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  1. #21

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    When Hiru froze up it caused her to kind of move into action. She after all was the oldest. She bowed deeply to the girl and simple said, “Sorry for imposing upon your home, we will leave shortly after speaking to our friend if it is inconvenient.” Manners and sincerity were the main things needed to smooth over any hardships forged. After she picked up the girl seemed to be okay with it. She imagined that it might not be okay with the head of the household but until then it seemed like they could be guests.

    As she looked around the house she noticed the man they had been looking for had some monkey like fire Pokémon with him. He took it outside after coming up with something of an idea. She had to admit the man they had been looking for was far older then she was expecting. She thought he was cute enough and seemed to have a handle on things. Plus he laughed a lot so he had to be a decent guy.

    She decided to sit down on a chair and pull out the poke ball she had received as a gift. It was weird that she was just handed a Pokémon for not doing anything but maybe that is just how he was. She shifted in her seat and unleashed what was inside. It was an umbreon! Even she knew what this Pokémon was. She always saw it as a light in the darkness, a protector if you will.

    As she looked at it, the umbreon just seemed to look back at her. It had a very calming presence. It looked very healthy and stronger than any Pokémon she had seen. Though maybe that scythe could give him a run for his money. She started to pet the umbreon and it moved to sit right in-between her legs like a guardian. It watched the room not so much intently but was still alert. Twinkle the cleffa decided that it needed attention as well so she found herself scratching both of their heads.

    She noticed that the man came back and sat down telling Hiru that he needed to relax and come sit with him. She figured introductions would happen at some point but until then she would allow them to catch up. She reached down and said, “I think I’ll call you Zenith. I think it is fitting and strong.”
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

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  2. #22
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    Hiru had felt his actions didn't go un-noticed but the little girl had responded in such an uncaring manner he felt a little bit of a relief. Giving a soft sigh he watched as Tristan spoke with the Monferno who seemed rather excited to follow his friend.

    Moments after Tristan stepped out of the home, six lights flashed before all of his pokemon were let out. Hiru watched in amazement and gasped loudly seeing the group appear before him. Two of which he had met before were the Ninetails and Lucario, Snowpoint he had caught a glimpse of and the final three were just as amazing. a Charizard, a bug that started with a Y that Hiru could never remember the name of. Then the the final pokemon he took note of was the black ghost looking creature, it looked like a legendary he read about once but the name again fell short.
    The boy stared in amazement but was taken back from his thoughts when Tristan called him over to sit by him, quickly the boy nodded and moved over sitting down, his figure bounced a little in excitement and he looked to Tristan giving him a wide grin.

    "Your team looks amazing, I want a team that cool!" When the boy finished speaking he looked to Sephy who had not only found a seat but was petting her two pokemon. "Oh and I forgot, this is Persephone, shes trying to learn more about pokemon and and and.....Ummm oh! She also has one of the fancy watches we got. Also I got some new friends that I've gotta show you." The boy had begun to let his excitement over take him as his words sped up nearly mashing together, and over all he seemed comfortable now that he was around Tridtan again.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  3. #23
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    Village of Protecting Time

    In his slouched position on the couch, Tristan's eyes grew wide when he saw the female step in, taking a seat next to Hiru. Ah, shit. Tristan looked the girl up and down. He didn't know where she'd come from, but she donned a light looking jacket with jeans, followed up with a humungous purse that she carted around on her shoulder.

    I can handle one outsider, but two? This is gonna be hard to explain.... Tristan kept his thoughts to himself, bringing a relaxed look and a cool smile to his face. He brought himself upright on the couch and then pushed himself off, standing in front of Persephone. Though his face may have seemed relaxed on the outside, he could feel his anxiety rising on the inside.

    He made sure that the young girl, Orena's sister, didn't notice his stress, either. He didn't want her to think that Hiru, or Persephone, were "weirdos" as she put it. Outside, he could hear delight amongst his own pokemon and those other pokemon playing outside. Sorry, Hiru. I'll answer your comments later - I've gotta take care of this first.

    I guess I should have told Hiru that I didn't exactly know if he was allowed in the village or not. I'm surprised a village member even escorted them here. He shrugged off his thoughts for the moment by taking a deep breath in front of Persephone. Well, hello there! My name is Tristan, and I come from the Ore region. He gave a little wave to Persephone.

    It's nice to meet you! I would shake your hand, but I've gotta ask Orena a quick question, if you don't mind. Tristan held up his left pointer finger in front of his face, indicating that he would only need one moment. He speed-walked down the hall, past the guest bedroom, towards Orena's room. He gave three swift knocks to the brown wooden door.

