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Thread: The Unexpected Beginning for Shape Changers. (M)

  1. #21
    Member isabella1503's Avatar
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    Emma blushed “the flavor, sometimes I would get ice cream that said it was a peach flavored, but it was more vanilla” she said hoping it explained it well. The thought of a hat would be wonderful “its dose gets cold “she liked the idea “do you think I can bring one back to our cell to keep me warm at night?” she asked wondering what he thought of it.
    Emma nodded “sure I'm almost done “she said and cuddled into his arms. She always felt safe with Daniel. She giggled and rolled her eyes “its cute “she said. she liked little corny jokes, so she enjoyed them.
    “I like the idea of a pocket watch. very gentlemen” she said. once there she found a trash can and put her empty cup and spoon in the right places and went in looking at the watches. she liked the pocket watch he picked and found a small watch with a purple face “ooh this one please “she asked and thanked Danile for putting it on.
    Emma walked hand in hand to the hat shop “ a little nauseous but I think I’m ok “ she said as they went in and she nodded “ ok I will “ she picked out a few she found a beanie to keep her warm and a few more that hid a bit more of her bald head and had them boxed up and took them with her in a bag” a nap dose sound good “ she said and layer back on the bed and it could be seen her belly was definitely bigger with the baby she was carrying. “So, do I. I liked the walk.”

    Emma was having a hard time falling asleep feeling very uncomfortable. she looked up seeing Kevin and nodded nervously and put the robe when they came back into the cell she was not the happiness that Daniel was not coming and she became more scared. As she walks with Kevin, she looked back to Daniel till she couldn’t see him again. She kept her promise and obeyed what why wanted of her and took off her robe and underwear and put it on the counter next to the table. she got up on the cold metal and shivers and put the sheet over her. she felt verry exposed.

    When Kevin and steven came back and nodded. and lifted her legs up and gasped closing her eyes and didn’t like it she felt like she was being touched by someone that she didn’t allow once he was done, she relaxed closing her legs for a moment. She knew this would be hell the pushing and when they started, she cried out and tried to block there hands “no it hurts please “she screamed as the baby’s head was moving but not much when the twenty minutes were done she was in tears. She rolled over felling more pressure than ever figuring it was the baby trying to move. She gasped as this hurt more and she grabbed the edges of the table and screamed out. Once they finished, she rolled back over in more pain. She nodded and pushed with everything she had. She was existed when they asked her for one last push and she did felling the relief of the pressure gone but when Keven covered the baby and took it she cried out “no. no please “she sobbed “my baby “she said her body and mind were telling her baby was taken form her but she knew that they would. it didn’t hurt any less.

    Pulling her legs up for Steve she was about to ask what he was doing but when the cold tube went inside of her and she cried out feeling more violated then when Kevin looked her over “w…. why couldn’t I just push instead “ she asked looking pale and exposed.

    She curled into Daniels arms and cried harder then ever before” they, they had me undress and lay on a cold table with ropes. Keven. he. he touched me there “she shook and cried hard feeling so used” They pushed on my belly like they dd the other woman “ she said taking a moment “ it hurt so bad but then the baby …wasn’t moving so they rolled me on to my belly and pushed on my back … the baby moved a little but then I had to push for two hours … I didn’t get to see them. They were covered and ran out of the room crying “she said sobbing in to Daniels chest “then they put a metal tube in me and put something in and put another inside me and he … he touched me and pushed it inside of me “she said “ they touched me there “ she said surprised that Daniel would touch her now she was dirty white men who were not her husband touched her like that
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    As Daniel held Emma in his arms he had never seen her cried this hard before. Kevin must have been rougher on her then he said he would be. This made Daniel mad and he did not like it one bit. “How dare they make you do this Emma. I will do my best to go with you next time so you will have me next to you to hold my hand when they do this to you.” he said as he rubbed her back and comforted her. Then when she tells him they touched her there Daniel shakes his head. “They must have had a good reason for having to touch you there. If you were to go to a doctor they would have done the same thing. I won’t worry about it anymore and even if they have touched you there I will still love you and will care for you no matter if something has been done to you Emma. Now please try to rest, I won’t leave your side until I see you are sleeping.” he says this and then leans down and kisses her on the lips and then starts to rock her in his arms until she settles down and is a sleep.

    Once Emma was a sleep Daniel then lays her down on her bed and covers her up. He then leans down and kisses her on the forehead and whispers. “Sleep well my sleeping beauty.” Then taking his pocket watch out of his pocket he looks at the time and seeing it was only 5:30 pm he smiles and nods his head. “I don’t see why I couldn’t go into the village and do some shopping and be back before Emma wakes up.” he whispers to his self. After he put his shoes on he then quietly slips out the small door under the rug.

    When Daniel enters the village he looks around and then calls out for Lyoka. Then smiling when he sees her suddenly appear in front of him. ”Hello Daniel it is good to see you again. What can I do for you?” She says as she smiles at him. “Hello Lyoka it is good to see you again to. I was wondering if you could tell me where I can find I some red roses at.” Lyoka nods her head. “Ah yes there is two places you can go to and get some roses at. If you are up to picking some there is a rose field about a mile down the road otherwise you can go to Feds Rose shop next to the library.” she says as she points out the way on the map. Daniel nods his head. “Thank you Lyoka you have been a big help.” He says this as he pats her on the back. “You are welcome Daniel. Have a good day in the village and if need anything else just call out for me and I will come.” as she says that she then walks away.

    Before Daniel starts to walk he looks at the map one more time. After he finds the jewelry shop on the map he laughs. “I should have known the rose shop was right next door to the jewelry shop. Emma would be laughing right now if she was with me. Now let me go get that ring and then the roses.” he said out loud as he started to walk. When he got to the jewelry shop he entered the shop and started to look around. It did not take him long until he found the perfected ring. This ring was gold and had thirteen tiny dimes on a bridge that went over the top of the ring and the band also had dimes that went all the way around it. This is the perfected ring for Emma; I think she will love it. He thought to his self as he walked up to the small desk that a lady was sitting at. “Could you please resize this ring to a size 7 for me and please put it in a box as well.” he said as he placed the ring on the desk for the lady. When the lady had fixed the ring and put it in a small box she handed it to Daniel. He nods and thanks her and leaves the shop. As he walks to Fred’s Rose shop he looks at the ring. “Will Emma’s answer be yes if I ask her to marry me?” he whispered as he close the box and puts it in his pocket.

    When he gets to Fred’s Rose shop he steps up to the little window and a man stands up and greets him. “Hello Daniel welcome to Fred’s Rose shop, how many roses do you want?” Daniel smiles at the man. “May I have a dozen roses, two yellow ones and the rest are all red please.” Fred nods and starts to get the roses. “Are these for someone special in your life?” he asks as he wraps some shiny red paper around the roses. Daniel laughs at the man’s question “Yes, I am asking a young girl to marry me and thought some roses would be good as well.” he said as he watches Fred. “Well I wish you well when you ask her and I think she will love the roses too. Have a good day and please do come back some time.” he says as he ties a yellow ribbon around the roses and then hands them to Daniel.

    After receiving the roses Daniel thanks Fred and leaves the shop window. As he walks back to the cell he thought about what Emma had told him about what Kevin and Steve had done to her. Should he have a talk with the two men or just drop it altogether? When he had reached the door that lead to the cell again an idea comes into his mind. How he would ask Emma to marry him and this is what it was. He would order dinner for them and have it bought to the little room down stairs below their cell, then after they had eaten he would give her the roses and when she was smelling them he would get down on one knee and ask her to marry him. Yes that is how he would do it. This made Daniel smile as he thought about it.

