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Thread: [IC] Jeremy Kelly "Passion Kiss" Lightfoot's Pokemon Adventure is nigh. (Group RP)

  1. #21
    Member Macie Lightfoot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "Porygon-Z search for the local gym's location," Donald commanded.
    "Searching…" Porygon replied, searching the web for the Cleveland Gym's location, "Location c-c-c-c-confirmed: Cleveland City Hall. Setting c-c-c-c-course…"
    As they were scouring the city and then suddenly with a set course to the City Hall...

    Radio: *Locking on to Cleveland's Main Music station for the moment; Broadcasting* LIVE TONIGHT! At the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME! It's the duo of Anderson Pak and Bruno Mars... SILK SONIC... With hits like Leave the Door wide open and Smokin' out the Window...

    "This ----- got me payin' her rent, payin' for tripsDiamonds on her neck, diamonds on her wrist
    And here I am all alone (all alone), uh
    I'm so cold, I'm so cold
    You got me out here

    Smokin' out the window (smokin' out the window)
    Singin', "How could she do this to me?"
    (How could she do this to me?)
    Oh, I thought that girl belonged to only me (mmh)
    But I was wrong
    'Cause she belong to everybody, everybody, ooh"

    Radio: That's tonight at 7 PM... Tonight... at the Rock and Roll hall of Fame... But that isn't all... The day after tomorrow... Sept.20th 2064... It's the Electronic band EMPIRE OF THE SUN... But it's not you've ever seen them before... It's the tribute band EMPIRE OF THE HEARTS! YES!... That's right... Meet Empress Heart and her Glorious band... Playing and jamming with the #'s that won our hearts time and time again during it's run with EMPIRE OF THE SUN. On Sept. 21st... It's gonna be the Norwegian artist... AMY DIAMOND... All here... All at the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME! Don't... Don't Miss it. It will be a round of shows that you will never forget...

    Jeremy: Well... That was sudden. We should get some tickets for some of the shows.

    Sandy: Silk Sonic sounds pretty hip. However we should go see Empress heart's band too. IT's only right as she's a friend of the family.

    Saphiroth: As is Amy Diamond.

    Curtis: True dat. But first... The Pokemon Gym. Let's get on our way... Time to seek our first badge.

    A moment later...

    In front of the Cleveland City Hall...

    ???: *Walking over quick to Jeremy* Hello, father. My dear Master...

    Jeremy: *Confused* Huh? Who? You talking about... me? Uh... Do i know you?

    Uh-oh... Confusion. HELP!

  2. #22
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    Donald made the bookings for the aforementioned shows. When a mysterious little girl showed up claiming Jeremy was her father/master, Donald mused, "It is illogical for a human girl to make such claims outside of playing pretend; and no human child in the Western World uses the term 'Master' like that in the 21st Century. She's likely a shape-shifting Pokémon such as Ditto, Zorua or the legendary Mew." Donald knelt before the girl and said in a gentle tone, "If he's your father, that would make me your uncle as he's my brother. My name is Donald. What's yours?"

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    Donald made the bookings for the aforementioned shows. When a mysterious little girl showed up claiming Jeremy was her father/master, Donald mused, "It is illogical for a human girl to make such claims outside of playing pretend; and no human child in the Western World uses the term 'Master' like that in the 21st Century. She's likely a shape-shifting Pokémon such as Ditto, Zorua or the legendary Mew." Donald knelt before the girl and said in a gentle tone, "If he's your father, that would make me your uncle as he's my brother. My name is Donald. What's yours?"
    Jeremy then got into it with the girl and saw to make a note on finding out what was really going on and what the girl's purpose was. He asked and this is what followed...

    ???: tahiaatu. ana dilnazi. aismi dilnazi. ‘ana huna ‘abhath ean jirimi. qil li ‘an ‘altaqi bihi. (English Translation: Greetings. I am Delnaz. My name is Delnaz. I am here looking for Jeremy. I was told to meet him.)

