Well keep at everything. If you can come out with a B don't sell yourself short.
I only ever got two B's, and that was in Highschool German and Math
Never did get an A until I started programming in college.
That is strange.. I dunno. If that happened to me I'd be ignoring it.
Then again I have an amazing capacity to ignore things. Even this week I saw a tree.. opposite my house and had to ask how long it had been there because I don't remember seeing it. Apparently it's been there since I moved.
Wow, don't look to that type of person for advice.
Especially if their advice is that you're too nice. That just makes me roll my eyes.
I use lol a lot.
I get abbreviating things in texts, especially if your phone package is limiting the amount of texts you send, and you want to get the most out of a text. I understand lol and IDK but maybe I'm just a stickler for grammar.
Ah yeah, sounds Germanic.
Dog names follow convention of ending in ie or y.
Not always...but most dog names that I've heard have ended in y or ie.
If they haven't, their owner has put it there.
Like there's a dog that roams around here called Sam. I call him Sammy.
I have to look it up on urban dictionary now, you can't say not to do something to this curious mind!