Beheeyem kept a close watch on whatever was coming their way. Reuben got a little hesitant about his own plan. "Better put the spirit medium plan on hold for now," he said, "Whatever is coming our way has put Beheeyem on alert."
Beheeyem kept a close watch on whatever was coming their way. Reuben got a little hesitant about his own plan. "Better put the spirit medium plan on hold for now," he said, "Whatever is coming our way has put Beheeyem on alert."
Jessie: *Sending out her Charmeleon* Charmeleon, Go.
Charmeleon: Char. *Looking at Jessie* What's going on?
jessie: There is something mysterious coming. We don't know if it is a good thing or a bad. But whatever it is... we need to know what possible threat it harbors and whether or not we have to immediately grab Abigail and emergency Evac the hell out of here.
Charmeleon: Right. I'll get on it right away. Timburr, wanna cover my flank?
Timburr: Do you even need to ask? I'm always looking to have some excitement. Anything to protect those we care about... Let's go. *Marching forward*
Charmeleon: *chuckles* I guess that answers that question. His loyalties are well heard.
Jessie: They sure are. Reuben, If there is trouble... What should we do about the young girl? How do we get out from here with her if that should be the case... There's only 2 ways out. The south way... or the north. If the trouble is from the north... The only way out is south... If it's from the south... we need to run and fast. What're we gonna do?
She was worried. Not just for her... but also for the girl and also for her new companions... The Bard, Piranha, and now Reuben. What was she gonna do? What would they all do?
"There is a third way out," Reuben stated, "Beheeyem knows Teleport—through this method we can go miles in an instant."
The noise got closer... But it was then that it came known to be... a subtle one.
Mewtwo: *Detecting a man and woman closing in* Something approaches. A Man and Woman... The Woman... a young adult... old teenager.
Jessie: Are they a threat?
Mewtwo: I don't detect any threat from them... Nothing of concern comes from them.
Jessie: Stay on alert, Mewtwo. We might still have to get out of here if it does come to us having to jet. Better consider on waking Abigail. If this becomes a problem.
Cinnamon Flame: *Listening in for any additional sounds* ...
My Good friend Rosie. A very special friend.
"That might be a good idea," Reuben replied, "With all due respects to the psychics, perhaps Abigail may know who these people are."
Abigail was up and awake by then as she couldn't sleep. All the commotion about danger was stirring her to be more alert.
Abigail: *Looking to see what's going on* H-hello... Who w-who's there?
Jessie: Abigail... Stay close. We don't know who they are. It might not be safe.
The shadows began to start getting more visible. But the question remained... who were they... Were they friend?... or were they Foe?
My Good friend Rosie. A very special friend.
"As for me, I'm Reuben and this is my partner Beheeyem," Reuben introduced to Abigail. Beheeyem waved in greeting, flashing all three of his finger lights on his waving hand once in unison. "Beheeyem and I can ensure a quick escape if things get dicey."
Abigail was calmed by that and was very eager to meet new people who came out as friendly...
Abigail: It's nice to meet you. I'm just thankful that no one is gonna take me back to my Aunt Hilda. She's mean.
But what they didn't see coming was...
Randy: *Coming into view suddenly* There's no one itching to be packing heat... is there?
Jasmine: *Holding up her hand* Please... Don't shoot. Don't shoot. We come in peace.
Jessie: *Tilting her head in confusion* Who--- Who are you? Are you two... lost?
Randy: Lost... That's one way of putting it, we'd suppose.
Jasmine: We got turned around and wound up backtracking. What about you guys?
Jessie: I'm on my way to avenge my landlord. Abigail Grayson... The girl here is on the run to find her dad. She ran away from her aunt or supposed aunt who had more than likely been treating her very poorly. We're here to protect her from any dangers. Even from the ones she's running from.
Randy: Seriously?!
Jessie: Yeah.
Randy: She's gonna be alright, Isn't she?
Jessie: Yeah.
Jasmine: She'll keep that way as long as she doesn't have to russle and tussle up with Team Magma. They are no pushovers. They don't screw around.
Jessie: You encountered them?
Jasmine: We did. We were lucky to get out while we had the chance.
Abigail: Where was this?
Randy: A ways North from Barstow... However... we didn't see it coming from them that they were packing some serious heat.
Jessie: Who are you guys though? You don't seem to be from around here... Are you local?
Randy: Oh. Sorry about that. The name's Randy. Randy Lightfoot. Not biological. It's a married name. This is my daughter from my previous marriage... Jasmine Darnell.
Jasmine: Hey there. How's it shakin'?
Something was coming together... but would it be enough to weather what was bound to loom from the nearest horizon?
My Good friend Rosie. A very special friend.
"Lightfoot, eh?" Reuben pondered, "You wouldn't happen to have connections to the Rising Star, would you?" Beheeyem analyzed Randy's memories and looked back at his partner.
Randy: I don't fault you in asking that. You're curious... But yes. i do happen to have a connection to her and her family... By Marriage only and i actually get a kick out of her kids. They're very expressive and really have the knack for speaking their piece on anything. Not backing down from doing so. Ambitious guys and gals those kids are. But they're... supposedly going through some issues revolving their biological father. I stayed away for awhile as i didn't want to cause any friction and stir any awkwardness.
Jessie: You were choosing to turn chicken?
Randy: Hell no. I was just issuing common courtesy and respect. Besides... it isn't easy on them for having to deal with what went on between their mother and biological father. It was a lot of drama... Their father's Ness was overworking and behaving rather harsh and overstepped on the assumptions that the Rising Star might have had a hidden flame for a old acquaintance. Macie told him numerous times that there wasn't anything there and that the book revolving that was long since closed... But the guy... the father to her kids... just wouldn't take it for fact. He was denying it being the truth and kept trying to put the guilt trip on Macie. Making Macie feel like she committed Adultery.
Jessie: *Whistles* Talk about bad karma. That sucks.
Randy: You got that right...
Jessie: *Realizing that she never told her name to Randy* Oh... Sorry. I'm Jessie. Jessie Levinson. I'm the last remaining member of the Levinson family. My mom's gone. Died due to a medical illness. My father died in a car crash. And my brother was murdered and skewered and shanked like Caesars ghost.
Randy: Ouch. Sorry to hear that there, Jessie. That had to be the serious pits.
Jessie: It sure was. However i was taken in by a very swell landlord. But he got taken by Team Magma. I'm out to nail them...
Jasmine: Whoa! Uh... hold off there. You don't want to screw with them. They're tough. No offense. if you don't have something that provides you with that upperhand. You'll be the one that gets snuffed... trust us. We know. We were almost put on the rack for the buffet offering line for the legendary pokemon they are trying to reawaken.
Abigail: *Gasps* No! That's awful. They've got to be stopped.
Randy: We agree... but who's gonna do it? Who's gonna just ante up and take the charge in doing the honors?
Jessie: I would... At least i'd like to take a good hard whack at it.
Jasmine: Wouldn't we all...
The talking pressed on for a little more as they were getting to meet one another...
My Good friend Rosie. A very special friend.