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Thread: [M]The Echoes of Hunger: Sealed in Blood(IC)

  1. #21
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    Alton woke up abruptly. He gasped, suddenly drawing in a lungful of air, while trying get his bearings. That action caused him to start coughing up sea water. The hacking coughs wracked his body for several minutes as he purged the fluid in his lungs. When the fit was finally over, he was spent. He laid on the sand in worn heap. Where had he gone? Was it real? Or just a hallucination from lack of air?

    His gaze drifted across to see the corpse of another passenger that had no been so lucky. Things had already been feasting on the body. How long had he been out? Could the creature in the sea been that quick? How much time had gone by? He let his eyes drift over to the Warrior Nun. Something had pulled her from him on deck, yet here she was. What had happened..?

    When he spoke to her, his voice was tired raspy from the purging, “Something pulled me down.. Under the waves. I went ... ” He stopped. No he wasn't going to tell her where he went. His eyes pinned onto her, “And something pulled you away…” He sat up wincing. "What happened? What do you remember?"

  2. #22
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    The Vampire licked her lips and sprang from the carriage. With her torso leaning forwards she reached at her hip and removed a long curved blade from its scabbard. The blade was elegant and grooved with a slight vibration to it. Before she reached the wolves she thrust her blade into her own stomach. Matte could see the length of the weapon come out beside her spine and near to Matte's face. Sibil watched in awe as the Vampire impaled herself so casually. The blade then was ripped out and with a single slash she flung the blood at the nearest wolf. When it collided with the monster's face the blood was like a keen edge that sliced it open. It howled in agony but continued to charge along with the others.

    The Vampire had strange plated boots on the front of which jutted out a dagger. Rather than hit the ground she landed on the lead wolf. Her foot went right into its eyes followed by her jumping off of it and spinning through the air above it. The whirling dervish that she was made dozens of cuts along the wolf's spine before finally it collapsed. Next up came one of the large wolves. Rather than continue with acrobatics she placed her blade back in her belly and twisted, feet planted firmly. In one move she drew the blade as the creature reared up.

    This Lady was a monster herself. The curved sword made a grand arc and bisected its first target cleanly spraying blood everywhere. On her back the hole healed up as it absorbed the life fluid of the wolves. A loud and joyful cackle erupted from her as she continued to cut her way through them in a flurry. "Useless useless useless you're all useless!" The final one she bore her blade down in its shoulder, it whimpered in pain until she reached her hand into the hole and ripped out its heart. She took it out and bit deeply into it and reveled in the carnage while it exploded like a fruit in her mouth.

    Sibil looked to be turning green and threw up off the back of the carriage. Beneford yelled back to them. "What's happening?" The Vampire started to run with her weapon sheathed towards the carriage, she wasn't quite as fast of a runner as the wolves. Sibil turned back to Matte. "We're not seriously going to stop and wait for her, are we?"

    Trest was in a dark alley. A street lamp was partially visible with some form of fuel keeping it lit. Small insects gathered around it. They were drawn likes moths to the flame, perhaps they were moths. The thin warrior lifted his axe overhead then brought it down on the wounded monster. Its silver fur split open and worms shot from its guts at the warrior. He caught them in his hand and crushed them causing them to burst. This wolf was now dead, the man pulled out a small knife and crouched down to cut it up. Around Trest there were closed doors to buildings while the main path out the warrior currently crouched at taking apart the wolf. His head raised as he smelled the air. "Who goes there?"

    Tears streamed down the woman's face as she gripped the sides of her head. "I-I don't know what happened! It was all so fast, something destroyed the ship. Those who didn't die we went overboard then something grabbed us. I saw my dead friend under the water and she just took me. Next thing I knew I was home and then, when I blinked I was here. What the hell is going on?"

