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Thread: Re: ☬- Scarlet Ice ☬ IC

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    Ally notes the smell of the blood, spilled amongst the group, immediately. Besides glancing in Akemi’s direction, she takes no further action. That will be a problem for later. Ally looks over and smiles at Kamala, a calm caring smile, jarring in contrast with her red hungry eyes and the vampires looming around them. She stands framed by the eyes of the vampires glowing behind her as they slowly approach. The music is discordant and becoming more erratic as the DJ descends into madness hunger claiming him. “Don’t worry Kamala, I won’t let anything get to you.” An emphatic and almost ominous promise. Without batting an eyelash Ally turns and punches a twitchy vampire attempting to sneak up on them from behind with such force that the creature flies back into the nearby wall with a bone cracking thud. She smugly smirks in mocking amusement. The time for talk has passed. Turning back to the group she smiles widely at Daniel her fangs exposed.

    Daniel flinches at the sound of the cracking bones as the vampire slumps to the floor, with a shuddering groan. A flash of jealousy flares foolishly up when Ally makes her declaration to Kamala, however this is quickly quashed as he is transfixed in her hungry gaze and almost familiar smile. His mind goes blank for a minute as he computes this. Just how strong are Ally and Adrian. Could they really defend them all from the others? These thoughts race through his head. He almost wants to laugh. He doesn’t know either of them at all, really. At yet here he is hoping they will save he and his friends. His thought and feelings are so muddled and for once in his life he is at a loss for what to do. It is an intensely fear inducing situation and he can feel frustration rising within him in response. I am NOT ready to die! He wants to scream this at the monsters approaching them.

    He is standing close to the others between the girls and the bulk of the vampires. The others are in various states of panic, and he just feels numb at this point. He and Ruhail must try and protect the girls. Looking over he sees that Ruhail is not handling the situation well, not that he or anyone can possibly be expected to be able to do so, but still they all need to pull it together if they want to survive and be anything more than livestock. Reaching out he grabs Ruhail’s arm shaking it a little and trying to calm him. He hissed quietly at his friend. “Ruhail! Mate come on! We need to pull it together if we all want to survive. I need your help!” Daniel catches movement out of the corner of his eye and recoils from the vampire rushing them.

    Another vampire rushes the group from the back gluttonous eyes transfixed on Daniel. Ally whirling around, eyes flashing, kicks it sending it flying into two others and laughs coldly as they fall into a tangled pile. With more eyes turning to them she speaks calmly to Adrian, “Adrian. Take the front. Let’s head for the elevator before this gets messy for them.” She indicates the humans huddling together like a flock of sheep in the face of wolves.

    Suddenly her face turns vicious, fangs flashing as she elegantly spins dodging a strike from behind. She dances around her would be attacker, a vampire whose face and chest are drenched in blood and positioning herself behind him Ally grins brutally and thrusts her arm into his back. Her hand bursts from his chest, as the vampire screams in agony. Gripping the creatures beating heart she rips it out of his back. Smiling wickedly, she giggles and crushes the heart. Blood spurts everywhere splashing the ground around her. Too much blood… as though something was drawing it out of the dying beast, and at the same time keeping most of it off her. “Ahh this should be more than enough…,” she croons as the dead vampire falls to the ground.

    Lifting her blood-soaked hand, she carefully observes the blood dripping from her hand and speaks again in a mocking tone that the other vampires would be sure to hear, “Filthy though your disgusting blood may be, it will have to suffice. Rejoice fools I will grace you a glimpse of my power.” As she speaks all the blood around and on her begins to gather into multiple swirling crimson orbs hovering around her.

    The orbs, pulsing eerily, float in between her and the lesser vampires, who would dare approach her and Adrian threateningly. Everyone would feel their blood stirring ever so slightly drawn to her power. “Allow me to introduce you to my power Sanguine Control.” In the face of the ominous orbs drifting before them even the ravenous monsters hesitate. After a tense moment a female vampire dared to continue to approach. A spike of hardened blood shot forth from the closest orb piecing the vampire’s eye. A multitude of spikes erupt from the skull. They and the spike withdraw back into the orb. As the woman’s body collapses blood pours from the wound drawn into the nearby orbs which grow larger. A vicious grin covers Ally’s face, mocking the lesser creature’s plight.

