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Thread: [IC] Kingdom Hearts :: Shattered Remains [PG-13]

  1. #21
    Star of the Dawn
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    Ardeth heard someone else nearby, and when she mentioned a group chosen by light, he knew this would require his immediate attention. By all accounts the deranged atoner was surrounded by others who had the situation well in hand, but this woman had just arrived here and knew nothing of what was going on.

    “Not all.” Ardeth explained, now that everyone’s attention was on the aggressive one. “The white-haired one controls the shadows in this place, and claims to want to hold back the light in the name of balance. And the others speak of light and darkness as being the same. All except that one...” Ardeth pointed toward Vanigx, “...who claims to use darkness to fight for light.”

    None of this was making any real sense, so Ardeth could do little more than prepare for whatever was to come, and hopefully this woman knew enough now to do the same.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  2. #22
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Alinara kept her blade out, eyes on the berserker as others stepped in. "Even worse then. You fight without thought, thinking that you are fighting for something that has no purpose or meaning." She glanced at the others as they spoke up. All until Luna spoke about some riddle and it's answer.

    The dark knight frowned deeply, anger etching upon her. "That answer is inheriently wrong. Bringing darkness into the light does not make it one. You bring something dark into the light and what remains afterwards? Only the light." She scoffed a bit. "The answer that you are told is right is a faithful answer. Convert the Darkness to Light. The Light is good and holy and those of the Dark must be shown the truth so they may turn away from their evil." Her frown faded away into a grin as she laughed. "Is that not the belief so many hold dear? They they are doing the Light's holy work as they strike down countless minions of the vile Darkness?"

    The frown returned as she stepped towards Luna, her blade still out but not held threateningly. She loomed over her, narrowing her eyes. "The true answer of the riddle is shadow. That is the only time that light is not banishing darkness or darkness is not trying to snuff out the light... But that is an answer of actual reality and not of the nature of Light and Darkness. Order and Chaos."

    She stepped away from Luna, glancing at the others before turning her back to them. "Ask yourself this: Why does the Light seek to conquer so many worlds, making it so Darkness has no place upon them? Opening the doors to let Light shine while locking the Darkness away, why?" She slid her sword away as she moved to walk away. The Light warriors had been gathered. If the Heartless hadn't already altered the main force then she needed to alert them. "You may not have the full answer if you're blinded by the Light's truth." And with that she was walking away, although she was seeing if any of the others would move to follow her. At the very least if they did it would make the task simpler.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  3. #23
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Rafe kept his keyblade out still wary of the wild warrior whom they'd only just pushed back. But he followed Alinara just until he stood even with Luna still acting as physical barrier between her and Vanigx.
    "If introductions are to be made we should find somewhere less open, these creatures can attack out of nowhere so it'd be best to secure a space they can't ambush us in." He said addressing the group as a whole. "I'm not sure how much any of us actually know about the current situation we've found ourselves but figuring out what our goals are would behoove this motley fellowship we've formed."

    That said he turned his attention toward Vanigx. "IF you can control yourself you're welcome to join us, I have no idea how someone like you has the strength of heart to summon a keyblade but it's clear you're one of the chosen. However my conditions still stand. If you threaten anyone here again I won't hesitate to end you, that weapon shouldn't be used to destroy."

  4. #24
    Member SpiritofDestiny's Avatar
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    (Spirits speaking will be in BOLD
    Eidolons for my posts will be both BOLD UNDERLINED )

    As the Sun was hanging high in the Skies of Spearia, a young woman with blonde hair and amethyst colored eyes, standing about five foot nine inches, looking about the age of eighteen wearing a white shirt with detachable purple sleeves. The girl was deep in thought when she was interrupted, but by a spirit of the world, “ Excuse me, Alexiel-chan, but Lady Elsinore and Aurora wish to see you.

    Alexiel nodded, “I see, I’ll head back to Falthra right away. Thank you for letting me know.” She then pressed the button in the middle of her chest, to summon her armor, and then summoned Heaven’s keyblade, she then threw it into the air, which then were surrounded in white light, and then reappeared as four wings on her back, because she knew that flying back to Falthra was much faster than walking.

    In the throne room, stood a woman in cobalt armor. Standing around 6’0” she was speaking with two anthropomorphic animals, one looking like a mouse and the other was a duck. The woman spoke, “I see, well this is not good news. I cannot believe that he is trying to create Kingdom Hearts again.” She then kneeled down and then spoke again, “King Mickey, thank you proving intel on what is going on.” she then stood up and sighed, “Master has been many ages since I last heard that name.”

    Then King Mickey spoke, “Gosh, Lady Elsinore how do you know Master Xehanort?”