    Hey, buddy ol' pal my chum and friend... it's your best friend Tristan! Mind if I ask you a quick question? Tristan didn't even take into account if she would be sleeping or not. Gosh dangit, man. This is actually kinda stressful. He looked back towards the living room of the house and gave a rushed smile to the three sitting in the room.

  4. #24
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Village of protecting time

    There was a moment of silence, before a slight groan could be heard. "Ya come on in," She said. Having already put clothes on at least, when Tristan walked in. She was sitting on the floor brushing her hair, her Lavitar sitting on her bed. Trying to make a bed or chair out of Orenas' comforter. Orena was looking a little ragged, but she offers Tristan a smile. "It is nice to see ya, what have you been up too? Sorry, I wasn't up when you got here. They've been having me help around town and helped out with a hunt. So I'm kind of sore... Also please let me know if you see a Golem blocking one the streets. I've moved him every day this week, he is starting to get a little annoying." She said and was wearing a long sleeve shirt, along with one of her comfy jeans.

    She seemed completely unaware that Tristan had brought friends with him. Speaking of which, in the kitchen the little sister was making her some bread and jam. While her Darkrai, who had been hiding in the shadows. Came out and went to tristans' Darkrai, just saying hi.

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  5. #25

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    Hiru was quite excited, he quickly bounced around the room once he felt it was okay for him to be here. He ran over to the window to watch the man allow his Pokémon some movement. Zenith seemed to not want to leave her side, being some kind of guardian, and she was able to slow down her petting of Twinkle since the baby Pokémon had fallen asleep in her arms. She shifted herself to allow a small bow as the man came up to her. He seemed to take a deep breath which caused her to worry slightly. She kept her face and a small pleasant smile. The man introduced himself as Tristian and that he was from the Ore Region…she could honestly say that she no idea where that was…

    Oh boy…now she not only needed Pokémon lessons but geography ones as well. As Hiru had mentioned her name she said, “A pleasure…I am from the Unova Region.” As quickly as he came he was already making his way out of the room. It surprised her to say the least. She did not take it as rude more so that he was busy. The arena made her feel both calm and relaxed but at the same point like she was missing something. She looked over to Hiru and began, “I hope we are not causing problems for your friend, he seems restless. Is he always like that or is something wrong?”

    She didn’t mean to cause red flags or anything but between the book boy and now this…she just had a feeling something was amiss.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

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  6. #26
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    Village of Protecting Time

    Once Orena had said the magic words of come on in, Tristan opened the door in a smooth but swift fashion. In a momentary glance at Orena, he analyzed her clothing style. Though she's in some off-brand clothing, it looks like she's comfy. Good. He shot her a quick, hasty smile as he shut the door behind him as quickly as he had opened it.

    Turning back to face Orena, he gave her a curious look. Holy cow, girly. It feels like you literally slept for a year. He paused for a small second, offering her a grin. Hell, I even went on an adventure and met a new dude. From the tone that Tristan was placating, it was obvious that he was trying to joke with Orena.

    Acknowledging this, Tristan's grin turned into a full-fledged smile. He gave a chuckle to his old friend. Ahh, I'm just giving you crap, girly. Don't worry about it. I know that you were tired after fighting that fricken tough Ice pokemon. The realization that there was a Golem running around the village caught Tristan's ear.

    We'll figure out the situation with the Golem first, girly. In the meantime.... Tristan put down his hands and put them behind his back in a non-guilty gesture. To give the look authenticity, at least in his mind, he also shifted his weight between the balls of his feet and the heels of his feet. I... uh.... Hope I'm not intruding, but...

    He gave the girl another short grin; however, Tristan didn't hold back his stress this time. Remember that friend I was talking about, literally just a second ago? Well, ahh... I invited him here, and he kind of invited another friend with him. Tristan's face began to turn red as he explained the situation to Orena.

    I don't know how this village feels about outsiders, but it's... ah... stressing me out. Don't get offended when I say this, but I feel that this place is kind of tribal, in a sense, and I know that they were weary about accepting me here, but... He held his hands out with his palms facing up. I just don't wanna be held in contempt or anything like that, you know? The tension he felt had leaked into his voice in the slightest manner, but he still kept his voice down, so that the other two outside wouldn't hear their conversation.

    Welp, I've left everything out on the table. Guess we'll see what happens now. As Tristan thought these words, two Darkrai were interacting in the kitchen. Tristan's Darkrai acted in an isolated manner, while Orena's was obviously a little more boisterous.

  7. #27
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    Hiru had been completely oblivious to Tristans actions, he didnt even catch onto Tristans strange actions only smiled to Persephone. "What do you mean he seems normal to me, how is he acting strange?" He asked in confusion and looked to Pi who crawled up under his shirt.