    Daniel watches with horrified amazement at the display of power before him. He has heard of vampires having powers before, but this… He drops Ruhail’s arm his fingers having lost all feeling at this point. He really doesn’t feel well. Shock, maybe…? He just needs a moment to process, this is all too much even for him. He just needs a moment of rest. He needs Ally and Adrian to get their group out of there.

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    " Hey, since when do you give the orders?" he joked in response to Ally telling him to take the front towards the elevator. He didn't argue, however. " Very well then. I'll take the front. Though I think it's already too bloody for the humans. I mean, look at them! They're like a herd of traumatized sheep! If they ever get home, I'm willing to wager they'll need quite a bit of therapy." not like we're going to ever let them get home. They're our property now. We'll need them when livestock starts getting short in supply." as he spoke, his hand wrapped around the neck of a lower vampire, proceeding to throw the vamp across the room. " You know, there are two kinds of immortals- the powerful ones who rule it all, and those who serve. Would you like to take a wager as to which I am?" he spoke to the lower-ranked vamps, an eerie chuckle escaping his lips. In the flash of an eye he kicked the ground with his foot, spikes of ice suddenly rising from the ground towards the elevator in two diagonal lines.Some of the lesser vampires were impaled, though it wouldn't kill them- he'd carefully avoided their hearts. It was merely a warning- obey or face severe punishment Nonetheless, it would immobilize them for a bit. Some still remained, however, where there was an unfrozen patch of ground as a path to the elevator. As for the ice itself, the colorful lights still flashing around the room lit up the ice, giving it an ethereal but enchanting coloration.Lifting his hand, shards of ice danced on the sides of the group that were still vulenerable- the left and right. Though they were attempting to guard all sides, there was still risk involved. Therefore, the shards of ice served as a protective barrier- ready to pierce the forms of any vampires who dared approach. " Now, follow me, humans. This way please" he gestured for the humans to follow, beginning his walks to the elevator. He kept his fangs bared at the vampires still in his way, hoping to use pure intimidation to get through. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the case: one of them lunged at him, and he responded by encasing the vampire in ice up to his waist. The other vampires parted, but they would still have to be watched. Pressing the button of the elevator, he waited to hear the distinctive 'ding'. Once it opened, he briefly checked the inside of the elevator before standing to the side. " Alright, Ally! Get the humans in here, yeah?"
    It took Akemi a brief moment to register the scenes before her....the gruesome but elegant dance of death it appeared Ally was performing, the deadly ice that just...appeared. But even more so, it was hard to register the path to the elevator...and that the elevator doors stood open, awaiting their entrance. Were they... by some miracle...actually going to make it out of there alive? It wasn't possible. Likely, it was some sort of hallucination. Her brain just probably couldn't handle everything....heck, even if they did make it out, she wouldn't be suprised if they were all half insane afterwards. With a bit of hesitance she took a step forward, wide-eyed and fearful, torwards the elevator. At some point, though she wasn't sure how long it took her to get there, she reached Adrian and the elevator. Once there, Adrian hurriedly pushed her inside the elevator, before returning to watching the remaining vampires.
    After a few more moments, Adrian shoved Daniel into the elevator as well. He refused to even lay a finger on Kamala, as Ally would surely kill him, and Ruhail seemed too petrified to even move the slightest bit closer to him- and he couldn't afford to leave the other humans alone in the elevator- who's doors were begin to close. Gaze shifting between Ally and the elevator with a distraught look, he closed his eyes before darting in the elevator just before the doors finished closing. As it began to move back towards the surface, he closed his eyes. Hopefully Ally would forgive him..surely she'd understand and be capable of taking care of two humans? With a power like hers, it shouldn't be too difficult....
    At some point, he wasn't sure when, the elevator opened to a relatively deserted space- a few of the sane, higher-classed vampires remaining, casually chatting as if nothing was wrong. Keeping Daniel and Akemi close, he walked them out of the building, keeping a close eye on them until they reached his apartment building, where they took another elevator up to his penthouse. " As difficult as it sounds, the two of you can relax now....for now, at least."
    Last edited by Owl0430; 12-27-2019 at 06:40 AM.

  3. #23
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    “Sanguine Control: Portal of Blood.”

    Ally’s voice snakes through the air, an ominous whisper. A glowing red point appears between the closed elevator doors and Adrian. A glowing outline descends from the point to the ground. Bound within the outline a swirling portal of blood bubbles into existence. The center pulls back to reveal an inky blackness. Out of it stumbles Kamala and Ruhail, their faces blank from exhaustion and shock. Both are splashed with blood though none of it is their own. Ruhail is standing motionless looking back at the portal in horror. Kamala looks as though she is about to fall over and Daniel rushes forward to steady her.

