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Thread: {M} Falderon: The Beckoning (IC)

  1. #21
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    Nirel smiled the moment she entered the kitchen then went straight for the little corner which held all the tough mountain herbs and plants she ate for breakfast. Once there Nirel took a clay bowl and a stone and began grinding up the herbs into a fine paste and added some water and seal fat with a tough grain of unknown origin, but found in the mountains.

    After a short trip through the heat of a fire the simple, if a little odd oatmeal like thing was ready for Nirel to eat. Smiling so,e more Nirel left the kitchen and went into the crate hall where she sat on the far end of the table a good ways off from the others. It wasn't that the small snow elf was afraid of the group, but rather that she preferred to just watch the group.

    "Life before death,
    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

  2. #22
    Skull 'Ead Kaptain Panty's Avatar
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    Giving the chapter master a salute, he took off once again, soaring into the skies, now burdened by a crate full of sparkers. Think they might of exaggerate him asking for just one 'box'. Well, at least it would keep him stocked for quite some time. This was enough for a full squad to last a few days off of, sure he'd be able to make it last for a month or two, maybe longer. Though he would of preferred to of just made a small trip each week, a box filled with ammunition not the lightest thing in the world, and making it especially hard to gain height while flying. Heading back to the castle, the morning errands for filled, it was time for breakfast.

    Landing heavily in the castle gardens, he stumbled a tad before righting himself, hunching slightly with the added weight of the create tied to his back. Heading towards the dining room, he considered it a better idea to fetch breakfast first before dumping off his cargo, the box not exactly going to run away(Explode...Maybe). Pushing open the doors, he dumped the box next to one of the chairs resting around the fire place, he fetched himself a loaf of bread from the kitchens, slicing it up into chunks with his sabre(thankfully the servants had gotten use to him using his own 'cutlery' to cut up his own foods) before moving back to the chair next to the fire, sitting down. Drawing up the poker, he skewered a piece of bread before toasting it in the flames. Defiantly not the most fanciest of meals, or tasteful, but it did help you get through the day. Satisfied with the roasting, he stood up, bringing the somewhat charred toast to the main table, taking a chunk out of it before saying "So, I presume no ones self combusting today?"

  3. #23
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    When Layla lifted her head to reply to Jonathan, J'ni was laying on her belly with a cute grin across her face, and a couple crumbs were there as well. The girl couldn't help but giggle a little, J'ni always had a sense about her that boasted Layla's mood, she was an adorable and constantly happy fairy. Layla smiled,"A hug would be nice."

    She turned to Jonathan, her smile grew weak with weariness,"He's..." She sighed,"the usual..."

    At that moment a cook came out to serve Layla what she had asked for, a nice phalar, boiled eggs, and some milk. She gave him a thank you and he was on his way back to the kitchens. She noted Nirel, who had sat away from the group, but just in view. The young snow elf was much different from regular elves. Layla, herself, had never seen a snow elf in her life until Nirel had come along three years ago.

    Ervin strolled in, greeting them a good morning. As soon as he came into grab breakfast, he ran out the dining hall, which Layla found to be quite peculiar... However, she did not question it any further, as Ervin was soft-spoken and seemed to be the loner type, in Layla's eyes, mind you.

    Layla thought back to her sleep last night, how little of sleep she had received, but she remembered a most mysterious dream. It was queer and quite ominous... The voice spoke in a language she had never heard of before, or was it simply gibberish? She had not a decent clue, and she was one to remember things in great detail, including noticing languages she had studied and recognized, though understanding them was a whole other deal in itself. How could she possibly dream of a language she hadn't heard of? She scoffed in her head and came to the conclusion it had to be utter nonsense.

    She was jumped out of her reverie by the voice of Solaire, who had said something about combustion. Layla wrinkled her face in confusion as she began eating her meal, she didn't bother replying, she figured one of the others would do so. Solaire had only spent a year in training with them, and she noticed him to be quite the jokester...

    "Thank you, Master."
    "You're welcome, My Padawan."

  4. #24
    Giga Onion
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    [] The Pact of a Wise Man []

    Wooddro leaned back knowing that there were others that he had seen before. He didn't really want to learn about them but since he didn't know them as much, he wouldn't really come into contact with them otherwise. He looked towards his Faun friend with a soft smile, "Hows' been thy lately?"

