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Thread: Midnight Club for Vampires {IC}{M}{J'Von & ADN}

  1. #21
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    Suko awoke as her alarm had set off. Pushing the lid up slowly as she moaned. Barely getting out of the coffin. She looked at the time. It was becoming night once more. Her tired eyes looked around and spotted the ID and many other items with the bill fold on a table top nearby. Rubbing her eye, she finally gets the courage to get up and move. Walking over to the table top, she picked up the ID and stared at the woman's face. A smile appeared on her own while gazing at the ID. Her hand moves to pick up the rest and place the items back in the bill fold. Tucking the wallet in her jacket, she moved her neck around and felt the bones popping.

    It took her several hours to arrive to the detective's home. Finding an exquisite apartment that seemed to be more costy for a police officer. She examined the building to find an entrance. But her cell phone ringed and she answered it quickly. "Yeah?" Her usual answer.

    "Please tell me, the cops didn't ID you and you managed to escape." A woman's voice answered. "I saw the news, you killed the eye witness, but the police reported they had seen a asian woman fleeing the scene."

    "Don't worry, I got this under control." She said with a calm tone as she continued looking at the apartment. "I'll handle the police, you handle the PR as usual." Before the woman could say anything, Suko quickly pressed the hang up button and turning the volume to a silent.

    Spotting a way in, Suko kneels down and jumps up from the ground below and clings on to the edge of the building and repeated the motion towards the roof. Once she was able to reach the top, she located a door and noticed it was propped open. She figured somebody must have been smoking outside instead of inside.

    She looked at the ID again to find the apartment number. She quickly moves and quietly enters the buiilding.

    She found the apartment room and looked around. She looked at the door knob and scoffed. Taking a pin out of her pocket and started picking the lock. The door clicks and opens slowly. She looked around inside and noticed a jacket and holster on a table nearbly. She takes the gun still holstered and takes it apart. She could hear someone in the next room, which had to be the officer.

    Before making her entrance, she looked around the room and walked around. She touched underneath each table and felt something like a holster. Pulling another firearm and another and another. She smiled as she held the weapons in her hand. She also noticed the certificates hanging on the walls and pictures of families.

    Looking in the direction of the room where the noise was coming from. She started walking slowly to an open door and noticed the woman staring at a screen. The screen showed a footage of her leaving the building. She entered the room quietly and leans again'st the wall and crossed her legs. "You know for a cop, you got a lot of guns." She said, breaking the silence. She waited for the woman to notice the guns in her hand as each one was taken apart.

    She dropped the pieces on the ground and then folded her arms. "Still looking for me are ya?" She asked casually. Pulling the bill fold from her pocket and the badge, tossing the items to the woman. " I am."

  2. #22
    Domina Noctis
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    She froze at the sound of Suko's voice, she hadn't even heard anyone enter the apartment. Laurel wished she hadn't taken her holster off but she hadn't expected to be blindsided in her own apartment. She turned to look at the other woman her eyes glancing to the sofa. There was another pistol wedged between the wall and sofa but she didn't think she would be able to reach it before the Asian woman. Especially since Suko seemed to move so fast. “Occupational hazard.” Laurel said, commenting about the guns that Suko had found, a little more unnerved that she had been able to move around and find them without being noticed.

    When the wallet was tossed at her she caught it easily with one hand and chuckled a little. She shouldn't be impressed that Suko had been able to steal her wallet but she was. “You know I could charge you for larceny plus breaking and entering but I think that charge pales compared to murder.” Laurel stood from the desk dropping her wallet on it and letting the video continue to play on the computer, it was useless anyway. She walked toward Suko thinking she really should go for the gun but didn't. Not really knowing what was coming over her she walked closer until she was right in front of Suko staring at her face and thinking the other woman was truly beautiful. She had a sort of exotic beauty to her. In a move that surprised her as much as it must have surprised Suko she grabbed the other woman's wrists and pinned them to the wall beside her head. Laurel then pushed her own body against Suko's trapping her against the wall. She knew that Suko had the strength to throw her across the room she had seen her do that to Walker, but it didn't stop her. Leaning her head close into her neck and taking a deep breath she said her voice coming out a little sultry, “I'm going to have to place you under arrest.” Once again this close to Suko she could smell that wonderful rich wine like smell.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  3. #23
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    Suko watched the other woman slowly approached her as she stated about the murder scene. Smiling about the small threats, she continued watching her and allowed the woman to pin her on the wall. Suko felt a sudden feeling deep in her nerves, possibly fear? Though it wasn't that. She breathed heavily as the woman pushed her body again'st hers. Allowing the woman move closer and smell her neck. Suko smiled and leaned in closer to the woman as well. Her nose smelled the exotic blood flowing in her neck vein. Her fangs slowly revealed, and ready to pierce the skin. Suko controlled the urge and hid her fangs as she leans back.

