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Thread: [M] The 48th Annual Hunger Games (Jannah & Zulera301)

  1. #21
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    Layla still wondered if Leto had always been this way or if something so horrifying had happened to her that she stayed so closed-off. She did seem very stable, but at the same time, it was very clear that she was a victor. There was something different about their facial expressions and how they handled themselves that made them stand out. Even comparing portraits of the tributes before the games and the victor after he or she had won the games, showed some significant differences in their expressions--particularly their eyes. She wondered if Ikiza would notice any changes in Layla when (or if? no, shut up Layla. WHEN.) she came home a victor...

    "I suspect District 3 might know that we've got tricks up their sleeves," she warned, "but that's just all the more reason to recruit 'em now and then spare the expenses later when we have to turn on them." They had certainly seemed confident--both Buzz and Dayta had. Unless they were secretly a hulking tapestry of muscles under those clothes, chances were, they were confident because of their cunning. District 11 didn't seem like a Rye and Sagittaria combo this year, but sometimes, brute strength could get a tribute pretty far--and both Kamau and Kana had that in spades. It did make her wonder about that District 12 girl though. Would they try to team up with her? She seemed like a healthy combination of both--possessing strength and some serious cunning. She'd be trouble.

    Layla chuckled. "I imagine not. If you didn't have skills you'd be like those kids who get trampled every year. Not exactly becoming of a victor's son, I reckon." She wasn't (intentionally) putting any pressure on him or anything; it was more of a joke. He would certainly be formidable, and he'd have plenty of time to prove it to both her and all of Panem, come the days of training and the private sessions. As a career tribute, Layla was certainly shooting for a perfect store. It didn't ensure victory--Flint DiFronzo, Varsha Tallarico, Keshet Elian, Lyndis Montoya, and Aurum Zianja had all scored 12s, and they were all dead. The only one to score a 12 in recent years and win, was Valour Drazen.

    Funny enough, she was already a bit reserved about the notion of killing her partner, even if she didn't even know his fuill personality yet just as he didn't know hers. Maybe it was the notion of killing someone that she was talking so calmly and playfully with, or something. Valour was onto something, perhaps.
    "Well then... let's see who can end up on top of who..." the suggestiveness of the statement going over her head. She had been referring more to who could pin who, since obviously they couldn't practice actually killing or wounding each other in the training hall. Even for career tributes, hurting any other tributes before the games had begun was viciously frowned upon.
    "You up for the challenge?" she offered with a wink. "all the better way to help secure another career victory..."

    This was the type of conversation that went down for the rest of the evening and into the next morning. Soon, the Capitol was approaching, and Vera's excited announcement was the herald of such. By this time, they had already bathed and eaten breakfast (Layla liked the Capitol showers... and perhaps was a bit fond of her own good looks, and so spent a little extra time primping herself), they were both able to press their noses against the window as the magnificent Capitol skyline came into view.
    "Welcome to the City of Adventure." Leto quipped, not mentioning how it was also the first day of the rest of at least one of their lives.
    "okay, you win," Layla chuckled. "I'm excited... very excited." It showed on her bright eyes and excited expression. Not that she had any reason to be ashamed of that.
    'The Crown of Zivia' Word Count: 64319
    'The Crusade of Zulera' Word Count: 52548
    'The Shadows of Shinzoka' Word Count: 51000
    'The Rebirth of Krippa' Word Count: 51000
    'The Seer of Koldia' Word Count: 49114

    The Avatar in Chains (fanfic)
    Z. Zu. Zul. Zuzu. Zuly. Zulera. Lulu. 301. Zu-Zu. ZZ-Top. Zuliette. Zuley. Zulz. Zuul. Zubat. 'Lera. Zulianne. Z301. Z-hizzle. Z-dawg. Zulerey. Zully. Zulio. Luz. Ra-ra. Z-swiss. Zulera301.

  2. #22
    Nachthexe's Avatar
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    Ryker nodded at Layla's reassurance. He knew it would be quite the embarrassment for both himself and his father if he died early on. That was why he had to do everything in his power to prevent it. Ideally he would win or take no less than second place, but only time would tell on that one as there were bound to be many determining factors for that. Of course a big one was dependence on what sort of environment he found himself thrown into. In recent years there had been jungle, ruined city, woodland, and tropical islands so Ryker found himself eliminating any of those as possibilities. However, he knew that if a specific environment was popular then the Capitol wouldn't put it past themselves to repeat some. Still, even that seemed unlikely now as each games was often planned years in advance.