    Jeremy: I studied some Arabic. This is Arabic that you’re speaking. Let’s see… You’re here looking for Jeremy. Your name is Delnaz. Plus you were told to meet me. Is that what it is?

    Delnaz: *lihasan alhazi * niema. naeam fiela. hadha sahihun. ‘ana huna li’araa jirimi. kan min almuhima. (English Translation: *Happily* Yes. Yes. That’s correct. I am here to see Jeremy. It was important.)

    Jeremy: Can you speak english?

    Delnaz: Yes. *With an Arabic accent* I know English.

    What Jeremy didn’t see was that she came with a bottle. It was… A genie bottle. oh boy… Jeremy was being tapped by the I Dream of Jeannie bug. However…

    What he didn’t see at first was the fact that the girl looked rather normal. Or… That’s what it seemed. Jeremy didn’t see the fact that she was with a secret that was rather strange. Jeremy saw it and he didn’t know what to make of it. Or… Did he?

    Jeremy: What are you doing here? Why were you told to come meet me?

    Delnaz: I was told to meet you… because i was to be your daughter.

    Jeremy: *Pauses* My… What?! Did you just say my daughter?

    Delnaz: Yes.

    Jeremy: Explain. How was this possible?

    Delnaz: *Explaining* …

    A Moment later…

    Jeremy: So… You mean to tell me that one of my fans… come from a Arabian descent and were with tendencies of being Genies… Granting others around them… good fortune.

    Delnaz: Yes. They were known as the Mizrahi family. They are sired fans of yours and love the messages of love that you express. They are all for being same gender oriented. They believe in the sole concept of love.

    Jeremy: Why couldn’t they take care of you?

    Delnaz: They’re dead. They died a week ago and before they died… They made it no secret that they wanted for me to be with someone who would practice the beliefs of love and care like they did and believed with all their heart.

    Jeremy: Don’t you have relatives?

    Delnaz: I do. Master. I do. But they don’t have the best of love for me. I am too sprited and they believe in the quran in the way that those who express themselves too broadly… are not true followers of what the quran teaches and fosters. My parents told me to go and find someone who will share my expressions of love and light. “One who would help you… raise you well as you should be raised. In peace.” they knew that i was gonna need it more than ever. There’s also something more… I come from a family of Genies. It’s unbelievable… but true.

    Jeremy: I have a Genie for a daughter? Okay. *Grins* Interesting! I take it that you can grant wishes and stuff… can’t you?

    Delnaz: I can. You tell me what you are wishing… and i point to the sky and Blink… suddenly… POOF! the wish is granted and fulfilled.

    Jeremy: I would likely be one to suppose that you got the legal papers with you. Official papers and a note validating the claim. I mean… I am only 16… but even i know the laws enough that make where i am surely aware on the fact that one doesn’t just come to seek for one to parent them. Not like that… Not just out of the blue. Although… I would sure take you in. Since you are here and have come all this way mind you and just to find me. Seek me out. I will take you in. Welcome to the family. You’re my daughter. and i accept you. Open arms. Open heart. Plus a whole infinite amount of unconditional love.

    They had suddenly hugged and made the adoption official.

    Jeremy: Delnaz, Come and meet the crew. My twin brother... Donald. He's the prodigal son to Macie. There's Saphiroth. He's with the looks of Hasselhoff. Cilan. He's a Pokemon Connoisseur. He is also one of the gym leaders of the Straiton City Gym from the Unova region.

    Delnaz: It's an exciting treat to meet you guys. *Smiles*

    Jeremy: So... Since you're my daughter and i'm your father. You're part of the crew now.

    It was then where Jeremy saw the sight of a Genie bottle. That's when it all struck home...

    Sandy: This is insane. Are we dealing with Pokemon... or Genies?

    Jeremy: Is there a difference?

    Curtis: No clue.

    Lisa: She looks pretty sweet.

    Delnaz: I come across some of these... Pokemon. Would a Drowzee and a Lombre count?

    Jeremy: Yeah. those are also pokemon. Donald, You might be bewildered by this... but she's now... your niece.

    But more was coming... Alot more...
    Last edited by Macie Lightfoot; 04-06-2022 at 03:59 AM.

