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Thread: kinddom hearts x encanto out of character

  1. #21
    Krystalline Moon
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    Sorry about not posting here. I was wondering when you both think that Noctis should make his move?

    Also, Maki. Do you want to see any of the profiles for the people that I am brining in?

  2. #22
    Member maki_rollkawa's Avatar
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    i dont have a preferance for when i typically just go with the flow so when ever you and celeste decide! (of course if you need help ill help tho)

    and yes please! i would love that!
    Last edited by maki_rollkawa; 09-06-2022 at 02:03 AM.

  3. #23
    Krystalline Moon
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    This is the profile for Noctis

    Username: Yamimoon

    Character Name: Noctis

    Physical Description:

    Native World: Realm of Pure Darkness

    Keyblade Wielder?: Unknown

    Keyblade Description: Unknown

    Non-Keyblade Weapons: A bamboo flute

    Known Keyblade Spells: Unknown

    Non-Keyblade Powers: Noctis is a powerful spellcaster that knows many spells that have been lost to both the denizens of light, as well as spells that only exist in the realm of darkness. There are several spells that require a special flute to cast. These spells are considered the most dangerous of spells and can even damage the caster.

    Other Skills:
    (If Any.)

    Backstory: Noctis' past is shrouded in mystery. Not even his closest servants know anything about his past. There are only two beings that know about what has happened to him. The master of the realm of light, and the master of the words in-between.
    Last edited by Yamimoon; 09-06-2022 at 02:08 AM.

  4. #24
    Member maki_rollkawa's Avatar
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    alright! cool! thank you!

  5. #25
    Krystalline Moon
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    Here is the man that Noctis brough with him

    Username: Yamimoon

    Character Name: Alatus

    Physical Description:

    Native World: Nightingale Not much is known about this world. The world itself is sealed off from any visitors. The only one that is allowed to come to this world is Alatus, and any he sees fit to let enter.

    Keyblade Wielder?: He used to have access to a Keyblade. However, because of what he has become he is no longer able to call upon the blade.

    Keyblade Description: N/A

    Non-Keyblade Weapons: Because of the training he had had as an assassin he is able to use any kind of blade with mastery.

    Known Keyblade Spells: N/A

    Non-Keyblade Powers: Alatus has many different powers that he has been born with. The first of his powers is the ability to conceal his presence completely. He can make himself disappear from heat sensors, the naked eye, and form any form of mana detection. He just completely disappears. He can also apply this to his clothing and weapons. The second ability that he has is related to his blood. His blood is a paralytic agent. Depending on the dose it can either paralyze the muscles, or even go as far as paralyzing the victims organs. The last ability that he was born with is the ability of sound manipulation. This ability is used in several ways. From removing sound completely from an area, generating high pitched sounds that cause pain, and him being able to hear sounds from a certain distance away.

    Other Skills: Agility, weapons master, physical fighting, anatomy, botany, and biology

    Backstory: Alatus was born with special abilities. In his home world children are usually born with one ability, but he had three. This made his childhood very complicated. His family didn’t want to deal with a child like him, and was planning to kill him. However, his abilities caught the eye of a man. He convinced the parents to give the child to him, and he would pay them handsomely for the child.

    From a young age he was taught to harness his abilities and to control them with precision. Once he was able to control his powers the man who took him in began his training as an assassin. He was schooled in biology, and as well as anatomy of not only humans but plants. That way he would be able to make poison from anything. As he grew up he never once figured that he would be using his abilities to kill people. All he really wanted to do was own and run a flower shop.

    However, this was not in the cards for him. On his seventeenth birthday his adoptive father sent him on his first assassination. He was sent to kill an aristocrat that was using his power to harm his subjects. However, Alatus was not able to kill the man. He had parilixed him, but his master was the one that had to deliver the fatal strike. Because of the disappointment of his father Alatus ran. He knew because of his failure his life would be forfeit. So, in order to be able to survive he had to run. He had to hide.

    It didn’t take long for his fellow assassins to find him. They were sent to kill him, and he defended himself. However they were able to defend themself from his powers. They were on the verge of killing him when his Keybade appeared in his hands. He used it to defend himself, and he even killed one of his fellow assassins.

    After that the blade disappeared, and he ran once again. This time he went to the biggest city in the kingdom. In this city he changed his name and opened the flower shop he had always wanted. He lived in this city for many years staying hidden from the other assassins.

    However, that peace was shattered when one day the royal guards arrested him, and took him before the King. It was at this time the King revealed to him that they knew who he was, and the abilities that he carried. The King threatened him into using his skills for the kingdom. If he didn’t use his skills then he would suffer for the rest of his life. Alatus refused to serve the kingdom. Because of this he was thrown in prison.

    In the care of the prison the guards tortured him in many diffrent ways. Not once during that time did the strange weapon appear again. For two years he wanted to be relieved of the pain and suffering that he was undergoing. However, each time the King visited him to try and convince him to become his servant the young man refused. He suffered for another three years of abuse. There was a moonless night that came around when a man in black and red appeared before the man who was struggling to hold tight to his life.

    The strange man asked Alatus if he wanted to live? He also asked him if he wanted to take revenge on the people that had done this to him? Alatus was not able to answer the man just yet. He hadn't used his voice in many years, and his body had been reduced to skin and bone. Before he was able to answer, the man also asked one more thing of him. Would he be able to abandon the light to get his revenge, and would he be willing to live the rest of his life in the Darkness serving him?

    Alatus used what little strength he could muster to force his body up, and then instantly fell into the wall and slid down. Yet he was still able to keep himself upright. He looked at the strange man and a quiet answer left his lips.

    The man in black heard the answer, and scooped up the skeleton of a man. “Then the deal has been made. You now belong to me.” The man said as he opened a black portal and took his new follower into the realm of Darkness.
    Last edited by Yamimoon; 09-06-2022 at 02:12 AM.

  6. #26
    Member maki_rollkawa's Avatar
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    you dont understand how much i love that backstory T^T dark shit makes me so happy to see

  7. #27
    Star of the Dawn
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    It’s also an interesting parallel to Mirabel. Mirabel is the odd one out because she has no powers, while Alatus is an outcast because he has two powers too many.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  8. #28
    Krystalline Moon
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    It is an interesting parallel. I didn't think about till you mentioned it. I am also glade that you like the bio, Maki!

  9. #29
    Star of the Dawn
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    Your turn, Maki!
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  10. #30
    Member maki_rollkawa's Avatar
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    my bad sorry responses might take some time at times-

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