    "Hah, challenge accepted." Ryker gladly accepted Layla's sparring challenge within the training centre. It was simply going to be friendly competition between two tributes so he figured it was harmless enough. If anything, it would also be a chance to enhance skills even further and perhaps even gain some praise from the other tributes. Ryker wasn't particularly big on ego, but just as anybody did he did appreciate the occasional compliment. They were certainly bound to have some meaning coming from other tributes he would be forced to kill in about a week too. "Remember though, a District 2 victory will be happening regardless. Neither of us volunteered for no reason." Ryker reminded Layla, thinking about how the friendly challenge would improve both their skills. She was definitely onto something.

    "Well dad, I do gotta say you're right. This place looks pretty impressive so far. I actually don't think I would mind coming here annually." Ryker announced as he continued glancing out the window at the approaching Capitol. It was to be his home for the next week and admittedly he didn't mind already. Certainly for some of the outlying tributes it was bound to a little overwhelming, but for Ryker it was entering a world he was already very accustomed to. Many victors and their families really were like the Capitol citizens in a way, living lives of luxury while most others were forced to work hard just to make ends meet. This wasn't something that immediately occurred to Ryker though as even regular people within his district were still some of the wealthiest in Panem. Luca did chuckle at his comments though before nodding.

    "Excited? Hell yea, I'm definitely excited." Ryker responded to Layla once the Capitol train station finally came into view. He let out a chuckle as well upon realization of what exactly was about to go down: he would exit the train and almost immediately be greeted by deafening cheering. The Capitol loved volunteers, but even more so they would love the child of a victor having volunteered to take his own place among the 47 victors of Panem. In their eyes that was passion, loyalty, and dedication. Certainly values District 2 tried hard to uphold as well as taught in the Peacekeeper training academies.

    Excitement was perhaps an understatement for what Ryker felt as soon as the train finally came to a halt within the Capitol station. Adrenaline, in fact, was rushing through his body for what was to be his big first introduction in the flesh to lucky Capitol citizens who awaited his arrival in the station. Clearly they knew who he was, very obviously baring the surname of another victor who was no doubt a Capitol favourite. "Well let's show them whose the best, Layla!" He shouted excitedly just before the train doors opened, finally revealing what were indeed very frantic crowds. Upon his first step outside many of the citizens in the front rows, the women especially, began reaching out in attempts to touch him. Very clearly he already had celebrity status. This was only further cemented by the fact that further back in the crowds he heard a rather inventive chant about himself: "Fighter, striker, sniper, our Ryker!" It was admittedly catchy and the small boy couldn't help but to chuckle at it as he proceeded to wave at some of his frantic and adoring fans he had already gained since the Reaping. The further deafening cheering created by his very presence only confirmed this further.

  3. #23
    Platinum Star, Yo!
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    Really, any time a tribute volunteered, career or not, they were expected to get out of the bloodbath. Perhaps the only exception to this was every now and again a tribute would volunteer for another one, usually a sibling or a very close friend. Sometimes these tributes would last a while, but other times, they were more "sacrificial" tributes, dying in the opening seconds. Now and again there would be a career tribute that would suffer the ultimate humiliation and shame by getting killed in the bloodbath. There had supposedly once been a District 1 boy that had been killed in the opening minutes by a District 12 girl no older than 12 herself. On the other hand, this story came from Sagittaria Svenja, so its truthfulness was questioned.

    "the odds of a District 2 victory?" Layla chirped, "definitely in our favor. I eagerly await our challenge." She figured it would be a hand-to-hand fight, since using weapons against each other in the training center might be frowned upon, even from the most loyal of tributes. There was always the chance of an accident, after all, and so they wouldn't be chancing that. Still, given that they were both fairly small (Ryker was only an inch taller than her and a few pounds heavier), Layla felt that they'd be fairly equally matched in a test of raw strength since they both favored lighter weapons anyways.