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    "Well, I did state as such," Donald replied, "Delnaz, have you heard of this Pokémon?" He opened up his Pokédex app and showed her the entry for one of the legendary Pokémon.

    "Hoopa: Unbound Form, the Djinn Pokémon. It is said to be able to seize anything it desires with its six rings and six huge arms. With its power sealed, it is transformed into a much smaller form."

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "Well, I did state as such," Donald replied, "Delnaz, have you heard of this Pokémon?" He opened up his Pokédex app and showed her the entry for one of the legendary Pokémon.

    "Hoopa: Unbound Form, the Djinn Pokémon. It is said to be able to seize anything it desires with its six rings and six huge arms. With its power sealed, it is transformed into a much smaller form."
    Delnaz looked at the pokemon and tried to memorize what one looked like. She then for that first time in front of everyone and in view of Donald... Pointed up at the sky and blinked...

    Within just seconds.. A Hoopa appeared... It was only a hologram; But it was exactly as she pictured and as it was on the screen she saw on the Pokedex.

    Delnaz: Did it look like that, Uncle Donald?

    Sandy: *In Shock* How did she do that? She... she really... She really is a Genie.

    Within only a minute...

    Carl: *Walking over from across the street* Hey Rising Lights. Jeremy. What brings you guys to Cleveland?

    Hoodsey: You guys shooting for your first Gym Badge?

    Jeremy: *Surprised* Carl... Hoodsey. You're here too?

    Sandy: We are here to compete for our first badge. The Apache Indian Rock Badge.

    Hoodsey: Wow. good luck on that. That guy is very hard core focused on the ways of the apache. He is tough.

    Curtis: How tough?

    Carl: Well... Let us put it this way... If you were looking for a round of Cowboys and Indians on the up&up upon the Apache surf... Samuel Eastmoon is your Bread and butter ticket. His Ground type pokemon... They are intense in strength and power. You're gonna be lucky to not get scalped.

    Delnaz: *Gasps; Worried* Oh no... Master. You mustn't go and face that. You'll get hurt.

    Jeremy: Delnaz, it's okay. It's gonna be alright. Besides it's for a badge. Plus... i didn't come all this way just to chicken out. Not after all the struggles and the hard work. I'm here for that badge.

    Sandy: We all are.

    Lisa: This is what we do. We compete for a shot at the Pokemon league. This is the first Gym on the road to it.

    Were they really ready? Time would tell...

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    "Friends of yours, Jeremy?" Donald inquired, referring to Carl and Hoodsey.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "Friends of yours, Jeremy?" Donald inquired, referring to Carl and Hoodsey.
    Jeremy: Donald, really... there are some things about mom you will never believe even if you were to find for yourself. Those two are friends of the family but primarily friends of hers from the life she came from... once upon a time.

    Hoodsey: It's true. Jeremy speaks the truth as before she became what she did and where it lead to... and how you young kids got brought into the huge ever growing picture... She was this nasally girl. And resided in a place in Connecticut... A place she will very highly... very likely and without any doubt known to man refuse to discuss or speak or reference anything about. So... you're better to just count it a dead cell. However point to the core... Macie and us.... as well as certain particular others have been friends or close contacts for a rather long time. Plus the fact that Macie and i had a little bit of a thing back when she and we were young young kids and there was one fling that never went anywhere. However... the father... biological father of her kids... didn't fully believe that and felt there was something going on... it festered till it broke them up. She's now with this guy named Randy Darnell. Married to him.

    Carl: That's the whole gist of the details there, Don man. No lie. It was as it was told.

    Lisa: You guys... do you know anything about Team Magma and or Team Aqua?

    Carl: Oh don't we know... about them. Those two teams... They were after the awakening of two legends. Magma had the objective of awakening Groudon. Aqua... had the acquisition of awakening Kyogre. That was nearly 17 years ago... But back then we had extra luggage that we didn't want. Some girl named Brittany and also this girl named Maya. In fact... we remember what it was like last time...

