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Thread: Stargate: Rise of Humanity

  1. #21

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    To everyone: Please vote in the poll so I have a better idea what we are working with in terms of knowledge. Again, deep knowledge of the lore isn't necessary, but I don't want to throw too many people in the deep end.

    Please note how long your characters have been involved in the SG Program. Max is a year, as that is how long the SG Program has been running.

    Mari looks good to go.

    Accepted. One thing I will mention is that Jacob will be running into species and technologies he won't be familiar with, so I do look forward to seeing him learn to adapt to new situations.

    1. Automatic Rifleman - Define this for me. If it is just 'rifleman', that is acceptable.

    2. PJ unit - Please define this as well. I am not familiar with the term.

    3. Army to Air Force - I won't say no outright, but I do want an explanation for this. Not being an expert on such matters myself, I don't know what the rate of transfer between branches of the military are, but I can't imagine that it is terribly high or favored. Certainly an explanation is required.

    4. Speaks Russian - This is acceptable.

    5. Staff Sergeant - This is acceptable.
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  2. #22
    Member Delta8O8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial1917 View Post might be awkward for, say, the medical personnel in the team to have a higher rank than the sniper....
    Actually Medical personnel (depending on their role in the field) are most likely to be one of the more higher ranked people on a team or in a base. For example: US Army, Air Force, and Navy DOCTORS (Medical Osteopathy, and Dentist) start at Officers (O2) at the lowest. By the time they arrive to their unit and start most are promoted to O3.
    Combat Medics, however, range anywhere from E3 to E9.

    Whereas a Sniper can range anywhere from E3 to E9. And also possibly be Officers but at a Training level.

    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial1917 View Post
    In the show I think Jack got to Major before taking over as the overall commander in SG:U.
    Jack got to the rank of Colonel before he was promoted to Brigadier General to take command of the SGC. After that he's promoted to Major General to become Head of the Department of Homeworld Security. His last known rank is Lieutenant General.

    Quote Originally Posted by Imperial1917 View Post
    1, 2, 3
    1: He used the Squad Automatic Weapon (M249 SAW). So the support gunner more or less.

    2: PJ stands for "Pararescue Jumper". They go to great lengths to retrieve POWs, hostages, and even (depending on their mission) units who are severely pinned down and need to be extracted. Their motto is: "These Things We Do, That Others May Live."
    *I would like to note that some PJ units are activated when a Natural Disaster occurs and are called on to assist.

    3: Over here in the US people can serve their time in one branch, and, if they want to, leave and enlist in another branch. Most of the time they "transfer" over with the same rank depending on their job. For my RPC he got out of the Army as a Sergeant (E4) and was able to enlist in to the Air Force as a Staff Sergeant (E4). Depending on the job, people may sometimes get a promotion or two based on their prior service and records.
    Last edited by Delta8O8; 03-01-2019 at 12:04 PM.

    PMS|H2O Battlefield 360 Division - The Best lead the Rest

  3. #23

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    I'll be adding some more things to the OOC OP today. Tomorrow I will be out, so I'll get the IC up the day after tomorrow if not today.

    The point being that having the medic be the highest ranking member of the squad could cause complications.

    I did remember belatedly that Jack reached Colonel.

    Which doesn't exactly answer my question to frequency, but either way I would figure that there would be a reason behind it. Whether you want it as a plot point is up to you.
    Last edited by Imperial1917; 03-02-2019 at 02:19 AM.
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  4. #24
    Poppa Squirrel
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    Added thing, not for my character but for her typist

    I have been doing research ... AKA: Watching SG Season 2 on Hulu to keep my character in the spirit of the series

    Signature created by the awesome .Karma.

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  5. #25
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    Character is up for judgement imperial.
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  6. #26

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    Accepted, per our discussion.
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  7. #27
    Member Delta8O8's Avatar
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    Staff Sergeant Vasili Ilari


    Spoiler: picture 

    He's the wisecrack, the jokester, the whiner. If someone made a derogatory joke it was probably him. If you hear whining, it's probably coming from his mouth. He's also a planner and an instigator. Where he isn't childish enough to start something, He will plan it, and help to push it along.
    There are many a pictures in both the Army and the Air Force of him and some others being chased by an angry fellow soldier. Though none of his antics ever landed him or his fellow troublemakers in such hot water that any of them were court-martialed. That also came with the planning phase.
    But he's a good Soldier. Follows orders, has an open mind, and will do anything to ensure the safety of his Team mates and really anyone else he knows

    Stargate Team:

    -Has experience with Parachuting and rappelling.
    -Operation of an M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, M136 AT4, FGM-148 Javelin, and M4 Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition (SLAM).
    -Speaks Russian

    Stuff: Civilian Clothing, Personal Computer, Video Games.