    Lady Elsinore smiling softly, although she was still wearing her helmet spoke, “Well, Xehanort, Eraqus, and I were taught by the same keyblade master. Under Master Yen Sid. It is unfortunate that that Eraqus and Xehanort pulled themselves in polar opposites. They have forgotten why having balance is important.” She then looked to the sky, which her throne room had a skylight, “After all, you cannot have the day without the night, you cannot have the sun without the moon, and not have a balance. Another way to look at it, you cannot have order without chaos, and you cannot have chaos without order.”

    King Mickey nodded, “although it is understandable...but you cannot have one without the other.” The anthropomorphic duck then spoke, “What are we going to do now your majesty?”
    King Mickey then spoke, “Well that is why I asked you to come with me Donald, although I know Goofy wished to come along, but it was for the best that Goofy could help out Master Riku and anyone else that he may gather.”

    Lady Elsinore then wondered and said, “Hopefully all of those that Master Riku gathers, will be strong enough to take on Xehanort. That man may be cunning, but he is no fool. It does not mean that you shouldn’t underestimate him...”

    Donald then spoke up, “What about you, why don’t you help us?” However King Mickey didn’t want Donald to finish his questioning statement but unfortunately for the King, the fates were cruel. Also wouldn't be able to stop what was to come, because Donald brought it on himself.

    Alexiel then landed on the ground, outside the castle and unsummoned her armor by pressing the button on her chest, and first ran into Aurora getting down on one knee to show respect, “Aurora-san, I was told by one of the spirits that you and Lady Elsinore-sama needed to see me.”

    Aurora smiling underneath her white cloak, “Please Alexiel, you need not be so formal, but you are correct; however Lady Elsinore is currently has a visitor, but come along.” She then turned to which Alexiel followed behind. Alexiel looked out to Falthra, not too long ago, this town faced an assault from none other than Rocial. Aurora turned slightly to see that Alexiel was not following behind her and then turning around and took a few steps back. Placing a friendly hand on Alexiel’s shoulder, “Hey listen, I can tell what you are thinking...nothing that happened was not your fault. In fact if it were not for Lady Elsinore, you, and I, who knows what state this world would be.”

    Alexiel then interjected, “But Aurora-san, many good Spearians lost their lives...and if I was stronger, they wouldn’t have been killed.” She then felt a few tears fall, her body for a moment shivered, “If I…”

    Aurora then placed a finger over Alexiel’s lips, not allowing her to complete what she was going to say, “Do not even finish that statement. You know as much as I that it wouldn’t have done any good. Besides you shouldn’t let it weigh your heart down. Also I mentioned that you should chalk it up as a learning experience. No matter how much you train, you can never really learn until you actually put what you have trained for to use, find what works, and fix what doesn’t.” Aurora then paused, “Besides you also know that you couldn’t have done what you were going to say that will be determined on the Day of the Prophecy.” Again Aurora paused, “I should know better than anyone Alexi-chan, and I have lived several lives. So in my case I know better than anyone that what I am saying is true. That being said, we should go see Lady Elsinore-sama.” Aurora gave Alexiel a small hug and then turn back around and they walked together to see Lady Elsinore.

    When they approached the doors to enter Aurora knocked loudly, “Lady Elsinore-sama, it is I, Aurora Suzaku and Alexiel Hikari.”

    They heard Lady Elsinore speak, “You may enter.”

    When the doors opened Aurora and Alexiel stepped into and saw that King Mickey and Donald were still speaking with Lady Elsinore. “Ah, good timing, King Mickey, Donald, this is my apprentice, Alexiel Hikari.” Lady Elsinore motioned for Alexiel to step forward. Alexiel stepped forward and then bowed formally, “Hello King Mickey-sama, and greetings to you, Donald-san.”

    King Mickey then smiled, “Ah, Alexiel that is right, you have grown up.”

    Lady Elsinore smiled, removing only her helmet, “Yes, it has been quite some time since you last saw Alexiel. In fact tomorrow because she has become of age, she will take her mark of mastery exam. I will see if she is worthy of being a Keyblade Master.”

    Alexiel then nodded, “Why thank you for your compliment King Mickey-sama, and I will do my best to not disappoint you, Lady Elsinore-sama.”

    King Mickey looked to Donald, “Well Lady Elsinore I wish to discuss more, but Donald and I need to get going. And Good Luck on your exam Alexiel!” Alexiel smiled, and bowed her head, “Thank you, Master Mickey!”

    Lady Elsinore then lifted her arm and then chanted in a dead language. “Well it is good to see that you are well King Mickey, you are always welcome here.” Then Donald interjected, “What did you do now?” Lady Elsinore smiled, “It is a spell of protection from a time that has been lost to many, safe travels through the realm of darkness King Mickey and Donald. May your heart be your guiding key.” she placed a hand over her heart.

    King Mickey and Donald nodded, which they go to their gummi ship and then disappeared in a flash of light.

