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Thread: New Peaks Academy: Fight School - IC Thread

  1. #21
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    Ilya, ever the anxious one, merely watched everything go on from the corner of the rec center, her hood pulled over her face as she gazed upon the sparring matches that were going on. That one girl who had a dummy to herself was declining a spar with a gentleman who approached her...How rude, she mused to herself. A sparring match, no matter the fighting style involved, was beneficial for both sides...only a fool would ever take it too far in friendly training matches.

    Speaking of....Ilya brought one of her non-covered hands to her mouth to prevent a gasp from escaping her lips as she watched a nasty injury happen to the...Russian...? girl Vincento was sparring with. Things like this were exactly what she had been thinking about just then: Someone went too hard in the sparring ring. Her heart reached out for the hurt girl, and she looked at the fleeing Vincento with an almost disappointed stare. But within moments, the incident had passed.

    She strode back up to the girl and guy and the issue of the declined sparring match. "If it is no trouble...I will give you some time in the ring." This guy was probably a freshman, and...well, she didn't want to go all-out. It might end badly. "I promise you, I'll try to keep it interesting. And you can watch, if ya like." She glanced back to the German girl who was beating on the poor dummy. "Even if I don't fight your way, you never know when you might pick something cool up."
    Karma is the best.

  2. #22
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    He was so very tired of fighting, but he had to remind himself that he had enrolled in a school that was made to train fighters. The purpose of the school was to educate and train those who wanted a career in fighting, or at least that was his thoughts about New Peaks. There were the traditional classes that nearly every school had, but New Peaks had specific courses and requirements that needed to be met, and included fighting. Still, Kyami had grown tired of fighting, and lately hadn’t given his best in many of the fights he had been in. Even still he managed to win, but he had grown irritated with the entire process. Perhaps it was in his best interest if he left the school. He would need to think about it and weigh his options. His father was so thrilled that he was going, and his mother had finally come around to the idea. He would hate to disappoint them. His thoughts stopped wondering when he saw Jun walking towards him. A smile replaced the stern look on his face as he felt his boyfriend’s arms wrap around him.

    “Missed you too,” Kyami managed to say before someone by the name of Troy approached the two and asked Jun for a sparring match. Kyami rolled his eyes after Jun kissed him and watched him walk away with Troy in tow towards an open mat to fight.

    He was alone again. Shaking his head, he decided to stay and watch the match as he found a seat and sat down ignoring everyone that was around him. His attention was focused on his phone as he started texting Kyle. The two had started off as a couple when he first arrived at New Peaks, but now they were simply friends. Friends that hadn’t had closure yet. It was strange when they were on “friendly” outings. It seemed that they just didn’t seem comfortable, well Kyami didn’t feel comfortable, Kyle on the other hand tried his hardest to mend their relationship and Kyami blocked him out. Kyle knew there was no chance of them getting back together, but he didn’t want Kyami to harbor any hatred, or any emotion that would cause him to spiral down. Finally taking his face from his phone, he managed to see Jun and Troy’s match come to an end. It wasn't the only match he noticed. Vincento's match had also ended, but dramatically sad. Vincento seemed to have accidentally done something wrong. Kyami watched with burdened eyes as he noticed the emotion in Vince's face. It saddened him to think of the feelings he was going through.

    He had lost himself in worry for Vince when he turned back towards the match between Jun and Troy. Jun was walking over to him and grabbed his hand. He wanted him to make him feel better. Apparently the match hadn’t gone the way Jun had wanted, or was simply a waste of time. Either way, Kyami shook his head.

    “I doubt I’m the one who can do that for you,” he said softly removing his hand from Jun’s grip. Kyami had begun to feel that he couldn't make Jun happy. He didn't know why he was feeling this way, but it had started about a week or two ago. Now he felt even worse having hid these feelings from Jun, the only guy that cared about him.
    Last edited by RisingPhoenix; 04-11-2016 at 11:59 PM.
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  3. #23
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    Zen laid in his bed for what seemed to be hours, maybe it had only been twenty minutes or so. In a quick jolt he sat up his eyes wide pretty much exclaiming. "Aha!" He quickly stood up and went to his wardrobe to pick out a flashy outfit and slipped into it as quickly as possible. "Now, what should I sing?" He asked while pushing out the door and locking it. He was ready to do something completely embarrassing yet fun at the same time to kill time out of sheer boredom.