    Born to Russian Immigrants and speaking both English and Russian, Vasili only felt love for his family and his country. Unlike his parents who longed for the Motherland and pushed for him and his siblings to secure careers that would be beneficial for both their family.
    The youngest amongst his siblings, his directions towards power and influence wasn't as strong as the rest, but no one was happy when he enlisted. At 17-years-old Vasili was able to enlist into the United States Army, with his parents permission, with the understanding that he was going to use his Service to fast track into the world of Politics. Imagine everyone's surprise and disproval when he got home 2 years later with a Deployment, a Purple Heart, and a Combat Infantry Badge (CIB) under his belt. PFC Vasili Ilari had joined the Infantry and he was damned proud of it especially because he was assigned to the 82nd Airborne Division.

    After an 8-year enlistment, 3 promotions, and 3 deployments. Sergeant Vasili Ilari felt it was time to start making a life for himself outside of the Military. He declined to reenlist, signed his discharge papers and rejoined the Civilian world.
    3 months later he was sitting in a United States Air Force's Recruitment Office. Civilian life had been...difficult. After speaking to different Service Members about their experiences Vasili decided that the USAF was the best choice for reenlistment. His recruiter pushed him to see if the Pararescue Jumpers would be something he'd like to do, but Vasili had his eyes set on Aerial Gunnery. More specifically, the Gunner of an AC-130 Spectre Gunship.
    Someone higher up the chain of command seemed to agree with Vasili's Air Force Recruiter about his future being with the PJs. Staff Sergeant Vasili Ilari would get to be an Aerial Gunner. But he would do so in a Rotary unit attached to the 24th Special Tactics Group. In the 4 years he was in the Air Force he was deployed 2 times, and each deployment he would volunteer to be with the Quick Reaction Force effectively spending half of his deployment time either inserting or extracting PJs.
    Serving with the PJs gave him a feeling of respect towards the Air Force, and not only to JUST the Pararescue Jumpers...but since he started off in the Army, he still saw himself as an Army Infantryman. Therefore he often answers a command with a "Hooah" when given an order, though only to those without a stick in their ass.
    So, with a few exceptions, Captain and lower.
    Somewhere along the line Staff Sergeant Vasili Ilari was reassigned to Star Gate Command, and assigned to SG-7.
    Last edited by Delta8O8; 03-17-2019 at 02:19 PM.

    PMS|H2O Battlefield 360 Division - The Best lead the Rest

  8. #28

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    The IC is up! All characters are in the conference/briefing room except the Major. Things characters may want to cover:
    - Their history
    - How long they have been with the Stargate Program
    - How they joined the Stargate Program
    - What they know about the Stargate Program - This is something that I will give leeway on: characters would have access to some files, but not everything. They certainly would not have access to personnel files and research files would be more like the memos in the OOC OP. The longer they have been part of the operation, however, the more they would know. If you just joined the show, your knowledge would be a mix of After Action Reports (AARs) and some rumors you might have picked up.

    Everything else is up to you guys. Basically the first round of posts is the meet and greet before the show. Please remember to use the colors indicated in the OP post when quoting other characters and keep quotes short (i.e. don't copy the entirety of other people's posts into your post).

    On another note, I put this in the Mature section even though the show was PG-13 at best, but I don't expect it to be blood-guts-and-sex in this RP. That being said, I believe in keeping player's options open.

    Character accepted.
    Last edited by Imperial1917; 03-04-2019 at 05:10 AM.
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  9. #29
    Dark Lord of the Gif
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    @Imperial1917; Actually given the show was originally desugned by Showtime (if i recall correctly) and several of the original episodes in thebfirst season had nudity Mature is probably closer to what the show was meant to be.
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  10. #30
    RPA's Resident Zombie
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    @ Imperial: Just a quick note...I believe you confused mine and Storm's characters in the opening IC post.

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