    Before he went back upstairs to where Emma was at he put the flowers somewhere she would not see them and then he step back out into the village and called for Lyoka again. When she popped up next to him she smiled at him. “Yes Daniel what can I do for you?” Daniel nods his head and starts to tell Lyoka his idea. Lyoka nods her head and says she would be glad to do it for him. “Thank you so much. I will then see you again at 7:30.” he said as he turns and goes back into the little house. He then heads back upstairs into the cell where he finds Emma still sleeping. As he sits down on his bed her pulls out his pocket watch and seeing the time was 7:00 pm. He then looked over at Emma again and shaking his head he knew what he had to do. Then getting up he slowly made his way over to her side he then gently shook her. “Emma dear…It is time to wake up and go to dinner now.“he said with a smile on his face for he knew what he had planned would be a special night for them.

    When he saw she had finally woken up he then took her in his arm and started to kiss her on the cheek. “Emma I want to take you out to dinner tonight. I thought you would like to get away from our cell for a little while so I ordered dinner and it will be down stairs waiting for us in a little bit.” he said as he kissed her on the cheek once again. Then standing up he then lean down and picked her up in his arms. “I will carry you downstairs for I am sure you are sore and don’t feel like walking around.” He said as he started to walk over to the door which was already open and waiting for them. As he made his way down the steps to the very last one he smiled as he sees all the work Lyoka had done for them. She had put candles on the table along with a red table cloth and beautiful white china plates and crystal cups filled with wine. Daniel nods his head to her as he looks around the room. “Thank you so much Lyoka for getting everything ready for us and it all looks so nice.” he said as he set Emma down on the floor and helped her sit down in her chair. Lyoka smiled at them. “Your welcome Daniel I am glad I could help you out. The food will be here anytime now. So make yourself at home now and I will be right back with the food.” she said as she left the room.

    Daniel looked over at Emma and smiles at her. “What do you think of it all? Lyoka sure did do a great job getting it ready for us. We will be eating chicken, rice, creamed corn, collard greens and fried okra, then for dessert we will be having strawberry cheesecake.” he told her this as Lyoka walks back into the room with the food on a cart. As she places it all on the table Daniel watches Emma face closely because he wanted to see what she thought about all of this. Once Lyoka had left them Daniel start to put food on his plate. “All this looks so good. Emma please enjoy it.” he said as he puts the first bit in of food in his mouth.

    When they had finished eating the main part of the dinner Lyoka came back in and started to clean the food off of the table. Then she brought the dessert in and placed it on the table in front of Emma. “Well enjoy the dessert and when you are finished eating I will come back later on and clean up the rest of the food. Please enjoy and have a good rest of your night.” she said as she smiles at Emma and then leaves them both alone. Daniel starts to cut the cheesecake and give Emma the first piece of it. Then he sits down and cuts himself a piece of and start to eat it.
    A few minute go by and both of them finish eating the dessert and then Daniel gets up and take Emma by the hand and leads her over to the sofa then siting down next to her he says. “Emma I have something I want to give to you.” he says as he stand up and walks over to a small table in the corner and picks up the roses and brings them back over to her. “Emma you mean so much to me I would like to give you these roses.” he says as he hands the roses to her. Then as he watches her smell the roses he then drops down onto one knee in front of her and reaches up and takes both of her hands in his. “Emma Steel I have grown to love you and care about you and I know you love me to. But just to tell you I love you is not enough. So Emma Steel will you marry me and be my wife?” As he waits for her to answer him he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out the little box then opening it up he holds it out to her and shows her the ring. After she has seen it he takes the ring out of the box and reaches for her left hand. Then slowly he slips it onto her ring finger and smiling he pulls her into his arms and stands up and starts to kiss her on the lips.

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    (( just posting to let you know i have not forgotten . life has gotten buisy . i will do my best to have a post up soon))
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    Member isabella1503's Avatar
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    Emma nodded” it was rough and scary I really hope they do, you make me feel safe threw all of this, “she said. Listening to what Daniel said she nodded “You are right, the doctor would. I just its scary when it’s a man and not a woman doctor “she admitted “I’ve never had a man see me there “ she said truly admitting she is a virgin. As Daniel kissed her she kissed him back, she knew he was the one person she could always trust and thanked god for Daniel and sending him with her into this. The rocking calmed her down and soon she was asleep.
    While she was asleep Emma had dreams of Her and Daniel going on a proper date and walking under the stars, she was glad that they were pleasant dreams. As she was gently shaken awake she smiled up to Daniel “How long was I asleep for?” she asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes “Dinner? Are we having dinner in the village?” she asked not remembering restaurants but she smiled. Daniel was taking care of her making sure she was ok, and even something simple touched her heart.

    “ I am sore thank you, Thank you for caring for me Daniel,” she said kissing his cheek as he carried her down the stairs. “ oh wow, its beautiful, “ she said as she stood definitely feeling sore but nothing concerningly painful. She sat in the chair slowly and smiled as he pushed in her chair. the food was perfect the most delicious food she had had since she had been in here. When the desert came it was strawberry Cheesecake “Thank you Lyoka, you have helped my day become an amazing one “ she said. Taking a small piece she enjoyed every bit.

    Sitting on the couch Eve saw the roses and gasped “Oh there beautiful. Thank you Daniel “She smiled them and saw the two yellow figures representing them. When she opened her eyes again she gasped seeing Daniel on one knee proposing to her Tears welled in her eyes as she nodded “ yes a million times yes “ she said and watched as he slipped the ring on and she stood hugging him and kissing him lovingly “ oh Daniel “ she said “I never thought that this day would happened, and I'm so happy it did with you “ she said stroking his cheek lovingly “ I love you to the moon and back, your so kind, loving and protective, I have never felt so safe as I do with you. It’s an honor to be your wife” she said
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    When Daniel saw Emma’s eyes grow wide when he gave her the roses he smiled. “Your welcome, I knew you probably would like them.” Then when he asks her to marry him and her answer was yes. Daniel was so happy that she had said that it made him cry. These are happy tears for I truly do see you love me and I am looking forward to living the rest of my life with you Emma.” He said as he kisses her again.

    Then after he kisses her he takes both of her hands in his. “I have one more surprise for you.” he says as he reaches down and scoops her up into his arms and starts to carry her over to the door that leads out into the village.
    When they get out there he walks over to this big wall. Then putting Emma back down on her feet he turns to her and says. “Emma do you see that red button over there on the wall? Well after I press it that wall will open up into a glass window and we will then be able to see the night sky and if you look out it you will see a whole lot of stars.” Then he leans over and presses the button and the wall then starts to move slowly away. Daniel then comes and stands behind Emma and wraps his arms around her then takes her hands in his and gently squeezes then as they both look out the window at all the stars. Then all of a sudden Daniel says. “Hey did you see that shooting star that just went across the sky?” Then three more stars race by as he said that. Then laughing he said. “Did you make a wish on them? I sure did do it.” he said as he kisses her forehead.

    A few minutes go by and neither of them say anything. Then Daniel breaks the silences and ask her a question. So when do you want to tie the knot and be called Mrs. Emma Everleigh?” he ask as he playfully starts to kiss her on the neck. Then after the two had been out there for an hour Daniel starts to yawn. “Well it has been a long day for both of us, I think we should probably be heading back up to our cell now and turning in for the night.” he says as he places he his hands on Emma’s belly and starts to rub it for a minute. Then before Emma was about to say anything Daniel quickly scoops her up into his arms again and starts to walk back to the door.

    Two weeks go by and nothing really big happens. But Kevin had big plans turning in his head for Emma. He knew she had a little over one and a half weeks left until she was due to give birth again. So he had to make the experiment he had been planning take place on this day or it may not work, and he knew she was not going to like what he had planned for her. As Kevin look at his watch he walked out of the lab he had been working in to get ready for Emma. On his way out he stops at a computer to see where Emma was at.

