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Thread: [M] Sniped Through the Heart (Iwazuma x Hannelorian)

  1. #21
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    Regina wasn't sure what Anke meant by her hand bothering her. It was her hand...well, no. It actually wasn't. The hand was Osnen's, who made it to replace the hand-and arm-she'd lost in the rubble of her collapsed home. There was a lot to unpack in the darkness that was that event, what led Regina to become the soldier of fortune she was today, but Anke didn't need to know any of it and Regina didn't need to go over it. Besides, going over the moments in her past when she is most at risk of finding emotions to show...ultimately a bad idea. Regina chose not to answer the question, which seemed to be fine with Anke given the way she was shifting towards her. Regina turned to face Anke, head cocked, trying to process what she wanted. Did she need space on the bed? Regina scooted away out of courtesy, leaving Anke the room she seemed to be seeking. Her hand had gotten a little close, so Regina acquiesced and gave her what space she could.

    Her lone request had Regina more confused, but managed to explain the oddity away in her head. "Ah. You are new here." Regina nodded to herself. "Urlachen lacks anything in terms of actual views, unless you count rows of residential housing as such. That can be viewed from the fourth floor panoramic window if one desires, though I cannot imagine why." As for the rest of what she'd said, Regina seemed the most perplexed of all. "I am perfectly comfortable, though I cannot imagine staying here would make you as much." Regina knew her room was barren. To people who chose to let their emotions into their lives, Regina's room had to be incredibly boring. Even she knew as much, but to her it was efficient. No distractions, no dalliances. Just everything she needed to be successful.

    As for the rest of what she'd asked, though..."Follow me." Regina stood up from the bed suddenly, seemingly having set herself a new goal to accomplish. She waited at the doorway for Anke to get the hint and follow her, then shut the door behind them. Her walk was no different than usual, the deliberate, off-beat step that no other soldier could possibly mimic that identified her as far away as one could hear. Clank after footfall took Regina to one of the main elevators out near the mess hall; Regina hit a button for the third floor, and a door opened up almost immediately. Three soldiers quickly spotted Regina and hurriedly filed out, but turned back when they recognized Anke was with her.

    "Is that RoboCop with the new girl?"

    "Wonder if she's going to go toss her off the roof or something. She seemed pretty peeved about that slight at her last night."

    Regina ignored both of them, failing to react to the whispers as the doors shut in front of them. Regina patiently waited for the elevator to come to a stop, then exited once the doors slid open soundlessly. Again she resumed her walk, taking steps a bit more slowly, as the third floor was less visited by the supersoldier. Few vital facilities existed on this floor; it was mostly more barracks with the occasional gym, and a humongous Olympic-sized pool right in the middle of the floor. However, it was the righthand corner of the floor Regina walked to; in this corner, the metal floor became red carpet, and the hallway opened up into a small lounge area. Regina only came here sporadically, when her room was not enough to help her destress. A few couches that matched the carpet were here and there, with a few televisions showing a few different programs hanging overhead. A vending machine sat nearby with access to cheap drinks, and a bartender stood in the corner behind a decently stocked bar, idly staring down at the woodwork. Nobody was there; this lounge was relatively unoccupied from Regina's observations. The reason she brought Anke here, however, was the piano on the left side of the lounge. It was a sleek black grand piano, with ivory keys that looked well-maintained, even if few soldiers knew or deigned to play it. "This was what you were looking for, correct?" Regina asked monotonously, waiting to see her reaction to determine if she'd done good or not.
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  2. #22
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    Regina was starting to warm to Anke, at least warm in comparison to how she had been before. Though her lines were somewhat rote or rather direct and simple it did demonstrate that Regina was thinking about what might or might not be of interest to Anke. It was progress, even if it was only on the small scale. She had, however, noticed that Regina had scooted away from her. Disappointing but understandable. Anke tried her best not to think too much about it. "Sometime, you'll need to let me teach you how to just relax... on a day off."

    Anke sighed and rose to stand and began to follow after. "A view can be anything you'd like it to. Not everything needs to be a grand vista." Anke tended to take things on the bright side where she could. Even if she had to fake it, it did help. The two had started moving, Anke stood a bit behind enjoying a view of a different sort but only for a moment before catching up. While Regina's room was boring, it was indicative of her personality, the way she viewed the world, perhaps that was sufficiently interesting.

