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Thread: Alien: Resurgence [M] (Bluemoon x Kach)

  1. #21
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    Cell 22A--Pegasus

    Kyle smirked wryly at Kath as he began to eat, he was impressed she had regained her composure. He found her smile pleasant. She wasn't a bad looking woman.
    "You got it boss."
    He took his time eating, waiting to see if Kath got antsy waiting for them to finish, he wanted to have an idea of just how interesting their detour was.


    Lucille delicately manoeuvred the ship, watching the life boat's approach through the sensors and docking cameras. She turned on the intercom to the docking station.
    "Standby to connect."

    The lifeboat floated steady, filling more of the inky blackness as it grew closer. Quince felt a faint vibration through the floor as the vessels connected.

    "Connect." Lucille commanded, releasing the controls on her end and letting the Pegasus resume it's course to Earth. She stood up and hurried out of the cockpit, stopping at a supply locker to get a medical kit before heading down to the airlock.


    The ten foot hallway normally sealed by a bulkhead on each made up the airlock, The small window on the life boat's pressure door didn't offer much clues to how it's occupants were fairing. Lights inside flickered occasionally.
    The final battle,
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  2. #22
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    Cell Block--Pegasus

    Kath cringed lightly at the repeat of the moniker "boss", but did not say anything, her eyes narrowing slightly as she continued to stare at Kyle. The two prisoners seemed to be taking their time eating, but she knew it was most likely her impatience to get to the docking area that was making the time stretch out so long. She could feel the subtle shifts of the engines with the change in speed and the soft bump at the moment of attachment. Pulling her eyes away, she looked down at her wrist-com, another ten minutes and she would collect the trays--or come back for them. Either way, she wasn't going to wait any longer. She glanced at Sally, seeing the scowl on her face and realizing she had been silent the whole time since her arrival. Shrugging, she dismissed the idea of inquiring what was on the red head's mind, their health was really her only concern. ...and to deliver them alive and well for their executions.

    Leaning back in her chair, Kath kicked out her legs, crossing them at the ankles, and sighed.

    "Ten more minutes you two. Then dinner is over."

    Docking Area--Pegasus

    Quince mentally congratulated Lucy on a successful connection, the small craft bought in and secured with precision. He peered out the port, confirming lock down, then shut the exterior door. Lights came on in the small chamber, illuminating the lifeboat seconds before jets in the ceiling began to spin, hitting the vessel with bursts of oxygenated air. Red lights flashed, the door in front of the engineer engaging the self-locking system as the decontaminating process began. 'Five minutes', Quin thought, looking at the time. The soft click of footsteps hit his ears and he looked up, seeing Lucy moving towards him.

    "Hey Luce," he said, smiling at the woman. "Good job there...the ship slid in like a well-oiled cog. Just a few more minutes and we can enter." He turned back to the port, trying to see inside the vessel when the periodic flash of lights lit up the interior. "Seems they got a faulty system in the ship. Can only hope the life support is functional. Did you pick up any life signs?"

  3. #23
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    Cell Block A, Cell 22 - Pegasus

    Kyle stared back for a moment before winking suggestively at the extended eye contact.
    As he ate, he watched Kath. It was easy to notice the little twitches, the fidgets; he could tell she was eager to get out of the cell block and back to what ever their detour was. Something unusual was happening. And that meant, something might go wrong.

    Docking Area - Pegasus

    Lucille marched dutifully down the corridor. She was proud of her work and glad Quince noticed. he may not have been her first choice for a Engineer, but at least he was polite, even though he did call her by that awful nickname. "Thank you Engineer McGovern." She stopped a few steps behind him. "It is possible they were in the blast wave when the ship detonated. Their odds of survival are high."

    She mused on the question of the scans for a moment. Their had been a handful of life signs aboard the vessel, last she checked their were only three. It was possible some had succumb to injuries.

    "Inconclusive. The craft is heavily ionized from the explosion. I will assess the situation and report."
    The final battle,
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    Cell Block--Pegasus

    The minutes ticked by slowly as Kath tried to maintain her composure. She wasn't going to lie to herself, Kyle Jenkins interested her...and for all the wrong reasons. Nice looking. Nice physique. What was not to like? Other than perhaps he was a killer awaiting his death sentence. 'Well,' she thought to herself, 'there was that.' When he winked at her, she maintained her cold stare, feeling the slightest hint of color coming to her cheeks. She really was going to have to consider sending Quince in her place if she was going to blush like a school girl every time the convict worked his charms on her. Or Lucy. Lucy might be a better choice...she would have more self control and Kath wouldn't have to worry about Sally using her twisted seduction on the engineer. It was food for thought, and Kath mulled it over while she continued to glance at the time.

    When the ten minutes were finally over, the captain rose from her chair, smoothing out the wrinkles in her uniform with her hands. Moving close to the cells to collect the trays, she picked up Sally's first, then eyed the soldier warily. "Time's up Kyle, hand it over. I suggest you get in your time on the entertainment device while the lights are on. Once they go out, so does the charge. Keeps your sleeping schedule on point."