    When seeing she was alone down stairs reading he smiled and nodded his head and knowing this was probably a good time to go get her and bring her back into the lab to start the experiment. But before he went to get her he stopped by his office and picked up two special needles that look like rings. Then filling them both with a drug that would put someone to sleep if used it, he then puts both of them on his middle right hand finger as he starts to walk to all the cells.

    When he gets in there he goes to Daniel and Emma’s cell and when he see Daniel was sleeping he smiles. Then quietly going in he walks over to Daniel bed and then placing one of the rings up to Daniel’s neck he slowly presses it into him and the drug is released out of the ring. Daniel then draws in a deep breath and his head then turns to the side as he passes out. Then taking the ring off of his finger he places it in his pocket and then leaving Daniel laying there he starts to walk over to the little door that take him down stairs.

    When he gets there he opens it and starts to go down the steps. As he does he thinks about how he is going to get the drug into Emma without making her upset. When he gets to the bottom of the steps he smiles as he sees Emma sitting on the couch reading. “Hello Emma how are you doing today? I see you are enjoying this little room down here. Do you come down here often to read?” As he asks her this he walks over to the couch and takes a seat next to her. He then lets her talk for a few minutes to answer his questions. After she does he then says. “I am sure you are probably wondering why I have come down here to you. Well I have come to ask you a few questions about some of the experiments we have done on you.” he says as he looks at her closely.

    He then starts to ask her one. “I don’t think I have ever ask you about how you feel about the new stomach we put in you. Could you tell me what you think about it?” But before she could answer him he reached over to her quickly and puts his hand on her neck. As he did that he pressed the ring into her neck and it released the drug into her. It did not take long for the drug to start to work and when it did Emma gasp for air and passed out. Kevin then smiles and reached down and pushed the ring into the middle of Emma’s belly and holds it there for a minute so the drug has time to enter in to her. Once Kevin is sure Emma is completely out he then carefully picks her up into his arms and starts to carry her upstairs. When he gets up there he checks on Daniel and then he takes Emma back into the main part of the lab. Then placing her on a table that he has prepared for her, he then goes and washes his hands and put on a lab coat.
    When he is ready he then comes back over to Emma’s side and starts to remove her clothes. Then cleaning Emma’s belly off he then takes a knife and starts to cut her belly open. When she is open he slowly reaches in and moves his hand around inside of her belly looking for the three babies. When he finds them he then takes a needle filled with drugs that will make the baby grow faster and he then pushes it into each of the babies’ bellies. He does this three times to each of them. When he is finished doing that he then starts swing Emma’s belly up, but before he fully closes her up all the way he quickly dumps one jar full of frog eggs into her and one jar with five new fetuses into Emma belly. Then he finishes closing her up. After he is done he then paints a special drug on Emma’s belly to make the cut marks disappear. Kevin then hooks an IV up to Emma’s belly and start to pump a special drug that will cause Emma’s belly to grow really big and also helps make the babies grow faster. After all seven bag of that drug were put into Emma. Kevin then pushes down very hard on Emma’s belly three times. Doing this makes the drugs move around in her belly so they will start to work right away.

    Then Kevin hooks three bags of Daniels blood up to the IV and puts them into Emma. While the blood is being put into her Kevin then inserts a long needle filled with a powerful drug into her belly three times. This drug will make Emma have a lot of sharp pains in her belly, and the pain will continue happing until she is ready to give birth at the begging of the next month.

    Now after the last drop of blood enters Emma’s body she had been a sleep for eight hours. Kevin then dresses her again and shocks her heart two times to make her forget anything he had done to her. Then he carries her back to her cell and then down stair to the couch again. Once she is down there he then sits down on the couch next to her and gives her a shot to wake her up. Then when she wakes up Kevin smiles over at her. “I lost you there for a few minutes and had to give you a shot to bring you back.” he said as he nodded his head. He then sits there quietly for a few minutes watching her closely. Then he stands up without saying anything to her and leaves the room. When he gets back upstairs he checks on Daniel and then gives him a shot in the arm to wake him up. Then he slips out of their cell before Daniel wakes up.

    When Daniel finally wakes up he looks around and when he sees Emma was not there in the room her gets up and goes down stair. As he goes down the steps he smiles when he sees her. “Oh there you are down here reading. How is your book? Have you gotten to read a lot? “ He asks as he leans down and kisses Emma on the forehead. Then he sits down next to her and takes her into his arm. As he does he notices Emma’s belly is rather big. But not wanting to worry her he does not say anything to her about it.

    ((** isabell1503 -- Here are some ideas for your next post. You don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. You can have Emma have a lot of pain and cry out and thinking she was going into labor. You could have her asks Daniel to get Kevin because of how much pain she was in. I was also hoping she did not figure out what Kevin had done to her. I was going to have Kevin tell her what he did to her when it was time for her to giving birth. Which I plan on writing maybe in my next post if that is okay with you. Oh and if you have any ideas for more experiments they can do on the two of them please leave me a message at the end of your next post like I am doing right now.**))

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    Emma was so happy, since they ha been captured and held, she never thought she would get the chance to get married, today that wish came true. She kissed him back once more and smiled happily “as am I,
    I feel very lucky to have you as my fiancé “she said stroking his cheek and looking at her ring again so happy.
    “Ther is another surprise? You’re spoiling me Daniel “she said not that she truly minded she gasped as she was picked up and giggled. When they made it to the wall, she looked around surprised wondering what it could be. When the doors opened she gasped seeing the stars “ohh it looks like a painting “she said never seeing stars like this outside of pictures on the internet “ ooh look the big dipper” she pointed out. When she shooting stars shot across the sky, she made a wish on each. The first for the experiments to get easier over time. Second for the chance to have their own child one day and the third is to maybe be free to have a normal life. “I did too” she said holding his hand and leaning into him watching the stars. Her belly was feeling large today knowing that soon she would have another baby and had to prepare herself.
    Emma smiled what do you think about in a month or two, so I can find a dress and the perfect flowers?” she asked and blushed “ I like the sound of that Mrs. Emma Everleigh” she smiled and closed her eyes at her little kisses on her neck. It caused a tingling that went form the top of her head down to her toes, something she never felt before. She nodded and looked at her watch “its about time to “ she said as she happily curled in to his arms.
    Two weeks latter Emma had spent a lot of time ready and enjoying the privacy of there extra rooms to feel somewhat normal. Her belly helped her hold her book up and she felt the movement and rubbed her belly “almost “she said. Looking up she looked to Kevin walking down her stairs. She figured it was almost time for an experiment especially because it had been so long. She closed her book and out it on the coffee table. “afternoon Kevin” she said “I am, it helps me feel … normal and calm “ she explained “reading is one of my favourite things to do.” She said and sat up when he said he had questions for her.
    “oh of coerce” she listened to the question and was just about the awnser when she felt the poke in her neck “ what…” she fell asleep after the deep breath and sagged in to the couch. As the experiment continued the one baby who began to move would react and move to the feeling of Kevin touching it.
    When Emma woke up she felt disoriented but looked to kevin “Oh… im sorry that was rude” she said as her hand went to her belly feeling very tight her belly looked bigger to her to “ how long was I asleep “ she asked but Kevin was gone. She moved sitting up more as her belly felt very tight. She smiled seeing Daniel “ I did get a few chapters “ she smiled and kissed kiss his cheek and leaned in to him “ I think I’m bloated “ she said touching her belly again and gasped “ oooh “ she cried out and verry quickly the pain was coming quick and very painful “ ooh Daniel … get Kevin … I think the baby is coming… please come with me “ she gasped crying out again and tears ran down her face. Worried never realizing anything had happened. She slept more when it was close for the baby to come.

