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Thread: PITCH BLACK〔M〕「Hoef & Hannelorian」

  1. #281
    Giga Onion
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    Default In the Heat of Matter


    An accurate term to describe the absence of something. This was the feeling as Hachi lifted his face from up off the cold floor of this once energetic place.

    Everything about those last few moments were a blur to him. The only thing that remained pertinent in his mind was the heat that was felt along the back half of his body. He half-rolled over onto the broken crystal and saw the devastation that Nora had wrought upon Shiva. It was brutal. All of it.

    However Hachi didn't give a fuck.

    He felt his head was going to explode, and his body fall apart. He was unaware of how attacks in the mindscape translated to reality. As such, he took a deep breath, trudged over and propped her up. He kept her upright with [Mage Hand].

    "Good morning," he candidly said as he relaxed up next her, resting his head upon her. He held her hand tightly taking this quiet to really admire her.

    "Did you sleep well?" There was a mischievous smile upon his face as he realized that she was unstoppable. A true force of psionic nature. Was there a name for someone like her?

    Hachi thought about it as he lauded her silently with his expressions. He didn't need to say too much. He instead opted to look her over to check for any serious outward injuries. "How's that brain cavity of yours? Think you can stand or should we take it easy?"

    They still had a journey to complete.

  2. #282
    The Grey Lady
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    Nora awoke properly to the sensation of Hachi leaning curling up against her. The warmth from him was pleasant and reassuring. A gentle reminder that their brief interlude, their ordeal in the mindscape of Nemesis had come to an end. His words of morning greeting were soft, enough to bring a smile to her face and draw a bit of a laugh from deep within Nora. "I've had better." Nora said, her voice just a bit hoarse as she came to. She held onto his hand, Hachi was the literal singular person left on this planet that received her kindness, her gentleness, her love and affections. Everyone else was subject to the new Nora, the Nora that had changed.

    It was important to acknowledge that it wasn't merely Nora's personality that had changed. Nora was coming into the true nature of her power. She had consumed Shiva's energy for her own. Nora's body was practically vibrating with psionic energy. Nora was a force to be reckoned with, she had been transformed.

    "My head... it's fine." Nora was in a degree of pain, but through her continued exertion she was training herself into becoming stronger. The recovery was slowly but surely becoming easier. "Are you alright?" Nora was naturally, more concerned about Hachi and his wellbeing. After all he had been tethered to her and dragged through that nightmare alongside her. "I'm sorry... you had to... be brought into it." Nora smiled softly and leaned against Hachi, her arms moving to wrap around him and hold him close to her.

    "Hachi..." Nora turned serious for a moment. "You... live in my head. Always. You are a part of me now. I won't let you be hurt... not if I can help it." Nora wondered if her focus in this world was not to save it, but rather to be the one who protected the man who would save it. Nora was comfortable as the supporting player, it seemed so ironic that for all the generations that women had been the guiding hand, it would be a man who would finally take up their responsibility and serve, lead. "We can't go just yet." Nora smirked softly, moving herself to sit upon Hachi's lap. She leaned in and whispered quietly into his ear. "I'm perfectly willing to be seduced." Nora was becoming selfish, she would take what she wanted.

    Nora was for the first time in her life...

    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  3. #283
    Giga Onion
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    "I'm well and good," he chuckled seeing that she had taken a serious tone at first. And to that tone, he nodded. He understood, all too well, that he's set up residence inside her head. Where she goes he'll follow, and vice versa. They were a singular person in both thought and emotion. Truly a psionic anomaly of those beloved kind.

    But now, in the quiet shadows of the cave, this woman of immense psionic prowess will take what she is owed. She took control of the situation, and opened that door once again. And Hachi could never be anymore excited.

    Hachi, enraptured by her invigoration, gripped her tightly. He felt as a seasoned sailor would, riding a chaotic sea of passion and love. And from this, did she pour her energy upon him like waves crashing against the bow. This activated the abundant arkonic energy within him.

    This came forth in the form of his tattoos and eyes glowing with power.

    Instinctively, his hands waved incantations that appeared be inline with ancient druidic dance. As it turns out, [Enhance Fertility] was casted silently, almost imperceptibly.

    In the coming seconds, the consequence of Nora's awareness in her body was of no import. All she would care for, in those seconds, was the man she now straddled. Her body, from her head down to her toes, was filled with an awesome power. A power that came from the from very depths of the universe itself.

    She held, in her, true primordial passion and Hachi, being the self-evident instigator, allowed himself to be swept up by her chaotic waves.

    But, instead of capsizing, he rode those waves like a true sailor.

    And time was lost in these moments, for God only knew how long it was before Hachi found himself among her calm waters once more.

    This left the two nestled gently among conjured hands; those same hands acting as bedding for the two.

  4. #284
    The Grey Lady
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    Nora and Hachi had an all consuming passion for one another. As though ultimately they were the only two people in the world who mattered at all. In a very real sense that was likely the truth, the two of them were responsible for the fate of their world and perhaps something more beyond it. Nora was the personification of psionic power. She was a vessel for the energy of something far greater than her and slowly but surely she had begun to unleash it, to claim her identity for herself. Hachi and Nora were one, they occupied space in each other's minds, and now once more they had united their physical bodies in an act of pleasure, something only enhanced but their respective abilities. The force of which could have brought the building down around them.