    "You want to arrest me?" She asked curiously and softly. Pulling her arms down and wrapped around the woman's waist. She lifted her up while staring at her beauty. "Then I guess your gonna have to." She carried the woman to her bedroom and shut the door behind her.

    The next morning. Suko stood by the window wearing only her garments. Watching the sky as the clouds were covered in red. She had a window propped open as she smoked a cigarette and blow it out the window. She may be a killer, but she would like to think she was a polite one. Her hair in a neat knot, her make up still fixed. With one hand on the cigarette, and the other touching the medallion around her neck. She was thinking about her next step.

    "There is a reason why I was there...when you saw me in that apartment." She spoke softly over her shoulder. "I was there making sure loose ends were no longer needed." Inhaling deeply and exhales slowly with the smoke blowing out the window. "There are several reasons actually why I was there, and most of them I can't share with you." Flicking the cigarette out of the window then folded her arms, "And coming here compromised that, but I don't care." She watched as the sun continued raising up slowly. Stepping aside from the window and into the dark shade. She sighs as the sun shined into the apartment. "Suppose you don't have an umberalla?" She asked with a smile still on her face.

  4. #24
    Domina Noctis
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    She hadn't really remembered drifting off to sleep the night before, the last thing she had really recalled was cuddling with Suko. Laurel rolled over on the bed realizing that she was in it alone. She didn't open her eyes but sighed. It shouldn't have been a surprise to her that she would wake up alone. Suko was a wanted criminal. She wouldn't wait around in the apartment of a detective charged with arresting her, waiting for the passions of the night before to wear off and Laurel to come to her senses. She opened eyes feeling a breeze from the window. Laurel usually didn't sleep with the window open and had not remembered opening it last night.

    It did surprised her to see Suko standing there in her undergarments smoking a cigarette. Laurel had picked up the habit in high school but had quit when she had started running in college. Daniel had smoked but he never did around her always kind enough to go somewhere else. Laurel had told him it didn't bother her but he still insisted. Strangely the first thought that popped in her head was that she had torn Suko's panties last night. A closer look told Laurel that Suko was wearing a pair of her panties. It would seem the other woman had gone through her drawers while she slept, making her wonder how long Suko had been awake. She looked amazing not a hair out of place and not a smudge in her make up. No one had the right to look that good in the morning. Laurel no doubt had the wild look people had after sex and sleep. “In the hall closet but the forecast doesn't call for rain.” Laurel said, pulling a sheet from the bed to her and covering up as she commented on Suko's request for an umbrella.

    Suko talked so causally about killing a man, leading Laurel to believe it wasn't Suko's first time. Her initial thoughts led to Suko being part of some kind of organized crime syndicate. Given her Asian heritage she figured the Yakuza or Triad. Laurel didn't really know much about them, she had never really worked with the organized crime division. “Loose ends, things that had to be taken care of. What are you in the Yakuza or something?” Laurel asked, figuring the other woman wouldn't answer honestly but then again she had pretty much just admitted to committing murder. Suko was a puzzle of a woman that Laurel couldn't figure out. Everything about her just confused Laurel, she had to admit she had been attracted to her from the beginning but usually she had more common sense than to get involved in a suspect. But with Suko everything felt so right and last night had been amazing. “Why did you come here?”

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  5. #25
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    Suko checked the closest the woman mentioned. Checking to find a blue colored umberalla sitting on a box. Picking up the box and examining the item. She smirked when she was asked if she was part of a mob. Asking if she was associated with Yakuza or Triads. Tapping the tip of the umbrella on her hand, she walked over to a nearby dresser. She chuckled as she picked up her jacket and sets it down on the dresser. Checking her inside pocket, she finds a small container and lifted the lid up.

    Dipping two fingers in a white cream and tapped the cream on her face. Spreading the cream over her face, nose and lips. She continued spreading more of the cream on her neck and ears. "I'm not a mob boss." She said softly as she continued to spread the cream around her neck area. "I am a boss though." She looked over her shoulder. "Of a club." She picked up the lid and closed the container. Touching her skin, checking if she covered most of her neck and face.