    ((** I liked that idea is you could tell :P. as for experiments … maybe we could do something more focused on Daniel say there is a strength serum they want to see if it works. Or something to improving intelligent. not saying he isn’t smart but to push him to the next level kidof thing. Or perhaps they could see what happens when they introduce another baby in to the cell for them to care for as Emma was so worried about her baby’s eachtime she had them. Could see how it effects her stress level or have them use a medication in her food to try d help her reactions and anxiety about the baby benign suddenly removed **))
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    Daniel smiled when Emma told him she had gotten a few chapters read. “Oh that is good to hear. I know how much you like to read. It is a good way for you to relax.” he said as he looks down at her belly and puts his hand on it.
    Then hearing Emma say she thinks she was bloated. “Yes I did notice your belly was a lot bigger.” But before he could say anything else he hears Emma cry out like she was in pain. Then she screamed out telling him to get Kevin because the baby was coming.

    Daniel starts to grow worried because he knew the baby was not to come for another two weeks. “Okay Emma just take some deep breaths because it is not time for the baby to come out yet.” he said as he started to rub her belly hoping that would help take the pain away. But seeing her arching her back meant she was still in a lot of pain so he started to get up. “Emma hang in there I will go see if I can find Kevin. “ He says as he leaves her laying there and runs up the stairs.

    When he gets upstairs he quickly goes over to the gate of the cell and starts to call out. “Kevin I need your help.” he calls out. Now Kevin was nowhere to be seen but Steve just happen to be giving a tore to a female scientist who was going to be joining the team soon.
    Now when Steve hears Daniel calling out he quickly runs over to him. “Daniel what is wrong?” he ask as he unlocks the gate. Daniel steps back away from the gate. “It is Emma she is in a lot of pain and thinks it might be time for the baby to come.” he says as he looks at the new scientist. Steve nodded his head. “Okay Daniel take Tara down stairs while I go look for Kevin.” he says as he turns and nods to Tara and tells her to try and make Emma comfortable until Kevin gets there.” Then he leaves them and goes to find Kevin.

    Tara smiles at Daniel and nodded her head. “Daniel how long has Emma been in pain for?” Daniel nods “I think it just started right before I came up here.” he says as he opens the door that takes them down stairs.
    As Daniel leads her down stairs Tara reaches in her pocket and pulls out a pair of gloves and starts to put them on. As she does she comes over to the couch. “Hello Emma my name is Tara I am one of the new scientists that just join the team. May I ask where you are feeling the pain at?” she asks as she gently places her hand on Emma’s belly and starts to poke at her belly. Then nodding when Emma tells her where the pain was at. “How long have you had the pain for? And has it been in the same place ever since it started?” she ask as she helps her get comfortable on the couch.

    But as she was about to ask Emma to bring her legs up Kevin comes down the steps. “Okay Tara I am here now I can take over. Would you please go help Steve get a room ready for Mrs. Harper test.” he says as he walks up to them. Tara then nods her head and turns to look at Emma. “It was nice to meet you Emma.” She says as she pats her on the arm and then leaves the room.

    Then Kevin turns and looks at Emma. “I see you met Tara, well don’t expect to see her every time I can’t come. Now remove your pants and bring your legs up so I can check you out.” he says as he pulls up a chair next to the couch and as he did he puts a pair of gloves on. Then seeing Emma had removed her pants but had not yet put her legs up. Kevin then grabs both of her legs and quickly pushes them up very hard up against her big belly. “Now hold them up and don’t move.” he says as he quickly brings a finger up to her front part and roughly pushes it in to her. As he does this Daniel comes over to Emma side and takes her hand in his. “It is alright Emma I am right here.” he says as he kisses her hand.

    Kevin then finishes what he was doing and then without saying anything he grabs her legs again and pulse them down. After he does this he then takes both of his hands and starts to push down on both sides of Emma’s belly very hard. He knew this would make Emma scream if he did this. After he does this for two minutes he takes his hands off of her.
    Then he goes over to his bag that he had brought with him and takes a tool that looks like a gun out of it. Then without telling Emma what he was going to do he quickly pushes it into the side of Emma’s belly as he does this he pushes a button on the tool that make a needle start to come out and enter her belly. Emma will soon start to feel the tool begin to suck and pinch her belly as it does this the needle goes in and out of her really fast. Then Kevin pushes another button and the needle will started to put a drug in her belly. Emma did not have to wait long before the drug started to work and the pain she was having will then stop and her insides will start to get really warm and she will then start to relax.

    “Okay I will leave this tool with you just in case you happen to have any more pain later on. This drug should last for about two hours. Oh and to tell you what was happing to you when you had the pain it was false labor. You have two weeks left until you are due so if this keeps happing I will have to ask you to stay in bed until your due date.” he says as he hands Emma the tool. “Oh and I think you should probably go back upstairs and rest for the rest of the day.” he said as he pick up his bag and leaves the room.

    After Kevin left them Daniel then went and knelt next to her on the floor. “I don’t know what to say about Kevin but I do see how he is treating you. Now let me carry you back upstairs to your bed.” He said as he stood up and then picked her up and took to her bed.

    When she was in bed Daniel sat next to her on the bed. “Emma do you remember me asking you when you wanted to get married and you told me in a month or two. Well I was thinking more about it when Kevin was taking care you and a idea came to mind. What if we were to get married next weekend? The reason I suggest this is because when it comes time for you to give birth again Kevin will have to let me come with you because we would be married and he won’t be able to say no about me going with you then. So what do you say? Do we do it?” he ask as he rubs her belly.

    When three days go by and Daniel never leaves Emma’s side once. But on day four Kevin comes into the get Daniel to do a experiment on him. “Good morning you two, I have been watching you both on the camera the past three days and I have noticed Daniel you have not let Emma out of your sight. Well I must take you away from her for a few hours because you are past due to have a experiment done on you. I will let you two talk for three minutes while I go get the room ready for you, then I will be back to get you.” he said as he turns and looks at Emma then he leaves them.

    Daniel then goes over to Emma’s side. “Emma dear it is time for you to be brave for me while I am gone and know I love you so much.” he says then he leans down and kisses her a few times on her forehead. “I will see you again when I get back.” he says as Kevin unlocks the gate for him. As Daniel walks out of the cell he then stops and turns around and blows Emma a kiss and smiles at her. Then he turns and follows Kevin the rest of the way to the lab.

    When they get to the room Kevin then tells Daniel to have a seat in the big chair. Then he asks him to remove his shirt for him. When Daniel has his shirt off Kevin then has Daniel lean back in the chair. When he does Kevin then starts to tie Daniel’s arms and legs down to the chair then he puts a belt around his waste and buckles it to the chair. When he is finished doing that he then lays the chair back until Daniel’s body is stretched out and is level with the floor. When he is lying flat Daniel starts to look around the room. Then as he was about to ask Kevin what he was going to do to him he then hears Kevin speak. “Alright Daniel it is time to put you to sleep now.” Kevin said as he takes his hand and brings it up to Daniel’s neck and presses the ring gently up against his neck. Daniel eyes grow wide and he gasps as the drug enters his body and then he slowly closes his eyes as he gaps one more time and he falls asleep.

    Kevin does not waste any time he goes right to work. First he fills a small bag with some strength serums then he closes it up. He then takes a knife and starts to cut Daniel’s chest open. Then he reaches in to Daniel’s chest and finds the bottom of Daniel’s lungs then following it up until he gets to the middle of them. He then places his hand in the middle of them and pulls the two lungs apart. He then takes the small bag and places it in the middle of the lungs. Then before he lets go of the lungs he takes a needle and make a small hole in the bag, but big enough that the lung will feed off of it.

    Then he slowly lets go of the lungs and pushes them back together so they hide the bag. After he does that Kevin then takes a needle that is filled with some special drugs that will improve intelligent in somebody. He then inserts the needle into one of Daniel’s lungs and then releases all of the drug into it. Then he fills the needle again and does the same thing to the other lung. When he is finished he closes Daniel chest up.

