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Thread: APOTHEOSIS: 2.0

  1. #21
    Agent Rina's Avatar
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    Sorrel had bothered literally everyone she could or had noticed while Rafe and Talvon were boringly cleaning their weapons. It was a good thing that they had finally landed. She breathed in the fresh beacon air as she liked to think. She was finally here. It was so nice to finally reach the destination she stood and stared at the beauty of it all for a second slightly tearing up at the thought of how wonderful it was. She took a moment of silence for like a second before gasping at how nice it was. She looked around at all the people around her. So. Beautiful. Then, after the calm came a wave of newfound excitement!

    She was rushing around and saw a girl with a book and she grabbed her shoulders and shook the daylights out of her while exclaiming, “OMG WE’RE HERE!!!!!” and then bounced around shaking people up with excitement until she found her new best friends who were only slightly-but very much boring on flights, whizzed past them and then back tracked just as fast as she realized she had gotten too excited and passed them up.

    She then grabbed onto Rafe’s biceps and shook him with much vigor in excitement, “OMGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!! AREN’T YOU EXCITED!!!!!!!” She then turned to Talvon, “YAAAAYYY! I know you must be excited toooooo!!!”
    She then thought for a second but still with the same excitement and huge smile.
    “This is like the most amazing day evveerrrr!! Just think all or our adventures start here!!!!! YYYAAAYYYY!!!!!!”

  2. #22
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Argus gave a wave to the caravan leader as the youth disappeared into traffic. Soon as he was out of sight the gunslinger picked up his pace. In the wilds he had the ability to slip away if the truth was discovered; In Vale claiming to be a Huntsman can land one in major trouble if they weren't.

    Argus smiled to himself as he moved through the traffic. His claim, and fairly easy trip netted himself enough money to restock his ammunition and get a bite to eat before having to report to the academy. He'd made it to Vale, next step Beacon.

    As he juggled a pie purchased from a street vendor Argus spotted a group of Faunus handing out fliers. The gunslinger moved around them, eyeing them as he did. His ears picked up bits of their conversation; Making a note to avoid the location of the white fang meeting happening later in the day.

    Having finished his meal, and resupplied himself Argus made his way to the academy. He stopped briefly at the statue outside Beacon's amphitheater. The youth studied the two figures standing on the rock and smiled to himself.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  3. #23
    IejirKothar's Avatar
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    Oz watched as the students began to file into the Amphitheater. So many young hopeful faces eager to become the Hunters and Huntresses of the future, however she didn't become a headmistress of the most successful Huntsman academy by making dreams come true, she needed to separate wheat and chaff from this crop.

    Rafe and Talvon entered the large Amphitheater looking around as the crowd spread out into the open floor from the narrower doorways. Deciding it would probably be better not to be up front and center so they could take in more of what was happening on stage two of them stood in the center of the growing crowd taking in the sights around them.
    Around them high on the walls were narrow walkways where what they assumed were beacon staff all taking their measure.
    "So what do you think?" Rafe asked shifting his gaze to the woman on the stage. "Has the test already begun?"
    Talvon was following his friends gaze and taking his own measure of the staff but shrugged at his friends question. "Possibly, though I don't know what they might have been able to test in just the walk here. Maybe they're seeking out those who are too hyper to possibly be hunters?" he said glancing around for Sorrel.

    Apart from the boys Iris stood in the front of the crowd her hands on her hips and back straight looking Oz directly in her eyes as the students filed in. Talvon recognized the girls long pink hair and wondered what was giving the girl the confidence to stare down their new headmaster like that. "That one though." He said to his friend. "Is either at the front of the acceptance line, or she's going to be the first on in the gallows.

  4. #24
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    Oz waited for each of the students to enter the auditorium grinning to herself as only she knew what was waiting for them before days end. Once the doors finally shut she stepped forward to the front of the stage and took up a wireless microphone

    "I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge--to hone your craft and acquire new skills--and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look among you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose--direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far."

    With that she stepped backwards onto a rising platform in the center of the stage letting it lift her up to the rafters with the rest of the staff.

    "And it will begin now." She said with a snap of her fingers. On que the doors everyone had past through were barred and several hidden doors opened all around the students, though the light from the room didn't illuminate much of these new rooms, the students closest to the could see the tell tale movement and glowing eyes of the grimm within.

    "Is she Nuts!?" A student shouted his weapon already drawn as he stepped in front of a few of his new class mates. "What's it matter, lets just handle this then her." Answered another as he charged into one of the chambers attacking the Grimm before they could leave.

    Talvon and Rafe were among the students rushing to meet the threat at the gates but knew they wouldn't' make it to the door before the Grimm escaped, already several beowolves were racing through the crowd looking for unwary prey.

  5. #25
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    gunshots rang out as 2 Grimm fell.
    Eda was careful to move to a good vantage point where she could get a clean shot.
    her eyes fierce but focused.

    She continued to fire in bursts from her weapon, trying to get the important targets first.