    As the pair moved toward the elevator bank, there were other soldiers gathered and chatting amongst themselves, now transitioning to the topic of Regina and Anke. All she could do was smile at them and nod her head in a polite greeting. It didn't truly matter if they were talking about them. Anke had better things to worry about, though she often would go out of her way to be more polite than most. The doors opened and Anke followed once more, glancing around at the facilities offered. This place as a paradise with every amenity compared to her last posting which was bare bones.

    The lounge space was a delight. A place where she could feel comfortable. A bartender. He seemed friendly enough, the couches, the small space dedicated to relaxation. "Now this is my kind of place." Anke said softly. She continued to look around, clocking each and every item, all exits, anyone who may have been coming or going. It was fairly dead, but it was still early enough in the day where that made sense. Anke wondered if the lack of people present was a comfort to Regina. Regina then brought her attention to the piano, and Anke's eyes widened like saucers, there was a sudden light and vibrancy to the dark orbs that had been lacking before.

    "Holy shit... it's an actual piano." Anke turned to Regina and offered a smirk before finally being bold enough to do what she hadn't done before. She approached Regina carefully and threw her arms around her, squeezing ever so gently. "Thank you, Regina. This is... perfect." Anke let her arms fall and she quickly approached the instrument, her fingertips ran along the top, not a speck of dust. Grand pianos weren't particularly common anymore. It beat the hell out of the small upright Anke had growing up. She hadn't seen one of these since her days at conservatory.

    Anke took a moment to lift the lid of the instrument, her hand reaching inside and pulling out the implement to prop it open which created a far richer sound. Walking toward the front, the clapboard was already opened. Her fingertips ran along the keys without pressing them down, and finally Anke took a seat at the bench which matched the piano perfectly. "Please, sit beside me." Anke patted the space on the stool next to her. "I don't bite. Hard." Anke smirked and turned her attention back to the keys. Her fingers coming to rest on a careful starting position, knowing exactly what she wished to play.

    Anke first pressed in a few keys, listening to the sound. It was mostly in tune, something that also surprised her. And so, she began to play. Her fingers moved quickly and deftly across the keys without hesitation or a single error. Her fingers moved with a kind of grace and ease that seemed so natural, so effortless. One could perhaps see hints of where some of her talent with a weapon came from. The piano was an extension of herself. "Difficulty is subjective." Anke finally said as she turned her head to look at Regina. Fingers still moving, across the keys, feet at the pedals where needed.

    The bartender had set down his tasks and turned to watch Anke play, it had been so long since someone of any talent had used that old thing. The sound of the music flowing around the space drew others in to watch, to listen, soft smiles.

    "Notice how my hands aren't parallel to one another, four notes on the right, three on the left. But the composer... had a sense of humour." Anke was speaking, knowing Regina might not completely understand what she meant. "The right hand moves at torturous pace." Eventually she drifted into silence as the piece continued, until it had finally come to an end, a self satisfied Anke withdrew her hands from the instrument and sighed. This wasn't her anymore, or it wasn't supposed to be. "Have you ever tried to play?"
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Though Regina did not visit public areas often, this lounge was usually unattended save for the bartender that often seemed to be paid with little to do. It was a welcome respite when Regina needed a moment away from everyone to just catch her breath and try to relax a little, but her dorm was too far away. Regina let one hand rest on a couch arm, sighing to herself as she considered what she might do. Perhaps some time just alone with her thoughts would be in order, just sitting on the couch staring off into space. It wasn't a terrible idea and-oh. Right. She still had Anke tagging along. Regina glanced back to her; she was evidently pleased with her choice of locale, which was enough to bring some form of relief. She had been useful, at least. What Regina did not expect was Anke's reaction.

    Out of left field, Regina found herself quickly wrapped up in a hug. Her eyes widened, but Regina made no move for or against the surprise action. She was being touched. Nobody did that. Regina didn't know how to process this. Hugs were meant for friends and lovers. Regina didn't have friends, she had coworkers and superiors. What was Anke doing? By the time Regina could figure out a response, it was over and Anke had rushed to the piano. She was treating it like a long-lost treasure. Regina didn't pay much heed to musical instruments, though she did log that this was the only piano she'd seen in person that she could remember. Regina stood by at attention, watching Anke quietly, until she received the request to sit with her. Regina frowned, unsure why she wished for Regina to do such a thing, but obeyed regardless, taking a seat to Anke's right. Without much fanfare, Anke began to play once she'd been situated.