    Then he takes the needle one more time and fills it with the same drug and then inserts it into the side of Daniel’s head. He holds it there for a minute and then releases all of the drug. Then he quickly pulls the needle out of Daniel’s head.

    Then Kevin does one more thing to Daniel before he wakes him up. The first thing he does is checks to see if all of Daniel’s buckles are tight on him. Then he pushes a button on the chair and it starts to make the chair spin around and around. It spins for ten minutes. Then Kevin makes it stop so Daniel is facing the floor. He lets him stay like that for another ten minutes. When the time is up he then brings Daniel back up so he is facing upwards. Now if someone was to ask him why he just did this he would simply say. To make the drugs move around in Daniel’s body. After Kevin lets Daniel sleep for another hour he then give Daniel a shot in the neck to wake him up.

    Meanwhile back in the cell Emma has received a special visited from Tara. She just wanted to check on Emma because she knew Kevin had not treated her well the other day. Tara also had a surprise for Emma. As Tara enters the cell she calls out to Emma. “Hello Emma! I have come to check on you or you can say to let you have a surprise. Has Kevin ever done a Altor sound on you before to let you see the baby in you?” she ask as she looks at her watch. But before Emma could give her answer Tara speaks again. “Well I am pretty sure you would like to see the baby. Why don’t we go now and do it.” She said as she steps out of the cell and gets the wheel chair that she had bought with her. As she brings it back into the cell she then helps Emma into it.

    Then taking her into a part of the labs Emma had never seen before. “Well here we are. Welcome to the Altor sound room.” Now this room was a small dark room that had a bed and a TV with a computer and a camera hooked up to it.
    Tara smiled as she helped Emma out of the chair and onto the bed. “Alright before we start I need for you to remove your pants and shirt and please put this robe on. Oh you won’t need to remove your underwear and bra I will work around them.” she said

    When Emma had undressed Tara helped her lay down in the bed. “Okay Emma what I am about to do to you next will not hurt, now the gel may be a little cold at first when I start but when I get it all over your belly it should feel good.” she said as she picked up a bottle of clear gel and started to squeeze it on Emma’s big round belly. “My goodness you sure do have a big belly for only having one baby in there. So let’s find out why you are so big.” she said.

    Then Tara picked up a tool that had a small camera on it. “All I am going to do is put a little presser on your belly and then move this small camera all around, it will then give us a picture on the TV of what is in your belly and maybe the baby will let use see it as well.” she says as she starts to push down a little bit on Emma belly then she slowly moves the tool all around as she does that all of a sudden a picture pops up on the TV. “Emma look at this I see a baby inside of your belly.” As she moves it around a little bit more Tara’s mouth drops open. “Um… Emma did you say you had one baby in your belly? If so I don’t think this looks like just one baby but I do believe you have a few more than one in your belly. Let me look and see if I can count and see how many there are in there.” she says as she move the camera to the side of Emma belly.

    When she finishes counting she looks at Emma and shakes her head. “Emma I think you have seven babies in your belly. No wonder your belly is so big. Alright there is one more thing I need to tell you before we go back to your cell. I think Kevin probably already knows that you are carrying a lot of babies in your belly. So when it is time for you to give birth to them know he will probably not make it easy for you to do it. Now you must not tell Kevin or anyone else that you know you are carrying so many babies right now. If Kevin finds out that you know he may make it even harder for you to deliver these babies. So what you found out in here today will not leave this room. It will be our little secret. Do you understand me Emma? Do you have any questions for me?” she says as she moves the camera around a little bit more so Emma can look at all the babies one more time.

    When she is finished she cleans Emma up and helps her dress. Then she helps her back into the wheel chair and takes her back to her cell. When they get back in the cell Tara helps Emma back into the bed and then takes her hand and gentle pat’s Emma’s belly and smiles. “I have enjoyed spending time with you today. Now hang in there you only have a few more days until those babies will come out.”

    It was not long after Tara had left that Kevin brings Daniel back to the cell. But before Kevin leaves he turns and looks at Emma and smiles. “Well Miss Emma you will be the next person I take out of here in a few days.” He says as he come over to her and as he does he takes his hand and reaches over to her then he gently starts to pushes down on Emma’s belly feeling all around as he looks her over. “I do believe we may have to take you back soon then I thought we would. I will wait until the weekend and then I will check on you again and decide what I will do then.” he says as he turns and starts to walk out of their cell.

    ------ Please post this message at the end of my post like you did last time. Thanks! -------
    ((** Just wanted to let you know I liked the ideas you gave me at the end of your last post. What did you think of what I did to Daniel? Was that what you were meaning to have happen to him? Oh I also plan on having Emma giving birth to the babies in my next post. I already have some ideas in what I will be using. Here are a few ideas that may help you out in your post. If you want you could have Emma scream and fight Kevin in what did to help with the pain. You can have Emma act surprised or excited or even not sure what to say when Tara takes her to show her the babies with the camera. Since I just did add Tara into the rp you could have Emma like her. Then at the end of your post you could have Emma’s water break and she is in a lot of pain. This could happen because of what Kevin just finished telling her about him taking her out earlier. And if you have any ideas that I can use in my next post with Emma giving birth feel free to suggest them. Anything will help me out. **))

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    Emma panted in pain and was scared as Daniel did his best to calm her down. The pain continued and she was sure it was. As the pain throbbed and Daniel left to get help, she did her best to keep breathing through the pain. When she saw the new scientist, she relaxed a little. She was more comfortable with a woman looking at her. “Hi Tara, here “she showed bands across her belly it was very sharp and painful. “it’s only been about 5 minutes and it’s the same the whole time and then throbs “she breathed through a painful moment.
    Emma looked up to see Kevin and became nervous but did her best to be calm. Having Daniel here to hold her hand helped. She looked up to Tara not wanting her to leave. She did as Keven asked and removed her bottoms and panties and with help layer back on the couch. She was just about to move her legs up when her legs hit her belly and she gasped in pain as it made it worse. Her hand was shaking in Daniels as she did her best to stay still. As Keven checked her she winced as he was not being easy on her. The last time was not this ruff. As her legs were pushed down, she winced as the change pulled muscles across her belly.

    As Kevin pushed hard on her belly she screamed and arched her back “oh no please don’t “she cried out her nails digging into the couch. Once finished she was drenched in sweat. She looked up to Daniel not noticing the tool but when it pierced her belly, she cried out looking down as she felt the pain and pinching “what’s going on “she cried out and soon with the second button push it calmed and she relaxed shaking weak feeling from being so tense. When Kevin left, she nodded to Daniel “it wasn’t this bad last time. He felt mad. I didn’t fight him on it did I?” she asked thinking she did something wrong.

    Smiling when Daniel mentioned the wedding “I would like that, especially with you with me, it was hard alone, and when they took them “she said not even knowing the gender. “let’s plan it on Sunday “she said as she relaxed more as she relaxed and dozed. Over the three days they only had to use the medicine once.
    She was reading when Kevin came, she nodded a little nervously, but she knew how to use the gun if needed for medicine. She didn’t want Daniel gone, she wanted him here if she was going in to labor again “ok, I will be as brave as I can” said and watched as he left. She caught a kiss a blew one back to him. Emma read her book to keep her self-form becoming too worried when she saw Tara “hello Tara, I would love to see them “she said as she got into the chair. And did as she was asked.

    When the gel went to her belly, she gasped and giggled “definitely cold” she said “I thought so too, I woke up bloated the day you saw me” she said and looked at the screen and smiled seeing the baby and tears fell “I wish I could keep this one “she said. When Tara asked her, she nodded “that’s what I was told “she said. When Tara told her she was amazed and scared “why dose he makes it so hard on me? I can’t even tell Daniel … were getting married this weekend. two days in fact “she said “I want Daniel with me, Keven scares me like I’ve done something to make him mad. I know I’m nervous, but I have been doing my best “she said.