    Her tears stopped as she wiped her face and began to survey their location. "Ok we're shipwrecked on an island where apparently monsters exist. What do we do now? Scavenge, scavenge and survive." Helen pointed at the creature. "Do we attack it? Do you think we can just leave it here and it'll focus on eating that body?" Along the shore were a group of hooded figures walking. They carried large burlap sacks and must have been at least seven feet tall each. Each of them was chanting something in an unheard of tongue to Alton.
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    Matte looked at Sibil, understanding her fear but trying her best to process logical thought in the face of the insanity they were currently facing. She looked Sibil in the eyes and said, "The Vampire jumped onto our carriage from who knows where, knew we were being attacked by these 'wolves', then did a few impossible feats before our very eyes. How far do you think we'll get before she's back on top of the carriage, this time pissed with us instead of trying to get something from us? Like it our not we're outnumbered, at least in principle. Our best hope is to lie low, be non-threatening, then continue on our way. You heard her; she's looking for a fight, a contest. Do you think we can give her one with the five of us after she eviscerated those wolves? Remember your training, keep your head up and eyes open, and we may yet come out of this unscathed."

    She poked her head out the window to Beneford and ordered him to stop. He was reluctant, but Matte said, "It'll be alright. Besides, the horses are exhausted, and they need a rest. Feed and water them, give them as much of a break as you can. I'll go out to her to keep the horses from getting spooked," and with that, Matte gathered up a couple of her things and opened the carriage door. The night air was chilly but tolerable, however it wasn't the night air that was giving Matte the chills at the moment. She made her way down the stairs and walked as gracefully as she could towards the Vampire, mindful of her manners and etiquette.

    Matte pulled up her shawl up over her shoulders and tried to look dignified under the circumstances. She approached the Vampire and said, "My name is Lady Matte Erd of House Erd. These people with me are my retinue and loyal friends. You have upheld your part of the bargain, and now I must upload mine. I ask that when the task is done, pray take us to the outskirts of the Great City and that we might find our own way from there," she said, trying to use her mask of dignity to hide the fear that was welling up inside of her. As much as her associates might want to flee, she knew that escape was likely impossible, so she did her best to mitigate the damages and to move on to brighter pastures.

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    “So you didn’t see what did it either?” Of course not. Having some idea of what they were dealing with would be far too helpful. And thus far, nothing on this journey has been helpful. The last helpful thing that happened was when he received passage on the ship.. The ship for the journey of the damned. At least that was how he was feeling at this precise moment.

    Alton was wet, cold, had sand in places that chafed like bloody hell and he was marooned somewhere unknown, with a female. A crying female. He winced as he stood up, and started to take stock of his person. He did not appear to have any major injuries, though he was sore and bruised. She was talking again. This time she had gotten hold of herself as the tears seemed to fade somewhat as she started talking about the creature that was currently feasting on the dead body.

    “Kill it? For what?” Alton reached for his warhammer, not to use, but to make sure he still had it. “It’s doing what nature does best.. The scavengers clean up the dead. Do you know what happens to a dead body? It swells, it putrefies and stinks.” He raked his sea blown hair out of his eyes. Absently he realized that he lost the leather tie that usually bound his hair at that nape of his neck. “Besides.. If we kill it.. Then we have two dead bodies that will rot.. And perhaps the stench will call more of those….” He looked at the monster, that he had never seen the like before, “...things. Unless you want to bury them. And then I would have to ask if you have a spade hidden somewhere under that?” gestured absently at her tunic. It was then he noticed the hooded figures.

    Alton visibly tensed. The monster was not important any more. There were seven people headed toward them. Except they were not what Alton considered rescuers. Their movement was steady, nothing in their actions said they were rushing to give aid. And they were tall. Unusually tall. He was considered tall, but not overly so. The group, as they came closer, he saw were all very tall. He was dwarfed by them. It was unsettling. Extremely so. His hand instinctively went to take hold of the warhammer.

  5. #25
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    Alton was able to see the strange hooded figures more clearly. They were gangly things with pitch white skin and faces lacking in anything but a mouth. Each was covered in tattoos of strange phrases and words that all melded together into muddle gibberish. An arm reached out of a pile of wood towards them. A weak voice begged. "Please help me." At that the nearest hooded figure lifted up its burlap sack. The ack was very small, it used its other hand to pick up the man. He was bleeding from his side and had bits of wood lodged in his leg. In one smooth move it swiped him up with the bag and he was gone. The bag deflated as it was now empty.

