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Thread: [M] Demons of Halloween (IC)

  1. #21
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    Evelyn shifted slightly uncomfortable with the noises that surrounded them nor was she too fond of the smell. Weed was that big of a deal to her besides making her stomach hurt, but she didn't mind otherwise if that's how someone wanted to spend their time. On the other hand the sexual soundtrack of the other partygoers made her feel awkward not being one to just jump into hooking up with someone.

    Evie kept her focus on the music that drifted from the dance floor up to the landing until she felt Sebastian squeeze her hand. She smiled in response then squeezed his hand back gently feeling more relaxed with Seb than she did being down at the party with everyone else, not feeling pressured to do anything that parties like this are infamous for was a nice feeling. Though a small part of her wanted to dance with Sebastian, the thought made her giggle softly to herself figuring the night has just started so they still had time.

    "Wow... Seems my guess was right on the money! It doesn't look like anyone has been in here yet," Evelyn said with a big smile as they found one of the few doors that weren't locked lead into a the library. As they looked over the many books an idea popped into her head, "Hey Seb! I know this may sound like I watched too many cartoons as a kid when I say this but... Do you think one of these books open a secret passageway to like the attic or something? The house seems a little too old have a button hidden to open it, but perhaps pulling one of the books from the shelves with a simple latch mechanism? Just an idea...," Evie said trailing off before she could babble any further causing her to blush a bit in embarrassment.

    Her eyes returned to the books curiously considering it interestingly odd that there were quite a few books with conflicting topics. Either the person changed their views on religion and philosophy as time went on or perhaps they simply studied both ends of the spectrum, though she doubted the latter considering her own views had changed due to a sudden event in her life. Evelyn shook her head then began eyeing the classics stopping to look at the editions of Frankenstein and Dracula wondering how old the editions were considering this old in good condition would be worth a lot. "Why would someone so many things behind?" Evie wondered aloud curiously.

  2. #22
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    The torchlit hallway looked like something out of Game of Thrones. Arm-in-arm with Bryce, Amanda followed the group deeper into—whatever this place was. The stone floor was smooth and cold against her bare feet, and the air had a chill to it too. Amanda found it exhilarating.

    "This is already the best Halloween party ever," she said, and it wasn't just to flatter Kara.

    To her surprise, the ringleader wanted to part ways when the hallway forked. She'd expected more competition for Bryce's attention. Oh well, maybe the boy Kara was with was actually smokin' under that Beetlejuice makeup.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedKayne View Post
    "Well, it looks like we finally got some privacy," Bryce glanced down at the shorter Disney girl and wrapped his right arm around her waist, "C'mon, let's explore some more."
    "Yeah," she said, "we have the place to ourselves." She turned in toward him, pressing her body against his. When they were face to face, she stood on her toes and put her mouth so close to his that their noses brushed and she could feel his breath on her lips.

    Before he could go in for a kiss, she whispered, "Think you can catch me?"

    She twisted free of his arm and sprinted, giggling like a kid, deeper down the hallway.

  3. #23
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    Aw yeah, a dark hallway with a hot girl. He could barely see in the darkness, but he looked around as they went anyway. "This is ridiculously cool.Have you found anything in here yet?" he reached out, running his hand along the wall. His stoned mind wandered places no sober person could go. I wonder if we'll meet a ghost. Heh, maybe this is like that movie Cabin in the Woods. Where the creepy old house has a secret basement and a bunch of atrifacts that release different evils, and it's all run by semi-evil scientists who kill people as a sacrifice to appease angry gods so they don't destroy the world. Elephant is a weird word. As his hand ran along the wall, his fingers detected a change in the wall. It took him a moment to realise that he was touching a door. He stopped, and tried the handle. "What's in here?"
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  4. #24
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    Amanda dashed down the hall, the torches blurring to streaks on either side of her. Then, a variation in the sameness of the hallway brought her up short. She skidded to a stop and stood there a little winded, looking at an old wooden door set in the wall. There was another door opposite it, and as she peered into the darkness, she saw another pair of doors some ten feet down the hall—and she thought she could make out another set even further down. She tried the one in front of her, but it was locked tight. The one across the hall wouldn't budge either.

    She looked back the way she'd come and couldn't see Bryce. Well, she'd covered a lot of ground. While waiting for him to catch up, she moved down the hall and tried some of the other doors. All throughout the evening's exploration, she hadn't been the least bit scared, but being alone here in the dimness was starting to give her the creeps. She was about to turn back to find Bryce when she spotted a door that was just a little ajar. She reached out and gave it a little push, and it creaked inward. Beyond it was only darkness.

