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Thread: [IC REBOOT] Calling All Creepsters! [PG-13]

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    Ze’ev watched as the one witch took off to do who knows what. She did not even say a word. Maybe those two were on…turf wars? No…bad relations…right. As such he noticed that things seemed to have gotten much more quiet around here. He was tempted…he was hurt but maybe if he surprised her…he banished the thought. No it would at least be wiser to heal first, plus if she would help him…maybe this would go more quickly. His pack mentality started to kick in as well. The more people he surrounded himself with the stronger he would be. No one had accepted him as more than something that did not belong and while she would probably be using him as much as he her…well there was benefits.

    He reached up to crack his neck and walked casually over to the lady witch before him. He did not get to close after all they did not know each other but he also did not feel like screaming everything. He felt his wounds leak a little which meant he would need to tend them sooner rather than later but it was not the worst experience in the world. She asked him what he really wanted and a name. Names were something he was never really quite certain about. As an animal turned man it seemed weird to him. As for his purpose well maybe he should not tell her outright. He tempered his bloodlust so he come off more…delicate?

    “I am attempting to find the one who made me as I am…I have found it difficult to meet with someone on talking terms…I would like to seek assistance in this front.” He shifted a little. He knew he was not speaking terribly well or clear but for someone who only picked up language by hearing it…he did pretty well he thought. “My name is Ze’ev as I have been called…I suppose.”

    He gave a small bow to the one before him…he had seen this done as a greeting on a little electric box in a window and figured that was the best thing to follow. “What is yours…What do you want?”

    He had certainly not intended to be crude but the way it came off might be taken in such way. Conversation would be a side effect of spending time with this witch. Something he needed if he wanted to blend in more. “Should we move to a more private location?” He once again looked over at the pharmacy…he knew that was a place he could get patched up…
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

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    Aradia’s lips turned up in a wide smile as she giggled at her new companion. His speech was so formal it just made her feel more endeared to the creature. He was certainly doing well for a creature who had previously never used human languages. It was rather.....cute if not a little crude, but it would suffice.

    “It won’t be very easy you know,” she said crossing her arms and raising a well manicured eyebrow, “you’re absolutely covered in all sorts of magically charged um....I suppose ill will would be the best description of what I can see. I take it communing with most of my kind has only earned you new battle scars and a general distrust of us. A pity. You are clearly worthy of more note than just a few low level spells flung carelessly over a shoulder. Not many can boast such a clear kill count.”

    Perhaps this creature could be of use to her, and she certainly felt bad about his current position. It was cruel to give an animal such faculties and leaving them to fend for themselves. The least his creator could have done was stick around and teach him a language and how to operate in his new form.....and then he bowed. Aradia pressed her lips together and gently closed her eyes at the motion. It was comical seeing such an antiquated show of respect even with a creature who clearly had no real concept of human greetings and customs. Where had he learned such a thing?

    “Please dear you don’t have to bow to me,” she chuckled, “it’s a rather outdated tradition actually. Where did you learn such a thing? We may move to a more intimate setting if you like. I must say though I’m sure you’ve been aptly named for what you once were, you have certainly adapted to your surroundings in a much more formal and respectful manner than most would wolf or no. You may call me Aradia as most do. Though I suppose I’d likely answer to most anything you might call me. I’ve been around long enough to have been called nearly everything. As for what I wish of you.....well I haven’t quite decided yet. You seem the useful sort. Why don’t I just call it a favor for now and should I think of something you can repay me then? A favor for a favor sort of thing. Fair enough?”

    Holding out a slender manicured hand she smiled letting the sincerity of her words be displayed in her expression. She spoke true, but any who had knowledge knew that owing a witch a favor could truly have any meaning. Everything from a simple token to ones own soul could be on the table. It truly depended on the whim of the witch. Fortunately this wolf had found a friend in Aradia anyone else might have steered him toward his demise.....

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    Last edited by AliceMalice15; 12-06-2018 at 06:36 PM. Reason: Accidental double post.