    [hey, sorry for being off so long, life happens. I may be a little slow to post, but I will try to continue to post nonetheless.]
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  6. #26
    Agent Rina's Avatar
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    Sorrel has sped into the place where all the students gathered and lost sight of all of her new friends. She tried to look around but had no luck seeing over everyone and just decided to wait it out after a boring speech.

    As she looked around at all the other people she could see, she had failed to listen to whatever the headmistress Oz was saying and suddenly a platform took her up and away.
    "Woooaaahhh!~" she thought as she stared up at the platform that had risen.
    Suddenly there was chaos everywhere, but honestly, since she wasn't paying much attention earlier and was closer to the center than the sides, she couldn't really see what was going on, so she stood for a bit and looked around.

    Suddenly she could make out a grimm of some sort racing around.
    "ahhh, so that's why they're screaming..... but it's just a training game... I don't see why they're so scared, it's not even real..." She frowned a bit as she said this to herself as she nonchalantly slid her pole into her hands, Then she had a second thought. Where were her friends??? Would they need her help?? They were supposed to show how they could be reliable and work as a team right? Well then she'd better get on with finding her friends to help them out!

    "Ooppps, I shouldn't be so selfish." She said as she shook her head. "Focus, focus, focus here, gotta find them!"

    She then sped around not helping much to defeat the grimm around, as her main priority was to find her friends, and as long as the grimm weren't attacking her, than it would be ok, because it wasn't real. After all, she preferred defense rather than attack, and there were others who were much more eager, and she was giving herself a time limit to find her friends before she used some tricks up her sleeves. She also perceived this as a training, and to her, there's no way someone would let real grimm run around in a building, and they would just use a holographic system, after all, there was absolutely no way it was real. She smiled as she ran along trying to find her new friends, What a cool way to start of the school year, the fun and adventure was beginning, but she wasn't about to start without her new friends!

  7. #27
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Argus had picked an empty spot against a wall, leaning against it he crossed his arms. His pose was intended to act as a bulwark; The gunslinger knew he'd end up on a team with a few of these individuals, that was for later however. Until then he'd keep to himself and watch, he wanted to listen as well but the low grow and occasional thud of the machinery in the walls was slightly distracting.

    The woman's speech was typical, if short. Argus' right hand gripped the hilt of its blade as she wrapped up. He was already eyeing his fellow students looking for the test among them when the wall shifted against his back. Stepping forward, the gunslinger turned to face it knife in hand. The corner of his mouth turned up as the scent hit him. His eyes met red and the gunslinger quipped, "Well, what are you waiting for?"

    The Beowulf watched the students flee before it, before turning its attention to the one nearby that didn't. With a leap it rushed forward, and Argus smirking shifted to avoid the attack. His blade flashed as he slashed the creatures side.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  8. #28
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    In a blink, Eda was at Agrus' side "you know you could be dead by now!" she shouted as she shot another oncoming Grimm with her rifle. "It would be best to fall back! I'll cover you!"

    she continued to prioritize her shots for the Grimm that were coming towards her, only shooting those threatening other students when she was not in danger herself. slowly backing up as the line withdrew.
    "everyone with range, fire!" she shouted behind her before shooting a Grimm that was getting back on its feet from a good blow.

    she turned to shoot another, only 1 shot rang out before her gun clicked at empty, "frick" she said as she whirled her gun as it changed into 2 katakanas.
    continuing to cut down any Grimm that got close, she slowly fell back to where some of the students seemed to have made a small barracked from some of the chairs and a door that was form from its hinges.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  9. #29
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Argus twirled his blade turning it into a revolver. The hammer clicks point blank at tne beowulf's head encaing it in ice. The gunslingers eyes met the girls after she spoke. "Nah, this was a nice warm up you interrupted."

    With a shake of his head, Argus strolled back into the room, walking the wall looking for another Grimm. His Revolver occasionally barking, when his blade wasn't in use.
    Spoiler: Cuteness 

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  10. #30
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    Oz watched as the students reacted instinctively to the attack, More than a third panicked and assumed defensive postures trying to decide on what to do. She sniffed in annoyance at their behavior and shifted her gaze to the few who chose to stand guard over those who had frozen. "They at least kept their heads, certainly admirable to defend your peers and those who can't defend themselves, but any soldier and guard could do that, Sentinels were necessary but in her eyes they didn't truly embrace the spirit of huntsman in her opinion.

    She watched as Sorrell darted around the room and her smirk fell. "this one thinks this is all some sort of Game? I'll have to relieve her of that assumption soon." Letting her eyes continue to scan she spotted Argus and Eda trading casual banter over the challenge of the grimm. "Arrogance, born of skill to be certain but that is a weakness that can get them both killed"

    Finally Talvon and Rafe were the focus of her attention. Both young men had rushed to the nearest door trying to keep the grimm within contained.
    They seemed used to fighting with eachother when one would attack the other would protect him and they traded roles seamlessly.

    "These two are well trained, but this is to be expected from those trained in the Schnee accademy, Time to finish this little test." She said pressing a small button on her scroll and watching as the floor opened from the center letting the students fall into a larger pit below.

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