdrasil_Hugger's Avatar
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    "Hm." he hadn't thought of that. What if they couldn't change? Could he protect... all of them? Surely they would be able to change, right? Right? "Hm. What if we induced it some other way? Nikolai," his voice changed, a little colder, perhaps a bit of disgust creeping into his voice,"said that it could be induced with high levels of emotion. We could ask him for a bit of clarification, or we could try anyway. Though, that could be dangerous." He didn't like the idea of asking Nikolai anything. He did not like their de facto leader, that much. He still got an air of a god complex from Nikolai, but he didn't like to see Claria like this. He would help her change even if it meant talking to that guy. "What do you think, Claria?"

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