    Grabbing her lightly he speaks calmly and softly trying to reassure his friend. “Kamala…” No response. He speaks more firmly shaking her lightly. “Kamala, you need to snap out of it. What happened? Are you hurt?! Ruhail what happened!?” Neither of them responds. Instead an eerie voice slips forth from the portal, Ally’s voice again. Danial, eyes locked onto the portal, steps back pulling Kamala with him. Ruhail falls on his backside looking up at the portal.

    “Neither of them are hurt, not physically anyway…” Ally steps forth from the portal which snaps shut behind her dissipating into a red mist. She is spotless and as she stands there the blood that has splattered Kamala and Ruhail is drawn towards her into an orb floating around her head. She smiles whimsically at Adrian and the others before continuing gleefully. “They bore witness to quite the slaughter down there. My Portal of Blood power requires forethought and a lot of blood as fuel and as such I used my powers quiet liberally to tear many of those wretches apart. I would imagine that this isn’t an easy thing to watch if you have led peaceful life.” She brushes past the humans and Adrian to walk to the large windows. As she moves to look out of them, she calls over her shoulder with a smirk on her face, “Sorry if I kept you waiting, Adrian.”

    Reaching the window, she smiles in rapture at the pitch-black night that has enveloped the city, a darkness illuminated only by a blood red moon, hanging ominously and low. It has been a long time since she has seen such a marvelous sight. “This truly is a good night to be alive...,” she says with a manic giggle.

    As a wave of exhaustion washes over Daniel, he lets Kamala go watching Ally incredulously as she walks to the window. She is like a character out of some sort of fictional story. The things she can do go beyond anything he could have imagined. More than ever before he wanted to be one of them. To be a vampire… To be immortal… to be powerful… Daniel wretches his eyes away from Ally and looks to Adrian. He licks his lips before speaking. “What is our next move? Can we rest here for a little…? I think we,” he indicates his friends, “are pretty much on the verge of collapse. Also, I can’t speak for the others but as we agreed early, I will do whatever you ask.”

    Suddenly Ally is standing in front of Daniel. Startled Daniel falls backwards. Leaning over him she smiles widely, wildly, but not unkindly. “As though any of you have a choice anymore…”

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    Kamala wanted to die. She just wanted to curl up in a ball and give up. She didn't want to think about what had happened in the club. She shuddered, as flashes of horrible memories raced across her mind. The horrible squelching noise as Ally rip a vampire's arm out of its socket and kicked him across the room. The sound like popping bubbles as Ally wrenched a vampire's head from its neck. The vision of a brutalized vampire, face a bloody pulp, raising from the floor to reach for her. Ally had ripped through the like they were nothing more than wet tissue paper. The entire ordeal had been terrifying, made even more so by just how much Kamala had underestimated the power of the living dead.

    But what was even moe terrifying was how close she had gotten to being killed. She had been watching Ally, in awe of how easily she had defended Kamala and Ruhail. Then she felt cold fingers grab her wrist and a voice that crackled like old paper whispered in her ear,
    "Where are you going, pretty?" She tried to wrench her arm back, but of course, she was weak in the face of a vampire. She turned to face the vampire, a dark-haired woman with eyes dead like a pair of buttons. She had suddenly remembered a line from Jaws: The thing about a shark, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it comes at you it doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white. And the vampire's eyes rolled over white, if you know what I mean. The vampire lunged forward, fangs flashing in the strobe lights of the club. Her fangs had been millimeters away from her skin when Ally had suddenly appeared, at least to Kamala's eyes. After that, her memory got a little foggy. She vaguely remembered the rest of the fight, and the portal stuck out, but other than that, everything was a haze. What wasn't a haze, however, was the small itching scratch on her wrist.

