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Thread: PITCH BLACK〔M〕「Hoef & Hannelorian」

  1. #271
    Giga Onion
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    Hachi looked over at a maintenance door as Nora went about examining the aforementioned artifacts. None of them were particularly of note, and that was partly due to Hachi never really conveying what exactly they were looking for. He had the sense that she was a bit aimless as to what to do on that front, so he decided to guide her along the right path. "This way. I know a route."

    He stepped over to the maintenance door and pushed his way through. Once Nora was through, he quickly closed the door behind them and hurried along the back corridor. Through this stretch of hallway were piles of inky mass pooling at the corners of the floor, only subdued by the secondary lighting that filled the path with an ambient red. All was quiet, so much so that a pin drop could be heard. What broke it were the loose memories that Hachi let float up to surface.

    One of the memories details Hachi coming to meuseum as a child and being awestruck by its sights. However that awe was quickly tempered by the harsh hand of his mother. But just as pain was about to settle into his heart, the memory shifted to him walking the very corridors he treads. He came before a vault door was tightly sealed, but Hachi had the codes to access what was inside.

    "Sometimes I forget where I came from.." Such sentiment carried with it a sense of anguish at the types of dealings, himself, had to make to get some of this access. Clenched fists and gritted teeth were the physical expressions here. He relaxed seconds later, sensing that anguish dissipate. He kept it moving after that, pushing on around a couple corners and coming to that very same vault door.

    The man wasted no time in punching in the code, which gave a positive beep when it worked. The door operated on its own, unlocking with a spin and a hiss. Inside, the store room was filled to the brim with all sorts of stuff that had been uncovered over the last fifty years. Everything from documents to the strange knick-knacks that sit on pedastals was neatly organized for pair to peruse at their leisure. However, Hachi was not here to peruse, he was looking for something. Someone.

    Sifting through a mountain of furniture and loose documents that were knocked over during the chaos outside, Hachi came across a key whose tip is strange. It doesn't appear to be able to unlock any normal locks, but when he stuck the key into a part of the back wall, it slid right in. From there, and deeper compartment was unveiled to them.

  2. #272
    The Grey Lady
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    Nora strolled through the memories that crept to the surface of Hachi's mind. The ugly ones always held power and were fastest to rise. What little she could tell of his mother seemed of no surprise to her. Matriarchs were cruel, they were cruel to their daughters who had to exceed their mothers. They were crueler still to their sons, the leaches of the earth who had stolen away a chance for a precious life to have been born into the world. A stolen daughter. A disgraced son. What a waste. Nora's own mother had never been kind. A product of another world so beautifully adapted to a culture where she could reign unchallenged by the whims of men.

    Nora thought for a moment of her sisters. Perhaps it was for the best that they had assuredly perished. Perhaps it was for the best that the world would never remember them or their vanities or their miniscule "accomplishments." But so too would the world forget her beloved brother. He had barely existed outside of a note in some tome that recorded his birth, though not with an exact date, for that did not matter. Dates were for those who might make something of themselves. Seldom a name to accompany, just the note of a boy born to Elise Templeton Sakai. A sad state of affairs. That boy had grown into a man who meant something to her, to Nora.

    All erased.

    But what hadn't been forgotten were the access codes to the rooms beyond and Hachi led Nora further into the depths. "And so the ancients built vast worlds, and in our haste to overcome our history and prove ourselves as worthier than our predecessor we built a new world atop the ruins." Nora spoke her words softly as they descended into a new darkness. A hidden darkness. "What do you think it is?" Nora stepped forward into the new chamber, the walls were cold and made of stone. They were damp and the air was stale with little movement. "Where even are we?" Secrets abound.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  3. #273
    Giga Onion
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    "There's two reasons as to why this place was built. The first, obviously, was to showoff the artifacts we've dug up. The second however," he trailed off as the two entered a cavernous chamber that had gone far deeper than what was expected. In this chamber were crystals, emanating in purplish haze that made the vision blurry if one were to stare at them for too long. "There's... someone I would like for you to meet. Someone, I had the unfortunate consequence of becoming aware of."

    Encased in a larger, more refined, purple crystal, was a woman whose two eyes were closed, but had a third one that was clearly open and watching the two intently. She also had four arms. And in front of the imprisoned was a pedestal containing a precious gem that was slotted into it. This gem was radiating power and filled the room with a low hum. This entire chamber was filled with psychic power, so much so that to Nora it might as well be white noise.

