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Thread: [IC] Afterlife [M]

  1. #21
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Stitches just chuckled and shook her head. "Kid, you'll learn in time about how the chain of command works with information." She rubbed her cheeks, making sure her mouth had fully returned to normal before looking over at Kari. "Back in my living days as an army medic, we were never really told much about battle reports. Those things were not important to the medics. All the info we needed were injury reports and if the enemy was starting to advance on our position."

    She rummaged around in her medic bag, giving a sigh as she pulled out a little juice box. She stabbed the bendy straw into it and started to drink the 'juice' inside before talking again. "When the information becomes relevant to our work, he will let us know. Otherwise it will be needless information that would serve to distract us from our task. Speaking of which..." She held up the container that held the trap, tilting her head at it. "Figuring these things out or having those that can figure it out get to work on it."
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  2. #22
    Red Ninja
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    Outside the doors of the agency two fingers skulked through the shadows of the open day. A child and a tall skeletal thin man dressed in old fashioned black clothing similar to that of a mortician complete with an old shovel and top hat. The child was a young boy dressed in a yellow rain coat and boots, an odd pair for sure, but as a group of people walked through the pair and shivered it should how odd a pair they were.

    They were ghosts the both of them. And more over they were ghosts in need, the mortician gripped the boy's hand and reached up with his shovel banging soundly on the door of the Agency.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  3. #23
    Star of the Dawn
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    Kari said nothing at first, but didn’t let anything show one way or another. She still had a cover to keep up, and besides, she couldn’t deny that Stitches had a point. If there was something they really needed to know, he would’ve come out with it by now, no matter what. That was just the kind of person he was.

    More to the point, no amount of moping about it was going to solve anything, so better just drop it for now.

    “You’re probably right. Anyway...”

    She was just about to get back to work when a knock could be heard from the door. Surprise visits like this weren’t too unusual for field offices, but they were mostly just living college kids and the occasional paranormal investigator, looking for proof of supernatural activity or just exploring the “haunted” buildings for a thrill. The wandering dead didn’t usually visit them directly unless an agent was bringing them along, and they needed to be cleared by the guards at the door anyway.

    “Hey Stitches, can you switch over to the security cams for a minute?” Kari asked. “We’re not expecting anyone besides the Director, are we?”

    Meanwhile, sure enough, the guard on duty proceeded to stand behind the door, promptly asking the knocking visitors to identify themselves and the reason for their visit. It was standard procedure to leave the living alone unless they deliberately caused trouble, while the dead were processed at the door to ensure security without completely shutting the door to a spirit in need.
    Last edited by Lady Celeste; 05-16-2021 at 02:35 AM.
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  4. #24
    Red Ninja
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    Despite being the one to knock the grim faced man did not speak. It was the young boy who spoke for them both. "H....hi...I'm is Morty, he doesn't speak so I'm...just guessing his name." The man simply nodded.

    Nodding as well Alfie continued. "We've been walking for a really long time and...and...we're lost. I 'member hearing someone talk about ghost helpers around here. Are you the ghost helpers?" The young boy asked his voice dipping in a tone of exhaustion.

    Xbox One Gamertag: Free Today56 just say who you are first.
    Breath deep as the snow falls around you. Let it fill your lungs and purify the fires of doubt within you.

    Spoiler: The stories I've written x50 

  5. #25
    The Shadow's Embrace
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    Stiches gave a nod as she turns the display of a screen to the door cam. "There we go kiddo. A duo this time eh? Don't really look like locals though." The medic would pause a bit, a rumbling in her mind. The hunger try to make it's presence rise up. It was hard to ignore, but she was used to it. It tended to be bad when she let herself go full ghoul like she did today. A few deep breaths later she had a smile back on her face as she laid tools out on the table along with an old pistol from back in the war. It never hurt to have something quick at hand with visitors. "Now, how shall we start in taking this apart eh?"
    I am the blade of shadows embrace. Just because I am a user of an unholy power doesn't make me evil. For without light, a shadow cannot exist.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Heson Shadowbane is on discord! For those friends of mine that want to keep in touch with me just send me a message and I'll give ya my deets.

  6. #26
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    Ever since Faith's rebirth she has felt it was her duty to hunt down sexual predators and mete out justice to them. Whenever she needed money she would draw upon her OnlyFans account or she falls back on her previous profession. She isn't averse to pilfering from the predators either. Heck, the car she is driving she 'convinced' one predator to sign it over to her.

    Since her rebirth, she hasn't stayed in one place for very long. Life was too short and she is not going to waste the second she was given with her afterlife. She recently found herself in Texas.

