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Thread: [M] The Dead Man's Call

  1. #21
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    Kane shifted his gaze from the ghostly girl to the mother and her children. He was a little surprised that the mother told them to go to him. But after taking a second look at how small the trio was he could see why she might have told them to go to him, though he was certainly no brute.

    He furrowed his brow at the girl's comment, scowling slightly. But he shook his head and forgot about it. The girl didn't seem intent on going over but the boy was slowly making his way to him. Almost as soon as the boy started making his way to him the young girl started coming forward. Kane's heart started to pick up and he was actually about to reach forward and grab.. Axe, or whatever his sister had called him.

    But Kane's eyes widened when he saw the boy shoot ice from his face to the ghost. Kane said nothing but his face was clearly confused. Then he felt the tap of his shoulders, the boy asked him if he was okay.

    He took his hand and lifted himself up. Kane nodded. "I'm.. fine." He tried to keep his composure, he didn't understand what in the hell was going on. "Are you?" Normally Kane wouldn't say anything else but the boy seemed friendly enough. It definitely wouldn't be good to get on his bad side.

    Eventually others started voicing either concern for the ghostly child and actually walking up to it or insulting it like the mother's daughter had. Neither of which seemed like a good idea. Thankfully one person voiced some common sense. Kane said nothing else but looked at the purple eyed boy next to him.

    "I think it's best if we stick to the walls and away from that thing." He quietly said to the boy. Everyone was all too quick to think it was a good idea to group together. But Kane knew no one here. And some of these people started to seem less and less human.

  2. #22
    Argon Jaden's Avatar
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    Axel and Axen Solace

    "It's... Yeah I'm good." Axel said, plopping down in beside the boy to watch the child. He was getting used to the sobbing sounds and the ghost girl . In fact, he was feeling a strange sense of sorrow as he stared into those reddish eyes. He swallowed and sighed, fighting the urge to cry. It was strange.

    Suddenly, the child stiffened, and began screaming like she was being tortured as she clawed the walls, as if looking for an escape of some sort. "Noo!!! I'm s-sawwy!!! *hic* Don't!!! *sob* Noo!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"


    The sound of the rusty school bell ringing made Axen nearly jump in her shoes. The child screaming wasn't making it any easier to ignore the throbbing in her head. No it didn't. She sighed, trying to get her bearings together. There was a feeling of dread, just outside the classroom and the soft sound of the door slamming, probably from the second floor, sounded. She shuddered and then turned to give the one who had his fingers up in a cross a raised brow.

    "That'll really work because your fingers make a perfect cross." She bit, shooting him a glare that said shut up!! In fact, she had scanned the room with that sort of look. There was a faint scratching sound upstairs, like someone dragging his feet. Her sharp nose caught the scent of something rotten and she nearly gagged, meeting her brother's eyes to see that he had turned a little green.

    "That stinks..." Axel said, covering his nose as he sat with the other boy. "What's your name?" He mumbled through closed nose.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  3. #23
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    As Vitani heard the rusty bell ring she screamed in surprise and allowed her wings to straighten. She flapped them strongly and flew to the nearest corner she positioned herself so that her arms, wings and feet kept her up in the corner. She would've preferred a rafter but this would do, it allowed her to look over the entire room. She no longer cared if she was the center of attention at the moment for screaming, the bell had set her off in a defensive mode.

    She could smell the stench of decay and rot in the air, but was used to it from being near decomposing animals before. She looked around the room and tensed when she heard the ever so faint scratching coming from above. She backed herself up into the corner as far as she could go while still managing to hold herself comfortably. She steadied her breathing to calm herself down. A fat lot of good it does to know survival skills but be too scared to use them in a real situation.

    She knew she was a coward, and she wished there was a way to make herself be brave but it was too hard. She wanted to be able to face fear head on but her heart wasn't strong enough for that. Instead here she was backed in a corner like a wild animal and staring around wide eyed at everyone and feeling as though danger was everywhere. She adjusted herself and made it easier to keep herself up in the corner.

  4. #24
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    Ray felt a chill run through his body as the girl started screaming. He mentally kicked himself for not checking earlier as he glanced around the room, taking mental note of each of the possible exits. Something's coming... He had no idea what it was, but something was making him extremely anxious. And he wasn't one to get anxious easily.
    ~~Don't drink and drive. Take acid and teleport.~~

    ~~Compliments do not boost the ego of a Leo. They already know that they are the shit.~~

    ~~I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people. I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.~~

    Quote Originally Posted by Cee69
    You are the cat Skype deserves.
    But not the one it needs

  5. #25
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    The sound of the bell made Lisa nearly jump out of her skin. It very nearly caused her to shape-shift but she just refrained from doing it. Meanwhile she couldn't believe the ice-breath boy was trying to socialize with someone when there was a shrieking crying ghost-child in the corner.

