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Thread: [M] Lies of a Tenant (H)

  1. #21
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    Spring wouldn't get tired of him... though she had a feeling she would eventually lose him. And she did have to drop him off back to Niel at noon when her dad took a lunch break and they could talk. But until then, she saw no harm in taking little Danny up to Zakai. She knew being away from her dad too long made her down in the dumps. So for a little boy like Danny to grow up with his dad not around all the time but instead insanely busy, that had to hurt in some way.
    Torment Zakai? Why... would Spring ever?
    A smile crossed her face in secrecy and she turned her head down to hide it. When Niel walked away, she took that as the sign that it was okay and off she went with little Danny.
    "Now, where do you think your dad is?" She wondered out loud.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  2. #22
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    Colton didn't even realize someone had caught up with him until he smelled that strong aroma of coffee. He turned his attention to Faye and then the coffee, then back to her. Then the coffee which he took and drank a large portion of without actually tasting it.
    "Did you know coffee is a natural laxative?" He told her, "When people don't want to use chemicals or water to expel their clogged colon, they'll drink a cup of coffee and the right of passage is cleared." He looked at her again and said: "Me? Tired? Pft. Awesome people don't get tired." They get exhausted. But he wasn't going to mention that.
    For a moment he stopped walking just to turn right in front of her and block her way. "Speaking of looks. You look ill. Are you pregnant again? On your menstrual cycle? Do you have mold in your apartment? Was it something you ate? Are you lacking zinc or Vitamin C in your diet? What about Vitamin D? Are you getting enough of that? Sleep? Have you been skipping on sleep?"

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  3. #23
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    Danny smiled, "Daddy's at the big building near the hospital right now. He's working on something with someone else or something. On the fifth floor! I looked at his planner. I know."
    In reality, he'd just asked Zakai to read his plans to him and then he learned about the man's schedule for the day. Danny did break out of daycare sometimes to find him, but he was always caught by Niel before he could get there, so he settled on going to the elevator to greet everyone because it was closer. Besides, whenever Zakai had a break for lunch or something, he'd always go to see him and take him around to look at shops or just to say hello to different people.
    The building he was talking about was an office complex. Since the whole situation with moving to tenants, a few things had changed, though not very many, and right now, Zakai had to deal with some issue or something that Danny didn't know about. As much as the child was familiar with his father's schedule and workplace, anything about what the man actually did either he didn't understand or he just wasn't told.
    "I know where it is! We can get in easy! Daddy will be so happy!" Again, he wasn't so sure about that...

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  4. #24
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    Faye looked at Colton oddly as he started to rattle things out. Pregnant again? Menstrual cycle? Mold? What? "No, no, no." Faye shook her head. "Probably just tired is all, it'll pass soon enough." She assured him before taking a sip of her own coffee. Faye wasn't sure what was up but it wasn't bad enough to stop her do she wasn't too worried about it.

  5. #25
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    Spring didn't know this section as well as Casey did. She was more well informed about the apartments than here. So when Danny said he knew how to get there, she would trust he wasn't lying and take his word for it.
    Slowly she glanced back at Casey. He had crossed his arms over his chest and was staring her down.
    "You and I need to talk later." He practically growled at her.
    Spring opened her mouth to say something snappy in retort but her mother's voice echoed in her head and she found herself looking away from Casey and down to Danny.
    "Lead the way, buddy." She had put him down by then but she had also taken his little hand because she didn't want to lose sight of him. She thought the beat way to keep track of him was just to take his hand.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  6. #26
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    "If you say so then I have no choice but to believe you." Colton was going to tease her too but he decided against it when he remembered they were in the hospital and not somewhere where he could actually joke around to see her reaction. Spring had picked up that annoying trait from him. Both loved to torment others and found amusement in it.
    "Check your beeper. Mine was going crazy this morning. Something must have happened."
    "It's over now!" Another voice called out. It was the skinny short redhead Colton so loved to tease and call soulless.
    "What was it?" Colton dared to ask ArraBella. Maybe she wouldn't be sarcastic. But that was a long shot.
    "Just the usual. Ya know, some idiot decided to stick his lonely penis in a bottle." She replied casually.
    Colton rolled his eyes, "okay I know you just love to talk about Carson. But really what happened?"
    ArraBella laughed from behind the nurse's station. "Okay fine. Some farmer must have fallen asleep on the job because three of the farm hands fell victim to a tiller."
    A gruesome image flooded Colton's head at that, "How bad?"
    "Let's just say you have some new trauma patients." She shrugged her shoulders and looked across the hall, "The doctors on at the time took care of them before you two got here. They even sent one of them back to the farms! Just some stitches on that guy and some crutches. He gets a week off with pay. Bet Casey won't like that."
    "Casey can suck sick. Who does that kid think he is?" Colton shook his head with a sigh, "I don't know why the government decided a bunch of kids could look after the tenants."
    "One of those kids is your daughter." ArraBella pointed out.
    Colton frowned and looked down at his coffee, "I am aware of that. I say the kids should he doing kid stuff. Not being wrapped up into what an adult should be doing. But whatever. The government has their reasons."