    Nora could feel his power surging through her, his body glowing, his power emanating from within. And Nora got to benefit from it, she got to experience a pleasure like no other because of him, and she was greedy, hungry, insatiable when it came to Hachi. She craved him in every way. Nora needed to be connected to him. This is what was between them, a kind of endless love and respect, a deep reverence for one another.

    It had never occurred to Nora, not even now that she held within her the power to bring worlds an end. It never occurred to her during her entire life that she was special. Yes, she had incredible aptitude, had always been the top of her class, the leader of one of the best performing departments at the Institute. She had been a secret keeper, a confidant for many, but never did she feel that it was truly her that stood out and was worth more than the rest. Nora alone knew that Hachi was powerful, but those they encountered would seldom see what she did. Nora was outwardly flippant to others, downright cruel to most and caring little for the consequences. And it was with her toes curling, her voice trembling at the moment of her own climax she could see the two of them for what they were, a terrifying duo who only cared for one another, and would change the fate of their world on their own terms.

    The conclusion of the act left Nora breathless in the bed of conjured hands. They were surrounded by evidence of her power, and her own revelation that the only thing controlling her power was Hachi, had it not been for him, there was no telling what she would have done, or what she would do should something happen to him. It was the passing thought that should their union lead to a child, a real and distinct possibility independent of the fertility incantation that Nora had not clocked, that child would inherit enough power in a unified body to eclipse the both of its parents. A being so powerful and so terrifying, one that had almost limitless potential.

    "They're praying we died down here." Nora said softly as she nodded toward the ceiling. "That group that's taking refuge upstairs." Nora was a large part of their fear, the way she so easily hurt one of them. But that didn't bother her. "I can't imagine going through life like that." For a moment she seemed a bit lost in her own thoughts, which would appear as little more than a jumbled and unordered mess to Hachi. "You have spent your entire life defying expectation because you were born a man. You've spent your entire life being doubted, second guessed, dismissed. All so women like me could succeed." Nora wondered if she could have been a kinder person, probably. "And the entire time... you've been the most powerful being they could dream of. But they don't fear you because men aren't threats to women... but then when they see the smallest glimpse of what you can do... their blood runs cold." Nora turned to Hachi, truly enamored with him, all of him. "I'm sorry I never noticed you until circumstances made me see what had been right in front of me all along."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #285
    Giga Onion
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    A genuine laugh escaped his lips. To hear her spill her heart brought him a euphoria that was indiscernible. All the joys one can find in life were no more special than what she just said. And so, Hachi kept her words close to his heart; letting them reverberate in his soul like a gong that had been struck. He caressed her soft cheek with his thumb, and kissed her right on her forehead. "You're forgiven."

    And that's all that was uttered in those vacant seconds. He'd let silence fill it for the next few moments. But he broke it by saying that, "Those people never understood the horrors that awaited them. They're powerless, and as expected of the powerless, they fear what they can't control." He held a look of pure contempt.

    He stared at his right hand, taking in the ambient thoughts of what he can do now. She was right yet again. The two had become an unmatched force. Which inspired Hachi to say, "We'll show them.. All of them.. But first," his attention shifted back to Nora, "Feeling better to stand? We can stay like this for a while, but I believe all the noise we've been making down here may have attracted the uglies to the museum."

    That's the last thing he wanted to deal with. He wagered that Nora's exertion of power acted like a beacon for anything creature looking to have Nora as their next meal. Although, in his mind, this was not possible, but the people around them certainly were better meals. So, he'd like to be gone before this place gets turned into an all-you-can-eat buffet.

  6. #286
    The Grey Lady
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    Nora slowly rose to a standing position, her eyes focusing now on the destruction that lay around them, all of which had been her doing. Shrugging it off and raising her arms into the air, stretching toward the heavens she let out a sigh as she contemplated the words Hachi had spoken to her. "Standing, no problem." Nora said with something of a smirk. Her energy had been sufficiently recovered, allowing her to take in thoughts of their next steps.

    "Best not to dawdle." Nora said after a brief silence. "I've called them all here." Nora, of course, had not intended for this, but it seemed almost inevitable. It was better to happen here, where the people above could serve as a distraction than if both Hachi and Nora had been isolated. They would be searching for the source of energy they felt. The creations that dwelled in the darkness and slowly overtook the remains of their world. "They all talk to each other." Nora spoke of the monsters. "It isn't in words... but in vibrations, jolts of what feel like static electricity. Sounds like it too." Though it perhaps was not sophisticated, perhaps something more primitive, a desire to survive, there was something about the creatures that was intriguing and still threatening.

    "Even now they come, and our friends upstairs fear for their lives. They felt the ground shake when we emerged from the crystal cage." Nora stared up at the ceiling. "Are you ready?" Nora had no need to worry for Hachi in this moment. He had proven that he was just fine, roaring even to continue. With a swipe of her hand through the air the door that once held them inside had opened with relative ease, creaking a bit, the hinges having been damaged in the explosion of energy. Nora silently left the space knowing Hachi was behind her, when they emerged back into the museum proper, they were met with hushed voices and sorrowful, long faces. Disappointment they hadn't perished, or at the very least, left the property for good.

    And like a ringing bell, clear as day Nora's voice would hammer each person from within their skulls a piece of advice. "You might want to batten down the hatches. A storm is coming." Her words were perfectly clear and yet each one would cause an intolerable pain in the cages of their brains like an assault. She would say nothing further, simply proceed to locate the exit ahead.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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