    Rather than watch Anke's hands, Regina closed her eyes and listened carefully to the music. She could pick out plenty of notes and cadences, though music theory was not anything in particular that Regina had ever learned. She'd been trained to pick specific sounds out of a cacophony with the idea of finding the hiding places of potential targets in mind; she could feel herself focusing in and out between stanzas in an attempt to compartmentalize the piece. Regina opened her eyes after a moment of hearing Anke speak, but by the time she registered the thought, she was lost in the music herself. Regina mused, noting how much the woman seemed to enjoy music-on a piano at least.

    When the music came to an end, Regina heard a few smatterings of applause, and only then recognized that people had drawn around. She said nothing, ignoring the few faces that undeniably would recognize the Terminator seated at a grand piano, a sight practically unheard of in the barracks. To Anke's question, Regina closed her eyes a moment, then turned her head away, staring into space. She said nothing for what felt like the longest time, then shook her head, seemingly troubled by a thought or two. "I only exist to serve Osnen..." Regina muttered quietly, as though it were a mantra. "I do not remember life before Osnen. I was saved by Osnen. And I will serve Osnen until my dying breath. I have not ever attempted to play music here." Regina buried the lede with her reaffirmation of her loyalty to their parent company to mask the very pointed information that Regina knew nothing of her life before she joined the military. As far as she was aware, she had Osnen to thank for life-and that life would be spent in its defense and growth. She had no time to play piano, and if she had beforehand, that time and talent had not shown itself in any way.
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  4. #24
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    Anke let out a deep exhale, she felt rejuvenated. It was one of those moments where she could simply be grateful for the opportunities presented to her, and grateful to Regina. "Thank you, Regina." Anke finally uttered as she focused on the woman who had disclosed a few key pieces of information. She had a past, they all did but Regina did not remember. What's more is that she attributed her survival to Osnen, and as such she lived to serve them and them alone. There was a severe lack of identity and individuality. To live only in service of the state, that seemed... like something of a mistake.

    "Allow me." Anke stood up and moved herself to stand behind Regina. Anke reached down and took her human hand into hers and placed it gently on the keys. "Don't worry, I'm not trying to transform you into some kind of pianist." Others in the background who had gathered looked on, others left back to their duties. It seemed odd, they had never really seen anyone react with Regina, let alone touch her. "I'm not going to ask you to trust me." Anke was at least honest and somewhat realistic in her expectations.

    Resting her hand on top of Regina's, she gently positioned it to where she wanted, and similar to a mouse, Anke pressed down on Regina's fingers in a set order thereby pushing Regina's own hand downward, triggering the keys to craft something of a brief melody. "When you play music, you're creating, as opposed to dismantling, destroying or killing." Anke inhaled deeply for a moment, still poised over Regina, leaning perhaps too close, almost whispering in her ear. "You can feel the way it reverberates through you. A part of you."

    Anke once more used Regina's hand to repeat the same melody before releasing it and taking a step back. "I'm sure you think it's foolish, or a waste of time. But there's more to life. And there are other hobbies which can make you a better sniper." There was a fading smile on her face as she moved closer to stand beside Regina. "I'm sure I've taken enough of your time." Taking a moment to nod her head in thanks, she made her way to the bar and sat upon a stool, content she had likely done enough for one day.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

  5. #25
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    Regina wasn't sure what Anke was planning on doing once the music died down. She watched the other woman rise from the bench, eyeing her warily as she slipped behind her. The sniper was left to stare at the piano, but flinched visibly when she felt pressure against her hand. Even her human hand was cold, and Regina froze under the touch of her rival. The way she pressed down on her fingers...Regina shuddered, shaking her head. Something felt off. Maybe it was simply in the fact that she had been touched, less than the way she was being touched, but she found herself unable to respond. Even as Anke leaned in, Regina did not react, merely keeping her amber pools fixed on the keys as they depressed, playing the tones to an incredibly simple melody. opposed to destruction. Regina closed her eyes, feeling her thoughts race in a way she tried desperately to corral. Such thoughts were sabotage to maintaining her perfect emotional dissonance. She practiced what exercises she'd forced herself to learn, to perfect in order to be the model soldier, wrangling her rising breath and the way it caught in her throat and slowly calming herself down, letting her inhales slow until she had returned to normal. That was close....