    The Faun only chuckled knowing that they started a slightly english language, "I've been fairly well thy sir.. Heldro would of hated me, if thy didn't understand what he was talking about earlier today. On the other hand Sherlay, wasn't so up to ropes with you being at her 23rd party last year. Since you were distanting yourself from the fame you have developed."

    Wooddro narrowed his eyes slightly, "Is that so? Then what is thy point of trying to make a single women happy? I mean there is no point since I perfer men over women.."

    The Faun shook his head, "That's isn't really thy point in this situation Wooddro.. You should understand what kind of retrospect thy is talking about.."

    Wooddro puffed out a small cloud of smoke, "Well my friend, Umajory, there isn't much time to think about her in such a way you would love her for it.."

    Umajory, Wooddro's friend, looked at him with slight anger but knew that he was right after all and didn't really much think about it. "God, Wooddro, you piss people off too easily when you are harshfully wise.."

    Wooddro sighed, knowing that he hated admitting he was right, "Well Umajory, you were always a sucker for that type of knowledge." He stared into the sky putting more of the smokeable material and lit it once more. He tried to think of what happened in the past, and for that he was use to using weapons that were really magic base. He sighed, knowing his weapon was in his room somewhere.

    Umajory chuckled, "There isn't much to say on the matter and besides shouldn't you be talking with the other apprentices?"

    Wooddro scoffed at that idea, he didn't much care for them, but since he was forced to do so he had no choice. He looked towards Umajory with a slight glare, "Even though they are apprentices like me, they don't know what its like to be famed by travelers all across the land."

    Umajory looked towards him and got nervous, "Do people even know of your whereabouts..?"

    Wooddro stopped the glaring and returned to staring at the sky puffing out a cloud of smoke, "Who knows, Umajory, who knows.."

  5. #25
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    Nalria watched with a hint of sympathy as Arya dissipated, frightened off by the company. He was certainly a skittish one. She returned her attention to Leroy, offering a patient smile in response to his boastful comment.

    “Someday then,” she replied, dark hands clasped in front of her. This boy was certainly a strange one; a mage who refused to practice his magic, a face with a smile to mask the sorrow and anger, a child who hid petty and perhaps even unintentional insults behind frivolous words.

    “I am afraid I have run Arya off,” the elf commented. “I will let you get back to your training. Farewell.”

    Nalria turned and walked back up to the highest tier of the garden. She saw Solaire land a ways ahead of her with a crate in his hands, and followed quietly behind him, entering the castle with a nod to the guards and striding almost silently into the dining hall. Her stealth was not intentional; it was merely a side-effect of being an elf.

    Seeing the gathering of her fellows at one of the tables, Nalria walked over.

    “The day is still young, Solaire,” she responded wryly to the young man's question, coming up behind him as she slid into a seat beside Layla. Her smile brightened immensely when she saw J’ni sprawled on the table. That fairy always had a way of lightening the mood. Nalria glanced at Layla, noticing her exhausted and downtrodden expression. The elf’s amethyst eyes shone with sympathy, assuming it had to do with her brother. Nalria had been a victim of his drunken racial slurs once or twice, but the dark elf paid it no heed, nor did she hold it against him.

    “Just breaking your fasts?” she asked to divert attention from the solemnity at the table. “I feel like I have already been up for hours. Mind you, I did not sleep particularly well. Peculiar dreams.”
    Last edited by ☆Catwoman☆; 02-04-2014 at 10:34 PM.
    Set by the masterful Karma

  6. #26
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Twisting around the stalls, Erina felt someones gaze on her, snapping her head around she noticed Layla dragging her older brother. Erina frowned slightly, twisting her head around more as the young girl turned and dragged her brother down another pathway. The jibes Layla’s brother had made at her the last time their paths crossed when he was intoxicated had left Erina in tears, she knew she shouldn’t be so easily upset but she was still coming to terms with the new city and its people.

    She felt pain shoot through her scalp as the small Squil tugged at her hair, she moved her hair across to her other shoulder and groan. “What is it?” She said raising one eyebrow, the small animal only pointed at its mouth and then grinned. Erina chuckled and then shook her head as she made her way through the throng of people in the market.
    Reaching the gates, she nodded to the guards on their stands and walked through the courtyard, her boots making a small clicking noise as she walked. She could see another apprentice out in the gardens but continued walking towards the grand hall.