    Lady Elsinore then turned her attention to Alexiel and recalled her armor, “Alexiel, it is good that you came quickly…”

    Alexiel nodded, “Yes, one of the spirits told me, that Lady Elsinore-sama and Aurora-san needed to see me. So I am here as requested.” She then bowed before Lady Elsinore.

    Lady Elsinore then smiled, “Please Alexiel, you do not need to be so formal when we are alone; however I have learned some ill-timed news. It seems that someone that I know is plotting something, which could destroy the balance of things. However now we must focus on special training today, especially since tomorrow I will test you, for the Mark of Mastery.”

    After Alexiel’s intense training she then fell to her knees and then started breathing heavily. “You have done well, your skills have greatly improved; however even with that being said, you need to learn your limits, for if you push yourself too hard, it will be your undoing.” Lady Elsinore paused, “Also I know you have recently you found out that you have a new very rare and powerful ability; please keep this in mind, Alexiel-chan, if you try to use this ability too much and recklessly. It will be your undoing and you will not be able to defeat Rocial on the Day of the Prophecy.”

    Alexiel nodded, “Forgive me, Lady Elsinore...I wanted to…” Lady Elsinore nodded, “I know…” she then placed a hand over Alexiel’s heart. “Sometimes you have too big of a heart. Sleep and we will talk more tomorrow.” Alexiel nodded as the urge to sleep was overpowering her. Aurora smiled hidden by her white cloak, “Poor girl, she tries so much. She always seems to push herself so hard, to prove that she can.” Lady Elsinore nodded her armor being recalled. “I can only hope for Alexiel’s sake, that it will not cause her too much trouble. Take her back to her room, and let her sleep. It seems that I need to investigate things, and it is going to be a long night.”

    Aurora nodded and bowed, "It will be done, Lady Elsinore-sama." After Aurora took Alexiel to her room to sleep, she decided that she would go on patrol, to make sure everything around Falthra was peaceful.

    As Alexiel was sleeping, she seemed to feel strange this didn’t seem like it was a dream world; however it was nothing but darkness around her. As Alexiel walked forward, she couldn’t see anything in any direction. It felt like that she was not even going in a particular direction; however all she could do was to keep walking. When she thinks that she sees someone, she starts to pick up her pace, running towards them, not sure what was going on. However as she was getting closer to this person, her vision was getting blurrier. She soon could only see colors, and vaguely make out the shape of people. ‘When did others appear?’ They seemed to be a two on one fight. Alexiel summoned her keyblade, “Hey! Two on one is not fair! Haste!” she tried to speed herself to get to the one that was being picked on; however fate would be cruel, no matter how fast she was, she couldn’t seem to catch them. When one of them had stabbed another in the heart, looking like the body shattered into pieces, also it unleashed a powerful light, Alexiel tried to keep going despite this, by putting her free hand over her eyes so that she could see, but then felt a sharp pain in her own chest, causing her to fall her knees, and screamed in pain.

    This caused Alexiel to awaken screaming and holding her chest. Lady Elsinore was able to hear this, she stopped what she was doing and ran to Alexiel’s room. Lady Elsinore sat by Alexiel’s side placing a hand on her head, “Alexiel-chan?”

    Alexiel was holding her chest while a river was flowing from her eyes, “L-L-Lady Elsinore-sama…” She looked up to Lady Elsinore with her eyes looking like she saw something worse than death. Lady Elsinore she lifted Alexiel up and hugged her. Alexiel’s face felt hot as it was touching Lady Elsinore’s cold body. Lady Elsinore hushed Alexiel, and was rubbing the back of her head, “Can you tell me about it?” Alexiel took several minutes of taking deep breaths, “I saw....someone...their hurts so much…” Alexiel was still holding onto her chest. Lady Elsinore hugged Alexiel tighter, “it is alright...I am sorry that you had to endure this...” After what seemed like hours and reassurances to Alexiel that everything will be ok. Alexiel once again slipped into the realm of sleep. Lady Elsinore laid Alexiel back into her bed and covered her up. “Sleep well...and dream happy dreams.” Lady Elsinore stood up and placed a hand over Alexiel’s heart, “Restoris!” Lady Elsinore walked out of Alexiel’s room and headed back to the library and returned to pouring over her books cross referencing information. Lady Elsinore was researching throughout the night, after some time has passed. Aurora returned from her patrol and searched for Lady Elsinore, finding her still in the library, asleep over the books. Aurora just shook her head and then quietly moving the chair and picking up Lady Elsinore, she took her to her room to allow her to sleep. “Working hard as always, Lady Elsinore-sama.” Aurora spoke softly leaving Lady Elsinore to get some rest.