  4. #24

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    As he spoke the witch in front of him gave a satisfied smile like whatever he was saying was funny. He must breath and resist. Now was not the time for him to fly off the handle, not so soon, not when he was close to getting some much needed assistance. He thought about it and smiles were not only menacing but also they could be good, maybe this was a positive sign. He certainly did not feel any ill will form her. At least not yet anyway. He would need to vigilant.

    As she spoke she mentioned something maybe he should take as a point of benefit. Did she compliment him…pity him…or look down on him? He was terrible at reading a non-hostile mood. He shifted on his feet nervously. He was starting to feel tired though if it was of him not attacking her or fatigue he was unsure. He thought about how aggressive he had been and took another breath. No dark thoughts…no more hunting…no more fighting. He needed to be calm…and it had been a long time since he felt like that. He stood up more straight, maybe dignified. He rolled his shoulders to loosen them up. He was trying to…look natural, though it may do the opposite.

    He approached her as if nothing mattered. Yes this was good he seemed in control. He took her hand and he thought about doing that thing with the mouth and the hand he had seen but…she told him such things were unnecessary. He shook her hand, gripped tightly and knew it without needing any notion for her…he also needed to learn control. He relaxed it and said, “If you help me…any favor I can grant I shall.” That was a formal contract with a witch. He felt this was similar to the last time he did this and it bite back hard. Trust was not easily learned…but he needed to give it here. After all what more could she take from him that he really cared about. His revenge was all that drove him at this point. Afterward was irrelevant.

    He let go of her smooth hand and said, “I learned my speech and manners from…the…hum….well one was from the light boxes in the windows. Secondarily from the voices that come out of the those large steel boxes people get in and out of. Most would not speak with one such as myself so I had to learn through watching and mimicry.”

    He felt no shame and did not wear it. He stood close to this women which was closer than he had ever been while not attacked. “Ararrr…Aradya…” He shook his head once like an actual dog and then said, “No…Aradia…Aradia…” He moved his mouth a bit like the word was stuck but once he got it he looked back at her and nodded as if it meant anything. “I know that building over there has things that people use to recover should we go there or another such location you are more familiar with…I am injured to a degree and it is hard to hunt with all this blood on me.”

    Hunt was probably not being used well to describe what he meant but Aradia would most likely see through it.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

  5. #25
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    Aradia smiled once again as she listened to the hybrid, no Ze’ev, and he spoke her name the word sounding foreign in his mouth. When he spoke of patching off and cleaning off all the blood on his person Aradia’s eyes instinctively traveled about his person once again and her smile dimmed slightly.

    “You have no idea,” she mused quietly, “hm?-ah yes that would not be a bad idea. I could use some refreshing as well and see what I can do about what wounds you may have. I’ve been told I would have made an extraordinary healer had I focused my skills solely on that rather than engaging in multiple studies at once, but excellence will do. Those light boxes though, I believe by that you mean what is called a television or tv for short. Wonderful little contraptions. It’s like little moving artworks or memories. And the metal, um boxes you said right? I believe you mean cars....well vehicles anyway. They come in all shapes and sizes and are actually a wonderfully quick and easy way to transport oneself across quite the expanse not nearly as quick and as far as an airplane could get you mind you, but certainly works getting from town to town rather well. Listen to me blather though. Shall we retire to the clinic you spoke of then?”

    Offering Ze’ev her arm, Aradia smiled disarmingly. His newness to everything reminded her of her own discoveries of new technology through the years. It was incredible the things these humans had come up with, and they just kept going!

    She self-boasted a lot, either she was quite good or she was bluffing, either way it did not matter to Ze’ev. She gave him the names of two different things. Kars and tele…thingies which tv was just easier so he would stick with that. She mentioned the clinic which was exactly what he was thinking. He had been to a similar looking place once before and it had what he needed. Those people had been nice to him. He felt himself grimace at the fact that the humans attacked them for harboring a werewolf which he guessed is what he was. The only thing he really knew for certain was basics and that someone like Aradia had turned him into this at the cost of his family. If she was the means to his revenge then he would follow.

    Aradia offered him her arm which at first caused him to be on edge. He looked at it for a moment like it was a bizarre animal. Then he remembered the light b…err tv. There were quite a few scenes of humans walking around and holding arm in arm. He figured it was the correct thing to do in human culture and the matter being that he figured this was a mutual trust thing. He would be close enough to hurt her but if he did he imagined she would hurt him in some kind of trap. If she wanted to hurt him at all she could so going with it really was the best option.