    And just as soon as the moment had happened, Anke had let go. Regina refrained from heaving a sigh of relief, but based on the way that she did not move from the spot Anke had her in, Regina was still reluctant to do so. Reluctant to make a mistake or say something she knew she ought not to. Instead, she fixated on a single thing Anke said to her. Better sniper? Regina frowned. Anke was not a better sniper, but she'd learned to take in what advice she could find amidst her fearful coworkers if she saw or heard something vital. Regina finally left her position, swinging a leg around the piano bench to face Anke more fully.

    "Explain." There was a hint of urgency in Regina's voice as she rested her hands on the bench. It was evident she either cared little about the onlookers viewing Regina addressing someone outside of her superiors in a not-entirely-negative way for the first time in year, or had lost her awareness of them. "I want-" No! Regina bit her lip, her gaze breaking away as she quickly corrected herself, her posture fixing slightly. She'd very nearly done what she swore not to do. Been threatened not to do. Gone under intense reprogramming not to do. Her failsafe kicked in; Regina closed her eyes, resetting the moment in her mind and opening her eyes again. "It is my duty to be the best sniper in all of Osnen and beyond. If there is something you know I could do to improve myself, I need to know." Regina spoke deliberately, and for the first time since the night before, there was a flicker of energy in Regina's eyes. Whether it was left over from that tiny lapse or simply her own fervent desire to improve was left up to the beholder.
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  6. #26
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    It became abundantly clear that Anke had touched another nerve, but this one was different from the previous incident. In the last case Regina outwardly kept her calm and simply refuse to stop working until she accomplished what she was after. But now there is a fracture, a hairline fracture, the tiniest break in her persona, her conditioning. Anke turned to Regina and stared at her for a moment, as if entirely puzzled by the sudden change in demeanor. Regina had demanded an explanation, she had used the words I want. Regina was in part, starting to think for herself. Well, maybe not entirely but something was there.

    "It's okay to want something for yourself Regina." Anke countered in a soft but rather serious voice. "Does it scare you, to talk about it? To use such an emotional turn of phrase?" To express want for something, in Anke's mind was clearly associated with desire, and that could be an emotion just as intense as any other if used properly or even improperly. Regina was now regaining control of herself, almost like a computer restarting, her eyes closed, processed and opened again as if nothing had happened. Anke moved to sit back down at the piano bench, resting her hands atop the keys. "I don't think there is anything I am capable of teaching you when it comes to your craft." Anke felt rather certain this was true, Regina was the perfect other half to a rifle.

    "Playing the piano is an exercise in patience and fortitude." Anke began to play the same piece she had when she set down. This time moving slower, and slower than usual pace, until she could feel her finger slip and make a single mistake. But Anke did not stop, and to most people that mistake would be lost, unheard, missed. "This isn't the proper speed for this piece. And while it can be done, it takes practice and intention. But what do we lose when we slow down against the very nature of the thing itself? We make mistakes." Anke stopped. "Did you hear it? The tiniest little slip of a note?" Anke felt herself ashamed, or she would if she hadn't made that mistake on purpose.

    "The music, much like a target has it's own set of rules and parameters, and to succeed you must meet them where they are, not fundamentally try to change their nature."

    Anke smirked then and restarted the piece at the normal and expected pace. "But, just because music is written, or a target's behavior, doesn't mean we can't learn to adjust ourselves as hunters. Watch my hands." Anke at certain pieces, rather than keeping her hands aligned, she would raise her right hand, fingertips still pressing down on the keys and allow the left hand to deftly swoop under it to hit the next notes. "Now we can play a little bit of cat and mouse. But we're better." Anke stopped once more.

    "Your hands can dance across the keys, or they can hold them." Anke pressed a single note down, not releasing her hand from the key, holding it in place. "The note keeps going until it is organically allowed to peter out. Patience, knowing when to hold, knowing when to dance. You see the notes in your head, you know exactly when to pull the trigger when the conditions are just perfect. You haven't missed a single thing before, nor can you miss something after. You need to feel the crescendo rush through your bones, through your blood."

