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Thread: Champions of Idun - IC

  1. #21
    RPA Honor Guard
    Cfavano's Avatar
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    Johnny was walking down the street to his next job. He was escorting a lovely young 2nd wife to a club this evening, because her fat cat rich husband was in a coma from a stroke and she was bored. A bit fucked up, but that's what you get for remarrying and the person being younger than your children. But, different strokes being for different folks, he couldn't really judge them for it. It meant he got paid and having hack to rub together was never a problem. Was no skin off his nose if some rich old bastard married a whore.

    However, as he was walking, he saw what went down in the alley. Normally, he'd just phone the authorities, and let them handle it. However with his newfound...he did not dare to say 'invulnerability' caused his sense o self-preservation to be somewhat...lessened. He slid into the alleyway, against the wall, One finger undoes the clip on his holsters, which he has on his thigh today, and one of his fingers switches off the safety. He kept his guard up as he approached the area of the event, his trained limbs ready to react.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  2. #22

    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Central USA
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    Sivil had been walking with some of the orphans while doing some shopping for the day. She had been rather focused and as such had not even noticed the man who was doing, “magic”. She decided or more like was persuaded to watch the man perform his tricks. She set her bags down and sat on the curb and smiled and laughed with the children. She kept three of them with her today some of the older ones so they could learn the routes she took. Todays he would probably ask them to go home early and see if they could make it without her for the last half. She figured they could but unless she tested them there would never be assurance to her teachings.

    As they sat and watched the man Sivil’s eyes and mind began to wonder. She had been using her talent…though rarely and never really pushing herself either. She wondered why she of all people received such thing. Noticing the man performing “magic” tricks she maybe wondered…what if this guy was using something like what she had? What if this was how he trained in board daylight? Should she maybe try out for sports team or something and get famous off of her ability?

    It was during these thought that someone shouted that they were robbed. Sivil looked up concerned. Everything was fine by her stuff but she ended up wondering and she’ll bet stupidly. Was his “magic” real? She heard people speaking that someone needed to catch that man…was this her time? Her gift really was perfect for catching someone…should she? She hesitated and did not leave. Besides she had kids to take care of.

    That was when she saw that one attractive guy she saw at the event start to make his way down the street. She honestly had almost forgotten him…

    Once again he stood at here and started to make his move. She clenched her fist and decided to go against her better judgement. “Kids it’s test time find your way home from here.” She put the bags in their hands and gave each of them a peck on the cheek. With that she decided to follow the attractive man.

    She followed him through the alleyway. She heard a scream and nearly screamed herself. While she was not hiding from the man quite a few feet ahead of her she figured she would watch what he did. Maybe mimic him a bit he seemed to know what he was doing. Plus after that scream she was scared. The only thing that was really propelling her forward was her sense of curiosity.
    Activity Dates: I am most frequent Monday, Wednesday through Saturday. I am rarely free Tuesdays and Sundays though may be able to find some time.

    Currently looking for friends and Rp's if you think I might fit please let me know!

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