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Thread: The End is Nigh: Kind Of - OCC [M]

  1. #21
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    As you say GM!
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  2. #22
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    I have the IC finished up.

    But, I am waiting on Miss Devil. We're working together.

  3. #23
    Demonic Princess
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    Name: Rochelle Anna Bellarose (Ann)
    Role: Feminism
    Age: 23
    Gender ID- Female
    Sexual ID- Straight
    Marital Status: Taken [in a serious - ish relationship]
    Her hair is a dirty blonde with highlights and the length falls around her mid back It is straight unless she curls, waves it with the lovely powers of her irons. Her eyes are a blue with a bit of hidden brown that can only be seen when she is wearing dark colors. Her height is about 5 feet 2 inches. She weighs approximately 120 pounds.

    She can seen wearing skinny jeans with a flannel and band tee.

    It’s been commented before that she can be a fickle personality. To some people, she is the sweetest nicest, woman you’ll ever know. She gets along with a lot of her female friends, but can often be cutting about the men they choose to date with. Though she swears she’s only doing it for their own good.

    She’s a selfless individual, who does for the greater good. That is her overall mission in life, to help those less fortunate than hers. Which means she is pointing out the truth. Considered critical and cutting, she can switch between her selflessness to being cunty.

    Generally this is when she feels the need to overstep her boundaries. Helping her friends. She sees it as saving them, keeping them from making a big mistake. She hates seeing people subservient to their partners. And feels a relationship should be equal, with the woman at the helms of the relationship.

    She views herself as a spokesperson for all women and she takes it very seriously. Once she commits to something, she commits heavily to it and her beliefs. She is heavily against the general public's, social construct of who a woman is.

    Strong, fiercely independent. A strong woman, who takes no orders from anyone, but herself. She states she doesn’t need a partner, but a partner makes her life better. She views herself as romantically in charge of her relationship and won’t let another man take advantage of her and her life. They already have a chokehold on her wages, on what she wears, how she wears it, she won’t let them take over in a relationship.

    Adversely against the notion of good woman housekeeping, her man is not kept. And she is not a kept woman. You do for yourself. Opinionated and heavily forcing her ideas, she takes charges, and doesn’t back down.

    Powers: Law and Woman: A demoralizing ability that makes any, male demon feel like it was a misogynist asshole. It will automatically lose the round to attack, lending her allies the ability to attack first before the demon or any male creature gets a chance to do so.
    Law and Woman Part 2: Can rally any female enemy to fight at her side for a limited amount of time. This limited amount of time is dependant on how many woman she has rallied with. 1, the powers are limited to 10 minutes, 2 or more 5 minutes.

    Purse (Phone, keys, wallet, headphones that are probably tangled, chapstick and makeup, and tampons and pads)
    Clothing which consists of winter coat, gloves, hat, jeans, and hoodie, and a long sleeve t-shirt.

    The rumors you might have heard about me, are true. I am a feminist. I was raised in a small community, in the mid-west, in the state of Ohio. My mother was basically treated as though she were a slave.

    Once I asked my grandfather to assistance me with laundry, the basket was heavy, and basically got the response “It’s not a man’s job, that’s for a woman to deal with.” From then on my opinion of the opposite sex has only gotten worse.

    While in sophomore year of high school, I was approached by a footplayer who forced his attentions onto me. He molested me on the back porch at a friends house who had thrown an after party since the football team had one.

    Spoiler: the story of me and neal and his bullshit 

    Currently I have just come out to my Frosty that I am almost two and a half months pregnant.

    Theme Song: xx
    Last edited by Miss Devil; 03-03-2016 at 04:53 PM.

  4. #24
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    Name: Neal Weston Frost

    Role: Radical Skeptic

    Age: 27

    Gender ID- Bi-Gendered - But generally goes by “He”, bi-gender, but heavily swings to Cis Male

    Sexual ID- Has an aversion to sex; Heterosexual

    Bright gray eyes, with flecks of green, give you a quirky, smug smirk, and the folding of his arms tells you he greatly disapproves with this tragedy that’s about to unfold. He’s often seen wearing his brown cardigan sweater and whatever else he finds to layer with it, be it button down shirts or t-shirts if he’s having a lazy day. He’s not real prim about his appearance, but likes to keeps himself neat. He stands 5’5” and is compact.

    Spoiler: Yeah I think you're an idiot 

    You don’t think I know do you? You think I don’t see right through you? Some say he’s a pushover, that he easily rolls over and let’s himself get bulldozed. But he’s smart enough to realize it, other people are the one who put the victim label on him. He doesn’t label himself as a victim. He’s too stubborn for that, and he’s too stubborn to really get ran over. Ann thinks she bullies him into submission and maybe just a little because he doesn’t want the conflict or the argument.

    But he’s extremely respectful and easygoing. It isn’t that he does it because he completely broken person or that because he cannot be seen that he’s being manipulated. He knows their relationship is toxic and negative, but he doesn’t mind. Because he respect Ann’s limitations.

    Everyone is flawed and even he himself is flawed. To search for the perfect human being is the failure a lot of people go through. Maybe his failure is that he’s too casual and easygoing. Maybe his flaw is that he sees Ann’s limitations and does nothing about it, or wants nothing better for himself.

    For the most part, he’s a sweet, kind individual. Who is very laidback. Not laidback in the sense of happy go lucky. But in the sense that it seems like he has a bulletproof vest of verbal abuse. It seems to slide off him like he’s doused in gasoline. But just because he’s the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t have general flaws about himself either.