    While Ryker spoke to his father about all of this, Layla was deep in thought. So this was what her sisters had seen before their deaths. Was she about to experience the same? No... no, she simply couldn't afford to think like that.
    "Even the Victor Village doesn't compare, kid," the tiny mentor noted, "it's about as close as we'll ever get, but this will blow everything else you ever experience out of the water in terms of amenities and accommodations. Win the games and you could join me in the Victor Village though."
    "I'll remember that," Layla nodded, "and I'll bring us home another victor..." It was a slight reassurance for her, but her attention soon changed to being excited again as she remembered that she'd be bathing in the glory of the Capitol for at least a week--and then if she won the games, she'd be bathing in it for life. Then of course, she could show off her skills. in fine, Layla was excited for the attention.

    Ryker's reassurance definitely also helped. Layla grinned as the train pulled in for a stop. They were officially here, in the first part of the Capitol any other tribute ever saw, and sure enough, they were greeted with quite an enthusiastic fanfare. Layla smiled and waved excitedly for a moment, now and again winking or blowing kisses to various members of the crowds. As she did this, she started hearing a chant of some kind as they walked between the gauntlet of cheering Capitol audiences. It was only after she heard what they were chanting that her smile disappeared for a bit. They were chanting for Ryker. Not for her; not for District 2--just for him. Not to say she wasn't getting attention, but for the rest of the way to the Tribute Tower, Layla's smiling and waving was a lot more forced that it had previously been.
    'The Crown of Zivia' Word Count: 64319
    'The Crusade of Zulera' Word Count: 52548
    'The Shadows of Shinzoka' Word Count: 51000
    'The Rebirth of Krippa' Word Count: 51000
    'The Seer of Koldia' Word Count: 49114

    The Avatar in Chains (fanfic)
    Z. Zu. Zul. Zuzu. Zuly. Zulera. Lulu. 301. Zu-Zu. ZZ-Top. Zuliette. Zuley. Zulz. Zuul. Zubat. 'Lera. Zulianne. Z301. Z-hizzle. Z-dawg. Zulerey. Zully. Zulio. Luz. Ra-ra. Z-swiss. Zulera301.

  4. #24
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    The thoughts of a District 2 victory definitely stuck firmly in Ryker's mind, but he knew that for it to happen both he and Layla would have to make it out of the bloodbath. Same certainly applied to the District 1 tributes as well as a intact career pack was a powerful career pack. In the meantime though before being thrown into the arena the most they could do was simply spar with each other to enhance their skills. For that reason alone Ryker anticipated it. Besides, friendly competition was usually welcomed between careers anyway as a way to demonstrate their dominance, something they usually wanted to show off to the other tributes as well. Ryker and Layla seemed quite evenly matched too due to both being similar size and specializing in light weaponry. That would no doubt make things interesting in the training centre.

    Getting to the training centre was of course the first step of any tribute after making their grand arrival in the Capitol. Ryker immediately knew what that meant the moment the train had come to a halt within the Capitol station. Both he and Layla would have to show off to the crowds and then show off a second time during the parade with a little help from the stylists. Fortunately for Ryker there was bound to be no challenge there. Perhaps already being a celebrity of sorts had its perks.

    Sure enough, Ryker did find himself being greeted by an array of frantic fans. This only continued until the moment he was out of sight and within the tribute apartment. Being from District 2 they would be on the second floor as Luca proceeded to announced as Vera took the lead to the elevator. It was until he was firmly inside that Ryker spoke again. "They love me already. This is going to be easy." A smirk formed on the boy's face as he glanced over at his father who gave him a nod of approval. "That chant though... That was...creative." He continued, then chuckling. However, Layla didn't seem to be taking much of it, being unusually silent and possibly even annoyed. This was something he wasn't about to question though as he already had his suspicions: her own family legacy was hanging by a thread due to the failure of her two sisters, something the Capitol probably already saw and suspected Layla would simply be the third Aranai to fall.

    "Welcome to the apartment of District 2!" Vera announced once the team finally reached the second floor. "All of this is ours for the next week. It's quite lavish, but you might as well enjoy it. I feel it won't be hard for you though, Ryker." she continued, chuckling as she took a seat. Ryker certainly couldn't disagree with the woman once he began looking around. Perhaps it couldn't compare to the Victor's Mansion, but accommodations were acceptable in his eyes. If anything, it served as incentive for the other tributes who hadn't had quite the upbringing he had. Layla, for example. She had plenty to strive for and accommodation inside the Victor's Village was just one more.

