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Thread: The Greed of the Seven Seas [M] [IC]

  1. #21
    Member Lu321's Avatar
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    Lola had just finished retying most of the knots, done by someone missing an eye for detail, when she saw Blackfin had returned to the captain. The line for the supplies list was getting short, so she figured that she should climb down and wait for the take off order. The only reason she wasn't in the line herself is because she didn't need anything this trip.

    As she climbed down onto the deck, she glanced around the ship. They were nearing the port, the sun shining brightly against the sea and making the city seem to glow with it. This would be her first time going to port. She wondered what it would be like, but she didn't have much time to daydream. She pulled her gaze away from the city, forcing herself to do something useful while she was waiting for the order.

  2. #22
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Captain V reviewed her list as the last of the sailors made their requests. She wanted to make sure everyone was on there. At the top of the list was Boggs' request for items: rum, shaving soap, and boiled sweets. She nodded to herself and was happy with her work. V stood and stretched out her legs. She would never fully get use to her human form. Most of her youth was shaped by the depths of the sea. She preferred the power of her mermaid's tail propelling her through the water. Now the deep ocean was a place to explore. She wished she could bring her crew down there with her. Problem was they would all drown, except for Blackfin since he was a sharkfolk. She might have to bring him to the sunken treasures of ruined ships one day. That would definitely be a delight for a pirate.

    Captain V walked over to the crew members Blackfin had assembled: Lola, Siobhan, Gaelan. Meriadoc, and Cuthroat. She walked slowly by them and closely evaluated them with her stormy-eyes. Many were intimidated by her and could not make eye-contact. A couple where even shivering in their boots. V kept a straight face, but inside it made her happy that she could still scare the crew. It helped to keep people in their place. She was the Alpha and they better not forget it. The only one who could meet her eyes was Cuthroat. She gave a nod of approval to her. Cuthroat was loyal, but not eadily frightened. Good, that was what they would need this trip, some muscle in case the locals took unkindly to pirates in the neighborhood.

    "Good selection as usual Blackfin. All right here is what we are gonna do. I am going to be taking Cuthroat and Lola. with me to obtain the items on the list for the crew. Blackfin will be tasked with getting what is needed to fix up the ship and strengthen her defenses. He will be taking Gaelan, Meriadoc, and Siobhan." Captain V paused at Blackfin's suggestion to take Dragon along. "Yes she can come, but you will be responsible for her. I will be busy with other matters."

    That was the cue that V needed to gently tap Dragon on the shoulder. "Dragon, I am going to be taking over for now. Thank you for helping." She gave her a genuine smile. V took another swig from her waterskin to get that liquid corage she would need to socialze with civilians. Her voice bellowed out to the maind deck. "Drop the sails! Port is in sight!" The crew took her orders well and easily prepared the ship for docking. The Siren's Song used the push of the water to propel her to the docks. She slowed enough for Captain V to easily bring her safely into port. "Anchor and set her to the pier! And prepare the bridge!" The crew members anchored the Siren's Song to her position at port and the piece of wood was lowered to connect the Siren's Song to the dock for her and her crew to come and go. A few members stepped off and began tying rope to the dock to keep the ship in place.

    Captain V was satisifed with her sailing skills again. Now that they were safely at port, Captain V turned and gave sacks to her crew that were coming with her for the items they would be collecting. She also addressed the rest of the crew. "No one else is to leave this ship besides myself, Blackfin, Dragon and our chosen crew. Anyone else that steps foot on land will be left behind and will no longer be a part of my crew." She looked over the lot one by one to let them know she was serious.

    Once that was out of the way Captain V led her First Mate and their small crew from the ship onto the pier. The first few steps on land were strange. V was use to having to compensate for the waves and sway of the ship.
    "OK everyone meet back here once the sun sets. That gives us about 5 hours."

    Captain V then turned on her heel, expecting Lola and Cuthroat to follow after. This port city clearly survived on fishing boating, and trading. The smell of fish and saltwater filled the air. by the docks. Fisherman were unloading catches from the days and other ships were unloading cargo to be sold at market. As V left the port and moved toward the inner city toward the market, many people bustled about their day. In the market there were numerous stalls of people yelling the worth of their wares and the prices. The atmosphere was welcoming with the aroma of spices and cooked meats. The hutsle and bustle showed this was a large city with wealth. This place was used to many people coming and going and this meant not many were staring at them. Not all places they stopped at were nice to non humans. V was happy that was not something she would have to deal with here.

    As they strolled through the market, V pulled out her lists and gave some to Lola and Cuthroat. "Please get these supplies. Take a sack and fill it. Here is some gold to cover the expenses." V kept close to her two crew members. The market was big, but easy to navigate and it seemed all of the supplies would be obtained. About an hour in the city, V was done with most of her list. She enjoyed haggling with the locals.

    Captain V appraoched Lola in the market to see how she was doing." So Lola tell me... do you enjoy being a part of the crew?"

  3. #23
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    Boggs goggled a bit when he heard Blackfin wanted to take Dragon ashore, but kept his mouth shut, lest Blackfin decide to shut his mouth on Bogg's head. Still, captain wanted Dragon with the first mate, and he didn't see any complaints standing up to him. Lest, not for long.