    Locking arms with her felt very weird, it was already not normal to walk on two legs but to then be attached to another made it hard for him to gauge his steps. His awkwardness showed on his face but he simply said, “I think there was someone in the building, unsure if friendly or not.” He paused his speech for a moment and followed up with, “Thank you for explaining those things, it is refreshing to find a safe place to learn. Without a pack…it has been difficult.”

    He was not remorseful, he was well past grief. He was ready to take the first proper steps to his revenge.

    “My dear,” Aradia chuckled, “when you’re as old as I am not many can afford to consider themselves enemies. The undead creature, or at least from what I could smell that’s what she was, seemed rather harmless, if not a bit skittish.....not to say that I find her kind or her scent repugnant- gross, it’s simply to say that they do have a particular scent of rot about them. Heavens you’d think with my age I’d have learned better ways of passing on information without seeming to hold undue prejudice. Ah, but English is still young.....Listen to me ramble. I’m happy to help Ze’ev. If nothing else I highly enjoy passing on my knowledge to know whoever gave you the notion to call yourself Ze’ev must have had a grand sense of humor....”

    Shaking her head Aradia began to stroll off toward the clinic knowing Ze’ev would likely follow suit or be encouraged to do so by the tug it would give him due to her own momentum.

    He listened to Aradia speak again. She spoke a lot and she moved her words about in very interesting ways. Ze’ev was hoping he would be able to copy some it by the end of their exchange. “I know not what my name means but whomever planted the thought into my mind when making me said it would fit.” As they moved over to the door he broke away from her and attempt to put his ear next to the door. He was trying to listen for the little one that had been moving in and out. He did not hear very much on this end but he was certain they could be as still as death from the way she spoke about them.

    Naturally he tried the handle but it would not open. Ze’ev looked annoyed but simply turned back to his new…partner? “Door is locked…should I smash it in?” He said in more of an exchange tone. He was certain there were other ways he could go about it. He was full of tact and not a meat head. The question was more so directed as do you have an alternate solution. “I could always try and find another avenue with which to enter as well?”

    He could simply use magic as well but the less she knew about his Ice based magical gift the better for now until he trusted her more. She might already know but a chance at surprise was the key to wary allies.

    Aradia barely glanced at the door as she waved in it’s direction muttering a small unlocking spell and it swung open. As she stepped through her eyes quietly moved back and forth examining the foyer of the building they had entered.

    “The meaning behind you name dear,” she said as she stepped further in to the building, “is rather literal to your nature. It’s the word in the Hebrew language that means wolf. Most won’t get the irony in you being named as such, but you live for a few hundred years and even the little ironies struggle to escape you. Hmmmm I suspect our little undead nurse practitioner is either working out of some sort of basement or out of her own living quarters, the former being the most likely. A nice quiet basement would make for a better place to store lots of medical supplies without the justice department becoming involved.”

    Looking about she located a promising looking door with an “employees only” sign on it. Gesturing for Ze’ev to follow she walked up to the door and tried it....

  6. #26
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Emily heard the talking at the door and cursed as she drug her bag faster down to the basement. "I didn't want to deal with this. Legion's gone full on crazy, city is in chaos, need to plan out a way to escape this place... I should go north. The cold will keep me preserved better as much as I'd like to go to a beach or something..." She left her bag inside by the door and continued into her makeshift lab/clinic. The first thing she had grabbed was a motor cycle helmet off a desk that she put on right away.

    Already she could hear the steps going down towards her basement and she grabbed herself the pistol off the desk and held it carefully in her hands as she pointed it at the door. She waited for it to start opening and laid her finger upon the trigger. "I am armed and I will shoot! Everyone just stay relaxed and no one gets hurt. I haven't lived this long to get blasted by a riot!"
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

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    Finding the basement door unlocked Aradia passed nonchalantly down the narrow stairway to the second metal door into the basement. Rather traditional for these types of buildings. Spotting the bag by the doorway she looked over what contents she could see poking out and raised an eyebrow. Well, the undead girl certainly wasn’t missing the opportunity to profit from this based on the pooling blood stain on the bags bottom.