    "So when do we meet the stylists?" Ryker asked Vera several minutes later after taking a seat on one of the couches. The escort woman seemed to be deep in conversation with the two mentors so simply just gave a hand gesture as if to say "soon". Ryker nodded before turning towards Layla. "So I'm admittedly curious to know what they're like. The stylists I mean. Allegedly my father hires them every year to make him new outfits. I suppose it really shows now that you've seen him." He confessed, shrugging. It was something he didn't really discuss with his son in-depth, but it was known that victors were technically allowed to travel to the Capitol at their own will. Luca, of course, went quite regularly and left Ryker alone in District 2 with his mother. The boy didn't mind, although he had always been curious about the Capitol too. Now he had his chance to experience it. At least for a little while.

  5. #25
    Platinum Star, Yo!
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    While Layla was plagued with a few doubts here and there, she didn't think that she or Ryker (or District 1 for that matter) would do so poorly that they died in the bloodbath. For one, the fear of the intense amount of shame that would come from that, stacked upon the shame of losing two sisters to the games already, was powerful enough driving force to prevent Layla from even thinking it. Another thing that she would need to watch for was how fast the other tributes were. If she could outrun them she would have an edge. If the bloodbath turned sour, Layla could bail out early. It was better to flee and survive than to engage in combat and get cut down. For different reasons though, she was interesting in her fight with Ryker that would have to happen soon. they both had similar specialties, and were of a similar build. To Layla, that said an equal match without any inherent advantages or disadvantages--just skill.

    On the other hand, Layla was excited again, knowing that there was the parade that evening. One of the most exciting parts of the Hunger Games was getting dressed up, and Layla always enjoyed watching the pretty costumes of the various tributes, from the wild and exotic parade costumes to the sharp and stylish interview outfits. Maybe that was just the teenage girl in her speaking though. Either way, they had an exciting evening ahead of them, and then the next day, they'd be in the training center for the next week. Layla was excited for that, since she'd be able to show off her skills and perhaps learn a bit more about the other tributes. knowledge was certainly power in this case.

    Layla did chuckle weakly, not wanting to blame Ryker for her own lack of popularity. It wasn't even a lack of popularity. There had been wolf-whistles and chants directed at her--just that Ryker was *very* popular. That wasn't his fault, so there was no reason to take it out on him--well, unless it came down to him against her in the arena, but otherwise, the way to "beat" him would be to outshine him. How to outshine him? first she'd have to shine to begin with.
    "it was cheesy... reminds me of that silly little District 11 chant that was going on for a while. But hey... they did win that year... perhaps the same could be said about one of us this year." Yes, even if she was getting overshadowed, she'd rather have him win than anyone else if she was killed. Not that she'd know, but it was the thought that counted, right?

    Even if she had been anticipating it, Layla was still impressed with the grandeur and lavishness of their apartment. It was much nicer than anything Layla could have ever dreamed about, and even the seats were comfy. Layla plopped into one, sighing gently as she sunk comfortably into it. "Hi, I'm Layla Aranai and I'm not complaining a single bit!" she laughed, stretching her arms. Perhaps the Victor's Village would be a step down from this, but at the same time, Layla didn't think that would be too big of a tragedy. it was still probably a step above what she was used to, and was one of many rewards she'd gain for winning the games.

    Ryker's remark about the stylists was an interesting one, especially learning that they styled outfits for Luca. "well... with all due respect, your father's got class... if that's a taste of their work, then I'm totally stoked to meet 'em." Now, while she might inevitably flirt with Ryker depending on how he (and she) looked all dressed up, her remarks regarding Luca were simple face-value, honest compliments. "do you know their names?" she only asked that because maybe Luca mentioned them in passing or something. If not, she wasn't too worried. She'd find out sooner or later anyways--in a couple hours at the absolute latest.
    'The Crown of Zivia' Word Count: 64319
    'The Crusade of Zulera' Word Count: 52548
    'The Shadows of Shinzoka' Word Count: 51000
    'The Rebirth of Krippa' Word Count: 51000
    'The Seer of Koldia' Word Count: 49114

    The Avatar in Chains (fanfic)
    Z. Zu. Zul. Zuzu. Zuly. Zulera. Lulu. 301. Zu-Zu. ZZ-Top. Zuliette. Zuley. Zulz. Zuul. Zubat. 'Lera. Zulianne. Z301. Z-hizzle. Z-dawg. Zulerey. Zully. Zulio. Luz. Ra-ra. Z-swiss. Zulera301.