    He has a wicked temperament, that he keeps under wraps, but was the initial breaking of Ann and his relationship. And he can be a rough and tumble person. He has the face of an angel and for the most part a personality that he is crafted to reflect this. But he can just as quickly get into fights and curse someone else out.

    Stubborn and refuses to give up, he has a wicked sense of right and wrong and can be just as highly opinionated as Ann can be. He simply knows how to craft himself better. And knows how to keep himself filtered better due in kind to his interpersonal and introverted outlooks.

    He has no personal beliefs of his own and is a hail mary of making everyone look like a complete and total idiot. Because they are, in fact, he knows they are. While some people may body shame. He intellectually shames those with philosophical and theistic beliefs. Because no human being will ever have the secrets of universal knowledge.

    Just as we are flawed physically and limited by our physical impossibilities. We are limited as well by the knowledge we can have and figure out. And there is a limitation to knowledge as well.

    He likes strawberries, and can be at times a counterbalance to Ann because he does behave a little more flamboyant than her. He likes to cuddle, and can be kind of touchy feely. He likes to hug his friends and likes to garden, actually the garden in Ann and his backyard was designed by him. He dislikes candy. Too sweet he says. And he hates smart people just as much as he hates dumb people.

    Skeptics Silence- he has the ability to refute the claims of others and silence them for speaking up to 5 minutes at a time.

    Skeptics Armor- because of his radical views he is immune to any enemy’s attack lower than his intelligent level. It simply does not harm him. This is a passive ability and is always active.

    Equipment: A pack of spearmint gum, his wallet, house keys, a doggy poop bag [he just forgets to remove it from his pocket], multitool pocket knife

    I didn’t think my life was going to go this way. But that’s the human nature, isn’t it? We’re always going to do something in life we didn’t think was going to go a certain way. I grew up in Ohio, it’s not a very fancy place, a lot of fields, a lot of cows, and a lot more fields, and a lot more cows. I think the population of cows, outweighs the population people.

    I grew up in a traditionalist home. Not a religious traditional home, I simply mean a traditional home. Mom’s sweeter than American pie and maybe just as humble. The all American 50s Nuclear family, mom, dad, and I. Dad was more American than the American flag, patriotic, and all up for every war that ever happened. Despite the fact he claims he’s a vet, he didn’t actually fight in any wars. He was on the battlefield for 2 days, before he got shot up and brought back home.

    But gotta love those American soldiers. And his little boy was going to put on the little tin man hat and go marching out there soon some day too. That’s how I grew up. Got be strong like your old man. Got to be the all American Soldier Boy. The boot of America, I say.

    Too bad his little boy turned out to be a little pansy. He’s gotta be a little gay right. One of those flamboyant son of a bitches. Going to all the clubs with the glow sticks. Not this pa’s boy. Not this pa’s boy, we’ll make him straight. My first ever girlfriend was Clementine Anderson, that’s her name and I am sticking to it.

    She wasn’t the girl anyone else liked though. Frizzy, wavy hair, the color of a carrot, it wasn’t even red. With freckles, and a bracelet. We’ll say my first ever experience with sex never went too well either when her braces got caught on my sweater. From there I become equally an embarrassment for every woman I ever met.

    Dad thinks I am still gay cause my relationships never went so well. Except, when I met Ann. That’s a whole different story though and she’s a whole different bitch. Love her to pieces, but she’s a bitch, let’s face it, she’s a bitch and she can be embarrassing and humiliating. Not that I think I deserve it, she’s got some redeemable values in there. Somewhere.

    Mom says it's because I idolize female strength. Dad says it's cause I am gay and looking for a man in woman suit.

    I met Ann at the farmer’s market. Don’t ask me why Ohio has a farmer’s market, they just do, and it’s a real big gathering of folks. It’s a place for Ohio to feel more like a city like New York or Chicago with their pretentious farmer’s market, than someone stepping foot on some dirty farm.

    She was sixteen at the time. Oops. She wasn’t particularly interesting and I think I even forget her after that. Till she came waltzing into the floral shop I worked at. Oh yeah, dad had a big beef about that too. Ha. Beef. Made a cow joke.

    All I remember was it was a little stalkerish her early pursuits of my affections. I think I only agree to the date she begged, practically asked for, because I had hope that she would bugger off than. Except the date, went as well as you’d think it go.

    I’m heated. Opinionated. So is she. And I think that’s what sets me off about her. I am not American pie. I am not as humble as American apple pie. I am the complete opposite I am as humble as burnt apple pie and that’s okay I guess with me.

    Ann is not humble. Not in the least bit. She’s brash. Wicked spitfire. And to be honest, now that we’re actually consenting adults I kind of get off on it.

    We moved to Seattle. About two years back. Got our own little place and a dog. Dog’s better than Ann most of the time. Like taking Charlie out on a walk more than her. Yet, I cannot detach myself from her. Ann that is.

    I love her. I love her opinionated toxic fire. It’s really hot. I was planning to engage to her, but the fiery vortex in the sky demanded more attention than that. So we been doing this Social Justice Warrior thing and Ann’s been behaving more like a bitch lately. So goes life.

    Theme Song:
    You think I meek. You think I am weak. But you have a lot insecurity yourself.

  5. #25
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    The IC is now up and Miss Devil is accepted because we worked on the sheet together.

    Click this For the Trashiest IC Ever #ghettoforlife

  6. #26
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    I feel like any replies we have should be a mass PM between all of us for this group meeting. Otherwise it'll be super choppy.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  7. #27
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    Okay. That works.

  8. #28
    Demonic Princess
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    Why not just work in on posts in either Google docs or pirate pad?

  9. #29
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    Miss, I'll setup a Google Doc for us.

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