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Thread: BEJEWELED〔M〕〔IC〕「Hoef & GodlyD&D」

  1. #21
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    There was a lull in the conversation, which only picked up when the aid spoke for the first time. "My Elder," he did a customary kneel, "I grow weary of the amount of people there are.. Do you know why there are more people than when I was last here?"

    Elder Shantu looked to the aid and gave a grim expression. "Whispers, from among the broken footed. They speak of beasts that spit flames, and men who kill at a distance. I am of no contest with these whispers, nor do I rebuke their cries for help. Those that you may see come from the coast to the west."

    The aid's concerns were only made manifest in this moment, and he fell silent as result. But sensing that shouldn't be hanging around for too long, the aid decides to escort everyone outside the building. This was to give the elder some much needed room to think and converse with the other elders.

    ✧ ✧ ✧

    As her mind grew vacant of any intrusions, the gem that was laden into her forehead began to shimmer. The shimmer only lasted a few moments before it glowed, lighting up the area immediately around her branch. Then suddenly, a wave extended outward from her forehead and flashed out into the depths of the jungle.

    To her, she was soaring.

    Her eyes could see all of the island, from the highest mountain at the center down to the lowest reefs just off the coast. However as she was embracing the utter euphoria of being one with the Anu-Hadis, being one with the island, her attention was gripped by walls of smoke along the western coastline.

    She flew over to that side of the island, and saw that those men had weapons that spat flame like geysers. She watched in horror as they burnt everything before them to ground. She even felt a singe on her arm, and she reflexively gripped it. She snapped back to the scene unfolding before her, she only felt sadness and rage. They were destroying her home, and for what purpose? Why did they come here? She still didn't know.. But, she was determined to find out..

    She flew off, failing to hold back tears. She flew to their vessels, and looked for the most striking out of them. Once she found one with the most uniqueness, she flew down onto the deck to observe the goings-on here on this ship. To her, these men were stone-cold silent. Everything appeared to be business. She wandered the deck for a while before she spotted someone that looked to be the most important, and closed in on him to listen in.

  2. #22
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    They had gone outside, and the men with Ildapan were showing they were confused. Gernot, who spoke more with Ildapan than the others, directly, asked, "What does this mean? Threat is coming to these people, and any from Erhohen are only concerned with finding an artifact of power and won't deal with that?"

    Ildapan said to Gernot and the others along with him, "You don't see? Hylax wants to bring help, and deliverance, and is not hostile. Ones from Nynmark are ones who are the threat, and so are ones from Erhohen, claiming to serve Hylax though going contrary to the will of Hylax. We serve them only with not serving Hylax, who we should serve. If we serve Hylax, we must not let an artifact of power, even the Old Source Shell, fall into the wrong hands. It must be hidden from them."

    The others looked at each other, and then Gernot said, "We were told to be looking for it and to kill any who stood in our way."

    Ildapan said, "Those would be the wrong hands to acquire it, who send you out to kill. These people were not doing anything wrong but were living in peace. Who are we to try to take that from them? We would not be any really serving Hylax. Let us do the right thing and help them be certain it is kept hidden, that those from Nynmark are kept from here and those from Erhohen not really serving Hylax will not succeed at their efforts."

    Gernot said, "That is a hard message. To choose to serve Hylax your way and protect all the effort to keep what we would seek from ever being found by any, we must turn against those who sent us."

    "Right, those who name Hylax for what they do and go contrary to the goodness of Hylax. We would have the blessings from Hylax turning to really serve the goodness of Hylax and help those here who would keep the item hidden rather than bring destruction to these who never deserved that."

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    The aid had spoken to Ildapan saying, "I must step away to question my loved ones. Some hail from this place, and I must know if the whispers the elder spoke were true. These beasts that spit fire and men who kill at a distance. Do not stray too far from here, I will be back."

    At that, the aid disappeared into a crowd that had begun to form around the group of foreign men. Children grew curious and were creeping close toward Ildapan. All the while mothers and fathers kept their distance, watching with some measure of hostility. A child came up to Ildapan and handed the holy man a flower. This flower was purple and red, and had seven petals that formed an umbrella over the stem.

    ✧ ✧ ✧

    This gentleman was clad in regal attire fit for a general of the Naploeonic wars. He stood tall and had his eyes on the coast that lit up with fire. He had a sinister smile upon his face as he seemed to relish in the devastation. However, that fetishizing came to an end as a subordinate stepped up to the man.

    "The preparations are done sir," said the subordinate after having done a salute.

    "Any savages left?" The imposing general did not even look at the subordinate, and merely kept his eyes trained on that coastline. "Did we eliminate them from the coast?"

    "Yes sir, we bombarded the coast. We even cleared dozens of acres of jungle to ensure that they weren't able to hide." The subordinate remained still as he explained.