    She could hear a soft tittering as the animal grew excited on her shoulder, and the animal bounced slightly with the smells of food filling the corridor. She passed through the doors and noticed a small gathering of her fellow apprentices at the end of a table. She felt the animal leap off her shoulder and scurry towards the table, she rolled her eyes and followed the small animal, filling her plate with fruits. She placed the fruit she bought in the market in the center of the plate and made her way across to the group.

    Smiling widely, she nodded her head “Good Morning all” She said softly, she stood at the end of the table and placed her plate down. She gripped the middle fruit in her hand and took a large bite of it, the juice dripping down her chin. She grinned and messily cleaned her face. She grinned sheepishly at Nalria, the other elf was beautiful and graceful, yet strong and quick witted, everything that Erina wanted to be.

    Throughout this, the small brown squil had scaled the table leg and was slowly inching its way closer to J’ni, the animal was tittering softly, it sounded like a cackle really. The animal shuffled its rear ready to pounce at the small fairy, Erina took another bite of the fruit and grabbed the animal as it leapt mid air by the scruff of its neck. She plopped it down before her and tapped it softly on its head. “We’ll be having none of that” She said sternly, the animal seemed to frown before grabbing a large apple from the plate and munching loudly on it.

  7. #27
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    Using the wind to flee, Arya was gone from Leroy’s side. The winds guided him up through the forest; it took him from the danger of the Human and Elf… that peace filled him again. He was away from everyone, everything…his consciousness focused on his dream from last night…what was it all about?

    Zephyrs danced him around the Human Elysium castle, people and things blurred and soon he was over a green of sea thanks to the low gusts. Stopping himself in fear of being swept out of the castle, he manifested above the eastern courtyard grass with a gentle but none-the-less crash on his side. With his reemergence his long hair splashed upward, reflecting the sunlight and clouds began to appear around him again, his modesty restored a moment later. He rested on the ground with his eyes shut, feeling the grass…nature…below him, and the breeze above him. The Nympth couldn’t help but let his rosy lips smile in delight. The dream forgotten. Arms stretched out slowly, feeling each leafy blade before him, legs pulled up to him in his delight.

    What Arya didn’t know was nearby were two Fauns, one being none other than the pipe blowing Wooddro.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 02-05-2014 at 12:22 AM.

  8. #28
    Giga Onion
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    [] Unsuspected Surprise []

    Wooddro made a small sigh knowing Umajory wasn't really anticipating what Wooddro would say next. But something caught his attention, and it was something more than a rodent. He looked towards a strange boy that had appeared from the sky. Judging from this boy's appearance he was one of the Air Users apprentices that he didn't really care for all too well.

    Umajory caught wind of this strange boy, "Look Wooddro its one of th-"

    "Air Users of the Royal Mage, I know.. Don't worry Umajory its nothing too big..", said Wooddro cutting off Umajory.

    Umajory shook his head with displessure before standing to his hooves taking his sword and shield and leaving shortly after.

    Wooddro chuckled before standing to his hooves with his pipe in mouth. He moved towards the Air User standing over the boy, "Well hello there Air User.. Mighty strange meeting you here in such a deserted area of the castle." He puffed out a air of smoke before speaking once more, "If you don't mine me saying you look mighty fine today," he gave a small wink.

  9. #29
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    J'ni clapped happily and sprung up, flitting over to Layla's hand and giving it a firm hug with both her arms and her legs that she even finished off by giving a small kiss to the hand. After a few moments she pulled herself off the girls hand, tugging at her clothes to make sure they were adjusted correctly. Grunty had crawled over, being careful to not spill the plate on it's back, and gave a whirring of it's gears at the squill as it snuck up. As it pounced it was grabbed by it's owner and Grunty pulled himself up next to J'ni who started to absentmindedly nibble off things she plucked off the plate.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  10. #30
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    Nirel watched the others as they talked about the various things and ate their strange food. Then she herself finished her amazing bowl of seal fat oatmeal and quietly began making her way away from the table and to the large doors that lead to the rest of the palace. On her way out Nirel tripped a little and made a slight squeak before she caught herself and then, a little more quickly now, made her way to the doors where she would try to get out before anyone noticed her.

    "Life before death,
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    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

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