    Inwardly she wondered why the frack they had all been brought to this place. Whatever the reason was she felt near-sure it would be an unpleasant one.

    Pushing down her fear of the ghostly child-girl with red eyes she moved forward a little towards it. "Why are you sorry? What is it you are you afraid of?" she asked her. She did her best to sound and appear non-threatening.
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 12-04-2014 at 03:23 PM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

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  6. #26
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    Sophie Solace

    Sophie’s sense of dread only continued to rise as events occurred. Letting the winged go join with her son and the young man he was now speaking with, she had her amethyst eyes locked on looking up to the second floor. Terror made her skin crawl.

    Of course, the winged girl’s ability to fly would have been of great tremendous help, if they could find a window and she flew out, looking for help. But there were two conflicts that made it near impossible: an exotic looking girl flying through the sky is bound get attention – exposing a world that has done its best to remain hidden, and secondly the girl wasn’t very socially confident or even socially able, could she even convey the urgency required?

    A hand was held up to her heart, pushing on her chest a bit to do so. She could feel it rapidly beating. But now, she needed to be the voice of reason and calm for these children. Some of the minors were trying to speak with the dreadful weeping figure – something she ill-advised, but constant criticisms would only pull them away. Because Axen was being unresponsive, she only gave her daughter a concerned glance before looking around.

    Her eyes focused on a young man that had been keeping quiet and his distance. He had an athletic yet thin build, green eyes and wild brown hair that even looked to have a bit of a gray tint to it. Sophie suspected that his hair was a clue to something more than Human in his blood – after all, it was her own hair that showed her heritage.

    Approaching the young man, she didn’t have the option of speaking quietly as the screaming figure was loud in the rundown classroom.

    “Do you have a cellphone on you?” The flower scented female then looked up at his hair for a moment before locking back onto his large green eyes “Do you have…abilities that could be of help to us?” She gestured to her son, seeing as he had already used some of his power openly “Like my son?”
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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  7. #27
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    Ray blinked, snapping out of his thought as he turned to the woman speaking to him, making sure to keep the screaming girl on the outer edges of his vision. We're probably not all going to make it out of this... Best to keep interaction with the others to a minimum... "A cellphone? Nah, wish I did though. As for abilities... It depends on what your definition of the word is." He was about to turn back to keeping watch on the screaming one, when another thought occured to him. Then again.... It may be easier to survive if we stick together... He smiled softly at the woman and held out his hand. "The name's Ray, by the way."
    ~~Don't drink and drive. Take acid and teleport.~~

    ~~Compliments do not boost the ego of a Leo. They already know that they are the shit.~~

    ~~I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people. I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.~~

    Quote Originally Posted by Cee69
    You are the cat Skype deserves.
    But not the one it needs

  8. #28
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    Sophie gently took the hand, struggling to keep the screaming filtered out of the conversation. The woman's face tried to reflect the smile he was giving her.

    "Hello Ray, would you group up with my son and the others. We should stay together and leave this room as soon as we can" she looked around, there were those who had not woken up yet, they were going to have to be carried out. But she lacked the physicality to do so.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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  9. #29
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    Ray followed her gaze and noticed the ones that were still asleep. "Alright. Shouldn't be a problem." He looked back at her curiously. "....You sense it too, don't you? Something is very very wrong with this place. I can't shake the feeling that this part of some sick game..."
    ~~Don't drink and drive. Take acid and teleport.~~

    ~~Compliments do not boost the ego of a Leo. They already know that they are the shit.~~

    ~~I'm not saying let's go kill all the stupid people. I'm just saying let's remove all the warning labels and let the problem sort itself out.~~

    Quote Originally Posted by Cee69
    You are the cat Skype deserves.
    But not the one it needs

  10. #30
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    Sophie was left speechless at Ray's ominous words. She couldn't dwell on why they were there, only how they could get out.

    "If you could speak with the boys on how we can carry the remaining three*, please" he looked like a leader she could trust in this emergency situation. Swiftly cutting her conversation with Ray, making her way to the youngest looking** teenager among the group.

    "What's your name sweetie? Are you sick or injured?" Sophie asked the boy with concern.


    *There are three that haven't woken, right??

    **Ink's character.
    Last edited by Minkasha; 12-05-2014 at 12:49 PM.
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

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