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  7. #27
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    The image was gruesome to say the least. Being attacks by a tiller didn't sound exactly too pleasant and she imagined the sight wasn't either. Luckily she learned to stomach that kinda stuff a long time ago. Faye tossed her now empty coffee cup away and grabbed the chart of a patient that had been around a while. If the two trauma patients were stable then Colton could handle them for now. "Alright then. Well if anything happens you know how to find me." Faye dismissed herself not really making much time to talk, she wasn't feeling up to it anyways.

  8. #28
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    Danny smiled, happy to be given the position of "The Leader" and turned, pointing his direction.
    "This way!" he took off. If he was going to get anywhere, then he was going to run.
    Being a small child, he was a bit nervous, he had to admit, but not very at the same time. The one thing he knew was that Zakai was around whenever he could be and he was different at work than he was at home. He knew this because he'd seen the man talk to his co-workers, and he always got very serious and almost look scary. There was another guy, someone who really did look serious and scary (to the child, anyway), that would sometimes catch them whenever they were out for lunch or something, and then when they finished talking, Zakai was his daddy again and he was usually taken back to the daycare center, where he would quickly escape and try to find Zakai until Niel caught him again.
    The little boy skidded to a halt and pointed up, "That's it! Daddy's in there! He's working with that scary Mister!"
    The "scary Mister" was what he coined the guy who usually stopped his and Zakai's fun. He didn't know the man's name, and just called him Mister.
    "Let's go inside!"
    The little boy didn't wait. He went charging for the doors and went right in, ready to make his way to the fifth floor.

    Avi and Sig made possible by: Kicks!
    Because she is the awesomest in all of ever!

  9. #29
    RPA's Foul Mouthed Pixie
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    Colton glanced down at his unfinished coffee and the first chart in his hand. The right thing to do was to go to the trauma patients first, the ones recently admitted because he wanted to see what they had done to themselves to get in here.
    He nodded to Faye before she walked off and then he turned on his heel and walked to another ward of the hospital. It took him no more than a minute to get there because of his speed walk.
    After visiting these two he figured he would then start on his charts. Obviously it was going to be a busy day but it wasn't like he wasn't used to this sort of stress. If anything, the hospital environment was a vacation for him. Yes, he was aware of the monsters and zombies outside the confines of this tenant. But he was also aware that these structures were built under Dix's supervision- a man who had been directly involved with zombies before. So he trusted its strength and fortitude.
    Still, he knew something others weren't aware of yet.
    Colton turned into the newer patient's room and stared across at the man with half his face missing. But that was masked by tape and gauze and wrap of course.
    "Doctor Ryker," He introduced himself, "I'll be directly involved with your reconstructive surgeries. My hands are pretty steady, so don't worry. It says here that you're of a mutant classification." He had plucked the chart off the end of the bed, "Which means at any point during the surgery or your stay if you flat line, we will be forced to kill you. Well, not you. The monster that will become you. Scary, I know. We all gotta live with it. But that's just a warning I have to give to specific classes. I don't actually expect you to go into the eternal sleep. No, you'll definitely make a full recovery according to what I see so far... Okay, well, I'll schedule the surgery for some time this week. Until then someone else will be monitoring you." He put the chart back in place.
    Yes, it was the usual talk he had to give. There were certain codes and standards that had come along after the Annihilation Act was repealed. Mutants and the likes were free. But if they flat lined at a hospital or were in the streets and got shot or there was even a chance they were going to die, it was the law to shoot them in the head to prevent spread of the virus. Of course, doctors did it painlessly and without fear because it was inhumane to shoot someone in the head in a hospital. Though Colton had laughed at that during his first year ever as an official doctor.
    Inhumane? Please. People didn't know the definition of it.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

  10. #30
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    Spring followed after Danny with a bit of hesitance. She knew she should probably have more confidence being a person with access to any of the floors and rooms. But, she was only sixteen at the same time and she knew very well that as a young teenager, adults were prone to chastising her and telling her what to do, insisting on where her place should be: in a school, at home, etc. And on the other end of the spectrum she felt like she should be like Casey (who she hated with a burning passion) who took his job seriously and didn't let anyone push him around. She felt like she should be scary like that too and make people afraid to tell her what to do or ask her for anything.
    But she wasn't that kind of a person... she liked to help people, and she liked to become invisible by blending in. And when someone did push her buttons she liked to annoy them by doing what she did best- get into a straight out competition. Whether that be seeing if she could yell louder than them or scowling until they gave up.
    Spring stopped in her thoughts when they actually did reach the building. Her eyes lifted up to it and for a second she wasn't sure of what to do. But Danny had the right idea and courage and went charging right in.
    So of course she followed, putting her fist and yelling with a mighty warrior's cry.

    ​Beautiful Nightmare

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