    "We call her Shiva, as that is what she reminded the family of. As such, Shiva here has been the source of that gem, but we have no idea what it does. My mother told me that she was some powerful psychic who wreaked havoc on this planet before we settled here centuries ago."

    "None of the family are psychics, so my mother never followed up on this.. but when this place was uncovered, my mother censored any knowledge of it outside of me. The reason being was because she thought that me being a mage was the same as me being a psychic. When she learned that the two weren't wholly related, she barred me from ever coming back here. But since she can't stop me," he smirked as he gestured to the gem, "And you're a psychic, an especially powerful one."

    He looked up at the woman in crystal, locking with her eye. "I wanted to know what you can do about her and that gem."

    Last edited by Dire Hoef; 08-31-2024 at 11:13 PM.

  4. #274
    The Grey Lady
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    When Nora entered the room every hair on her body felt like it was standing on end. The psychic energy was reverberating off of the crystals and each time the waves hit her mind it was like a crashing static, a kind of tumultuous crackling over and over again. It was like waves crawling their way up the shoreline of a beach. Nora listened to Hachi's words and nodded softly as her eyes moved to take in the entity encased within the crystal. "Can you feel that Hachi?" Nora asked almost as a throw away, so lost was she in the energy and the sight and the moment.

    "Shiva..." Nora stepped forward, right up to the crystalline enclosure and rested her hand upon it. And for a moment she felt nothing but the cool surface below. But slowly and surely what felt like static electricity built up upon her palm, almost like a defense mechanism and Nora lowered her hand. "Okay, have it your way." She remarked. And almost without further thought Nora moved to sit cross legged before the creature, staring at Shiva for a few moments.




    Her name, over and over again, soft, soft and then LOUD like thunder in her mind. Shiva was demanding attention and Nora was ready to listen. With her hands folded neatly in her lap she offered a soft smile. "She's calling for me." Which meant Shiva was already in her mind, she knew her name. She used her name. It was a troublesome thought.

    The world went dark. Nora was now in her own mind in a room of seemingly infinite size bathed entirely in the darkness. The emptiness was not unsettling. The feeling of being watched was.

    "You'll never amount to anything if you don't work harder like your sister."

    The voice was familiar and when Nora opened her eyes again she was a bystander to her own memory. A teenaged Nora was sitting at a dinning room table, beside her one sister, across from her another. And at the head of course, her mother Elise. The adult Nora, the real Nora was watching them from the corner, her hand trembling as she held it up.

    "I don't want to be like Eleanor!" one of her sisters cried out.

    "Yeah! Eleanor's ugly and kind of stupid." Another one added.

    Both inane comments, but ones that clearly got under the teenaged version of her's skin.

    "Don't do it Nora." The adult version of her said with a sigh as she watched the scene unfold, knowing exactly what happens next. The taunting and the insults continued. Eleanor was, of course, the smartest of all three Sakai children, but not only that she was the most gifted. And on this day, her family was about to find out.

    In pure unadulterated anger, the teenaged Nora of memory slapped her hand down on the table, shaking and rattling the fine china as she did so. And seething in her own teenage angst and despair, losing her own control the flatware, forks, knives and all would begin to rise in the air, shocking her family. And then it would happen. An explosion of psychic energy from an untrained and unrestrained Nora would send it and every last dish flying outward, clashing against walls. A butter knife dug deep into her sister's shoulder.

    And then it was gone. Back to black.

    "Power." A voice called. But this was not her voice, nor any voice she knew. This was Shiva speaking directly to her mind.

    "The day you were awoken." It continued and Nora simply sat there in the recesses of her mind in that infinite room.

    This time Nora would respond, calling out on her own. "You must be Shiva." Her mind called into the darkness. She could hear the sound of her voice echoing and reverberating around her.

    "That is what they call me." The voice reminded her.

    "And what can I call you?" Nora asked and received a single word response.


    Nora felt like her body had seized up and for a moment she was unable to move or speak, but it quickly passed. Her psychic prowess was actively being tested.

    "Who is the one who watches?" Nemesis asked in an almost friendly tone.

    "Hachiro. His family found you and has kept you here."

    "Will he like what he sees when I flay your mind?"

    Nora swallowed hard, quite the threat. But Nora was up for a challenge. And now seated beside her in the darkness within Nora's mind was Hachi. Their physical forms still in that room before the crystalline structure. Their bodies were immobilized. Now they were both trapped in Nora's head with an unwelcome and hostile visitor.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #275
    Giga Onion
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    He did, but it wasn't enough to warrant him saying anything. He instead nodded, and leaned backwards on one of the nearby crystals that connected to the main structure.