    Zen exited the dorm room and headed straight to the Shootfighter's Saloon. IT would be his first time entering the building this year seeing he always ate at the Italian places Chinese and sometimes the buffet when he was feeling really hungry. Upon entering the building he took on the features of the Saloon and how mid-western it looked to him. This was definitely new to him as far as food places. He made his way through the crowds and up towards the karaoke stage waiting his turn for the people ahead of him so he could take a shot at it and probably fail it terribly.
    Spoiler: Quotes? 

    Spoiler: Kiros current favorite quote 

  4. #24
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    Default Copost Between Bionicllama and Iwazuma

    Aine smiled up at the taller girl happy to have someone finally offer to fight, or spar, as it were, with him. "Agreed. Fightin' with many people exposes you to new styles. Imagine facing someone using a style you've never seen before! It always makes me excited to face something new, can't explain, just does." He looked back at the German girl once again pounding at the wooden dummy and looked back up at his future opponent. "Don't think we've ever met, I'd remember hair like that!" Chuckling a bit he extended his hand forward to try and shake hers. "Name's Aine, Aine McHavish. Pleased to meetcha'."

    If he was going to set herself up so well with the handshake, then she was going to take that opportunity to mess with his mind. A third arm appeared beneath her hoodie, and it raised to shake the boy's hand. "Ilya Dyatchkina. I believe you'll learn more than a little." With a flourish, she threw her hoodie off, revealing her extra appendages, already taped up and ready to go. "Sophomore. Got fifth in the winter tournament. Don't worry, I won't go overboard." She held all four arms out in front of her, cracking four sets of knuckles as she backed into a corner. "Aye, make your preparations, and then we'll get going, ano?"

    "Oh crap..." The younger man recoiled back slightly as he saw the extra arms. One, two, three, four. "F-four arms...that's defintiely new." After his initial shock a smile returned to Aine's face. "Right, something new, something different. Don't worry about going easy on me, treat me just like one of those upper classmen. After all, I won't be going easy just for a sparring session. Doing anything less would be an insult, after all." Backing up he started to wrap his knuckles. While still keeping an eye on the Ilya. Taking his jacket off it seemed Aine was ready. "Ok, ready when you are!"

    Ilya shrugged, an odd motion to do when you had four arms. "Suit yourself." Ilya rose from the ropes like an imaginary bell had been rung, and approached Aine with a boxer's stance, circling her opponent with careful contemplation. After a moment or two, Ilya made the first move. "Watch your left!" She called out as she threw both her right arms in a nasty double hook, one fist aimed at his head, one at his gut. All the while, she drew her left arms into herself defensively, ready to block any counterattack.

    Putting his fists up Aine was ready for an attack from the front, though blocking two attacks at the same time wasn't going to happen. He chose to take the punch to the side emitting a grunt from the pain but managed to dodge the blow to the face. He closed the distance quickly and used his smaller size to get in close and crouched down low.. "Watch your front!" He pulled his fist back planning on sending several strikes to her gut.

    As Aine drew in, Ilya brought her left arms back in. At his warning, Ilya reacted, bringing all four arms in on her gut to block the attack. It stung a bit, surely, but with a wall of flesh in the way, no strikes made it in. He was low now..."Watch your head!" Ilya quickly and surprisingly loosed a kick at Aine, hoping to clock the crouched kid in the head. She may be a boxer, but she NEVER skipped leg day. Ever.

    He knew he couldn't block the attack. Hell, the girl could probably break boulders with a build like that. Taking advantage of his low position Aine dropped to the ground and tumbled out of the way. Ilya's leg hit the mat with a loud thump and he was glad he wasn't underneath it. Quickly getting up he rushed forward and jumped up while also winding up a punch. He's never really used a superman punch before but now's a good a time as ever. "Better turn around before that pretty face gets bruised!"

    She missed, but she wasn't really expecting to end the fight that easily. As she turned around, she saw him leaping into the air, preparing a punch. She sighed, taking two steps back and watching the punch miss completely. She extended her bottom arms, catching Aine as he fell. "Careful there. That's a risky move and a faceplant isn't gonna help your 'pretty face'." Ilya chuckled and set Aine down upright, backing up. "Let's go again, ano? This time you go first."