    Ruhail was in shock. He had never seen such violence before. He had seen scary movies, sure, but nothing like this. Even The Walking Dead had nothing on this. As soon as the fight started, he had dived under a table and cowered in fear. At least, he had, until a pale hand grabbed his ankle and dragged him out from under the table. He was tossed to a few other vampires, who surrounded him like a pack of starving hyenas. They grabbed him, each pulling in a different direction. Then he blacked out. There was nothing in his mind after that. He was held by the vampires, then he was in the elevator with his friends. On the floor. On his back. His back hurt. He looked up, trying to catch his breath to see Adrian holding Kamala dramatically.
    "Oh... fuck..." he gasped. Kamala didn't like being touched in general, let alone being held. Which was an odd thing to to be focusing on at the moment, but it was stuck in his head. It just bounced around, Adrian is holding Kamala, Adrian is holding Kamala, Adrian is holding Kamala. He got up, as Kamala came to her senses and pulled away from Adrian. Ally was staring out the window, saying something, but Ruhail's ears were ringing. With inhuman speed, she appeared in fron of Adrian, and Ruhail's head cleared just in time to hear,
    "As though any of you have a choice anymore…”
    Last edited by Yggdrasil_Hugger; 01-23-2020 at 04:25 PM.
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    The sudden arrival of the other two humans had momentarily caught him off guard, but the expression on their faces brought the briefest of chuckles to escape him. However, upon hearing Ally's voice, a Cheshire grin formed on his face, especially when she herself appeared behind the horrified-looking humans. " Ah, Ally. You were always one for theatrics." he teased, lounging back in a chair. It was true, as far as he was aware- there'd been very few occasions where he hadn'tseen Ally make a grand entrance. Not that he could blame her- theatrics could be fun, and, under the right circumstances, the reactions humans tended to have were priceless. However, he was more concerned about territory right now than flaunting his power. Every vampire of power had underlings and a right-hand man to work for them. However, all his underlings had proven useless. A bunch of idiots, the lot of them. " No worries on the wait- it's not like we're in a rush. We, at least, have eternity. Times is pointless."

    However, he couldn't help but notice how Daniel looked at Ally while she stared out the window. It was a look of awe, and..what was that? Envy? Desire? Wait, no.....he couldn't?....could he? Did that human actually want to be a vampire? Of course, he'd seem humans who wanted to be a vampire before...for the looks, the lifespan....but none of them were worthy. This one, on the other hand...he had potential. After all he'd witnessed that night, he seemed to be the most..composed, of the humans. How he was feeling on the inside was unknown to him, but on the outside Daniel was putting on quite a convincing performance from his point of view. Of course, he would have to prove himself, of course. Daniel would have to show him the utmost loyalty while proving he was worthy of being part of the vampiric race. Though he had to say, the way the male fell over at Ally's sudden appearance in front of him almost made Adrian ditch the whole idea then and there.

    " As Ally said, none of you have much choice anymore. You all would've been slaughtered down there had we not stepped in, so you owe us your lives. In fact, I would even go on to say you owe us your utmost loyalty and respect. Like, say there was a chance you could escape this city and go home, its your job to refuse that offer. Now, that only goes for three of you- I can't say anything in regards to the one girl- Kamala, yes? She's Ally's territory, and Ally would have my head mounted above the fireplace if I ever tried anything, and to be frank I do quite enjoy having a head atop my shoulders. " he said with a Cheshire grin still remaining on his face. " But yes, you can all rest here if you so wish. I mean, it's either here or Ally's place, but I would suggest with as tired as you all are to at least remain here for tonight. Me and Ally will be discussing where to go from here while you all recover...which reminds me," he stated, looking at Ally, " Are we going to have to play therapist to the humans? I'd much rather not if I don't have to." he spoke, referencing how traumatized a typical human would be after a night much like the one they had just endured. " Anywho, so long as you are here you have free reign of my penthouse, besides the two rooms at the right-end of the upstairs. There should be enough rooms for each of you to have your own room, but feel free to room together if your afraid to be on your own. " he then looked at Ally again. " Ally, could you be a dear and show the humans to their new rooms? All except for Daniel, that is. I'd like to have a talk with him. "

    At the moment, Akemi wondered if the night would ever end. It had felt like forerver, though it had only been a few hours sense they'd gotten to that club to where they were now. To her dismay, the night only seemed to continue on when Ally showed up with Kamala and Ruhail. She was glad to see her friends were alive, ecstatic even, but her body refused to do much more than look up at them. Poor Kamala and Ruhail...they looked like they'd even seen worse than what she and Daniel had. However, Ally's words cut through the fog of her thoughts like a blade- As if any of you have a choice anymore. Her head dropped back down as she sat down on the floor near the couches- the luxurious furniture she didn't feel they deserved after they survived while so many had been brutally slaughtered. What had she been expecting, really? That they were saved out of the kindness in the hearts of the vampires? That vampires were beautiful, romantic, mysterious creatures out of fairytales? How wrong she was. The horror novels were the ones that got it right- that vampires were vicious, vile monsters. They'd been saved likely only to be of use to the vampires.