    Alexiel was awoken by the morning rays of Spearia's sun. As the two moons of Spearia was setting below the horizon,she then sat up and then stretched her arms out, softly yawning. She then decided that she needed to get out of the bed, and then got dressed into her usual outfit and then brushed her hair. She then left her room and walked down the hallway, wondering where Lady Elsinore-sama and Aurora-san were. Although she remembered the events from last night, she did her best to not allow it to bother her, after all she wanted to prove to Lady Elsinore that she was worthy of being a Keyblade Master and that all the training that Alexiel went through was not in vain. Aurora was walking down the hall, of course she had got no sleep, however her body was used to it, after all in one of her past lives, and she would only sleep on a weekly basis. Aurora saw Alexiel and had a solemn look on her face. She placed a friendly hand on her shoulder, “Hey I heard from Lady Elsinore…” she then hugged her, “It seems that your empathic abilities can cause you quite a headache huh?” Alexiel nodded, “However it's alright. I must have this ability for a reason. So are you going to watch over my exam today?” Aurora nodded. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Now we shouldn’t keep Lady Elsinore-sama waiting.” This time Alexiel nodded, and they walked together in a quiet silence.

    When they reached the throne room, Aurora once again knocked on the door, hearing from the other side, “You may enter.” With Lady Elsinore’s acknowledgement, Aurora and Alexiel walked into the familiar throne room. The place where Alexiel and Lady Elsinore had many talks and training sessions. “I hope you slept well Alexiel.” Lady Elsinore said. Alexiel nodded and bowed her head, “Forgive me if I disturbed you last night.” Lady Elsinore shook her head no, “You need not apologize Alexiel-chan.” She then approached Alexiel and placed a hand on her shoulder, “Now before we start the Mark of Mastery exam; there is something that we have not completed yet. Since you have become of age we have been so busy with recent events that you have not been matched with your Eidolon.” Lady Elsinore then extended her arm and then various orbs appeared, “Now Alexiel, clear your mind of any voluntary thought, and sense with your heart, and we will see whom will become your Eidolon.”

    Alexiel nodded, she didn’t know that they were finally going to do this today. She closed her eyes, opened her heart and then she reached out her right hand which she suddenly felt a hand grab hers, and then felt that the binding spell which binds the Summoner and Eidolon together. When the spell was completed Alexiel opened her eyes to see that her Eidolon partner would be Shiva.

    “Shiva, I can’t believe that you choose me!” As she spoke, the spell that would bind the two briefly appeared in the form of a snowflake and then disappeared into Alexiel’s skin. “Ah, it seems that Shiva has chosen you, congrats Alexiel-chan.” Lady Elsinore said to Alexiel. “Forgive me for not performing this sooner Alexiel...”

    Alexiel then shook her head no, “Please Lady Elsinore-sama it is not your fault.” she then bowed to Lady Elsinore, “Thank you, I will make sure to not disappoint you, Shiva, or Aurora-san.”

    “Well now, Alexiel Hikari, my student for all of this time, this is the moment I will be giving you the mark of mastery exam, you may and are expected to use all that you learned from myself and Aurora-san. So now I will ask this of you only once, are you prepared to show me if you have the mark of mastery?” Lady Elsinore then summoned her keyblade and then pointed it towards her.
    Alexiel then summoned her keyblade, “Lady Elsinore-sama, I am ready and I will prove that I have the Mark of Mastery. I will show you that your efforts to train me will not be in vain.” She paused and then stood ready for battle. “Don’t go easy on me, Master.” Lady Elsinore smiled, and then her keyblade started to glow then her armor appeared, “I wouldn’t disrespect you in that way, Alexiel-chan.” She then raised her keyblade and then the area was bathed in light, and then suddenly a sphere of darkness appeared but only in the immediate area around Alexiel. “Now her test begins.”

    Aurora then stood close to Lady Elsinore and smiled, “They seem to grow up so fast don’t they Lady Elsinore-sama?” Aurora spoke to Elsinore. Lady Elsinore nodded and recalled her helmet, “Yes, but she has worked harder than any human that I have encountered in my long lifetime.” Aurora then nodded in agreement, “Or in my many lifetimes.”

    Meanwhile after the light had passed and then Alexiel was now surrounded in darkness and then took in a deep breath, “Be not afraid Alexiel. I must show Lady Elsinore that I am worthy of being a keyblade master.” She then raised her keyblade, ready for whatever the Mark of Mastery exam would throw at her.