    Aine could feel his eye twitch as he was set down. God, how embarassing. Backing up he again got into a low stance and raised his hands. "Fine, if you insist. That was just a warm up anyways." Again he closed the distance quickly but this time kept his hands up. It +seemed her greatest strength was her punches, but that he could at the very least block. Keeping a distance meant she couldn't use her legs and that was much more dangerous for him. Twisting his body he used his momentum to send a knee into the sternum of Ilya careful for any counterattacks.

    Ilya kept a close eye on Aine as he approached, still not certain of his fighting style. He kept his arms up; good. She wasn't going to be getting free punches in, then. Still, if his arms were on defense, his legs would be making the attack. As his knee came up, Ilya reacted, bringing three arms down. Two blocked the impact of the strike, which was softened by her boxer's tape, and the third gripped onto his leg. "Uh oh," she said with a smirk. Her fourth arm, still free, wound up for a massive strike, which she let loose as fast as she could. Even if he blocked it...that shit was gonna hurt.

    Damn, this shit is going to hurt. Bringing his shoulder down was all Aine could do to block Ilya's attack. He grunted again trying to hide the pain he really had in his shoulder. He counted again in his head. One, two, three, four. No arms to block an attack. He smirked. "Uh oh." Pulling his arm all the way back he jumped up on his other leg and brought his fist up into Ilya's chin with an uppercut. "Never underestimate an Irishman!"

    Perhaps she had underestimated the kid after all. Using his other leg to get into attacking range? Smart. But he had a lot to learn. Ilya leaned her head back, moving with the punch to soften the blow to her chin. It still hurt, but an off-balance punch wasn't going to floor her. "Uh oh..." With his punch, he had fallen into her. She pushed him back and released his leg and, while he was still off-balance, delivered her patented four-fist knockout punch: A double left hook followed immediately by a double-right.

    "Shit, sor-" Aine couldn't finish apologizing for falling on Ilya when she pushed him off. He saw the punches coming but without a proper foothold he couldn't do anything to properly block them. He took the first two punches knocking the wind out of him but used the momentum to drop to the mat effectively dodging the other two. He lifted himself off of the mat holding his side and giving a lop-sided smile. "Right, I think that's enough for today. We go any more and I might hurtcha'."

    Ilya stood over Aine, ready for more, but stopped when he surrendered. She smiled playfully, backing away. "Yeah, you were really giving me a run for my money," she said with her voice full of sarcasm. "But hey, you stood up to a sophomore and didn't back down. For a freshman, that takes guts. To give you some advice...boxers like close range combat. You shouldn't have given me so many opportunities to get on the offensive. Bait moves, and wait for openings. In other words, wait for us to come to you." Ilya gave Aine a warm smile, always glad to dispense advice to those who really want it.

    "Heh, don't think you won yet, four-arms. If I ever see you again during the tournament things'll end up differently." He smiled back up to her and got up, only slightly clutching his side. "That was a good fight, though. Haven't had a good one since I got sick, y'know?" Aine's stomach growled and he realized he hadn't eaten in a couple of hours. Looking at the clock he still had a little over an hour before Algebra. "Alrighty, duty calls. Gotta get some fuel in me. Hope to see you again, Ilya." He ducked out of the ring and headed to the door. God I'm hungry.

  5. #25
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    After seeing what had occured with Junkiro's 'spar' and then the one between Vincento and Cyst, Kairi had some mixed feelings on how to go about the entire ordeal. Biting her lip some, she looks to the others that had gathered there that have yet to do anything just yet and looks to each one of them before looking back to where Vince and Cyst sparred, "Well uh... Kind of conflicted on what to do here, but uh... I really do hope the both of them are going to be ok.. So uh... I don't really know what to do right now, I mean... If anyone wants to still spar after that I guess I'd be ok with it.. I'm not sure if I want to go and check in on Vince or tag along with that girl's visit to the medical jargon... It's not like I'm exactly actual friends with them just yet... Uhn.. This is a pain, why does this have to conflict me so much..."

