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Thread: What Child Is This?

  1. #21
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    Both were quiet a moment. Then Mary's husband asked, "The Vava and those with him were from the same place in the East that the men who came to us were, and those men brought us gifts when they saw you. The Vava was reacting to the aggressive response of the occupying military. If he is on the side of those who brought gifts, how is it you called the Vava the enemy?"

    "He is the enemy. He is not on the side of those who came to you. He wanted to destroy the new king he heard about, to make his kingdom grow this way, closer to here."

  2. #22
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    Mary's husband still said, "We fled from the area where you were born after the men from the East left us with the gifts they left, because the ruler there wanted to find the newborn king, and destroy him, too."

    Mary asked, "Whoever sent the military forces here then knows of this Vava, who is the enemy?"

    "It is the ruler of the empire and his appointed officials who know of the Vava. If they could deal with him, they would."

    Mary said, "It is good none of them are going to take you for you to deal with him."

    "That is not what I am here for," the child answered.

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    Mary said in response, "I don't understand. What do you mean?"

    Her child said, "There is not more that can be said about it than what was told you already. Everything must unfold for that, which can be understood later. Leaders here have enemies and others they have to deal with. There is an enemy in the end that I will have to deal with, that they can't."

    Mary's husband said, "Mary, we cannot understand more. We talk with a child who speaks with puzzling phrases we do not grasp, and we know great and even miraculous things happen around him, like those would with a prophet sent from God, and we heard he is from God. We will just have to do things if he reveals things that should be done. That will be all we can understand with him."

    Mary said, "I do have more questions. But you may be right. The more I was asking, the puzzles there were from what answers I get from him."

    Yeshua, her child, said, "But maybe we can have something to eat soon? It has been a long while."

  4. #24
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    Mary said, "Of course. There were so many things we were doing, we did not stop for eating anything. You must be really hungry, Yeshua. I still have baked bread and some of the figs, that we can have right now. But I did want to cook a meal, and it will take some time. Let's have the bread now, and maybe figs too. The meal will be rather later. I hope you won't be too tired then, Yeshua. It has been a long day "

    Yeshua said, "Each day is enough to itself. You don't need to know the things happening tomorrow, now. But if you do listen to what things I show, you will both go with me at regular occasions to that city where our wagon stopped at along the way here."

    Mary's husband responded, "Oh! That city Jerusalem?"

    "Yes, that."

    Mary said, "Here Yeshua. Eat this bread. When you finish it I can give you the fig."
    Last edited by GodlyD&D; 03-12-2023 at 02:15 AM.

  5. #25
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    As her child ate with enthusiasm, Mary turned to her husband, and said, "So, we say we will do what he reveals for us, and he tells us to go with him to Jerusalem again at regular occasions. Are we really going to do that? There were reasons for us to avoid being there, it is why we did not leave the wagon of the caravan when it stopped for a while there."

    "Yes. We need to do that then. It will be alright if he tells us it will be."

    "Alright. If he says so, we can make that big trip for the next feast day."

  6. #26
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    When the bread little Yeshua was given to eat was soon finished, Mary gave him the fig. He started eating that, but not as fast. Yeshua ate slower and slower, and before finishing it off, he set it down and said, "Mama, I'm tired."

    Mary said, "I am not surprised at that. It has been a very busy day for us. Can you finish the fig still?"

    "I am afraid I cannot. I feel really tired."

    "Alright, let's take you to bed. Get the sleep you need, it is already late."

    Mary led him to where he would lie down, and watched over him, seeing him quickly fall asleep. She then went back to where her husband waited. She said, "It was really a long day that was busy enough for us, it was enough for me, too. I didn't think it was going to be. But after all that traveling, all that walking was much more than I needed."

    Her husband said, "What happened? You have been very active previously. Just after we came back here after traveling with the caravan you don't seem to have the same energy."

    "We will still go to that city we would travel to the next feast day Yeshua tells it would be alright to do. You can trust that if he is the prophet you say he must be. We agree he really is a miracle worker."

    "Yes, he is. But we don't understand yet the puzzling things he has been saying."

    "They must be revelations of some kind that we will have to understand somehow."

    Her husband looked at her. "You had less energy before, when you were going to give birth to him later."

  7. #27
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    Mary and her husband, Yosef, rather older than her, soon had a supper that was made ready, which they ate by themselves, as the young child, Yeshua, had eaten the bread and much of a fig, and was ready to sleep, and stayed asleep after that.

    Her husband Yosef said, "You really have a strong appetite this evening. You eat faster than I do this time."

    "I guess so." Mary went on eating.

    "There is the feast of lights ahead. Do you think Yeshua would mean for us to go to that? This next one is not at all far off. I would hope we could settle here a little longer before any other big trip. At least we still have the coins so that we might go with another caravan again."

    "We might. I do not know what Yeshua will say. Everything he does say is a surprise, and I do not even understand it all."

    They continued with eating until they finished, when Mary had eaten more.

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    Mary and her husband spoke for some time after the meal, about whether they should go to the big city at the next feast, the feast of lights, which was in the very near future, or one of the later feasts. They agreed after a while that it was the child Yeshua's thinking to make the trip, and he would say for which feast-day they would go.

    It had been a long busy day already, and they did not want to stay up late. Yosef might go to those of his family still there, where he might work with them, the next day. They went to bed then soon enough, where their space with it was just partioned space from that where Yeshua was lying, in this small home.

    Yeshua woke early the next day. He went to his mother, who just then awoke. He said, "You really want to know if you would go with me to the large city for the next feast day. That is not needed. I meant just that we should go there regularly. My brother will be born before we really should go."

  9. #29
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    "Your brother?! You already know another child is going to be born after you, and it will be a brother?"

    "Do you doubt?"

    "But then... I am with a child again. Already?"

    "You didn't think that could happen?"

    "Well, it did not seem like you could happen. But you are the one who was announced, so I was not thinking there would already be another."

    "There will not be another like me. But there can be a child still to you as to any woman who is with a man. You already say such things."

    "I guess. We just seemed to be a big exception. I must wake Yosef and tell him!"

  10. #30
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    Mary tried to gently shake Yosef her husband, who slept next to her, to awaken him. He finally mumbled, "Tell me later."

    She said, "Yosef, you are sleeping already later and later than you used to. Wake up! This is important. I am going to have another child. We will have a second son."

    There was no immediate response. More than a minute later, her husband said, "What?! How do you know that?"

    "Only our child, who is telling us everything, and we our supposed to listen to him and believe, says this."

    After another moment, he said, "But we already have our son. The one we were told about. We do not need another."

    "He says we can still have children like any others. They just won't be like him, who we were told about. So just raise them to work with you that you have been learning to do. It will help us with what we need, with that being done."

    Her husband gradually sat up. He saw the young child Yeshua still standing nearby. "So, you say to your mother she is going to have another child and it will be another son. He could not be like you. He would be a noisy, demanding little brother. How will you feel about that?"

    Yeshua said, "As I am learning things, he will have to learn as well, even if he won't learn as fast. If he wants, I will help him learn. Buy it might take a long time for him to learn the most important things from me."

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