    Amanda switched on her phone's flashlight and pushed the door the rest of the way open. What she saw was a small room, empty except for a bed in one corner and a small desk directly across from her. Sitting on the desk was what looked to be an open book.

    She crossed the room on silent feet, the only sound her breathing and the rustle of her costume. It was a book there on the desk. She tried to switch on the dust-covered desk lamp, but nothing happened. She aimed her phone's light at the book and saw it was a journal, words scrawled across its pages in black ink.

    Bune, The Harbinger, the top of the page read. Beneath it was a bulleted list:

    - One of the several wives of Lucifer
    - Her arrival marks the end of time
    - Possesses a daughter of evil
    - Requires the sacrifice of a tainted body
    - Sealed within the house
    - Will create an army of demons that will consume the world
    - "You have taken my friend and neighbor - darkness is my closest friend." Psalm 88:18

    Amanda felt a chill that had nothing to do with the temperature of the room. Frowning, she leaned closer to read on:

    The demonic visage was that of a malevolent succubus. It was a depiction from the side of her body, and yet her head tilted forward and the demoness’s blank eyes glared at the reader. The creature’s body was completely bare, but the drawer’s depiction of the succubus was hardly graphic since he paid little detail to her feminine assets. In a way, she was both beautiful and hideous. She had the slim, toned body that any model would be jealous of, yet was unnaturally scarred with what appeared to be numerous knife wounds.

    The creature’s mouth was wide open, revealing sharp teeth ready to devour anything. Her eyes were filled with fire, and a single diablo-like horn protruded from her forehead. She had very short hair, barely covering the scalp of her head. A short, impish tail came from the tip of her tailbone, and bestial fur covered her forearms and the bottom halves of her legs. Instead of feet, she had cloven hooves. Instead of hands, she had raptor-like claws.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedKayne
    Then, suddenly, a pair of hands suddenly shot around Amanda's body. One covered her mouth to silence her scream and the other laid on her side. A muscular body pressed against her from behind, before finally, "Looks like I finally caught you," Bryce suddenly whispered in her ear before he chuckled and released her.

    "So, do I win a prize?" Bryce stepped beside her with a devious and cocky grin, before looking down at the phone light being shined on the book. "Well that's not creepy at all," he commented and then looked around the room. "I really wonder what's with this secret basement? It's definitely weird," he glanced over at the bed and it's dust-covered sheet. "But I certainly don't mind the privacy," his dark-brown eyes returned back to Amanda, still holding his charming smirk.
    Amanda stumbled forward when Bryce released her, her heart pounding like it was trying to hammer its way out of her. The absolute, mortal terror she'd felt when he grabbed her gave way to white-hot rage at him for doing that to her. But the anger faded quickly, too. It wasn't him, she thought, it was that fucking book. By the time she turned to face him, she was smiling.

    "Jesus," she said, "you almost gave me a heart attack." She pressed close to him and took his head in her hands, gently easing his face down toward hers. "Which would have been too bad," she said, her voice lower now, "because if I was dead I couldn't do this." She gave him a long, slow kiss, and felt the last of the fear ebb from her body.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedKayne
    Bryce fully embraced Amanda when she initiated the kiss. His arms wrapped around her small body, one wrapped in her hair while the other laid nicely against her hip. So far, he can tell that this Halloween night will be an absolute success. Despite not wearing a slutty dress, Amanda was still fucking hot and he enjoyed the taste of her lips and tongue.

    He pressed his body against her more, he was sure that Amanda could feel how hard he was getting for her as they continued to makeout. They continued to escalate their passionate kiss while Bryce decided to be bold and lower one hand and grabbed her ass. Even through the dress, Bryce can tell that she works out a lot and he definitely appreciated her curves.

    Bryce pushed Amanda's body back against a wall, where he softly tugged on her hair with one hand to expose her neck. He leaned down and left a trail of kisses on the inside of her neck before returning back to her lips.
    Amanda's heart was pounding again, but this time with exhilaration rather than terror. She ran her hands all over Bryce's body as he pressed her back against the wall, and hooked one leg around him, pressing his body against hers.