  6. #26
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    Ryker nodded. "The one from the 44th games? Yea. It seems occasionally they'll come up with such things for tributes they really like right from the beginning. That District 11 pair that year we know were notable for both being volunteers. That's rare outside of our district and '1." He explained, knowing the patterns regarding such chants. There hadn't seemed to be anything similar occurring with powerful tributes such as Valendria and Keshet, but most of their popularity had been gained once in the arena and showing off their true skills. Other tributes, however, stood out based on looks or the nature of their reaping(usually being a volunteer from an outlying district). "But yea, take it as an omen I suppose. A District 2 victory is looking pretty good this year." Ryker chuckled, gaining further confidence that either he or Layla would be taking home the Victor's Crown. Ideally he wished for himself due to his own selfish desires, but perhaps Layla was a suitable alternative due to wanting to avenge her sisters and preserve her family's honour.

    Unsurprisingly, Layla seemed quite impressed with the apartment as well. Vera was definitely right about it being lavish, but most tributes seemed to welcome it with perhaps the exception of those from the poorer districts who were not used to such accommodations. "You would love the Victor's Mansions. Have you been in one before?" Ryker asked, genuinely curious, even if just for the sole fact it would shed light on whether her or her family had been friends with any of the victors. "Snow is good to his victors." He added, taking inspiration from Layla and stretching out as well. He knew it was only a matter of time before the stylists made an appearance, but in the meantime he intended to get accustomed to his new residence for the next week before being thrown into what would become a grave for 23 other children.

    Ryker chuckled and then smiled. "Occasionally he brings back stuff for me and mom. Assuming it's the same pair they do have skill and that we should be thankful for. We career districts do seem to get the best of the best, after all." He winked, knowing full well of some of the past blunders in other districts during the parades. The same could not be said for districts 1 and 2, however, who almost always shone. Both Valour and Aurum of District 1 just the year before had been outright gorgeous and were one example that seemed to stand out for Ryker. He didn't think it was simply his teenage hormones acting up either, even if both outfits had been rather suggestive and revealing.

    "It is, son. They're quite new here though and only in their fourth year on the games." Luca interjected, overhearing Ryker's comments to Layla. He was flattered that the girl also liked his style, but didn't think too much of it, knowing that the girl and his own son were about to face much more than just simply fashion. This widened Ryker's eyes in excitement though, realizing he was about to finally meet the faces behind his father's many fashions. Certainly they weren't outrageous on the level of what the Capitol usually wore, but they were classy which was good enough for him. Even those in Panem's wealthiest districts lived relatively modestly in comparison to the Capitol though so he was simply going off of what he knew best.

    "Oh, and I think they're named Florence and Junia." Ryker assured Layla, in which his father overheard once again and nodded. So he knew one thing about them, but simply knowing names actually provided little information about a person. This was only further confirmed once Ryker found himself trying to think about more details he may have overlooked, but he couldn't come up with anything. Fortunately he wouldn't need to though as Layla would have her chance to meet them very soon. Vera definitely seemed eager to get on that too, soon leaving the room in order to fetch the pair. Knowing what that meant, Ryker was confident that both he and Layla would shine in the parade tonight in a competition where public image was very much a difference between life or death.

  7. #27
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    "well, most of the kids that volunteer outside of '1 and '2 are pretty crazy in one way or another. Look at some of the others..." she thought of Keshet, Lyndis, and Valendria. Of the three, Lyndis' "excuse" for volunteering was definitely the most legendary simply for how stupidly hilarious it was. One of the ironic things about Sagittaria's volunteering was that she had technically been reaped and volunteered for herself, but the fact that she had shouted it out right as her name was called had everyone considering her a volunteer tribute ever since.
    "District 2, District 2, who provides our peacekeepers, keeps us strong?" Layla suggested with a laugh, parodying the District 11 chant. Honestly though, if her slogan actually caught on, she would find it hilarious. "well I'm certainly not about to complain or contest a District 2 victory, that's for sure..."

    "I've visited Leto a few times," Layla answered, "and Lincoln... but if the bedrooms are as nice as these..." she chuckled and trailed off. Obviously had never been in either of their bedrooms before, and this was probably for the better. A victor's room was usually a somewhat unnerving place, where the victor in question would express themselves--their fears and horrors.
    "Snow is nice to our district, and is even nice to the victors out in District 11 and District 8. If he can be nice to them, he probably loves folks like Leto, Lincoln, and your dad. I betcha that Valour kid's one of his favorites too." This was just educated guessing based on District 1's loyalty, however.

