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Thread: Radical Revolution (R)

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    "Fucking shit I can't do this." I sigh and give a look to Texas who stands. "Everyone get the outta here! We're closing early today!" People gripe and sigh but all get up slowly and begin to leave. A few minutes later it's only me, Texas, Sid & Chastity oh and Alexandra Thompson AKA Cowgirl.

    "Alright, I suppose there isn't any hiding it any longer I already led you here." The second half of that is spoken with my true voice. I flip off the voice changer. I can't help but smile as her eyes go wide. Before she can say anything or asking anything though I pull off my 'mask' and remove all doubt of my true identity.

    Julia & Alexandra follow suit and I grin slowly but like a mad devil at her. "Surprised sister?" The normal harshness is gone from my voice, I'm speaking true to her. This was all a risk but I was tired of hiding it from so many. I had to open my heart and take a leap of faith here.

    Spoiler: Alexandra 

    Spoiler: Radical Revolution's Soundtrack No.1 

  2. #22
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    I felt someone's hand on my chin and blinked myself back to attention. "I think your jaw hit the floor there princess." Sid grumbled, removing his hand and gripping his drink again. I glanced between him and Henry.

    "Do you blame me?! Are you seeing this? It's my father's fucking golden boy!" I was in so much shock, I even just swore without even realizing it.

    "And? You say so yourself he has more reason to hate your father than most people. Does this really surprise you?" Sid said calmly, taking another sip. He was so canned calm. I tipped his drink on him, making him sputter. He shot me a rueful smile before I turned back to Henry.

    "Why did you trust me? Never mind. Wow." I sat down on the stool and sighed. "And here I thought I was being so covert. So secretive. And you were probably laughing at me the whole time." I leaned my face on my hand and sighed. "Well, what now?"

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    I can't hold it in any longer I do let out a laugh for a few minutes. "God, this is just pretty funny. Anyway I want you to level with me here." I say all joking gone my voice turning deadly serious now. "What was the turning point that really made you decide to seek me out?" I ask and though it would be confusing for those that don't know me most will understand. I speak not so much as myself here but as Big Iron.

    "I am willing to guess it's the fact that your father almost blew away 1,500 people living in the city blocks he tried to destroy." I say and take a sip of my beer slowly. I wasn't going to open up fully but I did however think there was some value if I could really bring her into the fold.

    It'd be hard and I can sense Julia shifting, she had been against even meeting her here. Now though, the cats outta the bag and there's no going back. We just need to work and try to get Chastity up to the level and speed that we work at. That'll be a challenge.

    The NTN has a meeting coming up though. Myself, my crew, what's left of LTS are all going. We'll be meeting with SmartFlex Inc, Midnight Madams, 13th Maid Army, 66th Street Cats & the what is more then likely the most dangerous group in the NTN Her Court. That's what it's called by most. In truth it's called just the court but the dominatrix at the center has made it clear that it is indeed her court and her's alone. I hate working with them but they've got a lot of connections and that's what the NTN needs.

    I have managed to keep them from pulling in anymore Naughty Terrorist groups but even so given what their roots are pre-collar era they are still just as dangerous if not more so. The Mistress as she's called has tried various times to eat LTS and my own group but we managed to shift ourselves outta the way.

    Even so the Mistress has made it fairly clear that if given chance she wouldn't give a signal thought about using her chemicals to brainwash me into one of her 'toys' or 'pets' I'm no dummy though I know that once you're on the bottom in the BSDM world there's no escape. Ever, it's why we're always so carful at our meetings. I can't help but ponder the types of groups that make up the NTN for a moment before I sigh and look at her.

    "Well, I suppose the only real way to see if your worth it is if you tag along with us on an operation. Sid not among us of course this is about what you can do. Meet me dismissal at school tomorrow at the school gates we'll go home tell you're father we're going out to have a sibling dinner then start the operation afterwards." I say standing and am followed by Julia and Alexandra. "Oh yeah, Sid that reminds me." I say and walk over and fiddle with his collar for a few seconds. "There, you've got two hours before it'll start reporting again. Long enough for your drink to flow outta your system." I say and then keep walking. "See you at home sister, don't say anything when you return home though." I say slipping my 'mask' back on and walking out into the night.