    Rubbing the back of her head, Kairi sighed quietly before crossing her arms as she went into thought, easily broken out of it if someone wanted to get her attention. Unable to figure anything productive to make the situation better, she growled rather audibly and groaned before swiftly sitting down, crossing her legs as well as her arms, "This is going to annoy the hell out of me if things don't brighten up..." Giving off an annoyed 'Chaaaa...' kind of sigh-slash-groan, the blue-haired girl shut her eyes as she sat there, not really caring if she got any odd looks. Half of her was hoping the others might possibly have something in mind and the other half was still trying to figure something out as much as it bugged her on what to really do.
    Last edited by Detective Zero; 04-16-2016 at 01:51 AM.
    "If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?" - Lelouch Lamperouge, Code Geass
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  6. #26
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    Maybe it wasn't a good idea to be watching. Kacy winced at the memory. The blood, gosh. But she wouldn't let it deter her from keeping her determination in surviving in this school. Such accidents were unavoidable, but if accidents of that severity can happen in a regular spar, what could happen in the real tournament? Injuries would probably be much worse than that, but hopefully not. She clenched her bandaged fists to calm herself down. Thankfully, from what she had seen, no similar incidents occurred, which was good. Though she could imagine how the girl's opponent would feel after that, even though he had no fault in the matter. It was just an unfortunate timing of a defensive move like that.

    She wanted to get rid of the images popping up in her mind. Maybe a good spar would be nice, she thought. A dummy isn't that good of an opponent. It might keep her mind off the incident and the thought that it can also happen to her in the future especially in tournaments, but she would put trust in her own abilities as well as her healing powers. Just be confident, she reminded herself. And keep a sharp eye.

    She breathed deeply and looked around for maybe someone to have a light spar with. She could see the girl alone punching away on a dummy like herself minutes before, but she didn't think she would appreciate Kacy asking her since the girl had already rejected someone a while ago and would no doubt do the same thing to her. She scanned the room. Someone, a girl, was standing there alone. She seemed to be deep in thought, but looked like she was waiting or anticipating something.

    She first wiped the sweat off her forehead and approached Kairi slowly. Kacy made sure not to startle her too much. People do violent or loud things when startled, she noticed. Like jump or punch the person in front of them or something. She smiled to Kairi. "Hi, my name's Kacy. You look alone, you know, here." She gestured around her. "Umm, if you don't mind much, eould you like a spar, with me? That is, if you're alright with that since, you know, a while ago..." Kacy trailed off.
    Last edited by ASplashOfMusic; 04-17-2016 at 12:04 PM.

  7. #27
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    "Figlio di puttana!" exclaimed Vince as he threw a box of cereal across the room. He was supposed to be one of the best fighters in his class, and all he'd done is injure and cripple people. He took out both Elspeth brothers with knee injuries, ruined his own foot in the finals, and now threw Cyst back in the hospital from a simple SPAR. He knew what needed to be done. He needed to call home. But how would they take what he had to say? Vince was there thanks to their money, and they wanted him to stay. Still, he needed to tell them.

    Calling up his dad on Skype was always risking the man not answering. After all, the family was quite busy and would often go for days without seeing one another. That didn't matter right now, though. Vincento needed to try. As luck would have it, the call was answered after a few seconds.

    "Vincento, figlio mio! Come è la scuola? È comprarti una ragazza calda ancora?" Was he fucking kidding? Why would Vince have bagged himself a hot girl when he was at this school to FIGHT, not to shmooze around and put his dick in things. Well, that meant dad was either having a drink or talking Vincento up to his associates. "Molto divertente, papà. No. Ma ho bisogno di parlare con te per la scuola. Esso's importante." Actually, it WASN'T funny... but Vincento had grown accustomed to his father's sense of humor. But the fact was that he did indeed have more important things to talk about. ... leaving New Peaks Academy.

    Ten minutes passed as Vincento explained what was going on and why he wanted to leave. All the while, his father listened intently. When the young man finished, Mr. Sarconni went on to explain that he didn't raise a quitter. If he wanted to go to a normal school, he would still finish out his Freshman year at New Peaks. There was still about a month left in the school year, and that would give Vince time to determine if he really wanted to leave or if he was just being emotional. One last thing was said before Mr. Sarconni hung up the phone... "Ho'm orgoglioso di te, Vincento. Si're un buon capretto e un grande combattente. Basta tenere il mento e vi'll essere sottili. Io vi amo."

    Wait... he was PROUD of Vince? He thought Vince was a great fighter? But... he'd injured so many people. Part of being a great fighter was- and then it hit him like a sack of bricks. This whole time, Vincento had just gone full-bore. Even during a sparring match, he only held back enough to make the fights last longer. He still kicked hard, punched hard, and went as hard as he could on his opponents. Sure, sometimes it was masked with humor as it was in the holiday tournament... but the fact was that every time he attacked he had done so at full force. Suddenly it all made sense. Even if it wasn't out of malice or anger, not once had he ever went easy on anyone. This needed to change.