    Docking Area--Pegasus

    Quince nodded at Lucille's comment, not pressing her for any addition information. He was sure she had at least an idea how many survivors there were, but perhaps it was better not to speculate until they had a better assessment of the damages to the rescue craft. When the light over the docking bay turned green, the lock disengaged, the door opening quickly once he swept his ID card over the scanner. "Let me check things out first," he suggested, "I'll call you in once I finish the first sweep." He moved forward, taking out his weapon, but keeping it pointed downwards. He looked over the hull of the ship, noting some minor damage, but nothing that warranted further diagnostics. Overall, from his quick visual, the vehicle appeared sound, and he waved to the pilot to enter. He did not have the authority to investigate the interior...for that they would have to wait on the captain. Speaking of which, he wondered what was taking her so long.

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    Cell Block -- Pegasus

    Kyle brought his tray to the door and slid it through the opening and rested his palms against the cell door as he leaned against it, eyeing Kath. His face was serious and genuine as if he was giving advise to a trusted friend. "Remember Captain, you are responsible for the well being of everyone on this tub, and we are as determined to stay alive as you are."
    He pushed off of the cell door and took a two steps back, crossing his arms. He watched her with the gaze of a man who had lead more people under his command to their death than he cared to remember. He hoped she took her responsibility seriously, because whether he liked it or not, his life was in her hands.

    Docking Area-- Pegasus

    Lucille moved forward to interrupt Quince's advance as he drew his weapon, but stopped after half a step and watched him pass through the airlock. She watched curiously as he did a walk around the craft. It didn't seem to have taken much damage. At his signal Lucille briskly entered, walking up the airlock of the pod and peered at the window of the hatch. She reached for the keypad on the side of the hatch.
    The final battle,
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    by the united.

  6. #26
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    Cell Block--Pegasus

    Kath huffed lightly, offering the man a slight smile as she took his tray. "I am aware of my responsibilities Mr. Jenkins...and I assure you your life is as important as any other's on this ship. I am not required to keep you informed of any changes in our flight pattern, such as this detour, but I will address any anticipated dangers with the two of you personally if that makes you rest easier." She placed his tray on top of Sally's, then started down the hall, pausing briefly to look over her shoulder.

    "Have a nice evening...the two of you...lights out in four hours."

    Docking Area--Pegasus

    Katherine moved quickly down the hall, ditching the push cart in a small recess as she continued on her way to the docking area. She would take care of its contents later...the escape pod foremost on her mind. She arrived just in time to stop Lucille from depressing any keys on the ship's pad, her hand coming to rest on the pilot's wrist with a gentle pressure.

    "Whoa there...have you both forgotten our protocols and priorities? Safety first." She gave a disapproving glance at Quince, the engineer still standing to the side with his weapon drawn. "You are not in protective gear Quince, and Lucille, you do not have your weapon at the ready. We do not know the condition of the air inside the vessel...are there any airborne contagions? Toxic chemicals? And what about the survivors. Are they armed...dangerous?" She released Lucille's arm, taking Quin to the side. "Maybe we should let Lucille handle this...her risk is minimal," she said with a subtle lift of her brow, "...we'll get geared up. She is qualified to determine the condition of the well as the threat level." She took the engineer with her to the airlock door.

    "Lucille, please proceed. We will be on the other side of this door...and will open it once you clear the interior of the vessel. Please keep in contact at all times...we will have medical supplies at the ready." The captain placed a small receiver over her ear and pressed a button, engaging the mic. As the interior door slid closed, she nodded to the woman. "Do you read, Lucille? All clear."

  7. #27
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    Cell Block -- Pegasus

    Kyle waited while she quoted him the line almost verbatim from flight school. She really was green at this. He watched her go in silence. When she had left the cell block he spoke up to his neighbour.
    "Red. I have a bad feeling about this."

    Docking Area -- Pegasus

    Lucille stiffened, feeling a bit sheepish being called out by Kath. "Apologies Captain, I am eager to triage survivors. We do not have any way of determining the interior conditions without opening the pod. But an exterior inspection is promising."

    "That is the best course of action." Lucille agreed, glad that Kath had not noticed the message on the inside of the pod's small hatch window. "Affirmative, I understand." She confirmed the orders as she waited to open the hatch to the rescue pod.
    "Yes Captain I can hear you." Lucille replied, her voice over the receiver slightly crackling. "I am going to unseal the pod now." Lucille paused before engaging the keys beside the door opening it.

    (I rolled to see what would happen here btw. )

    The doors parted to the dimly lit pod. Only emergency lighting was active painting faint red lines over the interior.
    "Atmosphere is normal." Her voice crackled from the receiver. "I see one victim in the airlock area." Lucille took a step into the pod, just barely visible now in the dim light as she crouched over something.
    "Female, still alive, abdominal wound, signs of blood loss." Her voice crackled more over the receiver now that she had stepped inside. "I think I see another caught in the inner airlock door, moving to investigate." She stood, walking forward and disappearing into the darkness of the life boat.
    The final battle,
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  8. #28
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    Cell Block A-cell 21

    Sally made a sound similar to both a sigh and chuckle as she moved to the front of her cell. "A bad feeling Chief? Is there any other kind when you're being carried to your doom?" She put her back against her cell door, leaning into it as she stretched her arms high over her head. "If I get out of this cell...I'm taking her out first. Rip that smug look off her face..." She lifted her feet off the ground, grunting with the effort as she pulled herself higher. "You behind me chief?"