    There were times to open one's mouth and there were times to keep it shut and listen so that she could learn. This was one of those latter times, learning a bit more about Luca and Ryker, and about the stylist pair that they were about to meet. The only real competition in the tribute parade would probably be District 1, unless those muscular District 11 tributes had somehow outshone them, or had become the next Rye and Sagittaria. Layla had this strong theory, however, that such was not the case. Capitol stylists could make almost anyone look appealing, and was pretty sure that that stoic little black girl from District 12 would also be no exception.

    "Florence and Junia... got it." Layla nodded, already trying to envision them. It was true what they said--a stylist's... well, 'style', was often reflected in the clothes they designed. With this in mind, it made the girl wonder what they would look like. With Vera heading off to fetch them, it was not long at all.
    She thus should not have been surprised when the escort returned with a pair of individuals in sharp black suits. They were class-say. All of a sudden, it all made sense to Layla, and she smirked excitedly, pulling herself to her feet. There were no introductions needed this time, since Ryker and Layla knew their names, and the stylists obviously knew the names of their tributes from the reaping footage.

    "Welp..." Layla turned to her partner, "you ready for this?" She didn't have to be told at all to follow them--she knew where they were going and what they were going to do, and so no resistance was necessary as she followed the stylist pair down to what she presumed would be the clean0up room and the dressing studio...
    'The Crown of Zivia' Word Count: 64319
    'The Crusade of Zulera' Word Count: 52548
    'The Shadows of Shinzoka' Word Count: 51000
    'The Rebirth of Krippa' Word Count: 51000
    'The Seer of Koldia' Word Count: 49114

    The Avatar in Chains (fanfic)
    Z. Zu. Zul. Zuzu. Zuly. Zulera. Lulu. 301. Zu-Zu. ZZ-Top. Zuliette. Zuley. Zulz. Zuul. Zubat. 'Lera. Zulianne. Z301. Z-hizzle. Z-dawg. Zulerey. Zully. Zulio. Luz. Ra-ra. Z-swiss. Zulera301.

  8. #28
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    It was true that most volunteers outside of Districts 1 and 2 were usually crazy. It was usually a suicide mission, after all, considering the careers' superior track record. That wasn't to say that all other tributes were weak, but a lack of formal training like that of the careers often did them in early. Ryker knew this. However, he also knew there were often interesting exceptions. This year it seemed to be District 11 based on their physical strength alone. The muscles on Kamau alone seemed to indicate some immense strength in the boy who stood over six feet tall. That made him a sure threat to look out for. Fortunately, it didn't seem to discourage either of the District 2 tributes as they sat around just waiting to finally see each of the others in person. The minutes before the parade often served as the first opportunity for that.

    "I don't know about my parents', but my bedroom is nice at least. Even with us three living in the mansion there's plenty of space to spare. Excellent for hoarders I suppose." Ryker chuckled at Layla's response to his question, although he did admittedly become curious as to what sort of things actually went on in a victor's bedroom. It was one of the few places where they were able to escape the public eye and it was clear that some were very traumatized by the events in their games.

    "Based on his looks alone I would guess that Valour is well-liked. Remember the footage from last year? The Capitol swooned all over him and his partner." Ryker replied to Layla, supporting her in her theory about Valour. It was pretty simple for him to assume that if one was well-liked by the Capitol then they would show gratitude back. Of course little did he know some of the victors in outlying districts were not loyal, but it wasn't something anybody ever publicly expressed anyway due to its dangers. "It makes me think though. That could be us. Well me at least. We know it'll be me, but you have a chance as well. These people know you. They know your sisters." Ryker continued, realizing that the parade was just another opportunity to shine. Sure both were only average looking at best, but Ryker knew he had his celebrity status while Layla had her promise to shift her family's legacy into a positive light. Clearly Layla would have to work a lot harder to get noticed over Ryker, but the boy wasn't about to dismiss it entirely just yet.