    As Alexiel was taking the exam, Lady Elsinore and Aurora were interrupted by a spirit which then bowed before them, “Forgive us, we know that today it is little Alexiel’s exam, but we come with urgent news. The Heartless are attacking they appeared out of nowhere.” Lady Elsinore’s face made a scowl, “Figures, however I am surprised that got through the barrier that isolates this world from the others, unless…”

    “I bet Rocial is the cause of this, Do not worry about it Lady Elsinore, I shall dispatch some of my troops, we will keep them from getting any farther, you make sure that Rocial doesn’t try to get to Alexiel.” Aurora then stood next to the spirit “Take me to where they first appeared, and I will contact the others to get there. Lady Elsinore-sama, please continue to watch over Alexiel’s exam.” Aurora then extended her hand to the spirit, which they took and then they disappeared in a flash.
    While Alexiel was still inside, something finally appeared, it looked like a giant heartless, “Heartless? Here? It seems strange indeed. It appears to be a Darkside...” She then had a tight grip on her keyblade, “I will defeat you!” Alexiel then charged towards the Darkside, no matter what she was determined to prove that she was worthy of being a Keyblade Master.

    Lady Elsinore stood debating with herself if she should suspend her exam due to this recent attack by the heartless. When suddenly she heard laughing, “What’s the matter Lady Elsinore do you not trust that big sister Alexiel can complete her exam?” When suddenly out of what seemed like nowhere, there stood someone roughly the same height as Alexiel, however her eyes were red, and her hair, black as a moonless night. “I am not surprised that you would dare return, although you were banished and shouldn’t have found your back; however your determination to end Alexiel’s life seems to be you’re only driving force.”

    Elsinore then summoned back her helmet and then pointed her keyblade towards Rocial. “Do NOT underestimate me, foolish child. I have power from ages lost. This you should know more than anyone.” Lady Elsinore then concentrated her energy, “Mistress of the Ice and Snow… All things cold... Come to my aid in his battle, I summon thee, Shiva to my side!” Suddenly there is a bright light, and a sudden chill in the air. Rocial held her hand up to block some of the light, and then she saw the Eidolon, a powerful ally of Lady Elsinore; however Rocial was not foolish, because she knew Lady Elsinore had access to others and with a snap of her fingers could call on their power.

    “Please, I am not here to fight you. Do you think me a fool?” Rocial then leaped out of Lady Elsinore’s and Shiva’s range, “I am only after her.” disappearing into the orb of darkness. “ROCIAL!” Lady Elsinore then growled softly; however she was aware of what Rocial was trying to do. She wanted her to suspend the exam because she entered in. However Lady Elsinore believes in Alexiel’s skills, no matter what Rocial attempts to do, Alexiel will prove herself. “Shiva, would you mind going to where Aurora-san is, and assist as best as possible, no restrictions on what attacks you use, but please do your best not to hurt any Spearians.” Shiva nodded and telepathically spoke to Lady Elsinore, “Yes, Lady Elsinore-sama, as you command.” she then disappeared in a flash of light.

    Alexiel then stood breathing slightly heavily, holding onto her keyblade “I did it, although it was a challenge, but the Darkside was not undefeatable.” She then placed a hand over her heart, “Heal!” She felt her energy being restored. Alexiel then heard a voice in the darkness, “It has been too long, well for me I should say...Alexiel-ni chan” the voice was drenched in malice, she knew who that voice belonged to, and didn’t even turn around. “ has been quite some time; however you shouldn’t even be here, you were banished from this world, for the crimes you have committed!” She then turn around pointing her keyblade at Rocial. “You hurt many people on that day, and I will avenge them, even if I cannot do it now.” Alexiel summons her keyblade armor and stands ready to go on the offensive. Rocial smirked, “OoOoOhHhH just look at you with your fancy armor. I hope you are not thinking that it will protect you…” she then summoned her own keyblade, “Because it won’t.” she said plainly. She then grinned evilly, and then created a mist to hide herself in, “Find me Alexiel...that is if you can…”

    Alexiel then softly growled to herself, ‘Always hiding behind your illusions…it comes as no surprise’ She stood still, closing her eyes and trying to use her ears to try and see if she could hear Rocial’s footsteps in the darkness. Alexiel then heard something that sound like moving air, and then turned and clashed her keyblade with Rocial’s. “It seems that you are getting better about hearing movements, but it will not help you.”

    Alexiel then leapt into the air, “I am no fool Rocial, but you know, as well as I. That any true defeats or victories will come when the Day of the Prophecy. Blizzard!!”

    Rocial easily dodged, “Now sister…you should know better…” she paused then shouted, “Dark Thunder!”

    Alexiel then shouted, “REFLECT!” as Rocial’s attacking almost hit its mark, it was reflected back towards her sister.

    With a snap of her fingers, Rocial recalled her spell. “Well as interesting as this is getting…I am afraid that my time here is up; however remember this well, I will DEFEAT you sister, and darkness will overtake everything; Also so you don’t get bored, I will leave you something to play with…don’t have too much fun!” Rocial was laughing evilly and winked as she turned around and then walked through a corridor of darkness.