    When they got back to the cell she nodded “can you be there if they won’t let Daniel “she said worried. As Kevin came in with Daniel, she winced expecting to be hard on her but relaxed “what did I do for you to be so hard on me the other day? I’ve been doing my best, but you’ve caused me pain and you take the baby from me “she said as tears were in her eyes.

    A few days later, as Emma was confirming the dress and arrangements down in the living room excited for the wedding the next morning. “Those flowers Are perfect” she said to the lovey woman helping them “I was hoping I could hold a few as I walked down the aaaa” she gasped as her water broke “oh no “she said worried and called for Dainel scared what would happen “Daniel “she said gasping at the contraction coming.

    ((I liked what you did, it was close. I was just thinking of injections, but this works to, I liked the idea of Emma and Tara bonding. I think maybe we can have all of the babys come and possibly there a bit to large for emma so they have to do a c section. Or we can have it that it take so long they miss there weding and she needs time to revover. Other idea is that they keep her back in the lab to be sure she heals properly and then give her more babys before taking her back to her cell. Could have that she had no idea who long it took ))
    The only limit is YOUR mind

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    The day before their wedding quickly approached and as Emma was working on her dress and flowers Daniel was out in the village picking up his suite and talking with the Pastor of the church that would be married in. But before Daniel left the cell he told Emma if she was to go into labor while he was gone then she was to call for Lyoka and tell her to come find him. Then as he left her he kisses Emma on the forehead and then left for the village.

    When he got out in the village he called for Lyoka. When she walked up to him he smiled. Hello Lyoka, I hope you are doing well today. I called for you to ask of a favor.” Now Lyoka smiled and nods her head. Hello Daniel, I am doing well thank you and yes of course ask me anything you want.” she said as she smiled again. Daniel then nods his head. “Okay well I need to go into the village to pick up my suite for the wedding tomorrow and I also need to talk with the pastor one last time so I was wondering if you could kind of keep an eye on Emma for me because the baby she is carrying could come anytime. I told her to call for you if she does.” he said as he looks at his pocket watch. Lyoka nods her head. “Okay I can do that for you.” Daniel smiles at her. “Thank you Lyoka I knew I could count on you to help.“ he said as he pats her on the arm and turns to go into the village. Lyoka stood there and watched Daniel walk off. But when Then turning she went to check on Emma. But when she got there she heard Emma screaming for Daniel.
    As Lyoka went over to Emma’s side and put her arm around her. “It is going to be okay Emma just keep breathing and try to hang in there while I go get Kevin and Steve.” she said as she helps Emma lay down on the couch. Then she quickly runs up the stairs and back up into the cell and over to the gate to unlock it. As she does she runs right into Ted. “Where is Kevin and Steve because Emma Steel water just broke and she is in labor right now down stairs.” she says as she try to catch her breath.

    When Ted hears this he quickly runs over to the wall and presses a red button that pages Kevin and Steve to come. After he does that he then turns to Lyoka. “Take me to Emma now.” he said as he starts to put on a pair of gloves on. Then as the two made their way back down to Emma Kevin and Steve both come running in from the lab part. As they do they both read their phones to see where to go. Now when Kevin saw it was Emma he shook his head and then turning to Steve. “Quickly go prepare birthing room C for me while I go get Emma and bring her up.” he said as he entered their cell and runs down the stairs to her.

    When he gets down there he took one look at Emma and then turning to Ted. “Help me get her upstairs and onto a stretcher so I can take her to birthing room C.” he said as walks over to Emma and checks her really quickly. Then as the two men work to pick her up they quickly go up the stairs. When they get upstairs Kevin and Ted quickly put Emma onto a stretcher. Then Kevin pushes her out of the call and over to the double doors. As he does he turns to Emma. “How far apart are your contractions Emma?” he asks her as he keeps walking.

    When they reach birthing room C Kevin turned to Ted. “Will you please go get me the over powering drug and bring it back to me.” Ted nods and leaves the room. Kevin then turns to Steve. “Are you ready for her now?” he asks as he looks over at Emma. Steve nods his head as the two men start to move Emma over onto the metal table. Then Kevin turns to Emma. “I need you to try and remove all of your clothes for me and then lay back down on the table and wait for us to return.

    As she does this Kevin and Steve both step out of the room to change as they do Kevin pulls Steve to the side. “I do believe this will be a very long and hard labor for her. I want to start out by pushing on her belly and when we get three of the ten babies out of her I want to then give Emma the over powering drug. We will then wait for ten minutes for it to start to work. When it does start to work the step back and let Emma do all the work. I will check on her every once in a while and see how far the babies are. But if I see her starting to pass out or having trouble delivering any of the babies we will then step back in and have to do a c section and get the rest of the babies out. Oh and we will not be putting her to sleep if we have to do a c section on her. When we get back in there will you please tie her down to the table while I check to see if the babies are coming out yet.” he said as he puts his gloves on.

    Meanwhile back in the cell Lyoka turned and looked at the young woman that was helping Emma with her dress and flowers. “Well I do believe your work is done her for now Miss. I guess I need to go find Daniel now and let him know about Emma.” she said as she watches the young woman smile and nod her head as she starts to clean up the room.
    Then Lyoka leaves the room to head out into the village. As she starts to walk she wonders how she was going to tell Daniel about Emma. But she did not have to walk for very long because she sees Daniel coming out of the church. As she runs up to him she shakes her head. “Daniel you need to come now. Emma water broke and now Kevin has taken her back to the birthing room. I am not sure if I can get you back there with her.” she said as she looks at Daniel.
    When Daniel hears what Lyoka says his eyes grow wide and he starts to shake his head. “I knew I should have not left her alone now I may not get to be with her.” he said as he looks at the ground. Lyoka put a hand on his back, “I can try and call Kevin on his phone if you still want me to do it.” she said as she pulls her phone out. Daniel takes a deep breath and looks at her. “That would be great if you could do that. Emma was really hoping I could be with her this time so yes please do try.” he said as his face lite up with a smile.

    Lyoka nods her head. “Okay let me try now. I do hope it is not too late.” she said as she started to dial the number. When she gets Kevin’s voice mail she shakes her head, then she starts to leave a message. “Hi Kevin this is Lyoka, I am with Daniel right now and he was wondering if he could come be with Emma. If you could please call me back that would be great Thanks and Bye.” she said as she hung up. Then looking to Daniel she smiled at him. “I am sorry Daniel but it looks like it is too late. We can walk back up to your cell and I can see if I can go find him.” she said as they started to walk. Daniel nods his head. “Thank you Lyoka for helping me out. It means a lot to know someone cares about me and Emma. I guess I will just have to hope Emma is going to be alright without me.” he said as they reached the door that took them back into the cell. Lyoka nods. ”Okay Daniel if I hear back from Kevin I will let you know.” she said as she watches him open the door and go in. When Daniel gets back upstairs in his cell he sits down on his bed and putting his head in his hands and starts to think of Emma.

    Now back in the birthing room Kevin and Steve finish getting ready. As Kevin finishes getting dress he hears his phone start to ring, but by the time he could get to his phone it had already gone to voice mail. But while he looked at his phone he turns to Steve. “Go ahead and go tie Emma down to the table and I will be there in a few minutes after I see who just called me.” he said as he starts to dial his voice mail. As he hears who it was and what they wanted he starts to laugh. “Well I guess I need to go talk to Daniel.” he says out loud to his self.