    He watched idly at first, keeping to himself as he felt the feedback of what was transpiring before him. However, his anxiety only heightened at the sudden rise in killing intent in the room. He came up off the crystal and paced toward the center of the area, watching intently now. But his sense of danger was way off for he found himself almost stumbling forward into a sea of emptiness and darkness.

    The man frantically looked around to find that he was pulled into the gestalt that was Nora's mind, along with herself who stood by his side. The two of them were tethered by a connection made manifest as a strap with a duracable betwixt.

    "Admittedly, psionics are way out of my depth.." Hachi panned around the darkness feeling quite uncertain as to the outcome of this encounter. This mage never really came across psionics like this, and so his own anxiety was starting to come up with a rationale for what he was experiencing at this moment. But, he felt it wouldn't even be wise to contemplate such things as the nature of this entity has only just been felt.

    Thus Hachi looked to Nora with concern, " we combat this?"

  6. #276
    The Grey Lady
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    Let. Him. See.

    It rang through their heads like a bell. A malevolent and sinister voice, the voice of their captor, of her captor. Nora was lifted into the air, the manifest cable between her and Hachiro became taught as Nora moved higher, her hands ripped up to her sides as though she were nailed to a cross, her head bent upwards staring toward the heavens. Then the darkness was cleaved in twain as a bright white light encased Nora.

    There had been no time to consider how to combat this. Hachi was forced to watch her, and suddenly her entire life would become manifest for him. All for him to see and moreover to feel.


    The first word which opened the wound. Visions of Nora as a child. The first time her mother, the esteemed scientist, striking her across the face. The sting would be felt by both Nora and Hachiro. The next scene was of Nora storming after her younger sister, her fingers resting within the door frame only to have the child slam the door close, crushing Nora's bones. Nora's remembered that day. The next was her arm being broken, and Nora felt right here in this moment her arm snapping and it unleashed a violent scream of pain.


    The second word, vivid memories of relationships past. Fights, yelling, screaming. The feeling of Nora's rage building within her would be felt by both. The feeling of blood running hot, searing through veins. Nora's memories of intimate moments, heated, anger filled sex that would work to solve no problems. Images of men leaving and Nora sobbing.


    The third word. Her father before her, sick and dying. Her mother standing over him, a pillow in her hands as she murdered the man, he had outlived his usefulness. Nora, at that point an adult and working running into the room screaming, begging her to stop but it was too late. Her father was gone. Even if she had little appreciation for the man, thanks to her mother, and society, she was grieved beyond words at the act.

    Now the Nora that was suspended in the air was confronted with her life, her pains and sorrows, her agonies, the anger within her was rising. The ground beneath Hachi's feet began to quake. It was a subtle shake at first and as each memory played it grew in intensity. But this was not Shiva, this was Nora's doing. The ground within the museum, within the crystal chamber began to shake equally as violently. Some of the crystals in the room began to shatter.

    Before long the ground beneath Hachi began to fracture, pieces surging upward as the cracks grew wider and in number.

    "ENOUGH" Nora screamed with an anger that even Hachi had not witnessed, and her body broke free of it's hold and fell toward the ground, she shot a hand down beneath and using her own abilities slowed her descent.

    "Visualize a door." Nora, out of breath, seething with rage said to Hachi, even now her anger was directed and purposeful, she would not command Hachi, she would not raise her voice with him. Nora did the same, an image of a door being created and sure enough as the two focused on the thought within their very space a door was created. It was white and heavy, it had ornate patterns carved into the wood like twisting vines and leaves from a great and noble tree. The ground finally stopped shaking as Nora turned her mind over and over again in an attempt to calm it.

    Flashes of her memories would light up the sky at seeming randomly intervals, little bits and pieces in particular order. "It's time to go Hachi." Nora looked at the door and a wild smirk crossed her face. "This is how we fight it." But this was no ordinary door, and it was anything but a door back to the real world and to their own bodies. With a hand outstretched the door shot open and it seemed like nothing but darkness on the other side.

    "Trust me." Nora said softly, her smirk softening to a smile as she looked at him, holding her hand out for him to grasp, and once he had she stepped through the door.

    The door into Shiva's mind. "Two can play this game." Nora said with every ounce of conviction she had.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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