    "I am armed and I will shoot,” came the young undead’s voice from the other side of the door, “Everyone just stay relaxed and no one gets hurt. I haven't lived this long to get blasted by a riot!"

    Aradia smiled in amusement and crossed her arms over her chest. The girl had spunk.

    “I suppose there’s no point in knocking then,” Aradia chuckled, “might my companion and I enter your clinic? We’re not legion and we’ve simply come to borrow some supplies and safe haven. We’re more than happy to pay as well if you require it. Truly you have nothing to fear from us.”

    Preparing a sort of gelatinous field of energy in front of the doorway Aradia ensured that neither herself nor Ze’ev would be harmed should the undead girl decide to fire upon them. No the bullets would simply slow and suspend in the air for a few moments as if stuck in jello. A rather comical, but effective way of protecting oneself from projectiles.

  8. #28
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    Emily would let out a sigh that almost sounded like a moan. "Thank divines, whatever they are. The living are so prone to panic and mayhem." She lowered her gun, but the safety was kept off. "You should've let me know of your plans. At least the day. I could've had a proper clinic set up." And I could've been out of the city and country... She gave a sigh and shook her head, trying to keep her thoughts from surfacing. Some of the Legion were known for getting into people's heads. "Well don't just stand in the doorway come on in already. You're here for some sort of medical attention right?"

    She snapped a finger out of the front pocket of her dress, crunching down on it nervously. She was eating too much, it was going to ruin her hunger. But when stress was high like it was right now.... She shook her head again, chewing upon the bone and flesh in her mouth like it was nothing as she made her way over to the locker where she had her equipment. "So tell me what I'm working on? Gun? Stab? Slice? Burn? Holy Fire burns?" The gun remained in her hand as she searched and she had forgotten she was still wearing the protective motorcycle helmet over her head. It made for quite the strange site.
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

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    Ze’ev had never even considered using his magic in a way that was not outright violent. The ease at which the door simply opened to her command was astounding to him. She truly was a master of her craft. Even if this was a basic spell it meant a world of trouble for Ze’ev if he crossed her. She could think…Ze’ev was too direct. He needed to learn more…

    She changed topics very quickly, going from talking about his name, to storing medical supplies to something called a “Justice Department”. Most of these things went over his head. He had no idea what Hebrew was…what irony was…he simply nodded and the only thing he could mention was simply, “If I am a wolf…then it makes sense…to be called wolf…why humans…have so many names…for the same thing. It bothers me.” Truly from the eyes of an animal it made little sense to him. Why overly complicate language. He and his pack got along fine with grunts, howls, yelps, and such. As a matter of fact Empathy was the main driving ability. He just…felt separated. Annoyed as he was he needed to make sure his relationship with the people would go well.

    The sudden noise when she reached for the door surprised Ze’ev considering his hearing was so well and he still did not pick up on the occupant. She must truly be capable of being still as death for him to not move for such a long period. Aradia did the talking which was good. Ze’ev felt a need to say try it. He felt at times he questioned these primal urges. Sometimes they felt right and other times they did not.

    Ze’ev was hesitant when they were told everything was fine and to come in. Once Aradia gave him to go ahead he stepped in. From the few light box projections he was this person…was not a medical official…

    She had a metal thunderstruck in her hand and Ze’ev had a hard time keeping himself in check. The metal thunder had been a horrible thing when it showed up near his packs. “I dislike the tool…it does not heal…” Ze’ev was defensive and protective. Aradia seemed very clam and as such he attempted to relax, making very obvious motions.

    He took off his hoodie, he was not wearing anything under that. While he had some fur on his shoulders back and stomach he for the most part had human anatomy much like how his face minus the ears, fangs, and eyes were human. Upon taking off the hoodie he would show off his battle wounds. Most he licked clean which was not the most sanitary. Multiple cuts and stabs, the occasional burn, something that may or may not be inflected.

    He had a natural healing property that was very weak but that meant very little if he did not heal property. Most of his injuries and even old wounds were the cause of him not caring for himself on his revenge mission. He then began to start working on his pants…
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

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