    “ROCIAL!” Alexiel shouted and then clenched her fist, gripping her keyblade tightly, when she felt the ground rumble and from the ground. Alexiel took a leap back, and saw how tall this creature was, but it was something that Alexiel had not ever seen before. It had a mane that looked of fire, thorns that surrounded its body and a pair of flame horns. “What in the worlds is that?” Alexiel paused and then looked to the creature with determination in her eyes, “You will not stop me, and I will complete my Mark of Mastery exam. I do believe in balance, however you are going to try to stop me, and I must defeat you! You will not invade my home world!”

    Meanwhile Lady Elsinore was waiting to hear news from what is going on with Aurora and Shiva, when one of the spirits appeared and bowed once again to Lady Elsinore, “It seems my lady, those creatures, the heartless have retreated into the darkness, Aurora-san and everyone’s efforts seemed to pay off.”
    Lady Elsinore nodded, “Excellent, after Alexiel’s exam is concluded then I shall investigate matters to make sure that no one was seriously hurt.”

    The spirit then hung their head solemnly, “Forgive us, Lady Elsinore-sama, but we know that after little Alexiel-chan’s exam is concluded, we sense that the forces of light will call her. She will have to leave us.

    Lady Elsinore recalled her helmet, pinching the bridge of her nose, “It is alright, I sensed this day was coming, I was hoping for a little more time; however fate is a cruel mistress. Thank you for your report.”

    Suddenly the dark sphere was disappearing and stood Alexiel using her keyblade to keep her balanced, she smiled softly, “Forgive me, Lady Elsinore-sama unfortunately I ran into an interruption, I hope it does not affect your decision.” Alexiel then casts heal to restore energy and then bowed slightly.
    Lady Elsinore shook her head no, “You did well, even when Rocial interfered wanting me to stop the exam; however I was confident that you would succeed and you proved me right. Now Alexiel, please approach me.”

    Alexiel did what Lady Elsinore asked of her and then bowed lowering her head. “Alexiel you do not need to bow. Please stand.”

    Alexiel then stood up, “Please give me your right hand.” Which Alexiel did and then Lady Elsinore placed her other hand over Alexiel’s. She looked into Lady Elsinore’s stormy grey eyes and then felt a burning sensation and after the moment passed Lady Elsinore let go of Alexiel’s hand and smiled, “From this day forward, you Alexiel Hikari have in my eyes, earned the title of Keyblade Master. Just as Lady Elsinore said those words Aurora walked in and smiled, “CONGRATS!”
    Lady Elsinore nodded, “You have done well and worked hard. You stood your ground and remained focused, and didn’t allow Rocial to get into your head. Your understanding of balance in all things is very impressive.

    Something that even I could learn from. Although you have earned your mastery from me you should know that…” Alexiel nodded, “If I were to travel to other realms I cannot directly say where I am from, but also not to mention to anyone about being a keyblade master, despite your reputation; your legacy has been lost to the sands of time. No one would believe that you exist.”

    Lady Elsinore placed a hand on Alexiel’s shoulder, “Do not be sad child, you have proven to me that you can hold your own. Believe in yourself, and the strength within you, and you will always be victorious.” Lady Elsinore then paused and then took a few steps back, “It seems that fate is once again cruel because it seems what I once mentioned has come to pass. I am afraid that you must leave Spearia, and save what makes the main worlds fall into imbalance.”

    Aurora then seemed sad, “Is it true Lady Elsinore-sama?”

    She nodded, “However know this, we are always here for you, Alexiel-chan.” Aurora then removed her hood and then smiled, “You will do us proud Alexiel. Now I guess that it is time…isn’t it Lady Elsinore?” she asked Lady Elsinore.
    She nodded, to which Alexiel went over to Aurora, whispering a request into Aurora’s ear. Aurora nods, “I will make sure it is done. Do not worry Alexiel-chan.” Aurora then put her hood back on and then stood next to Lady Elsinore.
    Lady Elsinore then summoned a portal of white light, “The spirits have told me where the others are meeting at. It seems that the one you are looking for is Master Riku’s party. Unfortunately I cannot tell you more than that. Moreover, I have this piece of advice, your journey will have you meet good and bad people, I know your stance; however remember this, do not allow them to deceive you. Remember to remain objective, and your most important thing is that the worlds remain in balance. One last thing Alexiel, may your heart be your guiding key.”

    Alexiel nodded, “It is sad that you are unable to come with me,” she then placed her hand over her heart, “I know you both will always be close, and I will do my best to honor you and prove myself. May your heart be your guiding key, Lady Elsinore-sama.”

    Lady Elsinore then spoke a protection spell in a different language that has been lost to the sands of ages. “I know you will do your best.” She then paused, “Aeroga!” She then sent a blast of wind, to make sure that Alexiel went through, “LADY ELSINORE!”

    She then crossed her arms in front of her and was sent flying back and then Lady Elsinore sighed, “Couldn’t have you try to reason you’re not being sent.” “It is the best for her for now. Lady Elsinore let us make sure that the heartless are completely disappeared.” Lady Elsinore nodded and followed Aurora.