    Helen got to her feet and simply bolted. She had seen enough and sprinted as quickly as she could in the other direction. While she went she kicked up a deal of sand but didn't even both looking back. The gray little creature left the corpse and dragged itself over towards one of the hooded creatures. One of the tall things knelt down to it and rubbed a hand along its side which produced what could be best described as a cheerful hum from the gray monster. Suddenly a man came running out from the wreck with a flail in hand. He rushed one of the hooded figures and swung for its body with his weapon. It simply punched the flail instantly breaking it then kicked the man with its shin. This sent him flying dozens of feet backwards through the sand and into a bloody heap. Slowly the hooded thing followed after him with its sack ready. Another darted off chasing Helen with its long legs allowing it to easily catch up to her.

    "I know your name already." The Vampire replied. She sniffed the air while tilting her head back. "Oh my. Plague." Her eyes went to the others as she continued to take in a big breath through her nose. "Plague, definitely." Sibil slowly approached with her weapon down at her side. "How do you plan to get our blood?" Then the Vampire clicked her tongue and waved her finger in front of Matte's face. "I apologize but you all are cursed, except the horses. They're free of plague." This confused Sibil who questioned the Vampire. "What plague we're all fine we're free of illness."

    "Thankfully I have the cure." The Vampire whispered this as she suddenly raised her arm and flicked her blade towards Matte. Matte felt strange, she couldn't move. Sibil immediately started screaming as the others started rushing over. Beneford looked around the carriage with alarm but to Matte nothing had happened yet. Her body fell back and that was when it dawn on her. Sibil held her head in her lap and began to cry and curse at the Vampire. Through Matte's own eyes she could see her body laying decapitated over on the ground as Sibil held her. There were flashes of images. A sword plunged into Sibil's heart, Beneford rushed over with a whip but was bisected. Bodil simply collapsed on the ground and the Vampire stood over her and plunged her blade into her stomach. It was too soon, too son. They were all dead in but a minute. The last thing Matte remembered were Sibil's lifeless eyes staring into hers.

    Everything faded away.

    Matte felt a shock as she jolted to life. Her head was laying propped up against her body. She was on a table with a white sheet partially covering her. Opened up with tools was her chest and below her sternum she could see her heart slowly beating and then it picked up in speed. Glass had shattered over her chest and a crimson liquid splashed all over her. Matte could feel her neck bit by bit reconnecting to her body, strength was filling her muscles which flexed on instinct alone. Her teeth started growing into fang her finger tips began to have claw-like bones jutting from them. Her clothes were on another table folded. On another table was Sibil in a similar state. She wasn't responsive.

    Around the room were various gadgets, beakers, tubes, it looked like some sort of laboratory or office. Surgical tools were splayed about on tables and boxes while the windows were closed light shown through them. This light looked like sunlight, but it burned Matte's eyes to even look at. Standing over Matte was a man with a powdered wig. He looked afraid of her, he had just dropped something in her chest cavity that shattered on impact. For a moment he hesitated before he rushed off and grabbed a bonesaw then raised it in the air as if to strike her.
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    Matte looked around the room; this was definitely someplace she'd not been to before. She was terrified; what had happened out there? What had happened in here? Was Sibil alive or dead? Was this all a dream? She looked down at her hands; what had happened to her hands. She wanted answers, she was going to get answers, but first, someone was coming at her with a bonesaw. That would not do. She looked around for her sword but couldn't find it anywhere. All she knew was that if she was going to die, as best she could she'd die fighting, standing on her own two feet.

    She leaped off the table and punched the man with the powdered wig square in the chest. He went flying across the room, hitting against the wall and landing on the ground with a thud. He looked like he was still alive, if not in great shape, but first Matte wanted answers. She got her clothes on and looked around the room for a mirror, a journal, anything that could tell her what had happened here. She probably didn't have a lot of time before the Vampire, or whomever the Vampire sold her to, came back to finish what they started.