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    "The turning point has been a while coming..." I say honestly. " If you must know, the only reason I've even kept doing those stupid reports he had me do, and everything else was because he's my father." I fell quiet for a moment. "Henry, to tell you the truth, I really didn't like you. At all. Until, oh, three nights ago I guess." I smile wryly. "You had your father for the first fifteen years of your life until my father took him away. I've always had my father, but he was never a father. He was just there to shape me into his tool. I kept doing as he told me to try and get him to treat me like his daughter, I thought if I did a good enough job, he would... I was always just too stupid to see that all he wanted was a tool, not a daughter. Then he took you in. Making both of our lives even more of living hells. Yours more-so than mine, I admit and know my problems are nothing compared to yours. But yes, I couldn't fool myself anymore and even confronted father after his presentation. Luckily I caught myself and held my tongue before I did any damage. He still views me as his pristine little tool."

    I made a face, I had been picking at peanuts and there was a mess on the counter now. I nod as he says that he thinks he'd have to take me on an operation. i watch as he fiddled with the collar. "Henry. When we head over to father's, find a way to appease him. I didn't like the look on his face when he'd found out you'd left right after his presentation..." I thought back to his reaction. "He's been pressuring me to be seen with you in public too, so it will be easy to convince him of what we're doing. I think he thinks you're slipping to the dark side.... Little does he know..." I smile as Henry and his entourage walk out.

    Sid and I follow behind shortly after. "I don't like that you're going without me."

    "And this isn't open for discussion." I say, walking towards the car. He grabbed my hand to pull me back to face him, "No Sid, he did something to yours, but I don't know if mine is back up and working normally now. Careful again." I got in the car and closed the door. He got in and slammed his.

    "Fine." Was all he said.
    Last edited by Nymphadora; 12-02-2015 at 01:19 AM.

  5. #25
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    Next Day, After School

    We're in a limo on the way home I'd agreed to ride with her, I needed her to tell me more so I had Alexandra come by and grab my bike to bring it to the normal hangout. I sigh and toss my tie off I hated our school uniform. It was simple enough, dress shirt and blazer for all and slacks for the dudes and skirts for the ladies. I sigh and stretch my neck.

    "So, any idea what our darling father really wants today?" I ask sighing our limo driver was Sid I'm not worried about him saying something I'd checked for bugs before we got in Sid was actually a bit surprised that I'd found a few. This was the family limo though, so weather it was his or a rival in government I can't be sure better safe then sorry though so I'd crushed it under my boot without a second thought.

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    "I just told him we were getting together for dinner. He seemed excited about the idea. He wants us to be sure paooarazi sees us. He wants the public to see the proof of your redemption, that the NTN has no hold on you... Little does her know." I wink at Henry before I check my reflection for anything out of place. "Father asked me to debrief him on everything you say at dinner, I'll sell you as the perfect little golden boy he wants to think you are, so I've got your back there. What you need to worry about is embellishing the details about the "call" you got from work the night of his presentation, and how sad you were to miss seeing him. And we're going to need a reason as to why our dinner takes longer than expected..." I trail off, biting my lip thinking about this.

    "Dinner could end when it's supposed to, you and Henry could split ways and I could take you to the press library to sort out facts, make them report what the governor would want them to report. And by take you, I of course mean go alone since you and Henry would be leaving." Sid sounded annoyed when he said that last sentence. "I've done that job with you enough times, I'm fairly sure I can get it done to Governor Millan's, and more importantly, your standards Chastity." Sid finished. I was floored by his simple, yet amazingly concrete alibi.

    "Awesome! Thanks Sid. Ok, so, we don't need to be here long, just long enough for you to convince father that you're sorry for skipping out on his presentation. That's about it." I say, turning back to Henry. We pulled into the estate and Sid got out, opening the door for me. I got out and waited for Henry to join my side. " Shall we?"