    "Aye, captain," Boggs replied when the captain had said her piece. "We'll be ready ta sail when you return."

    Plan for disaster, Boggs did. if they left and the village here was still standing and friendly, he'd be a mite surprised.

    The village burning in an hour's time? He'd be giving orders to get the ship underway and to deeper water to keep her from burnin' or bein' overrun. By the time they'd reached it, the captain and Blackfin wouild be catching up and Dragon would already be at her perch on the yard.

    The rest would have to make their own escape.

    "Lookouts ta yer posts, I want no surprises! There a hint of red coats, pirates, or insurrection, you best be reportin' it! And get one of the powder boys on the signal gun, just in case we need to make a warnin' should the Royals come a'callin'."
    Last edited by Enigma; 07-10-2020 at 03:07 AM.
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  4. #24
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    As the Captain looked over each of her men that she had chosen, Lola found that she could not meet her eyes. It wasn't so much out of fear as it was for respect. She knew that a few people were afraid of the captain, but she was not in that group. She would do what she was told, no questions asked. Lots of people would have told her she might as well be a slave, but the ability to be expected to listen was one she took comfort in.

    Once the captain had given the responsibilities of each member, she went back to helping the crew prepare for the docking. Not wanting to climb up to prepare the sails, she waited for the order to lower the bridge. Putting the plank of wood down with the help of Jothan, a fellow crew member, she grabbed one of the ropes and tossed it to him so he could tie the boat to the port. She got back just in time to receive her sack and to her the departing speech from the Captain.

    Following the Captain as she made her way to land, Lola had a rare moment of clumsiness as she stepped onto the land. Being on land was foreign to her, having grown up on boats. It was weird not to have to correct her stature at every moment. She followed Cuthroat and the Captain into the market.

    Receiving her orders, she took her list and the gold that was given to her then almost immediately started looking around for the items. After an hour, her list was finished, and she had even managed to save some gold by bartering the prices down. She was just looking around when she heard a voice beside her. Jumping, she turned to find Captain V beside her. "I enjoy it very much, Captain. Will you permit me to ask why you are inquiring?" She replied.

  5. #25
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    Blackfin nodded. As the ship pulled into port, he waved his group over.

    "We've got three stops to make. The woodworkers', the blacksmith, and the black powder shop. We're not stopping anywhere else, so if you want something, steal it quietly. We're not sticking up some jeweler's, because we're not getting our ship banned from this port. That is all." He turned back towards port followed the Captain off the ship.

    As they walked through the town, he kept a close eye on Dragon. He wanted to make sure the little red girl wouldn't wander off.
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  6. #26
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    V started looking at the stand that they were in front of, it was selling fruit. V took a plump pear and then threw a silver coin to the seller. The seller bit down on the coin inbetween his teeth to make sure it was real. The seller nodded to V and then handed her three more pears for her coin. V smiled and pear, then bit into the ripe pear, enjoying the satisfying crunch.

    Captain V addressed her crew member, the graceful elf, inbetween bites. "I like to get to know my crew members. You are newer and I have not yet spoked to you. Tell me, how do you think I am doing as captain?" V was looking for honest feedback. Constructive criticism was good to hear, as long as her temper allowed it. But at this moment, V felt pretty good being on land and eating something other than fish at the moment.

  7. #27
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    Dragon followed Blackfin, but taking full opportunity to look around. Typically, she only went ashore after nightfall, so as not to scare people.

    They went to some sort of carpentry shop, much larger than the cabin the carpenter had. He had been fun to watch until the cannon ball. She wondered if they were going to take another carpenter from this shop?

    This shop had a large treadle wheel with people walking inside, while chains on the axle led up to a pole in the overhead and made all the other tools work. One machine was like the carpenter's brace, going around in a circle and making these long curls of wood....
    Spoiler: ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ √Ăłł Єѵïł ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 

  8. #28
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    "You are doing very well. Second best captain I ever had, but its really unfair to say since my father's the first best." Lola smiled before continuing. "You run a tight ship, the crew respects you and your first mate, and you never try to cheat us out of our plunder. I've known plenty of captains who would, even though you could easily do it with your song."

    She simply glanced at the items from all of the booths, not having brung any money for herself. She usually only bought what she needed, and her needs were few. She thought she could see Blackfin and Dragon in the crowd, but they had disappeared into a shop before she could double check to make sure her eyes hadn't deceived her. Glancing at the captain again, she wondered if there was any more to be said.

  9. #29
    Moon Maiden Moonlit_Fae's Avatar
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    Captain V smiled at Lola as she said that. It reminded her of her own father. He was the best pirate captain she had ever known and had learned from. Her father was taken from her at a young age, but that vengance had also sent V into the pirate life. She wouldn't have it any other way.

    "Thanks, Lola. You can be on your way now. I have some other business to attend to." V then disappeared into the crowd. She made her way to the unspoken part of town. Where shady deals and the uncivilized and roughest of soicety slept. There was an area like this in every town. It was always easy to find especially if you were cut from the same cloth.

