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Thread: {M} The Simulacrum Prince; OOC (F)

  1. #21
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    Name: Melkor Firehand
    Age: 28
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human

    Appearance -

    Abilities/Skill sets:

    Spoiler: Supernatural/Physical Abilities 

    Spoiler: Spells 

    Weapons: he carries no weapons, save for his fists, elbows, knees, and feet. He needs no others.

    Brief Personality: Melkor is in many respects, even-tempered and calm. He can control his emotions, and remain cool-headed in heated situations. This, is in contrast to his fighting style, which is active and aggressive.

    Brief History: Melkor, Brother of the path of the Radiant fist, was born on the Astral Plane, and thus its energies flow through his body. His parents were humans who chose to live on it. He was raised in a very sheltered environment, keeping to the one anchored place that made their home.

    His mother was a noblewoman who fled her husband for a wandering Monk, whom she fell in love with. They eloped and she joined him on the path to enlightenment. They died not long before he left to join his father's previous monastery. The cause of their deaths is unknown, not even Melkor knew.

    He spent years learning and training among the other students, quickly rising in rank and skill, the astral energies flowing through him served him well, and allowed him to learn the techniques with preternatural skill.

    His schooling over, he went on his endless journey to seek true enlightenment.

    Other ?:

    His theme song -

    Last edited by Cfavano; 10-10-2015 at 11:29 PM.

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  2. #22
    RPA's Grey-Eyed Charmer
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    Name: Fea'rishaka - Full name: Liaskar Fea'rishaka Siagnisa Se Synea (translated more or less as "He that slinks, of the dark elder race, of the family of Liaskar)

    Age: ( 18 - any) 570 human years

    Gender: m

    Race: The dark elves are the race that predated even the more commonly known fae folk such as elves, fairies, etc. They come from the birth of the world, before the rains cooled the earth and there was growth. Despised by all, and despising in turn, they are the prototype of every nightmare, every story told to bring children into line, every dark legend. Yet, in practice, their default situation is to hide, and not to harm. Their only desire is to be left alone. As, until the world became populated with other sentient beings, and history began, they were.

    Abilities/Skill sets:
    Good qualities: None.

    Redeeming features: A refreshing lack of hypocrisy, and the ability to think on his feet.

    Magical abilities: Controlling as he does all "unpleasant" things, he is very hard to hurt. Anything nearby is grist to his mill. He can call upon a swarm of bats, or insects, to mob you. Order every rat within a hundred yards to attack you. If your sword has the slightest element of rust in it, he can cause that to swell and engulf the entire sword almost instantaneously. Got a lock with a single point of rust? He can turn it to powder in a second. Magical weaknesses: Distance is a big one. His control of the meaner things like rust, mold, insects, rats, etc is limited to the reach of his mind. Say, practically, about *100 yards or so. And use of his power weakens him, so he will use it only when he has to. Really strong sunlight weakens him further. A couple of day's hard marching across a shadeless desert will see him reduced to the strength of a not especially tough human.*Finally, there is the compulsion of lust. If he conceives any kind of attraction to a member of a species not his own, he is unable to avoid protecting them, whether they need it or not. Even if this contradicts his own survival chances. And even if he doesn't want to! This curse/trait was originally placed on his race to ensure that beauty as well as strength features in natural selection... a dark one is less likely to make a tree wither if it's beautiful. Over the generations, this has evolved in ways that that were not originally planned. In a sense, a dark elf is twisted kind of romantic...

    Bad qualities (amongst many others): Dabbles in dark sorcery, steals anything not tied down. It is said he will have sex with anything with a pulse, but this is an evil lie. He refuses to limit himself in this way!

    Brief Personality: See above

    Brief History: Since this dark elf refuses to discuss his history, to post speculation here would be inauthentic.

    Spoiler: His appearance 
    Last edited by Sy23; 10-10-2015 at 05:03 PM.
    My thanks to the wonderful .Karma for my gorgeous sig!!!

  3. #23
    Arch-angel of Epica
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    Yay Sy!!! You brought him back

  4. #24
    Minkasha's Avatar
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    I guess I'll bring back an old friend too (Though he's mildly sexist!)

    I'm not sure lore wise where he'll fit. I just copy and pasted for now.

    Name: M’tev (Pronounced MEH-teve)

    Age: 210

    Race: Nix - Male equivalent of Nymph, races known for their unmatched, tear jerking beauty. Both are hidden and exotic forest Fae that keep to their respective race and populate through large magical flowers that birth them as they bloom, their mother the forests itself. Comingling is rare, sexual reproduction between the two is unheard of. Neither have left the forests.

    Their skin and silver colored blood sparkle. They do not age, and Nix’s appearances can vary from handsome to pretty, though they are always beardless and eternally young. Their eyes are unusual colors much more like Elves, showing their innate magical qualities.

    The blood of a Nix is a powerful spell component.