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    Her clothes were filthy with dried blood making them somewhat stiff feeling. She could smell it vividly, there were two scents. Hers and Sibil's. This stranger also had a scent, one of death and grime. He was trembling and reached into his shirt and pulled out a small device. With the click of its trigger it fired a shot while she was getting dressed. A bullet hit the wall beside her and the man groaned in disappointment. Matte's chest closed up in the time it took to get dressed. The sniveling man backed up into a corner and trembled at the legs. His eyes widened in fear while a commotion gathered outside. People were gasping and looking in the window until one finally yelled. "Vampire!"

    Whistles sounded outside of the building, people shouted and ran at the sight of her. Sibil still laid lifeless on the other table. There was a small mirror beside her which Matte was able to use to examine herself. Her eyes had turned a bright crimson, her skin had grown paler, her mouth was full of fangs. A large scar ran across her neck but began to fade away. Everything was so loud, everything was so vivid. Matte was being swarmed with the scents of everyone outside. Their blood, she could almost taste it on the tip of her tongue. Every scream in fear range out like it was being shouted directly into her ears.
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  8. #28
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    The figures were closer now, their odd chanting voices carrying over the distance with an ominous air. Alton’s wariness increased. The figures outward appearance did not bode well either. His gut clenched as though he could foresee the impending doom. They each would be forfeit for an action untold and unrevealed. As the thought crossed his mind, it was as if he, Alton, had just doomed them all with his thoughts. One of the creatures.. for lack of a better word, grabbed a dying survivor and enveloped him into a veil of disappearance.

    He had heard tales of the veil, but they were childhood stories. Told to children to make them behave. But his eyes told another story. The veils were real. Alton’s blood ran cold, he seemed frozen by event he had just witnessed. But not so, the warrior nun, no she hightailed it. Broken from his reverie, by a face full of sand, he grimaced and swiped at his eyes, only to see one of the veil wielding creatures take off after the nun.

    “Shit!” He muttered to himself, “This is not a good idea.. She left you… you don't have to play the hero!” Even as he said the words, as though to talk himself out of his actions, Alton rushed toward the creature chasing the nun, in an intercepting trajectory. If he could take the creature down, maybe it would give the nun a few precious moments to get away. And if he was lucky? Whatever saved him from a watery grave, might help him again? He should have died in the water. He didn't. Maybe this was because he needed to save the nun. The nun had been the female in his dream.. Right? It didn’t make sense to him, but it seemed like the thing to do. Oddly the thought of saving himself had not even crossed his mind.

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    Matte stopped for a moment, savouring the sweet, delicious aroma of their blood, the tantilizing musk of fear they...wait a moment! This wasn't how a noblewoman should feel! Should behave! Why on earth was that the first thing on her mind right now? There'd be time to worry about what was going on later; well, in theory anyway, assuming she survived. Matte needed to get out of here, and fast. She probably also needed to find that Vampire and find out what the hell was going...on the sweet, sweet, smell of their bloo...concentrate!

    She knew she needed some help right now, and unfortunately there was really only the one option. Matte picked up the powdered man, threw his device aside, looked into his eyes, and said in a very menasing way, "We're getting out of here. You're going to help me. Then, you're going to give me some answers," then, placing him on his feet, straightening his shoulders, and firming his collar, she said, "But first, I have to get something really quick."

    Matte went over to Sibil, picked her up gently, delicately, and placed her over her shoulder. Matte grabbed the hand mirror, too, just in case, and tucked it away. She collected the sniveling 'associate', she would need to find out his name, and told him to that it was time to go. She looked back one last time, to try and remember this room as best she could, so when she found the Vampire, that she would be best able to formulate some of the questions that were going to need to get answered. Somehow.

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    Sibil was wrapped in the white sheet protecting her modesty. Her body didn't feel very heavy, she was rather easy to carry. The fearful mortician began to mumble prayers. His begs to be spared were unending. For a moment he tried to slip out of her grasp but she was able to hold him with clawed hand that dug into his body. Instead of press this he flailed his legs and kicked the door open. Out in the hallway were a few tables but otherwise it was fairly bare. There were open doors leading to similar surgery rooms. At the end of the hallway one way was a furnace room and down the other path was another mortician who was backing up in a sort of waiting room.