    Anke's voice grew darker and more serious than it had before, the levity was gone. "It can teach us so much about timing." Anke sighed and brought her hands back to her side. "But the rest of the secret. Well, you'll have to work to pry that out of me." Anke smirked.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    There was a quiet pause from Regina as Anke interrogated her over her choice of words, her miniscule slip. Regina's body tinged with electrical currents. No, she shouldn't be giving attention to this. If someone were to have noticed, Regina would be taken back for more retraining...and she didn't want that. Didn't need that. She was perfect. She had to be. That was her mission...and to fail said mission would be akin to suicide. To the question, Regina merely turned away. "I do not know what you are talking about. I said no such thing." A blatant lie, perhaps...but one that Regina clung to in order to hold fast to what made her strong. It was the only way. Her gaze returned to Anke as she sat beside her, returning to the piano. Regina looked to her hands, wondering where exactly she was going with this now.

    Anke explained the mechanics of playing a piano, which Regina questioned the point of. Sure, it required manual dexterity and mental and physical pace-setting...but what did this have to do with sniper work? Anke had said there was nothing that she could directly teach Regina, but still she seemed intent on explaining...something. Regina watched in silence, wondering where she was going with this. It was a skillset she lacked...and honestly one nearly the entirety of Osnen did. At least with the parts she was familiar with. This didn't seem all too much like sniping at how was this helping Anke with a weapon? Regina flexed her fingers once again, curious as to what she was missing here. Adjusting to expectations and difficulty, maybe? Though Regina had already done that for years. What lesson was she missing out on...?

    Oh. Oh. She was just going to hold out on it? Regina's nostrils flared as her eyes narrowed. Was this some sort of ploy to get something out of her? She wanted Regina to pry it free? Her metallic arm moved to grab Anke by her fatigues, yanking her forward so that her face was mere inches from Regina's. "You will divulge this information." Regina's gaze was intense, her amber pools burning with liquid fire as she seemed to stare holes into Anke's eyes. "I do not care how I wrest this from you. I will beat you to a bloody pulp in the training grounds if I must." Regina referred, of course, to the infamous grounds where soldiers honed their martial craft. Duels were very common amidst the rank and file, enough to establish a power ranking of sorts amidst the legion. Regina was not on that list, for the simple reason that nobody dared risk their ranking against the cyborg in a ranked match. What few chose to spar with her off the record found that her strength had been augmented from her implants-her cybernetic arm and leg packed enough punch to easily break a collarbone, if not hit even harder. Regina tended to hold back so as not to grievously wound her fellow soldiers. But if Anke knew something...
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    Denial. It was such an easy tactic, if you didn't like what you'd said, or feared the consequences of saying it, simply deny it. Hope no one would ever challenge you on such a minute slip of the tongue, a tiny thing, barely noticeable. But that was the problem. Anke noticed, she knew the truth no matter how hard Regina would fight back against it. There was something so entirely sad about it, a kind of fear Regina had that simply made Anke feel... depressed. She was the opposite of the free willed soldier they were allegedly supposed to be. So long had been her torture, a shell of a human. It all came clear, all of her suspicions and thoughts. Thus end we all.

    Anke wondered if Regina was capable of understanding what she was saying at all. Flexibility was an artform, music was an artform, a perfect shot was an artform. If she approached everything as a robot, as the perfect soldier she would never improve, she would be ruthlessly efficient but Regina would never have the elegance required to be the best. It was only a matter of time before someone like Anke, or maybe exactly Anke would be able to rise up and beat her. Regina wouldn't ever hear the music, not until she learned to be more than what limited her.

    Suddenly she was grabbed by the metallic hand and drawn ever closer to Regina. She could smell the faintest hint of her perfume, or somehow perhaps a natural scent of mint and raspberries. Anke inhaled it and smiled, she seemed to be entirely un-phased and unthreatened despite the harsh choice of language. "My god, you smell delightful, do you know that?" Would that be irritating to Regina? That she blatantly ignored her and instead focused on something much more physical, something far more pleasant to Anke's own senses. "You know, there are easier ways to kiss a girl. One might try to lean in, rather than pick one up by the threads." The smile turned into a smirk, Anke biting her lower lip as though she thoroughly enjoyed what was happening.