    Appearance: M’tev is a small and dainty creature, only five feet and three inches and hardly weighing a pound over one hundred. Nixe (Nix plural) are known for their great beauty, as their female counterparts, Nymph are. M’tev shows his heritage in his golden, silk like hair, breathtakingly fair face, and olive skin that softly glitters. His eyes are captivating: two beauty marks under the corner of his right eye, long lashes and sparkling amethyst color. His body shape is androgynous, the curves of a woman at the waist and hip, yet his shoulders still slightly wider with a flat chest.

    Spoiler: M'tev 

    Traits and Personality: M’tev is a being of intimacy, exploring the things that would make others uncomfortable, unearthing emotional truths people often run from. He is an emotional being but will be charming through light hearted social grace and wit at first. Though long causal conversation bores him.

    M’tev has little patience for those who cannot control themselves around him. Those who flatter him from the start quickly bore him, respecting a strong mind and will. There is an air of dignity around him that is simultaneously erotic yet proud: someone to gaze at, but to not touch.

    M’tev’s weakness for alcohol can get him into trouble, saying and doing things he shouldn’t or allowing others to do things he wouldn’t normally. Oddly enough, alcohol makes him an angry drunk. He will quickly give the cold shoulder to those who have wronged him, a passionate person who can eventually forgive but never forget.

    Magic also tempts M’tev, quickly impressed and even attracted to powerful spell casters. There is a wanderlust that courses through him, always urging him to explore, even into dangerous situations.

    Magic: M’tev dabbles into exotic and strange magic. Using the sparkling, spilled, silver blood of his Fey body, it empowers what he can do. M’tev’s craft focuses around enchantments and illusion.

    His enchantments are a rare gift, seldom used, even for himself. M’tev has achieved feats such as give weapons and armor magical properties, even living things. This is an extremely taxing form of magic that can give great benefits if used wisely.

    The extent of his illusionary ability is strong, able to conjure grand, phantom creatures to terrify, alter the appearance of an area within a fifty foot radius and at his strongest can induce targets into a coma where they endure endless nightmares.

    Through sex, M’tev is able to cleanse and heal his partners of aliments and wounds with the use of the powerful energy exchange between lovers.

    Equipment & Combat Abilities: M’tev covers himself with a black hooded cloak, often keeping the hood down for his long hair. Under the cover of the cloak he wears a form fitting purple velvet robe that deeply V cuts down his chest to the waist and at the legs parts up at the middle almost to his groin. The sleeves are loose and extend down this his wrists with simple silver embroidery all along the edges. The attire is revealing, yet magically enchanted to protect the wearer from the severity of nature, keeping him clean, dry and comfortably warm. On his feet are gladiator sandals, with black leather straps.

    M’tev is nimble and acrobatic and uses a magically enchanted walking staff made of old and smoothed wood. Its appearance mundane but capable of extraordinary feats: unable to be broken by physical means, shape shift into a cloud of ravens that follow M’tev’s will, and can glow a strong white light as strong as any torch. It also dubs as his weapon of choice, gracefully whirling it around, his strikes precise but not very strong.

    M’tev carries a dagger with a silver snake head hilt, sheathed in the folds of his robes at the waist. It has been enchanted to heal once it cuts. This is the instrument he uses to wound himself for blood magic and is a terrible offensive weapon for obvious reasons.

    Bio: M’tev was born in the forest, as is the fate of all Nixe. He spent years growing among his people, the rivers, waterfalls, trees and animals. The decades of tranquility passed, but something compelled M’tev to look to the forest’s borders and wonder what was beyond. He never found another who shared his interest in what was beyond, all each enveloped in the peace they had now. And in a way, his own people became a bore, never wanting to know what was beyond their daily lives.

    Fleeing his own people, M’tev encountered races he never could have dreamed of. In his adventures he found many lovers, plenty of which were academics who each sprinkled knowledge of magic to him. It was the darker, more taboo crafts that appealed to him, and he was easily able to find a lover who delved into the darkness behind closed doors. His life became a pattern of sex and blood as he enveloped himself into the world the sorcerer showed him. As they explored their bodies, they explored their powers and a reality none would face.

    It was this dark magician that was able to hold M’tev’s attention, and his heart for thirty years before another apprentice and fellow bedmate was caught practicing and ratted out his master. The sorcerer was chased off, M’tev feigning innocence to escape.

    Since then the Nix continued to practice on his own, unable to find someone who could compel him to stay to any one place…
    Thank you MayhemsCurse <3

    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  5. #25
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    So glad to have you two back!!!

    Totally adding you to the list

  6. #26
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    my character looks good so far, right? Not too powerful?

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  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cfavano View Post
    my character looks good so far, right? Not too powerful?
    So just one thing on my side~ For your Astral blink, there would be have to be a restriction to which barriers he can cross through. The weaker simpler ones would be fine, but anything at a certain level or above will repel him Considering fae and witches mostly. But we will figure that out as we go along. Just want you to keep that in mind~

    Other than that, he looks good to me!

    And woooooo! awesome characters everyone~ Glad to have you on board!

  8. #28
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    well, it is teleportation, so, if you put a blanket 'no teleporty' barrier up, by definition, he couldn't blink to it. His clone could still enter the area, though.

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  9. #29
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    Gotcha. Thats fine~

  10. #30
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    Would an Arcane Gunslinger be allowed here?

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