    Picking up her clothes and dressing herself. She looked at the woman. "I was curious about you." After putting her tight black pants on, she sits on the bed next to the woman. "Your interesting." She admitted with a smile on her face. She leans forward and pressed her lips on hers. Pulling back after kissing the woman. She kept that smile on her face as she put her jacket on and pushed her feet in her boots. "If you really want to know...what I am...come find me at the club." Reaching for the umbrella and headed for the door, she gives a small wave before leaving the apartment.

    At the station, Walker sat in his chair. Suit still neat as he pressed a ice over his face. Moaning after his head still felt a sudden rush. "Can't believe a small woman tossed me like a fucking bean bag." He pulled the ice bag away from his face. "How the hell did she took your gun apart so fast?" He asked Laurel with a curious look.

  6. #26
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    Sitting at her desk Laurel stared at her computer checking her e-mail but she wasn't actually reading it. She had the same message up for the last twenty minutes and still had no idea what it said. This morning she had been late, after Suko left Laurel had lost track of time trying to figure everything out. By the time she realized what time it was she had been late. Laurel looked over to Walker seeing him with the ice pack. The doctors had cleared him for work but he still had a fair amount of bruising. She didn't hear his question at first still trying to work everything out. She should have reported that she met with Suko last night but she hadn't. How could she? Even if she omitted that they had slept together. What reasoning could she come up with for not arresting her?

    “I don't know. There are so many strange things about that woman that don't make sense.” Laurel said, though she was thinking more about the feelings she had than how fast Suko moved or how strong she was. She tried to push the memories of Suko's lips on her skin from her mind and get back to the present and their assignment to arrest Suko. “Where do we go from here? Our only lead is dead and I wasn't able to find anything yesterday.”

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  7. #27
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    "Well." He sits up and cleared his throat. Putting the ice bag aside on another desk next to him. He looked at the woman, studying her carefully. "I tried talking to the women in the apartment where Suko jumped into...somehow." He sighs slowly. "All I kept hearing was, 'El Diablo' and prayed every time I asked about her." He leans back in the chair. "We can go and find her at the Club and bring her in for questioning?" He looked at the folder that was placed on Laurel's desk.

    "And nothing much to go on for the witness." He reached for the autospy report and showed the pictures of the victim. "Same thing as the others, blood drained extremely, two punctured marks on the neck." He tossed the report back on the desk and sighs rather roughly. "I think we should go in undercover at the Club." He eyes looked up, "Get Suko to talk about these death's." He tilted his head. "What do you think?" He asked.

    At the Club...

    Suko sat behind her desk, wearing a black dress, which revealed almost her entire body. Her hair done by the Club's private hair stylist. Watching the security camera's as she put a cigarette on her lips. Inhaling deeply and released slowly. She mostly kept her eyes on the entrance of the Club. The Bouncer and another stood there, watching the line and allowed people in for a certain time. Then she heard the door to her office open.

    Turning her seat around, she smiled as the same woman she talked to before walked towards her. "Did you take care of those cops?" The blonde questioned. Suko only smiled at the question. "You didn't."

    "Let's just say...I invited someone here." She smoked her cigarette and puffs out the smoke.

    "" The blonde tilted her shades down, meeting her eye to eye. "Have you gone completely mad?" There was a silence. "You have." The blonde tossed a folder on Suko's desk. "We found him by the way." She took a seat and sat down. "He is...very hard to track."

    Suko takes the folder while holding the cigarette in her mouth. Turning the seat around as she slowly opened the folder, but her eyes kept looking up to the screen. "It's always hard to find someone." Suko remarked.

  8. #28
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    “We don’t have enough to bring her in for questioning. Only the two of us saw her we have no witnesses that saw anything other than the devil. And do you really feel like being in the field?” Laurel said, thinking about Walker’s suggestions. He suggested going undercover in the club but Laurel had a feeling that wouldn’t really work. Suko might not have gotten a good look at Walker but she knew Laurel quite well after what they had done last night. “There is a chance she would recognize us too.” Laurel said.

    She wanted to go check the club out but wasn’t sure about bringing Walker with her. When she met up with Suko, the other no doubt would mention what they had done last night and Laurel still hadn’t figured out how to tell her partner that she had slept with their prime suspect. She knew she couldn’t come up with a logical reason for doing that. Despite how amazing it had been Laurel knew she shouldn’t have done it. This was something that could easily ruin her career and she couldn’t think of a single thing to get her out of this mess. “Maybe we should case the apartment again, see if we can find someone that recognized her.”


    They spent the day knocking on doors to see if anyone remembered seeing anything. There was a large Hispanic population in the building so they received quite a few stories about El Diablo. All and all they came up with nothing. At the end of the day they both went their separate ways with Laurel heading back to her apartment. She currently was sitting on her bed thinking about what to do. The sheets hadn’t been made up yet and the room had a lingering smell of Suko in it. On the floor was both of their torn garments. Laurel thought about Walker’s suggestions to go to the club which drew her back to Suko’s invitation. She knew she shouldn’t go alone but lately her better judgment had been ignored.