    After slamming his head against the wall as a sort of self-inflicted punishment for being a dumbass, Vincento turned and headed out to go apologize to everyone he had injured since the school year started. He didn't have to wait long for his first chance, as the Elspeth brothers were waiting for him outside of his dorm. "I was actually about to come looking for the two of you. I h-" Brett Elspeth slammed the Italian against the wall and Matt Elspeth delivered a strong punch to his ribs. "Well that's lucky for us, innit? We was lookin' for you, too!" said Brett as he let Vince crumple to the floor.

    After a few heavy coughs, Vincento choked out a response. "I think you have the wrong idea, Brett. I was going to apolog-." Cut off again, this time by a fierce kick to the ribs. "Apology accepted. 'Ere's our thanks, you barmy minge." A slew of punches and kicks rained down on Vincento, who (thanks to the first two hits catching him very off-guard) was in no real position to defend himself. After just over a minute of relentless beating, the pair decided they shouldn't risk staying longer and left Vincento unconscious in the hallway.

    ================================================== =====================

    Shotaro spent the rest of the afternoon digging into the information that Elias had given him, and could not be torn away from it. That said, many other students were still busy going about their business at New Peaks Academy. One of those students was Elias himself. He'd made his way to the beach to relax after handing the information over to Shotaro. It was out of his hands at this point, and he wanted to have at least SOME time to himself before he was inevitably called on once again. Luckily, New Peaks had two of the most well-kept beaches in the world. What better place to chill for a couple hours, right?

    The sun was shining, the sea was fairly calm, and the smell of salt on the air brought back many memories of home for Elias. Around two dozen other students were enjoying Bokator Beach when he arrived. Some were swimming, some were catching some sun, and an odd pair were sparring despite the difficulty of doing so on loose sand. Elias decided to grab something from the snack stand before laying out and working on his tan. "Aftó eínai ó, ti miláo. Ílios, ámmos kai séxi kyríes." said the Greek heartthrob as he laid out a towel and sprawled out on top of it.

    Sun, sand, and sexy ladies indeed. What was one to expect at a tropical beach?

    All over campus, people were enjoying the nice day. Students, Faculty, and many of the folks who made sure New Peaks ran smoothly day-to-day. When it's 30 degrees celcius and sunny, with a light breeze... who WOULDN'T want to enjoy themselves at least a bit? A few examples were the Ballards both running laps at the Keysi Track and Field Complex, Mr. LeBlanc fishing off of the docks behind the Faculty Housing, and even the always-serious Timur Zakharin was sitting on the lawn behind the security headquarters and enjoying a moment to himself.
    Last edited by Salroka; 04-18-2016 at 12:50 AM.
    Spoiler: Neat Stuff Within 

  8. #28
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    When Cyst awoke, she was in a bed. A hospital bed, to be precise. She hurt from her neck down and couldn't move her arms or legs, though not for lack of trying. What little she could move her torso let her see that A.) moving her neck any hurt like a bitch and a half, and B.) she was hooked up to some sort of IV. She couldn't tell what exactly they were pumping into her, but she hoped it wasn't Morphine. If it was, then the excruciating pain she felt wasn't even the half of it, and she would be in here for quite some time. She let herself slowly lat back down before thinking about Vince... Oh god, Vince. He must feel terrible, with his string of bad luck... And all because she had to go for that stupid ass knee... She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She would apologize the first chance she got. It was her fault, after all...


    Amaltheia, on the other hand, had just had the time of her life. She had worked out the soreness of the spar at Sicilliano Plaza, her favorite restaurant on the island that wasn't Greek. As she left her dorm, now dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a red tank top, she made her way over to the beach. She loved to watch the ocean after breaking a good sweat, and she enjoyed breaking a sweat AT the ocean even more. However, she was going to have to go to the beach with the worse view. That dumbass Elias would be at her favorite beach to try and carry out that stupid little "High School Sweethearts" routine again. They both knew neither of them were interested, but the boy just kept going. She assumed it was just to piss her off. She would probably be right... She made it to the beaches safe and sound, looking around to find herself completely alone, thank god. She took a seat in the sand and sighed, closing her eyes. It felt good, out here... Better than ever. She hoped that this life never, ever changed. Not even for the better...
    Last edited by Dawscombine; 04-21-2016 at 12:12 PM.