    As Alexiel was being blown back she then felt like that she was being summoned to where, she did not know, but by the sound of things, she was going to run into other wielders. She then summoned her keyblade armor, trying to then turn around, ‘I wonder where I am going?’ She then knew that where ever she was going she would need to try her best to be strong.

    In a quick flash of light she finally landed she fell to one knee. ‘What is this place?’ she stood up and then was shown a vision of a boy with spiky brown hair with two anthropomorphic animals, one that she recognized as Donald, the other was that of a dog, but she did not know that one’s name, maybe they are in Traverse Town. ‘Who is that boy?’ There was an aura about him, but she couldn’t place it.

    When Alexiel heard a voice speak to her, ‘This is Traverse Town. And you are in the third district. Others are here as well. The boy you saw, his name is Sora.

    Alexiel then felt strong emotions, although she couldn’t pin it she clutched her chest, she then took some deep breaths, ‘Where are the others I wonder? So that boy’s name is Sora.’ Her chest started to hurt again, like before she left Spearia.

    She then felt the sadness of this world, ‘Spirit of Traverse Town, my name is Alexiel Hikari. How long has it been since you had someone to talk to?’

    The spirit responded, “We are afraid that it has been too long since we have spoken to another that can either hear or see us.

    Alexiel then felt the different feelings of confrontation, but even worse she felt her own insecurities, ‘Lady Elsinore-sama never really told me how to interact with others?! What will I do?’ She then decided to at least see around. ‘Please Spirit of Traverse Town, I am here and will be more than happy to speak with you, do you know where the keyhole of this world is?'

    The spirit mentally nodded, “It is in the second district. Your keyblade will guide you. We are happy that we have someone to talk to, thank you, Alexiel Hikari.” ‘Please, just Alexiel.’ She spoke to the spirit with a smile.

    Alexiel then took a deep breath, she did not want to cause any trouble, but if the others that were called here are fighting, we won’t stand a chance to restore the balance to the worlds, and they fall into a deep unescapable darkness. So Alexiel gathered her courage, after all even if it is not accepted here, she earned the right to be called a keyblade master, knowing this seemed to give her courage, looking to the emblem on her right hand.

    She headed towards the second district, when she heard someone speak, “What the hell are you doing here? You have to stay away from me. My sins are too great.”

    Alexiel then thought, ‘Whatever is going on, I have to hurry.’ “Haste!” she then sped up to see if she could find the source of the voices; however not being able to completely making out what they were and then closed the distance making a gap between Rafe and Vanigx sliding between them, “Please stop you two, we shouldn’t be fighting with each other. She then summoned her keyblade; however only using it to defend herself if necessary. “Please I do not wish to fight anyone of you, but whatever the conflict is, we can talk it out.”

    Rocial was hiding in the darkness where no forces of light could see or detect her, 'So these fools are what the forces of light called upon because of Sora's disappearance huh? Maybe we do not have to put in that much effort since if things keep going, they will destroy themselves, well...except for Alexiel. I will personally take care of her.'
    Spoiler: Sigs 

  5. #25
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    Vanigx stopped as he calmed down before putting his keyblade away and stared into Alexiel’s eyes as he curiously held his hand out for her. “Who are you? I don’t understand you, but I’m scared of myself and could really use the help.My name is Vanigx. That’s all I remember. I don’t know my past other than my training to fight with a keyblade and my Eidolon, Dark Bahamut.”

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    Alexiel smiled and recalled her keyblade as well, as it seems that this young man was not going to cause any trouble. She accepted his hand, and then stood up. She then recalled her keyblade armor and then spoke, "Well Vanigx, I hope if nothing else this is understood, My name is Alexiel Hikari." she softly smiled but then looked solemnly, "You shouldn't be afraid of yourself, if it is memories you have lost, then through this quest that the worlds called us all here for, I believe that you can get your memories back; however no matter what your past tells you, know that it doesn't have to mold your future, as days turn to nights, so too can people." She thought about it for a second, "Though the past must be acknowledged it does not have to be all you are. Hopefully, that makes sense."

    She then felt herself getting embarrassed and took a few steps back, looking down to the ground. "My apologies, I shouldn't be so preachy." 'Also I do not have any right to tell you something and try to push any beliefs on you. Oh, why couldn't I learn how to interact with people.' She looked up and saw a taller older guy, his face had tattoos and they were in Arabic at least she thought that it was, considering the distance she couldn't complete tell why however they looked familiar to her.

    " Um...pardon me sir, the one with the markings, are you Medjai? " She asked him as a formal of tone she could muster.
    Last edited by SpiritofDestiny; 08-03-2019 at 08:26 PM.
    Spoiler: Sigs 

  7. #27
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    As the events took place around him Raizel was not concerned with the why of them being here, or the reason that the others seemed to be in the mindset that the light and the darkness we're separate. Since they were only two sides of the world and could not exist without one another. The only one that seemed to have that concept down was the young lady that had used magic. Turning to look at that young lady he smiled slightly.