    Carl flashes back to the fated event 20 years ago...

    "Maxie: With this orb... The Blue orb... I can awaken the legendary pokemon Groudon. At last... the landmass will expand and give us more ground.

    Macie: *Not seeing Maxie anywhere* Where is he? He's supposed to be here. He has that orb. He's got no clue as to what he's about to commit. His ambitions are sincere for what he envisions... but they are not gonna benefit all. What about the sea? The Water type pokemon? What about them? They'll have nowhere to go.

    Carl: Try telling that nut that. He'll be fanatic to hear it.

    Joanna: That bastard is really starting to grate on us. It's just to that point where if that guy doesn't cut the shit off...

    Pidgetta: What the hell is your damn itch, Joanna? Team Magma doesn't comprehend the idea of stopping the shit. It is quite clear that Maxie is gonna see this through... Look at where we are. Take a good god damn look. We're in a secret cavern... A Chamber... and look at the pit. That shadow is the elusive pokemon Groudon... Maxie is likely here just hiding and watching out for anyone coming to try and stop the inevitable.

    Hoodsey: We've got to do something.

    Ginger: Yeah. but what? What can we do?

    Blake: This is a fine kettle of fish we're about to be in i dare say.

    Carl: You are so right about that, blakey-boy. We are about to face trouble.

    Dodie: Where is that snake anyway?

    Macie: *Walking closer and suddenly stopping in front of the pit overlooking the center where Groudon still rests* This is bad...

    Pidgetta: Maybe a song will help soothe it and keep it sleeping and slumbering.

    Macie: It's worth a try...


    Macie belted one out...

    Macie: *Singing* "You think I'm prettyWithout any make-up on
    You think I'm funny
    When I tell the punchline wrong
    I know you get me
    So I let my walls come down, down

    Before you met me
    I was alright
    But things were kinda heavy
    You brought me to life
    Now every February
    You'll be my Valentine, Valentine

    Let's go all the way tonight
    No regrets, just love
    We can dance until we die
    You and I, we'll be young forever

    You make me feel
    Like I'm livin'
    A teenage dream
    The way you turn me on
    I can't sleep
    Let's run away and don't ever look back,
    Don't ever look back

    My heart stops
    When you look at me
    Just one touch
    Now, baby, I believe
    This is real
    So take a chance and don't ever look back,
    Don't ever look back

    We drove to Cali
    And got drunk on the beach
    Got a motel
    And built a fort out of sheets
    I finally found you
    My missing puzzle piece
    I'm complete

    Let's go all the way tonight
    No regrets, just love
    We can dance until we die
    You and I, we'll be young forever

    You make me feel
    Like I'm livin'
    A teenage dream
    The way you turn me on
    I can't sleep
    Let's run away and don't ever look back,
    Don't ever look back

    My heart stops
    When you look at me
    Just one touch
    Now, baby, I believe
    This is real
    So take a chance and don't ever look back,
    Don't ever look back

    I'mma get your heart racing
    In my skin-tight jeans
    Be your teenage dream tonight
    Let you put your hands on me
    In my skin-tight jeans
    Be your teenage dream tonight

    You make me feel
    Like I'm livin'
    A teenage dream
    The way you turn me on
    I can't sleep
    Let's run away and don't ever look back,
    Don't ever look back, no

    My heart stops
    When you look at me
    Just one touch
    Now, baby, I believe
    This is real
    So take a chance and don't ever look back,
    Don't ever look back

    I'mma get your heart racing
    In my skin-tight jeans
    Be your teenage dream tonight
    Let you put your hands on me
    In my skin-tight jeans
    Be your teenage dream tonight
    (tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight)"

