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Thread: ❣ Divided Paths ❣

  1. #21
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Blake returned to the room, feeling as if the breath were knocked from him. He had been as quick as he could to get back to him. But he knew he had taken longer than he had intended to because of his hold up with surprise over Dix's attitude.
    He slipped into the room and shut the door behind him. He switched off the light and returned to the bed where he had come to find Faye sleeping. Hopefully she was having better dreams than she did before.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  2. #22
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    "I've got it!" The blonde yelled upon popping awake and sitting up. "Blake I've got it. It may not even be important but I've got it!" Faye chirped and smiled over at him. She had felt his weight on the bed which is how she knew he was in there and that excited her too. "I need to find Jonah. None of this may matter but I've got to at least tell him." Faye said while standing up from the bed. The man had lost his memory for goodness sake. She just hoped this could at least help with his head a little bit if it served no other importance.

  3. #23
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    Zakai watched as Anton let go of Richard and then Richard let go of Anton.
    "That's a really weird teaching method." he remarked, still dryly.
    When he was asked the next question, he looked at the ground and felt like he would topple forward... but he didn't.
    "I'm taking it exceptionally well. I can't wait to be normal. It sounds amazing." the way he spoke was almost robotic and he swayed a bit as he spoke. He really wasn't feeling good, "I feel so amazing... that I think I'm gonna throw up."
    He wasn't kidding. He turned around and ran to the nearest bathroom and threw up. After the fact he flushed it, washed out his mouth and just stared at himself in the mirror, trembling slightly. It's gonna be fine. Why am I being so weird?

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  4. #24
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Blake had already begun to fall asleep when Faye started shouting. He jumped up, his heart racing in his chest. What? What was she saying? He stared at her for a long time until he finally understood.
    "Um." Blake began while scratching the back of his head, "Okay. Right." He mumbled as he started to get out of the bed, "Yea."
    Where was Jonah? He had been at dinner. He had needed someone to escort him. Richard and Anton had been left in the dining room. So maybe they knew where Jonah had taken off to. Or wait. Maybe he was in one of the rooms closest to the dining hall. That was a safer bet than anything, he thought. Less of Jonah getting lost in this big place.
    "Maybe check one of those rooms closest to the dining room." He murmured, dropping his hand from his hair.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  5. #25
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Richard didn't like the way Zakai was talking. He didn't sound like he was taking this well. In fact, he sounded like the complete opposite. When the child said he was going to throw up, Richard's eyes widened and he started frantically looking for a bowl. But the child was already taking off.
    He didn't really think about what he was doing when he started following Zakai. But he was doing it anyways, even if it wasn't necessarily like him. This was going to be his nephew soon. Richard had to start treating him like family and not like another one of the people he spat and yelled at.
    Richard glanced around, having lost sight of Zakai. His eyes fell on the nearest bathroom. Assuming that is where Zakai ran to, Richard moved over to the door and tapped his knuckles on it.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  6. #26
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    "Okay I'll be back soon!" Faye chirped kissing him on the cheek the leaving the room in a hurry. She left towards the dining room and knocked on a few doors around it to see if Jonah was in any of them without just barging in. Wow this medicine was working wonders! Some more would be great in the morning so she could try and feel this good tomorrow.

  7. #27
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Blake fell back onto the bed when she left. He didn't even know why he had gotten up. He melted back into the sheets once more and turned his face into a pillow. He would never understand why what Faye was doing was so important to her, but he would support her anyways. He shut his eyes again and released a tired exhale.
    Jonah slowly woke up when he heard a knock at the door. "Getting there!" He called to the door while sitting up in the comfortable bed. It was the president that had shown this room and Jonah had been too afraid of getting lost again to leave it after he was shown it. Now though, he slipped out of the bed and grabbed his discarded shirt from the chair. He pulled it on, feeling the tug of the tight skin and scar where he had been stabbed through. It made him feel uncomfortable and felt weird, but he was something he had gotten a little used to.
    He moved towards the door and opened it up fully.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  8. #28
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    His shivering as only getting worse, and he was beginning to feel like he was hiding somewhere in San Francisco all over again. This was a new problem. Why was this such a problem? Why couldn't he just be happy?
    He took the picture of his family out of his pocket. Why wasn't he over that yet? That was a long time ago! He hadn't thought like that in a long time! He was getting a new family now! He could move on! Why was he.... There was a knock at the door. He put the picture back in his pocket and tried to regain his composure. It wasn't working. He was still shaking like a leaf. It's fine. They probably just have to use the bathroom. Just let them in and... and leave.
    He opened the door and smiled at Richard.
    "H-h-hi... uh..." the child knew that he probably didn't have to use the bathroom, but still, "G-go ahead."
    He pushed past the man and kept walking. Please just go into the bathroom! Please let that be the reason why you're here!

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  9. #29
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    "I remembered something from back in- on- I don't really know how to use it- Isle of Wight!" Faye beamed. "You told me not to tell your bosses or whatever and I didn't know why cause you were taken by some paramedics and stuff." Faye nodded. "I have no idea if you already remember or if this is important at all but I thought I'd let you know in case it was."

  10. #30
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Richard was surprised when the child smiled and then walked away. He could smell the stench of bile in the bathroom. It was one of those odors that stuck around a lot longer than it was ever welcome. How upset would one person have to be to puke like that? Pretty upset, he was imagining.
    He turned the fan on in the bathroom and shut the door. It wasn't what he had come for, but it was something he would do so that the smell didn't travel.
    Once he had taken care of that, he jogged to catch up to Zakai. When he was managing to walk alongside him, he peered down at the child. He didn't know how to start one of these conversations. He also didn't know a lot about being there for a person.
    "Um. So." He began slowly, "I thought you would be happy now that you don't have to chase terrorists and monsters around? Or is it easier to do than being a normal person?"

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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