    However, at the mention of rest her head shot up. Rest? How on earth were they expected to get sleep after everything that had been through, had witnessed? She for one knew she wouldn't be sleeping well anytime soon- especially not with vampires still so close to then.

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    Having led the humans, except for Daniel, to their rooms Ally exits the hall. She had showed them which rooms they could use. If they want to spread out and be alone or clump together in one of the rooms to comfort one another that is their prerogative. All the rooms should have an attached full bathroom if she remembered Adrian's place correctly. She shrugs and chuckles to herself putting her full attention on Daniel and Adrian. They are standing by the window dark figures against the ominous red moonlight streaming through the window. Ally wonders what Adrian has planned for the human.

    Daniel wearily holds himself up leaning against the window. Eyes dead from exhaustion he gazes out of the window. The city of the living below burns, dying, soon to be replaced by a one controlled by the dead. Outside of popular media he has never encountered anything like the sight before him, and never truly imagined he would. The moon is an omen that stains the city. He hasn’t felt this tired in a long time… the feeling brings back flashes of memories. A brutally cold winter… blood splashed on snow… screaming… Shuddering Daniel shakes his head and forces his attention back on the vampire before him, he didn’t want to offend his hosts in any way. He notes Ally approaching them from the side and can’t fight the urge to speak any longer. “No offense intended, but might I ask what it is you have planned for me?”

    Ally walks behind Daniel giggling at his question. Leaning against the glass she cocks her head at Adrian, curious, eyes devious. “What indeed?”

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    As Ally had shown the humans to their room, he had gotten himself a wineglass and poured himself a cup of blood. After all the crimson substance spilled back at Scarlet Ice, plus the use of his powers, he had grown quite parched. Restraining himself back there hadn't been the easiest thing in the world, but he had managed. None the less, he had been sipping on his glass and reclining on a fainting couch, a clean, empty white glass on the table before him, when Ally had returned, followed in suit by Daniel.

    However, he waited for Daniel to speak first, testing his courage. Would he have the guts to speak up to him? So he watched and waited, noting as Daniel look outside at the city below. When he did finally speak up, a small grin appeared on his face. '' Well, my dear little human, that would depend on your answer. Don't think I haven't noticed, Daniel, how you gaze at Ally and I. The way you act. The expressions on your face. Additionally," he said, sitting up and resting his elbows on his needs. " any average human would have been a wreck right about now. Either paralyzed from fear, a crying wreck, or purely insane. If they were lucky, their body might've freed them from the future torment and shut itself off. You, act perfectly fine. A little spooked, maybe, but other than that you seem fine. Though I can't speak for whatever is going on inside of that of yours. The point is, you seem like your mental stability is still relatively in tact....combine that with how you were looking at Ally not too long ago....I'd like to make you and offer. Please note, I will only offer this once. If you choose to decline now, you will not be able to change your mind later." he spoke, taking another sip of blood from his wineglass. " Just because I am a vampire of high status and abilities, it doesn't mean I don't like a bit of...assistance, every now and then. When your powerful, you tend to make enemies quite easily. Not necessarily because of the things you do, but sometimes purely because of your abilities. That being said, I am in need of an underling... a right-hand man, if you will. Of course, one such person would have to prove their undying loyalty to me, and also continuously prove their worth as part of our vampiric race. By doing so, they would gain full-fledged membership to the world of vampires. " once he finished speaking, he used his nails to cut himself, allowing some of his own blood to pour into the empty wine glass before the cut healed over, not even a scar left behind. " This, in the glass, Daniel, is the very substance that begins the turning process. One sip, and your body will begin the transformation. Of course, it won't complete until you consume human blood as well, but that will be discussed later. For now, a daily bit of my own blood would keep the craving at bay. You would have some enhanced abilities, and your teeth would be sharp enough to pierce a human's flesh. You just wouldn't have the insanity that comes with it. By the time you would actually consumed human blood, your body would be well adjusted and ready for the final transformation. " he then set the wineglass of his own blood on the table, pushing it to the other side, closer to Daniel. " It is your choice, Daniel, to accept my offer or decline. Just please keep in mind, if you accept, you are pledging to me your upmost loyalty and obedience to me. Failure to do so will, of course, prevent me from allowing you to ever consume human blood. If the offense is large enough to pose a threat to my life, it will result in your immediate termination." he then recline back again, resting his head on his arm before looking at Daniel. " So then, what will it be?"