    Maxie: Hold it right there, Meddlers. *Walking over to the large group* So. It was you meddlers after all... all this time. *Looking towards the Pit* See how beautiful it really is. The sleeping pokemon. In Slumber. Just waiting to be awakened... With your singing voice that just rang out, Rising Star... You gave a bit of a sparkle to the effort. The slumbering pokemon is twitching. But it still slumbers. However... it won't be for long... For soon... the Sleeping form of Groudon will become the awakened form. I have awaited this very moment... for oh... so so long. Now... it's finally here. *Turning to face the crowd* I got to hand it to you, Meddlers. And more to the point... to you, Macie. It really surprises me that of all people... Of all people from any lifestyle... from any field... All the trainers, Rangers, Breeders, Gym Leaders... Whatever... it had to be someone i wouldn't ever expect. It had to be... a Celebrity. A New-aged Celebrity... who only just recent been dubbed as the United States superstar. It had to be you... and your band of friends and allies to just rattle me and shake me down. Coming to chase me all the way... Down to this point. It's all matters not now. For you see... For the realization... of my dream. You all must disappear.

    Pidgetta: Why? So you can have way with that slumbering beast? You're psychotic. That thing can't be controlled. It is not able to be controlled. Just because you want it to be reborn and reawakened... doesn't make it... a rightful cause to just ensure that it does get reanimated.

    Maxie: But it is the right of all who inhabit the land. We land dwellers need land. We can't survive on the seas. we'd never see a end to it. Never.

    Joanna: How do you know? What choice would the water pokemon have... if this came to pass? Where would they go? As the saying goes... "A bird may love a fish, signoire... but where would they live?"

    Carl: This isn't a game. it's a crime against humanity.

    Maxie: Enough! It's time for you to disappear.

    A moment later...

    Maxie: I truly must come to commend you. I just can not deny that you are truly and outright gifted beyond all limit. To be able to do battle with me. To defeat me again... However... I have this... *Pulling out an orb* With this blue orb... I can make Groudon...


    The Blue orb started to shine all on its own...

    Blake: Uh-oh... Uh, Foutley... we've got a problem.

    Carl: You're right. We got one and it's the size of yellowstone.

    Hoodsey: Carl, What're we gonna do?

    Lois: We gotta get out of here... Now.

    Jordan: This isn't good. Not good at all.

    Suddenly a veil of blue covered the area and reached Groudon, Awakening him. The ground started to shake a little bit as Groudon came to life. It took a step forward and then... Leaped up. Flying the coop!

    Maxie: What?! What... wh-what happened? I didn't do anything. Just stand here talking to you meddlers. Why did the Blue Orb react like... *Not seeing Groudon* Where did Groudon go? Why did it just leave?

    Joanna: It fled because it saw that it was finally free. With all the room to roam... the world is now its oyster.

    Pidgetta: Way to go, Nut. We now have a unpredictable pokemon on the loose. Who the hell knows what the hell it's liable to do. Thanks. Satisfied now?!

    But before a second more...

    Maxie: It's a message from the members outside. *answering* What is it? Hm... The Sun is Burning... Brightly? Good. That should have happened. That is why we awakened Groudon. To realize Team Magma's Vision to enlarge and expand the world's landmass. What?! *Gasps* It's far hotter than we envisioned? It's so hot that it's dangerous? That can't be. It's just not possible. Hold your situation and monitor the situation.

    After the call...

    Maxie: Something's wrong. The Blue orb was supposed to awaken and control Groudon. But Why?! Why did Groudon disappear?

    Pidgetta: Why do you think? Hello! Earth to Team Magma Leader Airhead. Think. If you were a slumbering pokemon who resided deep underground for so long and kept in slumber and were just awakened by something that was needed in order to do as such... and you were just freed from the reins of slumber. What the hell do you think you'd do? Just stand and let someone throw a leash on your ass and control you. Like some remote controlled servant? Or would you bust loose and take the world by the horns and just run free. Going wherever? It's a legendary pokemon. But it's still a creature with set ambition to spread out and run wild. Like we would do.

    Macie: We've tried to tell you... That was a pokemon which no one could just openly control. It can't be controlled."

    Carl: The same happened with going at Archie when it came to Kyogre. It was a mess. It took Rayquaza to put a stop to it all and get the two pokemon to stop and return to their very slumber again. That was nearly 17-18 years ago and it was just as brutal then... as it may have the potential to being if history does ever repeat itself in any way.