    An hour and an half later Laurel was getting out of an Uber in front of the Midnight Club. She was wearing a white pants suit that she had spent most of the hour and half picking out. In her bedroom half her closet was on the floor with each garment not being the right choice. Why she was trying so hard to impress Suko was a mystery to her. She felt like a teenage girl going out on her first date. Then again nothing she had been doing made any sense. It felt like ever since she had inhaled Suko’s scent in that alley she was in a drunk stupor. The white outfit was an interesting choice considering every time she had seen Suko she had been wearing all black, the white would stand in contrast to her. Laurel walked up to the front door seeing the large bouncer standing there blocking the door. As she neared she looked at him seeming unphased, “I believe Kurosaki is expecting me.” Laurel said.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  9. #29
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    The Bouncer stood there, looking up and down at her body before turning to his partner standing behind him. His partner was almost the same size as him, but a little smaller. The Bouncer checked the list, and then looked at his partner, giving him a nod. Stepping aside for the woman to enter, the second lead her.

    Walking inside, and through the hallway, the music was muffled, but was getting louder and louder as they were getting closer. The Bouncer opened the door and the music became loud and clear. The people inside danced to the rave music, sweating but didn't care.

    The Bouncer continued leading Laurel towards the backroom where he opened another door. Inside the room, was the VIP Member Access only. There were several people inside, all were drinking 'red wine' and enjoyed their moments with others. As the two walked inside, red eyes watched Laurel as she walked past them. One stood up, a young girl, very pretty. She spoke to the Bouncer in a language which Laurel wouldn't understand. The Bouncer shook his head, and replied back, with Kurosaki's name attached. The young girl expressing from smiling turned pale as she stepped away and sat back down with her friend.

    The Bouncer lead Laurel to a black door with a guard standing by it. The man was tall, long black hair and a long goatee. His shades hid his eyes as he watched the two. He raised up his hand and spoke in the same language as before. The Bouncer replied again with Kurosaki's name attached. The guard sighs as his wrist reached to his mouth and spoke softly then touched his ear. After a moment, the guard nodded and opened the door. The Bouncer stepped aside and waited for the woman to enter.

    The Blonde lady remained where she sit as Suko turned her seat around and smiled. "Maybe we'll talk about this later?" She folded the file and placed it inside of her desk.

    The Blonde sighs and stands up and looked at the woman, returning her gaze back to Suko. "Later is it then." The Blonde puts her shades back on and walked towards the exit, her slowly walked past Laurel and gives her a glance and takes her leave.

    Suko smiled as she leans back and looked at the woman standing there. "You look amazing in white." She commented about her clothing. She leans forward and pressed a button on her desk. "Tommy, can you bring me a glass of 'Red Wine' and a regular glass of red wine for our guest?"

    "Yes ma'am." The voice replied.

    Suko sighs and looked at her paper work before turning her eyes to Laurel. Standing up from her seat, she walked around her desk and leans in front of it. Looking at the woman. "So, you really did come." Keeping her hands on the desk for a better balance, she kept her eyes on the woman standing before her. "So...tell me." She licked her teeth from the inside and tilted her head. "Why did you come?"

  10. #30
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    As they walked Laurel took in the sights of the club, it was similar to other clubs she had been in. Aside from the strange language everyone was speaking. She couldn't place what language they were speaking, it was unlike anything she had heard before. Not that Laurel was knowledgeable in many languages, she had taken Spanish in high school and then German in college but that was it. When she was finally inside Suko's office she was passed by a blonde woman who seemed to be glaring at her. After she left Suko instructed someone on the other side of her phone to bring them wine. “I prefer white.” Laurel said, moving closer to Suko so close that she was pushed back against the desk.

    She rested her hands on both sides of the the desk pinning Suko between them. “Why am I here? I believe the question should be why did you invite me here? We both know you killed that man and who knows how many more. It is only a matter of time before I have proof. So why bring me here to your lair where I may just find that proof? You aren't going to kill me, if you were going to you would have done that last night but that's not what happened now was it?”

    She leaned in again and brushed her hand against Suko's cheek. “What is it then? Are we playing a game of cat and mouse? To be honest I am not sure which of us is the cat and which is the mouse. Everyone I have interviewed about you says you are El Diablo, the devil and warned me away from you. So tell me is it true am I dancing with the devil?”

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

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