    "You can beat me, if that's your thing. Can't say it's much of mine though." Anke was honest, though it appeared as she was rather enjoying toying with Regina. But it wasn't a game to Anke. "As for my secrets... well. Let's just say there are far easier ways to get what you want Regina." A soft sigh escaped her lips, she remained perfectly still. Her body relaxed. "But there's that pesky word again. Want... you want something from me. You have no idea how that pleases me."
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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    Regina's attempts at intimidation were met with the complete opposite of what she was hoping for, even if it was somewhat what she was expecting. Her own physical threats, usually highly effective against just about everyone, were met with a smile. A smile and a complete non sequitur. Who cared what her soap smelled like? Why would she bring that up at a time like this, when the threat of bodily harm sat directly in her way? And on top of that...was she flirting? With her? Now? Regina didn't know whether to be frustrated or downright impressed with the audacity of it all. How was she supposed to respond to this? Regina clenched her free hand into a fist, feeling irritation boil within her. She was being difficult, and there was little Regina wanted to do more than knock one of her perfect white teeth out of her skull. However, Regina merely closed her eyes. There was only one reason why she would be acting so incredibly contrarian...

    Even as she insisted that Regina 'wanted' something, she slowed her breathing. She was better than this. If she were to deck Anke right then and there, not only would that be giving her what she wanted, it would merely show she was no better than any other common foot soldier. Someone who gives in to weakness and allows emotions to control their lives. Regina had been taught to move beyond that; it wasn't her fault other soldiers didn't know of or care to follow it. Osnen had trained her better. She knew better. So rather than stoop to her level, Regina let her metallic fingers release Anke, letting her arm fall to her side.

    "I do not have personal desire. I require such knowledge to improve my combat capabilities so I may better serve Osnen." Regina reiterated what she'd been saying for what felt like ages before standing up, her features returning to neutral as she folded her arms. "Very well. If you're going to be difficult, I will have to showcase my persistence." Regina spoke robotically, her gaze quietly judging Anke as she did her best to maintain control of the situation. "What is it you require of me, then?" Regina asked point-blank, realizing she was essentially giving up a lot of power in this scenario. But what could she do? If Anke was holding out, she had to prove herself somehow. Regina let a huff of air out, her metallic foot tapping a single time as she wondered just what this nuisance of a woman was going to try this time.
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    To a certain extent, Anke knew she was inviting trouble with her rather cavalier attitude that had bordered on flat out rude. But she held to her own guns on this and wouldn't exactly give Regina the satisfaction of thinking that such intimidation tactics would work. They wouldn't. Anke didn't really care to an extent what had happened to her. That perhaps wasn't exactly truthful but it wouldn't have been the first time she took a beating. Though, she'd never been up against someone with replacement components of that nature. Anke speculated that would hurt beyond what she had been prepared for. Never the less Regina seemed to back down, slightly and try a different tactic.

    "Well, at least you've come to your senses and released me." Anke raised her hands to smooth out the fabric which had been scrunched by the hold. Yet another sigh escaped her lips, echoing that she was less than impressed by this particular response pattern. "Require of you?" Anke asked while taking a step back, creating a bit more of a distance between the two women. "A little quid pro quo?" Anke shook her head and thought for a moment, she huffed and tapped her foot against the floor. How impatient was the one who for the first time desired something, in perhaps a long while. "I've been nothing but kind, friendly even. And this is how you respond?"

    "Nothing, I ask nothing of you." Could it have seemed as though Anke had been defeated? That she would simply give in, or perhaps she would no longer indulge Regina in whatever it was that seemed to be happening. More likely that, than the former. "I require nothing of you, nothing you could give me anyway. You might think we all have a price. We can all be bought with the right piece of information, the right amount of money. Hmm... but in truth, we can't. I can't." Anke turned on her heels and began to walk back toward her own bunk, raising a hand in the air exactly as she had done the first time she left Regina, waving softly and with a general air of non-commitment.

    "Figure it out, let me know what you come up with." Anke called back before disappearing into the corridor outside of the lounge.
    Thanks to Hayabusa/Ryoku for the set.

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