    But she found she couldn't give herself over to the moment as fully as she wanted to. That book on the desk still nagged at her. It was just odd. Not over-the-top spooky like she'd have expected if it was something somebody had put down there as a Halloween decoration, and much too specific. She was a little unsettled, but she was curious more than anything. There had to be a story behind that book, and at some point, she decided, she was going to find out what it was.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedKayne
    When Amanda wrapped a leg around him, Bryce started to grind his hips against hers, completely oblivious that she wasn't one-hundred engaged. Like any other typical college guy, he was completely focused on the prospect of getting laid with a hot girl.

    He moved his lips away from her own and trailed them across her cheek, "I want to fuck you so badly," he whispered into her ear. He lowered his arms and hitched them around her legs, picking up Amanda while never leaving her lips. He carried her over to the bed before they both collapsed onto the sheets, Bryce on top while kissing her neck and still gyrating against her hips.
    "Do it," Amanda said. Do me, she thought. Get my mind off that stupid book.

    She let him carry her to the bed. Her body was ready for him and her mind was getting back on track. She realized she'd been wanting this for a while. Ordinarily, she'd have taken it slower and let things build to this moment over the course of the night, but the past few months had been so stressful, knocking out the last few classes for her degree and interviewing for jobs for when she graduated next spring.

    "You have no idea how much I need this," she whispered in Bryce's ear. Her hands found his belt, undid it, and pulled at his pants.

    * * *

    When it was over, Amanda lay there gasping for a moment, the aftershocks running through her.

    "Oh god," she said happily. She pushed herself up, then swung her legs over the side of the bed. Standing, she pulled her costume dress back into place. It wasn't exactly designed for easy access, but they'd managed to get it most of the way off her. They'd done better with Bryce's costume, but he was still wearing his Jon Snow cloak.

    "Thank you for that," she said. She was relaxed and excited at the same time. The night was young. They could go back to the party, dance and drink a while, come back down here and do this again. "Come on," she said, "let go get something to drink."

    She twirled like a dancer, lost her balance, and stumbled into the desk. The journal hit the floor. Amanda gave it a kick, and it skidded into a dark corner of the room.

    Quote Originally Posted by RedKayne
    Bryce was breathing heavily over Amanda, looking down at her with amazement in his eyes before rolling over. He wiped his brow but sighed happily, too. Honestly, that was one of the best fucks he had in a long time. Perhaps this doesn't necassarily need to be a one-night stand, but perhaps they could be fuck buddies or whatever. Amanda certainly looked like she enjoyed it.

    "By the way," Bryce rolled to his side, watching Amanda as she got up and admired her naked features before she covered them back up with her dress. "I finally figured out why you looked so familiar earlier, my younger sister is obsessed with your channel," he smiled a bit deviously, finally in the know that he's with a relatively popular youtube star.

    "I won't tell her what happened, though," he promised to keep a secret before pulling up his pants. He started to get up and saw Amanda clumsily lost her balance. He reached out and grabbed her arm, just in case she was about to fall, before she hit the drawer and kicked the journal.

    Then, his eyes widened in shock as it followed the book. "T-that door... that wasn't there before, was it?" he sat before standing up and looked across the room. Beforehand, it was simply a stone wall at the otherside. But now, there was a large wooden door - obsidian in color - and there wasn't a doorknob either. Perhaps he was just imagining shit and didn't notice before from the shadows, but something about the door gave him a very, very bad feeling that sent a cold shiver down his spine.
    Amanda peered through the dimness at the strange door.

    "Sure it was," she said brightly. "We just didn't notice it. We had our attention on...other things."

    But in the back of her mind, she wasn't so sure. How could she have not noticed it when she'd first looked around the room? Then again, what was the alternative? It couldn't have just appeared out of nowhere.

    "Come on," she said, taking a few steps toward the ordinary door they'd come in by. "Let's get back to the party."

    But something about the other door drew her. She stood uncertainly for a moment, then turned back toward it. As she walked toward it, its darkness seemed to deepen, as thought it were a gaping hole in the wall. She stood before the strange door and reached out to touch it.

    The second her fingers touched the wooden door, some unseen force lifted her off her feet. She let out a shriek, more of surprise than fear as she flew upward. For a second, she hung suspended in the air, hearing nothing but the sound of her own blood pumping in her ears. Then the force slammed her to the ground on her back, her head hitting the stone floor with a sickening crack.

    In her final seconds of life, she saw the door swinging open, and a deep darkness pouring out. Something that should have stayed trapped behind that door. Amanda died thinking that this dark, stone room was just like a tomb.

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