    She was staying in a nice hotel, it was no five-star place but it wasn't a dumpster fire waiting to happen either. She was trying to figure out what she should do next for her OF account, definitely a cowgirl theme. She was doodling outfit ideas when she heard a very familiar noise of distress. She went to investigate. She found a woman on the ground backing away from a large man. Faith sauntered up to the man. "Can't you see she's not interested in a fine specimen such as yourself? I on the other hand..." She let it trail off and bit her lower lip. The guy took the hint.

    The following morning she physically kicked the guy out of her room. He looked like hell, he had to hold on to the railing to keep himself up. Faith watched him struggle until he got to the stairs. She shut the door to continue what she was working on before the bastard rudely interrupted her evening.

  7. #27
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Yuriko wondered the apartment building, going from door to door to stay out of sight. She didn't question anything as she was just thankful to have gotten away.

    She clutched a knife in her hand as she continued to make her way down the halls and to the ground floor. There was still a commotion upstairs. Her shivering turned to relief as soon as she realized there were police lights playing on the windows and she hastened her step to reach assured safety.
    Last edited by Highland Sniper; 05-23-2021 at 02:53 PM.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

  8. #28
    Star of the Dawn
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    The matter of the bank was settled for now, so Aidoneus and Elouise each took their leave. El would return to the Cozy Corner in New Orleans and keep the Guild posted, while Aidoneus still needed to follow up with Kari and Stitches first. And so he retreated into the crowds once more, blending in with the usual bustle of the day, and then vanishing from mortal sight soon afterward.

    Along the way to the safehouse, however, he could hear police sirens and saw their trademark lights near an apartment building. Many a troubled spirit, whether living or dead, could often be found in circumstances such as these, so Aidoneus walked toward the lights for a closer look, past the living onlookers and police officers, who took no notice of him whatsoever.

    A young Asian woman emerged from the apartment building, visibly frightened, yet relief seemed to wash over her at the sight of the police officers. In any normal case, the officers would have acknowledged her presence immediately, attempting to reassure her or ask her what had just happened. But nothing of the sort happened here. No one seemed to notice her at all, and Aidoneus immediately realized what that meant. This woman was dead, though she did not seem to know it yet. Aidoneus knew that sort of fear and confusion all too well, and surely he could spare the time to help her; such was the fundamental purpose of the Guild, after all.

    "Excuse me, miss." Aidoneus said calmly, keeping a respectful distance from the woman so as not to frighten her even more. "Don't be alarmed; you're among friends now. What's your name?"
    Thanks for the set, Kicks!

  9. #29
    KRCmdrSheppard's Avatar
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    It’s been nearly two decades since Vera’s mentor & lover died at the hands of those evil villagers. She’s travelled the world ever since avoiding Grimms at all costs. Never staying in one place for to long. During that time she never once went back to America her country of birth twice over. She also vowed to never fly over the country, much less set foot in Germany ever again, she detested that country. During her travels she’s met people preyed upon by cartels, gangs, and solitary individuals. Whenever she did she knew she had to exterminate the threat just like she did those villagers.

    Vera was living in Bangkok, Thailand for about a month when a medical tourist was brutally murdered. Vera watched the police ‘investigation’. At best it could be described as incompetant, she condsidered it criminal. She investigated it herself. It was just one of many, possibly a serial killer. These people were here for surgery for a life long affliction and were brutally murdered for it. Over the course of a year she discreetely followed several medical tourists around, looking for someone who might be targeting them. She was leaving the hospital one day when she was hit in the back of the head. She woke up several hours later tied to a chair in an underground structure of some sort. She wasn’t sure if it was a basement or what.

    Vera waited until he returned. When she heard the door opened she pretended to still be unconcious. She could hear move around. Sounded like he was pacing. She could tell he was impatient possibly for taking so long to ‘wake up.’ She created an illusion behind of the victim that got her attention. When he saw it he tried to kill her again. The illusion disappeared then reappeared closer to Vera. It repeated until she placed the illusion over her own body. She then broke free of her restraints and strangled the man to death slowly. The last thing he saw as he died was the woman he brutally murdered. She then dumped his body unceremoniously in the doorway. She went home and packed her meager belongings and left. At the airport the first flight out of the country was to Houston. So she took it.

  10. #30
    Wolf of the Highlands
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    Yuriko jumped at the stranger speaking to her and held her knife defensively.
    "Who are you? What do you want?" She asked, frightened, "Are you with them?"

    She didn't realize that the police weren't doing anything, that no one was besides him had taken any notice.
    But her new focus, was this stranger that had stepped in front of her.
    She shook. She didn't want to be banged again.

    She started to steam, like she might burst into flames, but she took no notice. She didn't seem to have any murderous intent, she just wanted to get by to the police, and she would not be denied her safety.
    Stark, the name given to my ancestor for a feat of bravery. It means Strength, or Strong.
    The motto give: fortiorum fortia facta (made stronger and braver)

    I say, let us all be fortiorum fortia facta.

    Spoiler: I'm an Ajin! 

    Spoiler: extra 

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