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    Ally standing behind Daniel and grinning wide lets out a manic giggle. So this is what Adrian is planning! She is almost jealous. She had wanted to taste this human’s blood herself… Ally doubted it would happen but maybe the boy would decline. Casting a glance at Adrian she makes no move to halt the proceedings.

    Daniel gulps, the offer sending an electric shock shooting through him. The exhaustion that has been shackling him is gone as adrenaline pumps through him. Could he cast off his humanity so easily…? Pressing his hand against the window he sighs looking down at the other. His memory flashed to a time it was covered in blood clutching a combat knife. Perhaps he has already cast aside his humanity long ago. Daniel knows what he wants, to be a vampire… It is something he has longed for since their existence was made public and he would be a fool not to accept this offer. Looking up at Adrian his eyes blaze with manic purpose.

    “To be immortal, whatever the cost, is something I have longer for since…” He blinks a picture of a snow locked forest splashed with blood and strewn with bodies fixed in his mind. “Since I learned how truly fragile humans are. I accept your offer.” Reaching out he takes the wine glass in a shaking hand and with no hesitation downs the glass a single drop of blood dripping down from the corner of his mouth. Quickly setting the glass down he looks from Adrian to Ally

    “What happens next?”

    Ally walks over to Daniel smiling sweetly. Resting her hand on his neck she leans in and licks the blood from his cheek. She lets out a sound of satisfaction and licks her lips. “The closest I will ever get to tasting your human blood.” Stepping back, she looks him up and down and begins to snicker again. “Now… now you die!”

    Daniel doesn’t even have a moment to contemplate Ally’s actions as pain is coursing through his body. Falling to his knees he clutches his chest holding himself up on the edge of the table. Gasping for breath he collapses to the floor slipping into unconsciousness with the vampires’ laughter ringing in his ears. Am I really going to die…?

    Looking down at Daniel, Ally snickers once more as she bends down, picks him up, and tosses him on a couch. Looking at Adrian she smiles. “What now?”

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    At first, he had been worried the human male would decline his offer. For how he had been acting earlier, he had figured the answer wouldn't require much thought on Daniel's part. Then again, he supposed it likely was still a hard decision- immortality comes at a terrible price. At least, to some it does. Meeting Ally's glance, he gave her a smirk. Had she been planning something herself, and he had just gotten to the human first? Not that it mattered- as far as he was aware, they were allies, though he still didn't trust her entirely. To give ones full trust to someone would be an idiotic mistake of the highest degree. To him, to completely trust was to put one's life in someone else's hands.

    His attention returned to the human as Daniel began to speak. Such a smart human, realizing that humans are fragile. I have met many humans who still insist humans are strong- in intelligence, even if not physically. How foolish those humans are. However, he noticed how Daniel's hand shook as he took the wineglass, and Adrian refrained from speaking as he did so. You said no matter the cost...we'll see if you carry through on that. He didn't speak again till after Ally had, watching as Daniel writhed in pain. " Don't worry, you'll awaken in a matter of hours. Consider this...just another good night's rest." by the time he finished, he wasn't sure if Daniel had caught any of what he said or not before he had gone unconscious.

    After Ally had tossed Daniel on a couch, he reclined back on his feinting couch before responding to Ally. " Well, that is really up to you right now. I have to keep an eye on the new fledgling for when he awakens. I'm going to have to provide him with sustenance right away so he doesn't go after the other humans." he then locked gazes with Ally. " Though If I may say, it appears I had ruined some sort of meal you had planned to use him for? If so, feel free to feed on the other humans. I could honestly care less about them becoming our own personal fodder- besides Kamala, of course. I wouldn't dare let anything happen to her for fear of you inflicting your wrath upon me. The other two for all I care are fodder. Though I ask that you don't bleed them out so soon, and don't use your fangs. We do need them for as long as their mortal forms can handle being fed upon. Besides, I need at least one of them in the future. Remember how I told Daniel he would have to prove his loyalty to me in the future? I plan on presenting one of them to him all pretty, much like a bright red apple ripe for the picking. He will have to feed on them as proof of his loyalty- that he will side with me and leave behind his human baggage. I'm not sure when I will test him, but that will be his test." sitting up again, he let the last drop of human blood in his wineglass fall to his toungue before continuing to speak. " That being said, which human do you think would be a better test for him? That other male, or the other female? I Though I can't recall their names for the life of me... none the less, if you think the female would be the better choice, I feel I would put you in charge of- oh, what's the phrase those humans use again?- 'dolling' her up? Whatever the phrase is they use in reference to making their females all pretty and attractive. "

    " Back to the task at hand, however, you are free to stay and we can discuss our next move- what area we are going to aim to conquer next, who are enemies are, essential discuss the pieces on our chessboard- or you are free to go about your own business- hunting, plotting, whatever you feel like doing."