    A scantily clad woman waved V over. She had on a corset, spilling her bossom over the top like an overfilled glass of water. "'Ello love, lookin' for some companionship?" V nodded and the woman led her into the small business. There were few candles lit to set a certain atmosphere. Red seemed to be the main color of decoration. Women and men lay about all over furniture, barely dressed. "I'll take one man and one woman." She handed four gold to the woman, way more to pay than needed. But this would also buy silence. "Also, I was never here if authorities come looking." The woman nodded in understanding. "Yeah they don't tend to take kindly to pirates around here." The brothel woman then waved over a man and a woman. The man was a graceful and handsome elfe with green eyes and dark hair. The woman was a blonde haired and blue eyed dwarf. "This is perfect. Thank you." V then went into a hidden room in the back with the two.

    An hour later V was back on the streets like nothing had happened. Her crew at this point should be finishing up their appointed tasks. The sooner they get on the ship the closer they will be to that hidden treasure on the island. They will be getting to the island at night now, but a sneak attack might do them some good. V's blood pulsed for some adventure though. Something exciting better happen soon. V took a few more swigs from her waterskin.

    As if the universe heard her plea, V heard some yelling. A few local gyards were surrounding Cuthroat, circling her. She could just hear the end of the yelling match.
    "She stole my jewelry, a silver broche! Check her pockets!"
    The half-orc woman just smiled, towering over everyone else. "Lady if I wanted yer broche I would have just killed you and been done with it."
    The guards looked shock and the fancy noble woman pretended to faint.
    The three guards looked Cuthroat up and down, not wanting to start anything, but they had to defend the lady's honor.
    "Ma'am, just let us search you and then you can be on your way. We need to prove your innocence."
    As the guards approached Cuthroat took an offensive stance. As one of the guards came toward her to grab her, she knocked his hand easily away like one would an annoying fly. This caused all the guards to draw their swords.
    "You should not have done that.", the lead guard said.

    At this point Captain V made her presence known. She came up from behind, with her short sword drawn. She was not planning on cutting anyone down, but she wanted to give Cuthroat a fair fight. A diversion might be what the woman needed. V easily hit one of the guards in the shoulder from behind, making him drop his sword from the surprise.
    "Hey!" The guard cried out, which turned their attention onto her.

    The lead guard recognized V for what she was. "Pirates! I knew it. You will regret landing at this port today." With that the lead guard pounced toward V in a defensive stance. He drew his blade on her hoping to catch her off guard. V was ready as she swung back to counter his blow. The sound of metal against metal blades scraping carried through the air. She hoped the rest of her crew made it back to the ship safe.

    At this point Cuthroat was fistfighting the unarmed guard so he could not get back to his weapon. The halforc woman was holding her own easily enough. The second gaurd with his sword decided to come to the aide of the leader who was already entangled in a sword fight with V. He drew his sword upon her and the two had her on each end. V had stamina and did her best to block each blow of their swords as the fight continued on.....

  10. #30
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    Blackfin was nearly finished haggling with the black powder merchant when he heard the familiar sounds of a fight. A slight grin tugged at his lips as he tossed a few coins onto the counter and swiped a bit more than he paid for. He pushed out of the shop, nearly knocking the door off the hinges as he surveyed the scene. The guards had started a scrap with Cutthroat and the Captain, the poor fools. He rolled his shoulders as he readied himself to join, before a thought tugged at his brain.

    He turned around and addressed his landing party.
    "Gaelan, if this goes sour, take anyone who can stumble back to the ship and leave. Me an' the Captain can take care of ourselves, and I'll answer to her if you leave us."
    He flashed a toothy grin.
    "But for now, awaken your irons and fight not for coin or glory, but for your ship!" With that cry, he leapt into battle, his crew with him.

    He rushed forward, ready to draw his blades, when a guard had the mistake of grabbing his shoulder to stop him. He wrenched the guard's hand from his shoulder and yanked him forward. He turned his head sideways, opened his jaws, and sank his teeth into the guard's forearm. He twisted his head, and with a sickening crunch, he was left with the guard's arm in his teeth. The guard screamed, clutching his bleeding stump. He spat the arm out and turned to face his aggressor, drawing his swords.

    He swung his blades into the guard's shoulder, splitting his arm from the rest of his body. Blackfin's vision was rapidly turning red. As he dispatched the guard, the crowd screamed. They began to rush away like frightened animals, not caring who they trampled underfoot. He rushed towards another guard, knocking aside the guard's attempts to slash at him with his own blades, and shoved his swords through the guard's torso. A gurgling shriek issued out of the guard's mouth as Blackfin lifted him off the ground with his swords, then slammed him into the ground, slicing through ribs and organs as he wrenched his swords sideways out of the guard's body.

    The scent of blood filled the air as it seeped through the streets. Blackfin laughed as he locked eyes with another guard and began advancing on the armored sap. Behind him, Gaelan was firing crossbow bolts into the fray, Meriadoc was holding his own with his chain-whip, and Dragon had disappeared from Blackfin's view.

    "Not how this trip was supposed to go, eh Cap'm?" He called over the screams of the crowd and the squeals of swords clashing. He laughed.
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