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    Ryuko strode confidently into Pho-getaboutit, hands on her hips as she scanned the dining area looking for her opponent. She had never been in this specific restaurant, mostly because it had a stupid name. And she just really didn't like vietnamese food. She walked toward the tables, looking about. A friend told her that Kensley always wears this stupid day-glo orange jacket, like he was some sort of narutard or something. She didn't really know much about him, save for that he was pretty weak, was quite confident, and could not manifest any sort of power. Almost makes one wonder why he was even here in the first place.

    FInally finding him, she put on a cute and friendly smile and strode over to him. "Oh, Kensley-san, is that you? I've been looking all over for you!" She says, being chipper and generally defusingly friendly. "I am here to challenge you, if you'd be interested."

    Well, the wait staff wasn't satifactory... nor was the food. Kensley was used to much more delicious food back home. If he was spending his money (or his parents' money...) he wanted the BEST food. This crap was barely fit to be eaten by the poor students attending New Peaks, let alone the school's wealthy elite. It was utterly disappointing and infuriating. Add that to his recent loss against Brett Elspeth and you had a perfect storm of reasons for the young man to be angry. "I'll be informing the investors about this place. How DARE you ser-" it was then that the overly-enthusiastic and friendly Asian girl came up and challenged him.

    "You're just another hangabout looking to take advantage of my benevolence. I don't need more fans. Brett is a poor boy and needs all the wins he can get, so I gave him one. YOU won't be so lucky." Kensley turned around and cracked his knuckles, only to be yelled at by the waiter and told to take it outside. "If you still want to get your teeth kicked in, girl... meet me at Arena 5, the one behind the Cinemas, in a half hour." To further assert his dominance and superiority, Kensley dumped his drink on the floor so it splashed all over Ryuko's socks and shoes.

    "Sayonara, little girl." whispered Kensley as he left the building.

    Ryuko grimaced as the sticky liquid splashed at her, but her graceful reflexes allowed her to hop back before too much got spilled on her. "I see little Kensley had an accident.", she said after he left, "I guess he was never trained to use big boy cups." With that, she left the restaurant to go to her room.

    Once there, she changed from her normal school clothes into her Shinobi Shozoko and tabi boots. They were dark blue in color. She kept the mask off for now. Changed, she began heading toward the chosen arena, behind the cinema. She hadn't used that one before, so she did not know what to expect. She was, however, quite excited to fight someone, and test out all the skills she had been learning. Beating down an arrogant prick was an added bonus, as well.

    Kensley headed right to the arena and waited for the annoying girl to show. She really had come at about the worst time possible. He was as angry as a hornet with roid rage about his loss against Brett, and had been lashing out all day. Stepping into the ring, he immediately began to throw punches and kicks to loosen up his muscles. He'd show this girl not to stick her nose in where it wasn't wanted. This would be his bounceback fight. Sure, he was still sore from his bout that morning... but that didn't mean anything. He was going to win.

    Ryuko soon got to the arena where Kensley was warming up. Wind blew her hair to the side as she approached the edge. She cracked her neck and did a few stretches, as well as some training poses to center herself and get her body physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually read for the battle. She breathed slow and deep, methodically. Matching her breathing to the ebb and flow of the world's natural energy, she made herself one with the universe. Or rather, close as someone lacking advanced meditation training could. She was ready, ready as she'd ever be. Tieing her hair into a tight bun, she took a few steps forward, cracking her knuckles. "Are you ready, Kensley-chan?"

    No more than a second after the bell rang, Kensley was out of the corner and leaping into the air with a mighty kick. No reply to her question. No quip of his own. Just raw and unadulterated aggression. He'd take this opponent out quick and hard. No mercy whatsoever. He'd show everyone that he had definitely just given out wins to others and had every bit as much skill as he claimed. They all poked at him for some losses. EVERYONE lost now and then. He'd prove it today by handing this girl a swift and humiliating loss of her own.

    To say she expected the sudden assault because of some innate ability granted by her ninja training would be wrong. She didn't expect it, but she was able to react. Sliding down in a leg-split, she ducked under his flying kick like a politician ducks reporters. Then, as he soared over her lowered form, her hand, balled into a fist, shot upward in an uppercut aimed right for his family jewels.

    Being so hot-headed was rarely advantageous, and once again proved to be Kensley's downfall on this bout. His opponent's evasive counter didn't quite hit its mark, but DID catch his inner thigh with a fair amount of force. Crumpling to the ground in a heap, he grabbed his crotch as though the punch had hit dead center. Accompanied with yelling and groans of pain, the act was quite convincing. "Jesus Christ, you bitch! What the hell is wrong with you?! yelled Kensley as he rolled around on the floor of the ring.