    After the female vampire, Ally, had left them to their own devices in what appeared to be a guest room, Akemi looked to Kamala and Ruhail. Truth be told, she felt they all needed to talk..... about...well, not about the night's events, that was for sure. Those events were best left unspoken, and pushed as far from their minds as they could allow. What they needed to discuss was their next moves. What was going to happen now, were they going to stay there? If they tried to leave, how were they going to get out of there alive? Let alone the rest of the city! However.....

    Akemi frowned looking at the other two. First things first- they all really needed baths and showers, along with some clean clothing. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm the panicked, swirling storm of her mind as she stood up and walked over to the closet of the room, opening it up and looking inside. To her surprise- and, quite frankly, her great relief- the closet actually had clothing in it. Searching through it, she managed to find a few pairs of comfortable and pajama-type clothes, both men's and women's, and handed some of what she found to Kamala and Ruhail. " H-here..." she said, her voice momentarily failing her, as if she was almost afraid to speak. " I...I think the first thing we need to do is get cleaned up. Here's some clothing I found in the closet over there. You two can go before me- I'll wait and go last. Hopefully by the time all is said and done, Daniel will hopefully be back. Then we can either rest up or talk about what were going to do now....some vacation this is." muttering the last part, she plopped back on the ground, still not sure she was comfortable with the luxury of Adrian's home. " I wonder why Adrian didn't let Daniel join us yet...." she muttered to nobody in particular. " Anywho, for now, I think we should get cleaned up and then rest. I think it is reasonable to assume we won't be thinking straight until we get some rest."

  10. #30
    Field Cryptozoologist
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    Kamala shuddered on her bed, her mind flashing back to the horrors in the club at random. She hated this room. It was cold. The lamps seemed too bright and not bright enough at the same time. The bed was too soft. The carpet, too thick. She looked up at Akemi.
    "Uh..." She stood, taking the clothes in shaking hands. She blinked for a moment, then crossed the room to the connected bathroom. Her feet felt like lead weights. She turned on the shower, waiting for the water to warm up. As she undressed, she glanced up at herself in the mirror. She flinched at her reflection.
    A thin, wide-eyed woman stared at her from the mirror. Her hair was frizzy and clotted with dried blood. She moved jerkily, and her stance said that she was ready to bolt at any given moment. She was shaking. She stepped into the shower, wincing as the steaming water splashed across her skin. Reddish-brown smears melted from her body, turning the water pink as it rushed down the drain. She blinked and nearly screamed.
    Standing in the shower with her was the same vampire from the club. Soulless eyes gleamed with an ancient hunger. The steam swirled around it like smoke around a wildfire. It reached forward, and Kamala squeezed her eyes shut. After a moment, she opened them. There was nothing in the shower except her. There was no vampire, no horrible creature of the darkness. Just her. Just Kamala. She choked out a sob and sat down. The cut on her wrist hadn't scabbed yet. She studied it for a moment, a red slash in her skin, about four inches long. She watched as crimson bubbles pushed their way out, then slid down her arm, joining the rest of the blood in the shower.
    Her shower didn't take much longer after that. She stepped from the shower onto the bathroom mat, grabbing a nearby towel. She dried herself off, drying her hair with a blowdryer she found in the cabinet below the sink. She put on the pajamas Akemi had given her. The pants were too short. She left the bathroom and returned to the bedroom, leaving her alone with Akemi as Ruhail took his shower.
    "... fuck." She sat down next to Akemi. "This whole... thing... fuck..." She sighed. She looked at Akemi, who was doing well, all things considered. The same couldn't be said for her.
    "Akemi, can I ask you something? This whole night has been a gigantic shitshow. The vampires... did what they did. How in the hell can I still be hungry, after what just happened?" To emphasize her point, her stomach groaned, almost as if on que.
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