    "Then we move onto next phase. Begin settling efforts, I want our outpost to be functioning within the week. Defenses and other security concerns will be handled as they come up during construction. Additionally," the general finally stared at the subordinate, which made the young man quiver, "Send out kill teams to routinely harass and poke at the savages. I have no doubt that Erhohen is here, and I want to know where they are."

    The subordinate nodded, and then saluted. He ran off to act on that command.

    Idmah, having been silently listening, absorbed this information and continued to listen in. But she realized that there wasn't just these men on the island, there were others. These men from a place called "Erhohen." This spooked her as she wondered what these men wanted with her home. Why were they so hellbent on burning it all? What were they after?

  4. #24
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    Ildapan said quietly but still that those with him heard, "What was this with the aide who came to guide us? He just leaves us to talk with others he knows here?"

    One who was seeming to be closer friend to Gernot, who went by the name Smirgun, said, "Be very careful, Father, this whole thing might have been a trap for us."

    Ildapan still said, "But I was clear with the shamanic leader who sent us here that I wanted to help with sharing the needed information that there were those who would take over the island and those who would try to find the source of the great power here to take that, which leaders of these people of the island need to know. We are not the ones they would aim to have entrapped. Elder Shantu would certainly have more to say for me to hear, and we should wait as he would have us hear it shortly."

    There was the approach of this child that held the red and purple flower with the petals reaching out over the stem, and then held it out to Ildapan. Surprised, Ildapan accepted the flower, looking at it with wonder, and then made a bow to the child, and smiled. He said to the others, "I believe this is a starflower. It is important that we show we are not a threat to these people, we need them to be allies if we help them with being sure the Old Source Shell is kept so hidden no one would ever find it to take that."

    Gernot said, "There is someone at the door where we just came to, right now. Could it be that we are being called back in now?"

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    Quite so. One of the older gentleman stepped out to gesture for the group to re-enter. When they did, Elder Shantu seemed beside himself. He appeared to be rather distressed, but carried his stoic demeaner to remain calm. "Traveler from beyond these seas, I hold true to your words that you mean no harm to the Anu-Hadis. These elders, men of a softer generation, know what happens when the Anu-Hadis is removed from these lands. We cannot part with this. Unless, you prove to those before me that you mean no ill toward our most holiest resource."

    The elder did not wait for a response and merely continued, "What the metal men from the western coast have sought was to disturb the very peace this island so delicately protected. Should you choose to accept this challenge, you must fracture their spirit. They intend to take the Anu-Hadis, and if you say you are a friend, then prove it."

    At this same moment, Idmah's form floated into the doorway. She had scoured this part of the jungle in search for anything out of the ordinary, and had caught sight of the amount of people there were in this village. She sniffed around for a bit only to follow a frantic aid who had returned to the group moments after Elder Shantu threw Ildapan the glove of challenge. She immediately grew fascinated by these men as they had not engaged aggressively with her people.

    She stepped forward and listened in, unaware of the fact that her presence was felt by all those sensitive to the mystical forces at play. Shantu was among those few who only gave a respectful nod to Idmah, who was very surprised by this. However, she maintained her silence only keeping off to the side so as to not disturb the current conversation.

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    Ildapan responded, "I came to bring you this information that it was certain you should hear. The people I come from are generally not as helpful, as they should be, and leaders among them would desire to take the Anu-Hadis themselves, though I did not ever speak to condone taking anything from you and all people here. Who we serve would not want that either. But those from the western coast must be those of Nynmark, which act as a threat to my people as well, which is why they desire anything for protection, for themselves. I do not deny that those of Nynmark must be stopped no matter how. But I am not a fighter as others who came and am not equipped for it, I do not know what I can do for it."

    Ildapan paused, and looked at the men who had come with him, and then he said, "But I do call on one mighty who may stop even any of what we cannot stop, who can be petitioned for that."

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    Elder Shantu sat there for a moment, and looked to the other men who sat alongside him. "Then bring the mighty one before us so that we may know peace! These metal men must be dealt with swiftly and with due justice. They have bled this island, and now it will seek its vengeance upon them. I fear the island may unleash evils out of desparation! I wish it do not come to that, so we must avoid this at all cost." The other gentlemen nod in agreement.

    Idmah seemed rather perplexed by this. She remembered being told of such evils when she was little, but she thought of them as merely scary stories to keep her from wandering the jungles at night. However here, the elder spoke with a reverance for those things. This enthralled her as her presence flared up, reacting as though there was a shimmer where she was standing.

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    Ildapan looked at the men who came with him. None really seemed unfaithful and they had stayed with him all this way. He said then to them, "This is already more serious than I was thinking it would be. Those from Nynmark are already here, and near to where the ones with us from Erhohen came, where they will wage war with each other over control of this island, that those here did nothing to deserve. We are few and we need something for defense of this island, other than what the Old Source Shell would release, which might not be best in this terrible case. I think of one thing, and that alone can be powerful enough to deal with all aggression coming to this island." Ildapan paused, looking at Gernot to see if he would give support for this. Gernot looked most trustworthy, listening carefully to Ildapan, so he went on. "The one thing we can do is call on Hylax for the one sure effective one, the powerful fiery one must come. Let us call on Hylax for that fiery one to be sent here and deal with those aggressors coming to this island."