    "When the light and darkness are accepted as equals young lady will be the only time the chaos of the heart will be quelled." Raizel said as he turned to the girl that was Wearing black armor. She seemed to think that the darkness was more right than the light.

    "If darkness is the path you walk there is no reason to belittle the light. You need to see the bigger picture, and not be blinded by the wrongs that have driven you to hate the light. It exists inside of your heart as well."

    All of this talk was not getting them anywhere. He was not interested in joining this small band of warriors. He was going to start his life over and not even think about the small minded people. He just wanted to live the rest of his long days in peace. So, with those words he was going to find a small place outside of the wall of the city to live.

    "It was a pleasure to see that there is life in this city, but I have no interest in pursuing this path. I am finally free to live my life without fear and that is what I am going to do. May the lunar goddess watch over your path." Raizel said as he began to walk in the opposite direction the girl in the black armor was heading.
    Last edited by Yamimoon; 08-03-2019 at 11:40 PM.

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    Wilhelmina listen quietly to the man as he explained the situation to the best of his abilities to remove her confusion. Even with the information she had obtained there were still things that hadn't made much senses to her. Before she could ask any further questions another one of the group spoke of the shifting shadows that could attack everyone and the need to figure out everyone's goals. Wilhelmina sighed with frustration then spoke, "That's why I don't understand the fighting with one another, it gets us no where and makes it hard to build trust or respect with one another. None of us will get any closer to our goals without working together or there's no point in all of us being here..."

    She trailed off considering what would happen if this didn't work out what would happen to her home. Another person had joined them calming the more violent person down. Her voice seemed familiar to Wilhelmina, but for a moment couldn't place her while her thoughts were jumbled. The feeling nagged at her, but was soon distracted once more as another person was already trying to part ways from the rest of the group. "I don't believe any of us will be able to live freely as long as the worlds are being swallowed up and destroyed. Whether it is light or darkness this has to be bigger than all of us for all of us to needed here...," she said muttering the last bit to herself still trying to work everything out in her mind.

    Mina looked at the girl more carefully being closer to get a better look. Her eyes brightened up at the realization, she did indeed know this girl. It shouldn't of come as that much of a surprise considering how the girl has a pure heart and gentle soul, but the young woman was happy to know she would have an ally she already knows. "Alexiel! It's wonderful to have you here, it's been so long since I've seen you," Wilhelmina said warmly as she pulled into a gentle hug before the man beside Mina could answer then letting go to give the girl space.
    Last edited by CrimsonLady180; 08-07-2019 at 02:26 AM.

  9. #29
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    "What is it you mean by 'darkness'?" Luna asked, not fazed in the slightest as the armored girl became angry and left, but she did watch the whole spectacle somewhat more seriously. The riddle Luna had mentioned had somehow triggered the armored girl to a nasty degree, even though no one had said anything bad about either light or darkness as she had claimed. That coupled with what she had said earlier about the yelloweyes and Luna’s own experience with the yelloweyes begged even more questions.

    “We’ve all been talking about light and darkness.” Luna mused aloud. “But have we all been talking about the same things?”

    What little semblance of calm this group had was quickly slipping away. At least the berserker had finally calmed down and at least one of their number had enough sense to walk away from this madness. However, the blonde girl mentioned a riddle that sparked a rage-filled outburst from the armored girl, who then suddenly turned to leave. That alone was strange enough, for the armored girl to lash out with such fury and then suddenly attempt walk away without explanation. But Ardeth had not forgotten that it was she who controlled the yellow-eyed shadows. Still, the blonde girl brought up an interesting point, that perhaps everyone here had a different understanding of ‘light’ and ‘darkness’ that was leading to all this miscommunication.

    Needless to say, Ardeth was more than a little distracted when someone else addressed him in his native tongue and even guessed that he was a Medjai. He did not know how she could have known about the Medjai at all given their secretive nature, but that was the least of his concerns right now.

    Thankfully the woman Ardeth had spoken to earlier recognized the Arabic-speaking woman as an old friend and approached her. With everyone who had been speaking to Ardeth now either occupied or leaving, Ardeth left them to what they were doing and watched the blonde girl and the armored girl attentively, knowing that the outcome of the armored girl’s outburst would be decided here and now.
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 08-05-2019 at 04:49 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  10. #30
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    Vanigx was blushing as he nodded to Alexiel. “You’re right. I shouldn’t worry about my past. I have to focus on the present in order to improve my future and everyone else’s. Hopefully I’ll still get my lost memories back eventually.” He then slowly walked back to Alexiel and gently hugged her. “My name is Vanigx by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”

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