    "I suppose we find out soon though who gets to shine." Ryker announced once Vera returned several minutes later with the stylist pair. Upon first glance he knew immediately where his father's own sense of fashion had come from. The two were definitely smart dressers while managing to also look classy. Needless to say it gave the boy high hopes for both himself and Layla. "So it's good to finally be able to place a face on those who make my father look like perfection." He greeted the pair with a few kind words in which they smiled in return. They knew they didn't have to introduce themselves at this point so simply gestured for the two tributes to follow them. The female of the pair, Junia, took Ryker while Florence took his counterpart.

    "Well let's do this. See you in something amazing." Ryker responded to his partner just as she was being led out of sight down the hallway into a room which he could only assume was a studio of some sort. He briefly winked at his partner before finally being led into another separate room for his own styling session. Admittedly the room looked much different from what he had envisioned in his head as all around he only saw various devices and apparatus that appeared to be for bathing and other personal hygiene. This was quickly confirmed though as the woman asked him to strip down, something he was only momentarily hesitant to do. Nudity was only minor compared to what he was about to face in a week's time, after all.

    "Well I do have to say I'm rather surprised to be working with you, of all people, Ryker Szasz." Junia spoke once she began thoroughly examining the boy's body for imperfections. Like almost all to come out of the career districts he was relatively flawless, only having unwanted body hair that would need removal. "My father has told me plenty about you so good luck in the games. May the odds be ever in your favour." The stylist woman continued as she got to work on prepping Ryker for the dressing stage while letting out a beaming smile at the boy. Ryker could only assume that Layla was going through an almost identical procedure in whichever room she was in.

  9. #29
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    Before the 44th Hunger Games, Layla might have scoffed at the notion of a tribute doing well without any kind of formal or informal training, but then Kyla Togisala happened. Even 4 years after her death, she was still talked about in all 12 districts, including 1 and 2. Others, such as Kamau, Kana and Zefira, looked like trouble from the get-go. On the other hand, that could still go either way. Valendria's partner Grant had seemed fairly intimidating, and had scored a 9 in training, but he had been killed in the opening minutes.
    Training scores. They were technically just numbers, but scores like 11 and 12 had bragging rights attached to them. 9s and 10s were commonplace for career tributes, and so scoring higher than that meant going above and beyond. On the other hand, even the odds were just numbers. This had been proven both during the 45th and 46th Hunger Games. the odds of Valendria winning during the 45th Hunger Games were almost positive, while Alice's odds the following year were almost completely zero, yet of the two, Alice was a victor, while Valendria was 6 feet under.

    Layla chuckled. "hoarding, eh? I may or may not be guilty of that..." she admitted. Miles away in District 6, a certain Arza Meraxa could testify to this, as her room in Kiva's victor's mansion was loaded with junk that the girl hoarded. it wasn't confined to her room either, but luckily most of it was metal anyways and thankfully there was nothing rotten or anything. Layla wondered what hers would be like if or when she became a victor. Would she be too traumatized to let anyone else see the horrors that she faced on a day to day basis, or would she be calm and stable the way Leto and Luca were? It was definitely an intriguing thought.

    Layla laughed at Ryker's assertion. "I'm straight as an arrow, but I'm not going to lie and say that Aurum wasn't one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen... that Glimmer girl from District 5 was another one... and Valour? well... I can't wait to meet him again I pay a visit to District 1 once these games are done and over with." If he was going to brag about how certain his odds of winning were, she could too. If nothing else, her shaky self-confidence needed it. Sure she knew that even if the districts could mingle outside of victory tours that Valour was way out of her league, but that didn't stop her from thinking he was mighty fine-lookin'.

    "Why not both?" Layla decided to try and shift the conversation back into neutral territory. "there's no need for us to compete against each other till we get our training scores or till we can duke it out tomorrow morning." Well, and of course, the games themselves, but she didn't feel the need to dwell on that possibility this early on. they hadn't even started training. the 'games were still a week away. "if one of us outshines the other, that'd be like saying that one of the stylists outdid the other... I don't think they'd do that to us." she chuckled, and the stylist pair did smile at her words as well before they parted ways. Layla did have slight reservations about knowing that she was about to be undressed in front of a man, but she knew that nothing foul would come of it. It was just not something she had ever done. she had not been as flaunty as Aurum or Valour had been. none of her sisters had been, actually.

    "may the odds make it true that we shine the most out there," she chanted, before Florence guided her away. Like almost every other tribute ever (career or otherwise) Layla found herself looking everywhere when she reached the makeover studio. A few moments after stepping in and looking around, she was told to strip down, which, while she had been expecting it, still made her cheeks turn a little pink It was not so much the naked aspect that triggered this, but more knowing that she was about to get judged, so to speak, for better or for worse.