    As he makes his way to back to the birthing room he leans over to Steve. “Go head and start to check Emma out while I go get Daniel and bring him back here.” he says as he starts to walk over to the door. Steve nods and finishes tying Emma’s arms down to the table. When he is done he then starts to talk to Emma. “Okay Emma I need you to put your feet up on the table and spread your legs apart so I can check and see where you are at in your labor.” he says as he waits for her to do it. When she has done it Steve then gently puts one of his fingers into her and starts to move it around. “Ah yes Emma it looks like the baby is already starting to move down.” he says as he looks up at her. Then he comes up next to her and starts to tell her what he was going to do next. “I am going to hook you up to this IV so we can monitor your contractions. Then I am going to have to start pushing on your belly as you give me all you have and push when your next contraction comes. Are you ready to start to push now?” he asks as he hooks up the IV to Emma’s arm and turns it on. Then Steve comes back over to her side and places a hand on her belly. “Alright I want you to start to push when I say three.” he says as he starts to count. “One…Two….Three….Push Emma!!” he says as he starts to push down really hard in the middle of her belly.

    Now as Steve starts to do this Kevin then walks into the room with Daniel. He then turns to Daniel and hands him a robe to put on and then tells him where to stand at. “Daniel I am going to have you stand right over here and watch for a little bit, but if Emma is not doing well at the delivering we may have you stand next to her.” he said as he points to the place where Daniel was to stand at. Daniel then puts the robe on and moves over to the place where he was told to stand at and starts to watch the two men work with Emma.

    An hour goes by and Emma is only able to give birth to a baby boy. Then Kevin checks on her again. As he does she starts to shake his head then looking up at her. “Um...Emma I do believe you have more than one baby in your belly. It looks like you have your work cut out for you now. I will be watching you and if you can’t deliver two more babies in the next hour or so we will have to give you some drugs to help speed up the contractions.” he says as he stands up and come to stand next to her belly again. Then placing both of his hands on her belly he looks up at her and without saying a word he then starts to push down really hard in middle of her belly. He then sees Emma gasp as he does it and he keeps pushing down hard on her.

    Another hour goes by and Emma is only able to give birth to one more baby. This was a little girl and it was baby “B” and she was kind of small so Ted quickly takes her and baby “A” out of the room together. Kevin then sees that Emma’s contractions had slowed down a lot so he nods to Steve. Then he goes over to a small table and picks up a needle that is filled with a drug called Over Power. This drug is to make a woman’s contractions grow stronger which will make her have a lot more pain. It also will make her feel dizzy; makes her body shake, and makes her brake out in sweat. It is also know to make a woman pass out.

    As Kevin starts to push the needle into the middle of Emma’s belly he watches her closely. Then he slowly pulls it out and fills the needle again. But this time he inserts it into her right side of her belly. Then he removes it and fills it one more time and this time he puts the needle into her left side of her belly. When he has finishes putting the drug into her he then steps back and waits for the drug to start to work.

    It only takes ten minutes before the drug starts to work and when it does Emma will start to feel a sharp pain in her belly that feel like someone is stabbing her with a knife. Kevin smiles as he see Emma’s eyes grow wide as the drug start to work. Then nodding his head to her. “Okay Emma it is up to you to give birth to the babies now. I will not be touching you at all so you will be doing all the pushing and the work to deliver any of the babies. I will only take them after you push then out. If I see you are not able to do any of this on your own I will then have to put you to sleep and do a C section to remove any more babies you may have in your belly. Okay Emma you may now begin to push whenever you have a contraction.” he tells her this as he then steps back and watches her.

    Daniel starts to shake his head. “Kevin why are you making her do this all by herself ?” he ask as he hear Emma start to scream and cry out from all the pain. Then when Daniel could not take it anymore he then quickly runs over to Emma’s side and unties one of Emma’s arms and takes her hand in his. “Emma I am right next to you now and you will be alright. We will do this together now. Please take my hand and squeeze it as hard as you need to.” he says as he leans down and kisses her forehead.

    When Kevin sees Daniel move over to Emma side he starts to say something but stops when Steve takes his arm and shakes his head. “Let him stay there with her. She needs him there right now.” he says as he let go of Kevin’s arm and watches him. Kevin shakes his head and folds his arms and just stands there. When Daniel takes her hand Emma’s whole body starts to shake as she keeps screaming. “Come on Emma hang in there for me and breathe like you did for me the other day.” he says as he feels her squeeze his hand and she starts to push again. Now three hours go by and Emma is only able to deliver babies “C”, “D” and ”E”. Which were two girls and one boy. Kevin and Steve both come and take each of the babies as they come out.

    Now as Emma delivers baby F another girl an hour later Kevin notices Emma is getting really tired. He shakes his head then gives Emma some more drugs in her belly. As he does that Emma’s pain grow much stronger and she scream a lot louder and she start to arch her back as she start to pushes again. But this time when the baby’s head start to come out it get stuck. Kevin then starts to stouts at her. “Emma you need to push more because the baby’s head is not coming out right.” he says as he watches her closely. Then when he sees her whole body starts to shake all over wildly and she starts to gasp for air. Kevin then turns to Steve. “Go get me the drug that will make her stop shaking for I think she has had all she can take of this drug that is in her now.” says as he look over at Daniel. “I need you to help me hold her down so I can get ahold of the baby and make sure it is alright.” he says as he shows Daniel how to hold Emma down.

    Now by the time Steve gets back Emma was looking like she was about to pass out. Kevin nods his head to Steve to go ahead and give her the drug. As Steve pushes the needle into her neck Emma body starts to stops shaking. But she gasps as another wave of pain sweep over her whole body. As this happens she pushes and screams out once again. But the baby’s head was not moving anymore. Kevin then knew what he had to do next.

    Kevin nods to Steve and puts up three fingers. Then Steve leaves the room. While he was gone Emma keeps screaming and trying to push. As she does all of a sudden baby “G” a boy pops out and starts to cry loudly. Kevin then starts to laughs as this happens. “That boy sure does have some lungs of his own.” he says as he holds the baby up for Emma to see. Then he hands the baby to Ted. But it never grows in the quite in the room because Emma then starts to scream again as another contraction starts to come. Kevin looks at her and shakes his head. “Emma try not to push anymore because if you do the next baby will get stuck. Steve is on his way with some more drugs that will stop the contractions and we will then be doing a C section to get any remaining babies out of you.” He says as he reaches down and pushes a finger into Emma again to feel for the next baby head.

    Kevin then pulls his finger out of her as Steve walks back into the room with four more needles in his hands. Kevin then takes one of the needles and quickly jabs it into the middle of Emma’s belly. As he puts the drug into Emma the contractions start to slowly down then waiting for ten minutes he then nods to Steve for the next needle. This needle is filled with a drug that will start to num Emma’s whole body. As he inserts the needle it in her belly he does not tell her what kind of drug he is using. When the drug starts to enter into her body she will soon start to feel her whole body tingle all over and then she will lose feeling everywhere. After ten minutes Emma’s entire body go limp. Kevin then takes the third needle and sticks it in Emma’s neck. This drug will make Emma gaps for air and soon she will fall asleep.

    After Emma was a sleep Kevin then reaches over to a tray next to him and picks up a sharp knife. Then cleaning Emma’s belly off he then places the knife in the middle of her belly and stats to cut her open. Once he has cut her all the way down he then pulls her open and start to work quickly to remove the rest of the babies. He pulls out baby “H” and it was a boy, then her reaches in again and pulls out baby “I” and it was a girl. Then looking up at Steve he start to shake his head. “Emma has one more baby left in her so that make it ten babies she had in her belly. I think this is the first person I have ever had that delivered ten babies in one day.” he says as he reaches in her belly again and pick up baby “J” and pulls a baby girl out.

