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Thread: [IC] RPAlandia -hammer 10k [Updates on every Friday]

  1. #21
    Eddren's Avatar
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    Eddren looked at the button and squints. On one hand, the fact that these systems had otherwise remained deactivated strongly suggested that they were meant to remain such, and perhaps might have been so due to the nature of the experiments performed by Imp. He had known the man from previous roleplays, and found his play-style to be...Haphazard. Not that Eddren could complain--he'd taken to dipping his toes into forbidden waters himself. Horse-drifting being his most recent experimentation, along with Dwarven professional wrestling. But that didn't really console the man-turned-Avatar much when he was considering whether to activate a potential doom system.

    On the other hand, it was totally in his character to do completely reckless things and then explain it away with an inane rationale and berate others for not "getting it," so maybe he should. And then come up with an inane rationale. And berate someone else for not getting it. It was an awful plan, but Eddren wasn't about to break character, so it was the best plan he had. He opted to press the button, then head west.

  2. #22
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    "Hey guys! Glad to see I'm not alone here."

    Griff absently picked at the dead plants as she wandered around the room. "This kinda looks like my garden."

    Griff chooses to press the button, and to head East.

    Griffin / Gumbo / Gambit / Griff

  3. #23
    RPA Honor Guard
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    "Hi guys, It's me Cfavano." He said, waving. I was focusing on my surroundings, and it was rude of me not to greet you after realizing you were friends. Forgive me. It seems we all picked the tower, eh? Heh, Childe Roland to the dark tower came, eh?" He looks at his options, I don't think we should open this cage, if we got sucked into our computers, then this place is a site, right? Knowing what I know of fiction. The only site we all share is rpa, a forum, so that means in this cage, could very likely be a forum troll which, considering how our reality is arrange, could be n actual troll. I vote not opening the cage, but as to where we go, up or down, I'm weighng my options, upwards looks like n attic, where could be spiders, downwards is a dungeon, where could be other beasties, and maybe traps. Does anyone else have an opinion?"

    Don't open cage
    Last edited by Cfavano; 08-05-2017 at 03:37 PM.

    Spoiler: Things I like 

  4. #24
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    ~ Previously Outside ~

    Crazywolf grimaced slightly as Ay Jay hit him on the chest.

    "Yeah maybe" he mused in reply to her suggestion. "Though it seems a bit odd that the buildings are all in ruins."

    He bit his tongue a bit not wanting to say anything too ominous about it. As the oldest one he felt like maybe he should take the lead but he wasn't really a natural leader.

    "Maybe we should check inside the tower" he said "it seems that's where everyone else is going."

    ~ In the tower ~

    Crazywolf stared at the cage in front of the group then froze as he heard the screams from above and below. He listened a moment to hear if there were any further sounds but heard nothing else. He wondered what would happen to any of them if they died in this place, would they be dead-dead or would they wake up again in their real body.

    He took a breath to calm his nerves and looked back toward the cage. He listened as Cfavano spoke. He wasn't sure about the thing inside being a troll but then who knew, it might be anything and none of them knew what it was. "Regarding the cage I agree with you" he said. "Whatever is in there I don't see a point in disturbing it." Privately he hoped the others would agree with the sentiment. "As to the direction we investigate next I'm not sure" he added "however if there is danger and we have to get out I'd sooner be retreating upwards."

    *CW votes to not open the cage*
    Last edited by Crazywolf; 08-05-2017 at 03:46 PM.
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

  5. #25
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    Kyo glanced around to the others, getting close to the cage, wondering if he should stick his hand in.
    Listening to the others he nodded in agreement, whatever this was, in the darkest pits of the weird world they were stuck in, it didn't have a good air about it.

    "It's kind of like Schrodinger's Box isn't it?" He asked them standing back up. "We don't know whether it's good or bad until we open it. Then again if it's bad, I don't want to be opening it." He added. "Whatever comes our way, I think all of us together can handle it, with or without the aid of whatever is inside." Kyo thought it out carefully, they were all stuck in this mess, he might as well put aside his social anxiety aside.

    "There's a better chance of survival without opening it. As for direction, I'd prefer to be heading upwards. Hopefully we can get a good lay of the land and spot places that might be dangerous, plus if this thing above us, is the attic then it's only a short ways back, while going downwards we could be heading into any amounts of dangers." Kyo told them all, then looked around a little. "Uh.. I'm Kyo" He waved lightly. "If I start rambling just tell me to shush." He laughed a little uncomfortably.

    Kyo votes to not open the cage

  6. #26
    Domina Noctis
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    At the sound of the screams Angel summoned a sword into her hand. She didn't like the sounds of them and wanted to be ready if anything happened. Looking over to the cage she wished she could see into it but the figure was lurking in the shadows. “What if whoever in there needs some help?” Angel said, holding her sword to her side and trying to get closer to see better. “If whatever or whoever is inside was dangerous don't you think they would attack? They could be frightened and hiding. I vote we open the cage and see inside.” Whoever was inside could be friendly and have some of the answers they needed to figure out what was going on. A guide could be very useful right about now.