    Docking Area--Pegasus

    As soon as Lucille gave them the okay on the atmosphere, Katherine glanced at Quince, both of them in the process of donning protective gear. "Leave the rest," she said, indicating the helmets and supplemental oxygen. "Let's get in there and give her a hand." She grabbed the medical equipment, Quince opening the door as he took the lead, pushing a gurney in front of him. With a nod from her, he entered the ship, leaving the rolling bed by the entrance.

    The interior was dim, Quince dropping to a knee in front of the injured crew member Lucille had mentioned. He used a headlight to observe her injury as his hand went to her wrist. Her pulse was irregular...slow. He didn't turn at the sound of the captain's footfalls, his hand automatically reaching out for something to stem the bleeding. He ripped open the large gauze pad he was handed, applying it to the wound. Only then did he take the time to put on the latex gloves Kath had given him as well.

    "Wound looks nasty...but I need better light to determine it's cause." He rose to his feet, looking into the deeper recesses of the interior. "If you don't mind, I'd like to catch up with Luce. Can you apply pressure. I'm not sure she is even conscious...I'll just be a few minutes."

    Katherine nodded reluctantly. She was not a stranger to injuries, but also did not care to be in the limelight when it came to treating them. She put on a pair of protective gloves and did as she was asked, getting a soft grunt in response from the woman. "It's going to be okay," she said as confidently as she could, "..we're here to help. We have a top of the line medical bay...we'll have you good as new in no time."

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    Cell block A- Pegasus

    Kyle leaned against his cell door as he mused on how to escape if need be. He smirked at his neighbour's remark. "Boredom is what I was hoping for..." She might have just been a civilian, but the woman had a tenacity to her. She would be a dangerous enemy or ally. "just make sure to keep her hands in tact. Might need them for bio scanners." He paused a beat as he considered the caged woman's offer. At the very least it would make for an entertaining ride. "I wouldn't want to get in your way.. view is probably better as well."

    Docking Area - Interior Escape Pod

    Lucille was only a few meters deeper inside the corridor, standing in the darkness, her synthetic eyes had adjusted to the lighting enough that she didn't need a light. She crouched by the door into the cockpit of the life raft examining the next victim. A pair of legs lay motionless; pinned at the waist by the shorted out door. The door didn't seem to have done any significant damage beyond holding the victim in place. Inner doors were designed to short out breakers rather than crush obstacles. The door was 3/4 closed, just wide enough for someone to squeeze through, with more darkness beyond.
    "Engineer McGovern, can you restore function to this bulkhead?"

    At the back of the life raft, the woman's arm shot up as she gripped Kath's forearm with surprising strength. Her face was coated with dried blood from a large cut across her forehead from which the bleeding had halted. Her eyes remained closed, but her lips moved wordlessly as bubbles of spit and blood leaked from between them.
    The final battle,
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    by the united.

  10. #30
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    Cell Block A--Pegasus

    Sally chuckled. "Hands intact...check." She lifted her feet off the floor again, grunting with the effort, the strain causing a burning sensation in her upper arms. She never had been one for least not of the ordinary type. Her idea of working out was done between the sheets. Putting her feet back on solid ground, she released the bars of the door and rubbed at her hands.

    "You wouldn't be saying that chief if you could see the front of me better." She laughed again, slapping her hands loudly on the wall that adjoined their cells. "..and to stay out of my way. Don't want to ruin that pretty face of yours with an overswing." She leaned forward, putting her cheek against the cold surface. "I'm going to dream of you big boy. Once the lights are out. I suggest you find us a way out of here so I can share it with you." Moving away, she scuffed her feet across the floor as she made her way to her bed, picking up the device the captain had left for them. She clicked it on, watching as the screen slowly lit up and several options appeared before her. "Games..." she said softly, clicking her tongue as she moved the cursor through the choices.

    Docking Area--Interior of Escape Pod

    Quince grunted in response to Lucille's question, moving his light around the area until he located a power module. "Can give it a try," he said, grabbing at the tool belt cinched around his waist. The lights continued to cycle, creating movement where there was least that was his hope. He unscrewed the console's cover, mumbling to himself as he reached in to check the wires. The plastic coating on some of them appeared melted and he moved his light around until he discovered another area of damage....this time the outer metal framing next to the plate he had just removed. "What the fuck..." he grumbled. " should come take a look at this. Must of been some sort of heat surge...fucked these wires up good....not to mention the framing. Not sure....wait....yeah...I can at least get that door lifted for you. Just give me a sec."

    As he started the process of rewiring, Katherine let out a muffled yelp from the other area, the sound unheard by the two crew members as sparks crackled from the control board Quince was working on. The engineer cursed at the same time as the captain, both of them jerking with surprise. Quince faced his problem head on, Kath reluctantly with her head bowed close to the injured woman's lips...neither of them aware of the danger that was incubating within.

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