    Then before he hand the baby to Steve he turns to Daniel. “Do you want to hold this little girl Daniel? “ He asks as he reaches up over Emma’s belly and start to hand Daniel the baby. Daniel smiles as he takes the baby in his hands. “Emma would have loved to have held this little one.” he said as he looks down at the baby. Steve then walks over to Daniel’s side and hold out a blanket for him to put the baby into. Then he starts to wrap the baby up in it and then places it in a small clear box next to baby “H” and “I”. After he does that he then pushes three babies out of the room.
    Kevin then looks at his watch. “The births have taken eight hours to do and Emma has lost a lot of blood. So Daniel I need for you to please take off your shirt and then lay down next to Emma on that table so I can draw some of your blood out of you to give to Emma.” he said as he starts swing Emma’s belly up half way. Then when he finishes doing that he then comes over to Daniel’s side and starts to ties his arms down to the table. He then cleans Daniel’s arm off. After he does that he inserts a needle into it and starts the IV up that will draw some of Daniel’s blood form him. Then after two bags were filled with Daniel’s blood he then takes the needle out of Daniel’s arm. Then handing the two bags of blood to Steve Kevin then turns to Daniel and starts to tell him he was going to do a quick experiment on him. He also tells him he will be giving him a shot that will help him relax his body.

    After Kevin tells Daniel this he then reaches over to a small tray that was off to the side of him. He then picks up a long needle and start to pushes it into the side of Daniel’s chest. As it goes in Daniel’s eyes grow wide. Daniel then feels the tip of the needle pushes up against his lungs. When it touches his lungs it then makes Daniel start to gasp for air. Kevin then pushes a button on the needle that starts to make the needle move in and out of the lungs. As it does that the needle then starts to drills a tiny hole in Daniel’s lungs. Kevin then takes a second long needle and pushes it into the same hole as the first needle went in. He then puts a bottle a drugs up to the end of the needle and starts to let the drugs drip into the needle.

    Now as the drug goes down into the needle and enters Daniel’s lungs it then makes the inside of the lungs grow very hot. Daniel then starts to gaps for air again as the drugs fills his lungs up. Kevin then quickly pulls both needles out of Daniel’s lungs and side. As he does that Daniel then starts to scream for the drugs had started to burn the inside of his chest. Kevin looks at him and shakes his head. “Okay Daniel I need you to try and hold your breath for me as long as you can.” he says this as he place his hands on Daniel’s chest. Daniel then starts to draw in a deep breath and holds for Kevin. As he does that Kevin then start to slowly push down on Daniel’s chest. When he does this Daniel then starts to feel the drugs bubble and rise up out of his lungs and coming up into his throat. As that happens Kevin then gabs a bag and places it over Daniel’s mouth. Then Daniel starts to gag on the drugs as they come up into his throat. The drugs then start to bubble up into his mouth as this happens Daniel then opens his mouth and all the drugs start to come out into the bag.

    When most of the drugs are out of Daniel’s lungs Kevin then take the bag off of Daniels mouth, then he reaches down to the end of the table and pushes a button on it. Now as he does this the table starts to spine round and round. Kevin lets the table do this for five minutes. Then he stops it and lets Daniel catch his breath. Then Kevin starts to tell Daniel why he did this experiment. He did this so Daniel’s lungs would help him breath better. When Daniel hears this he was speechless.

    As Daniel was having this done on him Steve had hooked Emma up to an IV and started to put the two bags of blood into her body. As that was taking place he also put two new fetuses into Emma’s belly then he finished sewing her up but he did not put the special drug on her cut this time instead he left it as it was. Why he did that was they wanted to see how long it took Emma’s belly to heal up completely.

    After Kevin cleaned Daniel up he then took him back to his cell. When Daniel was laying in his bed Kevin then told him he was going to keep Emma in the lab for a few days longer to watch her closely because of the drugs they used in her could make her very sick if she was not cared for in the right way. Daniel nods his head and said he understood. Kevin then left Daniel to rest and went back to the birthing room to wake Emma up.
    After he got back to the room where Emma was at he then gave her a shot in the neck to wake her up. When she woke up he then broke the news to her that she would have to stay in this room for a few days so they could watch her closely.

    Please put this at the bottom of my post. Thank you!!
    ((** I think this was my longest post I have done for this rp. It was seven pages long. : -o
    I hope you enjoyed reading my reply. You could have Emma try and fight the men or even have her do a lot of screaming to what the two men were doing to her and how the drugs made her feel when they put it in her. You could have Emma react in some way to the drugs they used on her after she wakes up. Now I can’t wait to see how you respond to my post. Oh I am also planning on having them get married in my next post I do. Will you give me some feedback on how I did on this post. ** ))

  10. #30
    Member isabella1503's Avatar
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    By a water fall reading a book and a werewolf by my side.
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    My number one is werewolves. then vampires and then fanatic. I do love a good slow burn as well
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    Emma was working on her dress behind a cover because she didn’t want him to see it yet. She nodded as Daniel told her to call for Lyoka if she went in to labor “ I promise I will call her if I do “ she said. Right now she was not liking being far away from Daniel because of how close she was. After he left she rubbed her belly “let's hold on babies “ she said remembering how many she was told she would have. She would be lying to say that she was not scared, she was close to terrified but she had to be strong.
    She was pecking away finishing the last touch on the skirt when the sharpest contraction ever hit her body, she leant over and felt the familiar gush of water form between her legs “ no, please not now “ she called for Daniel yelling out and trying to get to the door to the village. She saw Lyoka she held on to her “Please I need Daniel Please “she cried out laying back on to the bed shaking with pain. She was glad that it was Ted to checked her first she was becoming very hesitant with Kevin looking at her. As she was put on the stretched she sobbed “ please I need Daniel “ she begged.

    In the birthing room she shivered hating it but knew it was the best place for her right now. She took off her clothing slowly threw contractions and found a sheet to cover herself as she leaned back on the table and curled her hands around her belly feeling such pressure. she sent up a silent prayer that Lyoka made it quickly. She saw Steve and did as he asked . she hated that she had to be tied down but did as he asked of her “ why is Keven so mean to me ?” she asked not wincing as mutch as steve worked on her. “ did you know how many I have this time ?” she said as the iv was placed and she nodded “ ill do my best” she said as the next contraction started she followed steves instrctuons and pushed hard as she could. She hated the pushing on her belly it was more painful then the last time. As the time went by she felt some releafe after thei first was born . she herd Daniels name and looked to him “ I tried to wait “ she said. She worked hard for the second baby.

    As the drug was adminsterd she soon felt the sharp pain like some one was dragging a knife over her belly and she cryed out as a contraction hit harder then she had ever felt. “ what on my own “ she cryed out as quickly a nother came. And she sobbed and pushed on her next contraction “ why do you hate me ? what have I don’t to you “ she screamed out at kevin she pulled at the ropes holding her back and she sobbed looking to Daniel “ what did I do “ she said sobbing and worked had. She broke out in a swet and looked up to Daniel and breathed threw it.

    When baby G leaves her she tried to stop pushing and it hurt so mutch but she still tried. She felt so tired and weak already. As the contractions slow to stop she layed weakly looking up to Dainel “ im so tired “she said not wanting to do anymore . as the numbing was put in she felt the pins and needles all over her feeling uncovretbul not liking it but soon coudent move “ wha..” she tried to ask what happened but she coudel do nothing but breath and blink. As the needle in her neck got towork she gasped and her head lulled towards Daniel as she slept thre the next part.

    Emma had no idea what had gone on around her as she was receiving her transfusion. But when she woke up she nodded and asked quietly “ can I see Daniel every day?” she ask but moments latter she started to ach and shake off of the bead. The medication they gave her causing her to have a seasure. It was the mix of the over power and the medicine to stop the contractions did not agree and was causing conflicts with in her. Seasing . swetting and her eyes roling back as pain racked her body

    ( hey sorry it took me so long- I did really like it I think you did an amazing job. Im excited for the weding!. I think this is one
    The only limit is YOUR mind

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