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    "I don't want to." I whisper in a very low tone so only she'll hear me. "But let's just don't worry about I had this already planned out." I say and start fowards I start in and a team of various staff members greet us. "Young Master, Young Mistress." They bow in the same manner and time always creeps me out. "Welcome home." I keep walking until I see James, much like Chastity and Sid I've got a bodyguard though he's more of a would be mentor. He stands there with a Coke O Cola in hand with Samwhich in the other.

    I normally want a snack when I get home. I normally drop by here before I go to work. "Thanks James." I say taking both, despite his goals and what he's paid to do he's a good and honest man. "Anytime young master." I am quick to eat my Samwhich but enjoy the Cola and take my time with it.

    "So, let's go." I say as I push open the door to his study. I finish drinking the Cola and gently toss it into the recycling bin before I walk over. "You wanted to see me sir?" I ask I have always called him 'sir' I would NEVER call him Dad or Father to his face, no it'd make him to happy. Though he does always tell me to just call him dad. I slowly take a seat in one of the two chairs in front of his desk. Chastity sits in the other.

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    I watch without the usual jealousy as my father turns all his attention to Henry. I pulled out my notebook and started sifting through notes from school as the men talked.

    "Henry. I was so pleased when Chastity told me about you two making plans for a public dinner. Makes me proud when my children take it upon themselves to make a show of their unity against the NTN! It's just what we need." He boomed. I cringed inwardly at his use of "our children" thinking of Henry's father in prison... " I've been assured by Chastity that the press will be there. I'll be watching the news for you two!" He smiled. I suppressed rolling my eyes as he talked about me like I wasn't even there.

    "I was very upset that you had to leave the other night before I got to hear your thoughts on my brilliant plan. Too bad the NTN somehow had a head's up and thwarted it. It would have been a blast..." He burst into a loud boisterous laugh at his poor joke. I had to suppress yet another eye roll and shared a pained look with Henry, biting my lip.

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    "Sir, with all due respect I agree with your position on the NTN but next time please don't got to such measures. It's moves like that which turn people to my father's side. As for the who, I know as for how I made sure they won't be talking anymore I left that to Julia's Methods that's part of the reason that I left the brothers needed myself and Julia for a sweep. We are sure that the traitor is handle." I give a slight nod towards the window, the estate sits at the edge of the Dallas Forest.

    In recent years climate change has done some funky things primarily making Texas a very versatile area where many crops and trees can grow. The Dallas forest is one such case a massive park full of various trees and plants to undo humanities damage before it gets any worse. "Mind you, the Borcheff brother's won't be disclosing the information due to national security risk and given that the case has been handed off to the K-7 Sector." The Borcheff brother's were the heads of the Texas consulting a security firm in the private sector. As for K-7 they were a covert Anti-Terrorist group. "Is that all you needed sir, it was tricky to get reservations last minute." I say my tone much more relaxed then the first half. The man knew that I still loved my father, but he thought very deeply that I was against what he had done.

    So me saying what I am is while walking the razors edge is complete in character with my Persona the Henry he knows. The man whom hates needless violence and would never put the general public at risk. I'm fairly safe despite Chastity's glance at me and then him.

  10. #30
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    Father leaned back in his chair. I knew that look. He was assessing the conversation. I knew what his response would be and I put my hand in front of my mouth and looked over at Henry with a sly smile, mouthing his words as he said them.

    "I appreciate your input. I'll be sure to take it into consideration." I stand up then, not letting him finish, "Thanks father, but Henry's right. Press is waiting!" He looks at me for the first time since I walked in the room and gave me a blank look before he waved us away.

    We walk back out of his office and meet Sid down in the entrance lobby. "Lets go." I mumble without even looking at him. He opens the door for me and I push past him. Normally I wait for Sid to open the limo door for me too, but I don't bother and just slide in, Henry behind me. Sid drove us to the restaurant where we were immediately bombarded with the press. I put on my best princess face as I greet a few who I knew personally, hooking arms with Henry.

    I rushed it a bit, I didn't want this to take long. I was excited about my first operation! The restaurant treated us like royalty and I did my best to ignore the photographers who were snapping photos through the glass. "So." I push my salad away. "When do we do this?" I smil devilishly.

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