    "Who the hell punches someone in the balls like that?! Shit!" he slammed one foot against the mat repeatedly for emphasis. She had to believe she'd done something wrong, that she'd injured him. Granted, had the punch landed a half second sooner then he really WOULD have beein hit in the junk. Sure, it still hurt being hit in the thigh like that... but it was far from what would be needed for a win. Still, with his body sore from the morning fight and now taking on another foe, Kensley was feeling the heat.

    She quickly got up into her fighting stance, smiling. "Aww, is Kensley afraid of a little love tap? You aren't a-scared of little old me, are you?" She says, wnking and blowing a kiss at him. "Though to answer your question, the kind of person who would do a ninja, like me." She tapped her foot on the ground impatiently as she waited for him to get back up. "What's taking so long? Shotaro wouldn't have even felt that. Does baby Kensley wish to forefeit now like a little bitch?" She continues, tisking, "I guess this is what I should have expected when fighting a D-rank." WHile she was taunting him, she mde sure to keep a good distance from him.

    "Ga naar de hel, teef. If you're a real ninja, I'm the queen of Denmark." grumbled Kensley as he rose to his feet and leaned on the ropes. Slipping one arm out of his coatsleeve, he reached down one more time to "check himself"... letting out another fake wince of pain as he did so. Then without warning, the Danish boy then spun around and threw the garment at his foe. Fluttering and opening up as it sped through the air, the jacket would make for an annoying but effective distraction. Following close behind it, he stepped in and swung a powerful roundhouse kick right toward his opponent's midsection.

    As the coat came whipping at her, Ryuko made the mistake of catching it and thus occupying both of her hands. This showed her relative inexperience despite her skills. Before she could drop it or otherwise use the garment to her advantage, Kensley's leg slammed into the side of her ribcage. It wasn't powerful enough to break anything, but the bones were likely bruised and Ryuko would certainly feel it for a while. Immediately following the first kick, Kensley moved to deliver a second kick to the other side of the girl's torso, but she was able to retreat just out of range before it struck home.

    Smiling confidently, Kensley stomped his foot on the floor of the ring. "Not so cocky now, are you? What's the matter, is it hard to breathe?" However, the judge at ringside rang the bell and halted the match. "This match goes to Ryuko Kazuhira as a result of gross unsportsmanlike conduct." ... well, that wasn't part of Kensley's plans. After a very brief feeling of unadulterated rage, the Danish boy twisted the scenario to his advantage once again. Well, to his advantage in his own mind.

    "That's how low on the totem pole you are, little ninja. You need to resort to low blows and can only get your wins via disqualifications, and I'll make sure everyone knows it. Know your goddamn place here, you stupid wannabe." he spun around and jumped over the ropes to exit the ring, landing on the mats outside with an audible thump. "Keep the coat as a reminder of the last day you had any respect on campus." And with that, the Danish boy left the arena and headed back to his room in Male Dormitory #3.
    Last edited by Cfavano; 04-23-2016 at 12:20 AM.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

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    Aine was still feeling sore after his spar from just an hour ago. He always felt like fighting women was harder than fighting men. He never really knew where to throw a punch and anytime he actually did it felt awkward. He liked to hit his opponents in the face, chest, and abdomen. Because of their, anatomy, there were really only two places he could hit. However, he did learn a lot from Ilya even though he only actually landed two hits. He knew there were only two ways to mend broken pride: winning a fight (which he was in no condition to do) or eating and relaxing. The markets on the school campus seemed to carry everything from every country. It made sense given how many students attend here from all over the world. They had everything from the more exotic tastes to more simple meals and ingredients. He knew that nothing here would compare to most of the restaurants on the island but it was within his budget and that's all that mattered. He ended up just spending a couple of bucks on watermelon planning on coming back to buy some things for dinner.

    The beach was simply fantastic. The temperature was perfect, the waves were calming, and hot women were abound. Granted most of them could most likely put him in the hospital but there was no harm in fantasizing. For the first time in recent memory he could actually relax without the worry of school or having to fight. Now that Aine thought about it he never really gave himself space for relaxation. It was always fight this guy or study for this test. But this felt...nice. Putting in his earbuds he closed his eyes laying on his stomach. "Man, I could get used to this."

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