    There was a large class wall in the waiting room and a door beside it that led outside. The light out there was nearly blinding, something felt dangerous about it. Like the light would hurt, her body naturally recoiled at the sight of it. The other mortician raised her fists as if she was going to fight Matte but the one she held yelled at her. "Please, save yourself!"

    It all happened in a blur for Alton. He rushed after the two of them and tried to intercept the sack wielding creature. It was much faster than him and was gaining on her. Then at the last moment it stopped on one leg and swung the other back. This easily caught Alton in the chest. This knocked the wind out of him. It felt like a horse had just kicked him, he couldn't move his legs. It was so incredibly fast, and continued to chase her down after. His vision faded in and out, it caught her and dragged her back before placing her in a bag. The last sight Alton had was burlap.

    His vision was gone. He didn't dream this time.

    "Wake up." A voice echoed in his head. It was a woman, her voice was carried from somewhere far. It was pitch black, Alton felt cold. He was naked, he didn't have his hammer. Nothing had made sense. His body was laying on stone Each of his finger tips felt strange, they clawed at the ground. From his throat he was bleeding. His legs still couldn't move. In his mouth were thick fangs. A light appeared, it started to get closer then paused. Again she called out for someone to wake up, but sounded disappointed afterwards. "This one is just a beast now. A pity." Next came the sounds of steel ripping through flesh as well as the whining of a wolf.

    The light came again. There was a lantern held by a gloved hand that stuck out. When the light hit him he could see his body now. It was pale, with dried blood all over it. There were puncture markings across his body and especially wherever there was an artery. One thick one more like a stab wound was placed on his throat. Their scent, he could smell them. Each person had their own smell. One he recognized, Helen. She was there overlooking him with his hammer in her hands. At first she ran up to the bars of his cell only for the lantern holder to grab her by the shoulder. "Wait."

    A woman dressed in all crimson clothing stepped out with her lantern. Her head cocked to the side as she grabbed the cell door. Easily she pulled it from its hinges and tossed it against the wall behind her. Slowly she approached him, she crouched to get low to his face. There was a hunger for blood swelling up in Alton, but then it faded. This women didn't have a scent. She smelled like powerful flowers. It almost burned his nose as she got close. Next she placed a hand on his heart. For a moment she felt his heartbeat then pulled out a vial of what looked like blood. "Are you a beast or a man?" Helen watched as she held out the vial towards Alton and began to pour it over his body. As soon as it hit him he felt like he was in the throws of ecstasy. This was something that filled him with energy, suddenly his legs regained functionality. He felt empowered. Helen tossed his clothes on the ground beside him. "Get dressed." Again the crimson woman hushed her. A crow'like mask stared at Alton, the crimson woman asked again. "Are you a beast or a man?"

    Lucia Vale had been following in her sister's footsteps. Only her sister had a head start on her. She caught every carriage after, rode every horse after, took each boat after. When finally she seemed to have caught up a storm separated them. Time and time again this frustrating issue came up of just barely missing her.

    It was on a fishing boat that she had the most success. Supposedly she was going to make it to the Great City quickly, at least that was what the captain said. She was a strange woman with a shaved head and one eye, a tattoo across her arms showed a serpent swallowing itself. The ship was fairly small for the trip, but she was assured they'd make it. This simple Cog carried them out until the water had turned black. There they began to drift aimlessly. Night and day started to blend together as their stores ran low. Food and water were in short supply.

    Then one day Lucia spotted something. There just below the surface was her sister. She was struggling trying to reach the boat, her arms flailed wildly while she reached out to Lucia. Over the side of the ship there she was looking up at Lucia who was at the port side. Beside her was a large muscly sailor named Bertthard. Bertthard was half asleep laying against the side of the ship. This man had been getting frustrated and wanted them to turn back.
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