    “As for whether we go up or down I think up would be better like as Kyo says we would have a better vantage point. Oh I'm Angel Della Notte if you haven't figured it out.” She said, gesturing to her wings.

    Angel votes to open the cage and go up.
    Last edited by AngelDellaNotte; 08-08-2017 at 08:51 PM.

    Another round of bullets hits my skin. Well, fire away
    Cause today, I won't let the shame sink in. We are bursting through
    the barricades and reaching for the sun.

    We Are Warriors

  7. #27
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    Azzy tipped their head in a sort of greeting to Griff, a soft smile hidden behind their mask. It was nice being greeted so warmly. They looked around, curious. The structure was impressive, making them itch to know what it had looked like in its prime. They ghosted their hand over the nearest dead plant as they walked about the small area. There were signs of experiments and that only made Azzy itch to know what they had been and who had started them. Finally, their gaze turned to the machine.

    A weather system, eh? Azzy was rather curious as to what it did but uncontrollable weather situations would always make things difficult. They shrugged, going with not pressing it and followed after Eddren to the tomb to the west. They waved at Griff. "Have fun and good luck, Griff!" they called after her.

    not pressing button
    heading west to the tomb
    Last edited by ArtisticVicu; 08-05-2017 at 08:17 PM.
    Find a tale or three or five to read but be warned. It is never easy to see where the plot may be going As the Story Crumbles

  8. #28
    Your daily overdose of cute
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    P.K. listened between both arguments. "Both very good points..." P.K. murmured looking between CF, Crazy, Angel and Kyo. Out of the 4 only 2 of them did she interact with regularly. "Angel could be right, but there is also the possibility that this thing is smart and wont attempt an attack until it knows it can fully reach us." It was might be a lose lose situation no matter which one they picked, but her friends lives mattered, the people here and now in front of her, more then the unknown with in the cage. The only delema with that thought was if it was in fact a friend... would it be a friendly they knew from RPA?

    P.K. stared hard at the cage as the others discussed weather they would go up or down. "Going up we know there is at least and end, and I personally came to the tower to get a good view of the landscape." She said before glancing down the steps idly still in through about the cage. "Going down means there could be a whole mess of tunnels and networks of catacombs we don't know about." She said before finely letting out a sight. P.K. decided it was best to leave the cage be, they may at a later time get to come back and investigate it when they knew more about what was going on here. "I vote we Keep the Cage closed, And that we continue up, we could split if we felt like it and investigate both screaming came from both ends after all..."
    P.K.'s character locker ~ P.K.'s word works ~ P.K.'s Idea store

    1x1 = 1/5 Multi = 0/5 PW = 0/2
    Spoiler: Other things. 

  9. #29
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    Now, AyJay was quiet throughout the exchange, only managing to flinch and let out a muted yelp and the screaming started. "Ehhhh..." He seemed a little nervous if not unperturbed. The cage sent shivers up his spine, but he kept a level head, tilting his head to the side as he wrapped his fur coat around him even tighter, only offering a small smile of greeting to the others. Gone was the hyperactivity he had greeted them with earlier. Instead, he was left with being cautious. It honestly reminded him of the RP he modded with Crazywolf. Another scream pierced through the air.

    "Well... If it is a forum troll and could potentially eat us, why don't we just keep it in the cage? I mean, unless it's a friend and it's useful but I'd like to have my hide in me." He said, before glancing at the rest and tilting his head up. Now it's up or down. He shuddered when spiders were suggested.

    "Going up, we could see the landscape... And all that..." He prefers going deeper underground himself, but was obviously an war with himself. He wanted to see where they were after all, and going down wouldn't show them a map. Plus, if PK's right about the catacombs, then that means undead. His nose scrunched at the thought. Spiders, on the other hand... He shuddered. Well, it could be worse. "We could split up after, but how many are we? Who's going up and who's going down?" He asked, before letting out a small sneeze. The dust must be starting to irritate his nose.
    Spoiler: Clicky!!! 

    Spoiler: Mehehe... 

    ♡ Set by Me, Myself and I~ ♡

  10. #30
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    Crazywolf listened to the debate and looked back at the stairs. He kind-of wished he had a warrior-avatar like Angel then maybe he'd feel a bit safer. Right now this place was giving him the creeps.

    "Well personally I think staying together is smarter" he said. "As it stands we have no idea what is going on in this place or what dangers may lie in wait. So on that score I'm prepared to follow everyone else. However if the group does choose to split then I'll join whichever party needs the extra manpower."
    Born to be a king & fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers.

    The Fresh Prince of Britain • RPAs personal wolf fetish • RPA's Wolf Mascot • Crazy the Wolfheart

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