    The small pokemon found a comfort spot under Hirus shirt while he sat there and half curled up on his stomach and chest area letting out a sigh of relief as it felt safer.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  8. #28
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    The townspeople never were ones for outsiders as they always caused problems, always made things bigher then what they needed to be. And the secrets they held were for village eyes only. Yet as usual yheir predictions seemes to always come true to what they believed. In what seemed like an hour, destruction only took five minutes. To the village in time? It was the outsiders fault...

    A flash appeared in the center of town where a group of six all holding pokeballs at their sides. As the group appeared they seemed to be dressed in a plain white attire without any symbol to designate where they even came from. One thing a few of the villagers noted instantly upon their arrival, was three of the men had ring watches much like the outsiders.

    Stepping forwards, a man stood out from the crowd and scanned the area giving a simple nod. "The stone is here. Find it and bring it to me." As his words finished the men behind him rushed out each grabbing a ball from there side, within moments the town sprung back to protect their village. Quickly things unfolded terribly and it was a heavy battle.

    A young child from the village rushed into Oreanas home shouting without notice. "Oreana! Men outside attacking help please!" He spoke with heavy breathing and looked to the 'outsiders' in the room. "This is your fault theyre here. You are going to help fix it right?" And with that he was back outside.
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    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  9. #29
    RPAs Frilly Ninja
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    Village of protecting time

    Orena chuckles, "You try getting hit by a train... Twice and see how long you sleep for." She teases and laughs back, since that is kind of what transforming so many times in a day feels like. She shook her head, smiling slightly when he said he was giving her crap. "Ya, I kinda guessed that. Eeeehhhhhh, ya it was something like that. Still a bit sore," listening to what Tristan said. She was about to correct him about what was going on with the lazy Golem. When... Well when he got very weird on her... Even for Tristan.

    When he said he brought a friend and that friend brought a friend. She couldn't help but sweat just a little bit. This place was supposed to be a secret after all. She had trusted Tristan to keep it a secret, but things were already starting to get out of hand. Three people may not seem like much, but she knew it was for that number to keep multiplying. Even so, she still smiled a little. "Well, you aren't completely wrong there. This place is... Well, we prefer traditional, but tribal is another way to say it. Thanks for letting me know, but I'd appreciate if you helped keep this place a secret from now on, ok?" She asked with a little bit of a nervous hitch in her voice. She loved her village very much and even though she was going out in the world. She didn't want to do anything that would put the village in danger.

    She sighs, "As for being held in contempt. You are fine, the village is slow to trust anyone. So as long as they behave, everything will be fine. Besides, maybe it will be good for everyone to see a new face or two." She tried to reassure, standing up, a few of her joints popped as she stood up. "I guess we should get going. So I can meet these friends of yours." She ended with a small tease in her voice. She started to head for the door, when she heard the front door slam open.

    She jumped at the little girls voice, crying out "NO!" Bolting out of the room, leaving Tristans' friends behind. "No time for that," was all she said to the girl as she past and ran out the door. Pulling out one of her burst hearts, she wasn't even paying attention to which one it was. After all any of them would be better than fighting alone. She put it in her necklace and transformed as she ran. It became clear to her that she had grabbed her Anorith heart. Several of her pokemon ran after her as they saw her. Including Chimmy, Darkrai, Fluffy, and Morph. (Chimchar, Darkrai, rufflet, and Ditto)

    It wasn't long before it became clear where the commotion was coming from. She ran straight there and letting out a cry of anger. As she saw one of the man causing trouble to her home.

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  10. #30
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    Village of Protecting Time

    Phew. Tristan's stress practically collapsed on the floor upon seeing Orena's reaction to his poor actions. Thanks, Orena. He visibly relaxed. Well, I'm glad that you're not that upset with me. Tristan gave a chuckle. He was glad that Orena could be understanding in this capacity.

    He gave a reassuring look to his old friend. Don't worry, Orena. I promise I'll tell you in the future. My bad this time around - next time will be better. The corners of his mouth hinted at a smile. Things were looking up, especially since his stress about the issue at hand was gone.

    He laughed when Orena started to tease him about his new friends. Yeah, lemme show you them, girly. I guess that means that she's not mad at me. Good stuff. He started to move towards the door when an audible scream sounded from outside the building. It sounded much like a child in distress.

    His face grew stern. Guess we're always in excitement around here, eh? However, his joke fell on deaf ears - Orena, it seemed, had already vacated the premises. Taking one last look around Orena's room, he moved out of the room to spot Hiru and Persephone rushing after Orena's tailwind out the door.

    Tristan quickly followed, realizing that his pokemon were outside by themselves and that someone within the town was in danger. Did I see her grab one of those heart thingys? I'll have to have her explain to Hiru and that girl how it all works.

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