    Ildapan turned to the Elder Shantu, and said, "We must now call out for that most mighty one to come."

    He led the men, to repeat together the key phrases, and called out, "O Hylax, we know we do not have the way with all the strength among us to stop wrongful aggression coming to this island. O Hylax, it is time, time to have the powerful fiery one sent, who would effectively stop any and all coming with wrongful aggression to any here. O Hylax, we beseech you, have the great fiery one sent here right away, that all who would suffer harm here would be delivered."

    Key phrases were echoed, as the men with eyes closed held their hands up. After a few more repetitions of the key phrases, and Ildapan then concluded, "According to Your will be it so! Hofen Hail Hylax!"

    He said then to the men with him, and Elder Shantu and those with him, "We should go out now, and be watching for that great one to come, that providence will answer our urgent petition. That one will deal with all this." He went toward the entrance the others got up do as to follow him.

    Once they were all out, Ildapan looked up in the direction of where the sea would be further on. He spotted what he thought he should look for, and pointed. "There! Watch that!" It appeared to be a bright star. But it was moving, and soon it was seen to be approaching, with a growing shape as it came nearer. All the men waited, with some utterances of surprise. It was a flying being, coming nearer to them until landing right before them.

    That one came appearing as a large bird close to the height of a man with legs that were about as long as those of any storks, and still more muscular, a neck almost as long, and a bill about as long. But the being appearing as that bird had the appearance of active flames of a bright fire being displayed where the feathers were. It was more than bright colors of red, orange, and yellow, the colors were moving like flames would be.

    And a voice from this being spoke. "You have called and you will see great power against those who come with aggression against any here."

  9. #29
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    Idmah stood in idle fascination. She watched as Elder Shantu and this foreign man exchange information that was rather pertinent. However, what kicked this fascination into absolute overdrive was the introduction of the foreign's man god: Hylax. This fiery deity had an entire ritual set aside for it, and the foreign man, which she now came to know as one of her kind, listened intently to the prayer. They closed this ritual with a phrase that had imprinted itself upon her memory: "Hofen Hail Hylax!"

    And then, like a miracle from the stories of yore, a bird that stood as tall as a man landed before the congregation. It's flames were salient, shimmering in the jungle sun. Elder Shantu, and those men that had gathered, became convinced that this being, this Great Spirit, will surely do battle against those metal men. But that was not all, its appearance had brought dozens upon dozens of eyes. The people of this village drew close to the ancient spirit, and as it spoke it's voice caused those most fragile to back away in fear.

    Elder Shantu did not falter, however, and remained stout. He said to this spirit, "Then by the grace of Ama-sin, we of the Damuzi await the judgement."

    Gernot, and the other men, were beside themselves. They weren't sure how to feel in this moment. To Gernot, the Mighty Ozark was but a myth. A bedtime story told to children before bed. And yet, here it was. Standing before them, rearing to enact its foretold power upon Nynmark. So, Gernot came to the only rational conclusion of siding with the faith. Gernot stepped forward and whispered to Ildapan, "What of the expedition, Father?"

    Idmah, almost hypnotically, stepped up to the ancient spirit animal. It's head craned to meet her, but to those present it stared at nothing. For Idmah, she reached a hand to it. It accepted, lowering its head to meet her hand. When the two touched, there was a bright flash of fire and light. Idmah received an array of images that didn't make sense to her, but the bird said reasurringly, "All that you've seen will happen. It will be confusing, but with time the answers from the Most High will come. Bear this, o' child of the jungle."

    Idmah nodded, taking this lesson to heart. She stepped back and melted into the background where then the Ozark gave Ildapan an appreciative nod. It then took off, and starting flying in the direction of where Nynmark's forces were.

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    The great bird with its feathers making the appearance of moving flames of fire flew up and toward the coast that way crying, "The Frah now comes against you for your aggression here, Nynmark!"

    Ildapan turned to Gernot, and the others with him. "The real expedition Hylax meant for us was for making sure Nynmark would never come and take the island and get the access to the Old Source Shell. It was never to be taken from the island still, and if forces from Erhohen do not withdraw from their aggression when this Frah, which you have heard of in tales and what was foretold, deals with all those of Nynmark that have come, that great being will turn against them. This island is not for either or any other people, and it will be defended."

    The fiery bird flew over where a fleet of ships were gathered along the western shore. A trail of bright mist suddenly formed behind the bird being while he flew around the fleet several times. Four bright lights formed above it which then were dancing about, as the powerful bird flew in among those on the Nynmark ships at astonishing speed in attacks they could not resist.

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