    Sandy: It's bad.

    Pidgetta: It isn't a candygram, Sandy. It's bad. Macie almost didn't want to even have any kids. Because she feared deeply that if were to happen again... it would be much worse than it ever had been before. Much worse.

    Saphiroth: Talk about having that bad to go to sleep to. Wondering and fearing as to when that second shoe would indeed finally drop.

    Hoodsey: It's no laughing matter. It bad. Really bad. Catastrophic in every word.

    What would they expect to come from that... was anyone's solemn hunch...

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    "All the more reason to double down, get our Pokémon to their best and thwart those eco-terrorists wherever and whenever they show up," Donald replied, determined to not let fear get the better of him, "Besides, we shan't be hearing from Team Aqua any time soon after I made them insolvent back at St. Louis."

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    Quote Originally Posted by James Davy View Post
    "All the more reason to double down, get our Pokémon to their best and thwart those eco-terrorists wherever and whenever they show up," Donald replied, determined to not let fear get the better of him, "Besides, we shan't be hearing from Team Aqua any time soon after I made them insolvent back at St. Louis."
    Hoodsey: Not to put you down with what you are claiming. But you didn't necessarily stop them. All you did was buy some fluff of time. What's foretold to happen... Is gonna happen. Sadly the Rising Star... Macie. She's gonna help them see it happen.

    Lisa: Take that back. She would never openly allow it to happen.

    Carl: We can't take it back. We're sorry and we truly regret to inform you guys this. But it's been heard on the wire just this morning. A undercover reporter was at one of the sub-stations of Team Magma's and overheard this...

    Carl plays the recording...

    "Team Magma Grunt #1: So, Rising Star... You know what to do?

    Macie: Affirmative. I am to destroy the Rising Lights and Passion Kiss. Put them in traction.

    Team Magma Grunt #2: We want them out of the picture as they'll try anything to interfere with the reawakening of Groudon. We were stopped by you last time. But now with you on our side... we will see this all come to fruition provided that those brats don't try to throw a monkey wrench in it.

    Macie: They won't. They'll cower to my demands as i'm their mother. They'd never disobey me.

    Team Magma Admin Courtney: Those Celebs are a constant annoyance. Last we heard from one of our spies... The Rising lights and their so called allies were heading to Cleveland. Which by now... they might be already there. So... to catch them off their guard. We've set a little trap for them. We arranged for there to be several concerts to be held in Cleveland. The last one is where the attack begins and during that attack, Macie.. you go in and unleash a Team Magma bomb on them. Trapping them within the Concert Venue. Making it... their tomb.

    Macie: *Nods* As you wish. It shall be done. In the name of Team Magma. For the sake of Groudon. It will be done."

    Carl: It's awful. They brainwashed her enough to make her think that she's doing right by helping them with their endeavors.

    Jeremy: *Looking at the crew* We got a dilemma.

    Delnaz: *Worried* Oh Master... what're you gonna do? Your mother's been brainwashed. She's under their control. She's making a mistake.

    Jeremy: I know.

    Sandy: We're gonna need to be ready. That's all there is to it. First thing is first. We hit the Gym.

    Nicole: Are we ready to go against Samuel Eastmoon?

    Curtis: We're as ready as we're gonna get.

    Jeremy: We ready? We're gonna need to be prepared to fight our mother. If she is truly now one of them... As much as it may hurt... We will do what we must.

    Terror is coming. The tides are about to turn and come upon with a sinister flood...

    Someone... Come to their Aide... NOW!

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    Donald knew there existed some Pokémon capable of brainwashing, a lot of them psychic. He thought up a plan, "If we let ourselves get trapped, I have a few ways we can get out: 1, we use our Pokémon to fight our way free after Team Magma leaves with satisfied grins; or 2, Delnaz here can get us out through her abilities. As for solving Macie's brainwashing, my Espeon can rid her mind of the brainwashing with Metang's help," he stated, explaining, "By letting ourselves get trapped, Team Magma will think they've defeated us and therefore will be less alert when we come at them again. As for now, I'm ready."

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