    "definitely an Aranai," were Florence's first words after seeing Layla's form. She didn't really have any noticeable scars or birthmarks or anything, other than a small darker spot on her left forearm. "you've got a good-looking family. It's a shame that they weren't victors, isn't it?"
    "I agree," Layla nodded as she was showered in the Capitol chemicals, which, while very warm, also felt rather nice. she would have been quite fine with multiple District 2 victories in that short of a time--and that would also mean she'd be able to see her sisters again.
    "well, don't worry." Florence reassured her. "we're going to make you shine... another of the notorious Aranais, coupled with the son of our favorite Luca Szasz... and District 2 is bound to make an impression tonight... and this year." he complimented her, referring to the games. It was a start, anyhoo. Surely a room over, Ryker was probably being showered in praises and high-expectations--lucky him.
    'The Crown of Zivia' Word Count: 64319
    'The Crusade of Zulera' Word Count: 52548
    'The Shadows of Shinzoka' Word Count: 51000
    'The Rebirth of Krippa' Word Count: 51000
    'The Seer of Koldia' Word Count: 49114

    The Avatar in Chains (fanfic)
    Z. Zu. Zul. Zuzu. Zuly. Zulera. Lulu. 301. Zu-Zu. ZZ-Top. Zuliette. Zuley. Zulz. Zuul. Zubat. 'Lera. Zulianne. Z301. Z-hizzle. Z-dawg. Zulerey. Zully. Zulio. Luz. Ra-ra. Z-swiss. Zulera301.

  10. #30
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    Layla certainly had a point. Unless the two wanted any bitter rivalries to break out this early on they would have to retain neutrality towards each other. There was truly no way of knowing which one(if either of them) would emerge as victor until they were actually in the arena. In the meantime though both had an impression to make in the parade, although Ryker knew he was bound to be well-liked regardless. He seemed to have that sort of advantage due to being a victor's son. Fortunately for Layla, provided she was dressed identically, she would also have a chance of standing out in the parade. The career districts almost always did.

    Once the clean-up procedure was complete, leaving Ryker with smooth skin and without body hair, Junia handed him a towel to wrap around himself. "Let's go. I think you will like what we have planned." She then instructed, proceeding to escort Ryker into another room which was unmistakeably a dressing room. On all sides of the room were mirrors and various fabrics all waiting to be transformed into tribute clothing. Junia instead went for one of the drawers though and pulled out what Ryker could only assume was his costume for the night. "District 2 is known as the district of masonry, but also for something else: providing Panem's Peacekeepers and military force. Deciding you and your partner seem to embody the traits of that so well Florence and I decided to play off that." The stylist woman explained before beginning to dress Ryker. He assumed the woman must have already known the goals and ambitions of both him and Layla due to having likely conversed with Vera before returning to the apartment. Still, he didn't mind as the theme seemed fitting, but to see how it was implemented did intrigue the boy.

    Soon Ryker went from being in the nude to being outfitted in what appeared to be a rather slick black body suit. The shoulders of the suit were also accented with red stripes running down his arms, a trait that also on the side of his legs. It appeared rather simple upon first glance, but was soon quickly enhanced by the addition of what appeared to be shimmering body armour of some sort. This covered his chest and back area, his elbows, and his knees. "Don't get too excited yet, boy. I'm not finished." Junia announced once she pulled out what appeared to be a helmet, designed to obscure the top half of his face. Naturally, this left make-up and hair minimal, but once the helmet was placed atop Ryker's head he found himself quite fascinated by it. "An assassin, stalking their prey from the shadows." Junia confirmed as Ryker continued examining the outfit.

    "It's definitely different from what I'm used to seeing in these games, but it works. With some luck that could even be our tactics within the arena." Ryker replied, letting out a chuckle as Junia finally outfitted him in the final touch of a pair of simple black boots, a utility belt featuring things such as knives, and a bow to hold while showing off to the Capitol. None were real of course as that was not a risk anybody in the Capitol wanted to take, but they successfully imitated the real thing, although they shimmered much more brightly under the light. Ryker knew that was probably an intentional effect. "I think it's safe to guess Layla will be dressed pretty identically." He commented as Junia finally led him out of the room to be reunited with his district partner.

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